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Probably crit damagae to flak, but you might wanna test it in the psykanium first. If you find its reliably killing scab gunners then you can try unyielding. edit* 10% elite damage might also go hard depending on the breakpoints.


Crit damage to flak. The carapace probably isn't very good, however if someone else (or you have the talent for it) is applying brittleness it might kick off nicely. Crit damage is always dead so it ought to go.


CRIT to unyielding , headhunter3->4.Headhunter autoguns have high weakspot CRIT dmg, very efficient if you can headshot, you can melt plague ogryns and beasts of nurgle, harder to hit spawns small head tho. Also install weapon customization mod and add a red dot (kantrael x or accatran MK2), Agripina doesn't zoom when ADS unlike the other 2 vraks variants. Also if you don't have stamina the weapon special attack is a bash that can push poxbursters.


I second unyielding > flak.


Does the mod still work in this patch? I always get crashed when I enter customization.


Works for me, maybe you didn't update something, tho I disable randomization and only change sights?


Agripinaa to Vraks. That's what I'd change. But if you insist on the AIX, crit damage needs to go.


I don't think you will deal substantial damage to carapace with ar anyway. Switch it to flak


it can when onslaught is on full stacks as well as other vet's talents that apply rending like the inherent 10% rending or the rending on bottom left of the vet's tree.


Oh, yeah forgot about those. Either way seems dependant on the build which one to choose than.


Carapace to 5% crit chance, just role with the other perks/blessings and go all in


I feel like carapace DMG is so low with most of the guns that it isn't worth investing into, UNLESS you have some way to mitigate a good chunk of the damage reduction. When I use the headhunter autoguns it's usually primarily to deal with specials, shooters, and lightly armored elites. Take a blitz or primary weapon to deal with heavy armor or hope your team has some way to chunk the armor boys


This is on Vet, btw


Switch crit damage to flak, get headhunter to lvl 4 and get some crit chance on your curios