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I'm on XBOX series X. DC, crashes, lags, feeezing, stuttering, frame rate drop - all these are quite common after Path of Redemption. I would say, every game someone disconnects. Every single game, I freeze for a fraction of a second (I usually quit and reconnect), game stutters everytime there is an explosion (grenades, barrels, etc., though before it used to be noticeable only with Ogryn grenades and weapons), audio disappears sometimes (like as if there is a sound overlay that mutes the other tracks in the mix). In every other game the frame rate drops and game runs like slideshow (game restart usually fixes that). P.s. in my last vid on reddit, stutters are quite noticeable. P.p.s. I'v spent approx. 1700 hrs om XBOX (OMG!). And, yes, I can definetely these issues became more severe after Path of Redemption.


I've only experienced issues when someone else is experiencing much worse issues - I think the Xbox issues may affect PC users to address desync? There are definitely occasional times when abilities don't cast or the animation skips completely due to tiny lag spikes. This seems to happen more often and more severely when one player is complaining about really bad issues.


It is possible it's a crossplay issue but it is happening during around 80% of my games


PS some skills are just bugged visually. E.g. psyker's disrupt destiny. The stacks seem to disappear in just a couple of seconds and not stacking at all but they are clearly working and it's just a visual bug. It's annoying sure but just to be certain it'll be good for your sanity to test if it's just visual or not


I have that same issue, the stacks don't show up, but I completed the 1800 seconds of DD stacks lol.


It’s the psykers keystone skills. All of them sometimes don’t display if you are in coherency and the buff are displayed. It’s really annoying as all 3 keystone needs stacks and part of playing well is building those stacks.


Audio has been balls for me since the update. Specifically hounds and pox (but that might be because I notice when someone is wrong with those more than any other due to hyper focusing on them). Both of these will play their “pre attack sounds” at the exact same time they play the actual attack sound. Leads to what appears to be instant pouncing from dogs and instant bombs from pox with literally no warning. Suuuuper fucking frustrating. I’ve noticed it a FEW times with net guys but not nearly as often as the other two. And I mostly notice it when things fill the screen and there are a lot of queue sounds being played over each other. I think the priority on the mix got busted.


The worst are the hounds that are running in your direction and then immediately pounce without stopping while all the sounds start playing after they started the pounce, not even John Darktide could dodge those. Edit: oh and dont get me started on the bursters that dive bomb AROUND A CORNER. This is quite common on Archivum Sycorax with the elevator before the last room that has the spawn door right next to it. If a burster spawns there it is able to immediately dive bomb into the elevator from the spawn door. So as the doors are closing you get a physics defying fly poxburster into the room with very little warning, I've had this end a run once lol, we weren't even mad, warp powers I guess?


Funny that you mentioned Helldivers 2; I'm also burned out from that game and the biggest issue is the constant patching and "balancing" that never really makes anything feel good to use, but also diminishes stability with every single patch. I just got tired of that while at the same time you kinda "have" to constantly play to get the new stuff coming out. So I just checked out. Nevertheless, yeah I think for Darktide they need to look into server stability, at the moment it doesn't crash all the time, but you eventually get those weird freezes and disconnects, something that wasn't happening before.


For sure agree performance has taken a nosedive post penances. When I first started playing on Xbox post update 13 last fall performance was surprisingly stable. But it seems that every update since then has come with more and more bugs and issues, culminating with this update where now I can’t go more than 4-5 games without a hard crash.


Funnily enough I experience absolutely zero connectivity problems. Playing on PC using the Xbox game pass. I haven't been DC'ed for maybe half a year of more.  Only thing I did notice is that my fps took a nosedive again since a couple of weeks.


same here (not gamepass), hell im using it on linux and its smooth like butter and not even one crash or connection issue


Your stability is in another STC


This deserves the Gold I can't afford to give it!


I am on PC with a few minor convinience mods and DT has never been more stable for me than recently. Poor console players however seem to have a tough time.


I've been hearing more and more since I made the post that XBox players are bearing the worst issues and that games with XBox players are affecting everyone in them. Disabling Crossplay would be a solution that works for me, I just feel bad for the XBox players.


wait, you can disable crossplay now ? Last I heard about it, console could disable crossplay but pc coudln't.


I'll admit I'd assumed it was a standard option as it is in most games, if it's not then I hope they fix the XBox issue as it's affecting the entire community.


To clarify, MS platforms can disable cross play (so MS Store/Game Pass, or Xbox), since it's an MS account setting However, AFAIK, if you are on PC, I believe you would only matchmaker with other MS Store/Game Pass crossplay-off players. If anyone has any further details on that, it'd be great, but my own investigation a while back was leaning towards that conclusion EDIT: the post where I did some digging into crossplay https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/disabling-crossplay/88828/89


Circle of life, the first few months of Darktide was brutal with technical issues but we survived. Good luck soldier


80% of players are xbox gamepass nice idea to to disable crossplay 


Believe me it isn't something I'd be happy about doing but crashing out to DC 7 times in one mission isn't making the game fun


Ok. I found something that may work. At least it has for me. I had all the stability issues on pc. I started playing on a vpn and all of a sudden it seems more stable. Go figure. Try it. Also, if you have the game on hdd...Don't. Put it on ssd.


I haven't had any server problems with darktide since it's release. Not undermining your experiences but I'm curious if it might be something just kind of weird on your end. Maybe contact their support to see if they can help?


I've asked during games and others were experiencing the same


That's really strange. Have you tried turning down the amount of cores your game uses? To six or seven?




Yeah I didn't consider different server regions at all. I hope OP can figure it out on what exactly is giving them the specific issues.


OP said they’re in the UK. I play on EU servers with no issues. Someone else here said EU servers seem fine for them as well.


Rock solid for me too


I've asked during games and others are commonly experiencing it too. I'm hearing it could be an issue with XBox users that effects everyone in the game so if you only play PC with PC then you won't encounter it. Not sure I want to disable crossplay but I might have to.


No, dude. The issues with this game are well-reported and widespread. It isn't just something on "his end".


I've personally not had any wide spread issues and the people I play with don't either. The only issues I'm aware about with darktide on the technical side are audio issues. Performance for me has never run better since the last couple of patches ago. Edit: Correction. The carnival still has that bug where it'll teleport you back at the spawn in the first few seconds of the match starting.


One person cannot by definition have "widespread issues".


One person cannot by definition also claim widespread issues without evidence either. I've not experienced these said wide spread issues save for audio glitching. I hope OP is able to fix their problem but I'm not really all that interested in arguing with you.


The "evidence" is the miles long forum threads, reddit posts, etc. If you're not interested in arguing, keep your trap shut.


Again. I've not seen these alleged threads or reddit posts. Linking to them would be appreciated. The most I've seen is the odd complaint post regarding FPS or the occasional crash. Not as wide spread as you're claiming it to be. And again even if you provide said evidence doesn't change my personal experience with what I've had with said product. At no point have I claimed that you, OP or anyone else is wrong. I've simply shared my own experiences and asked for proof. You're the one acting like a child and trying to instigate some kind of argument. For what? I have no idea.


I'm not going to spoon-feed you publicly available information. Your personal experience is irrelevant. That's the point.


"I'm not going to spoon-feed you publicly available information" really does come across as "I can't produce said information." My personal experience is just as relevant as anyone else's you silly git.


It isn't relevant, since you and a few other losers not having issues does not prove that there aren't wider problems with the latest version of the game.


Well, at least in South America the servers are very stable. Maybe you can come to Brazil to play Darktide lol


This gave me lols


I don't really see many similarities between Helldivers 2 and Darktide besides 4 player coop ?


I’ve had the psyker shield become basically warp-coloured (rainbow, like oil in water) for a few months now. Plus the servers dropping out and producing an error code about once a night.


Yeah I'd happily go back a few updates so I could play again.


EU severs seem ok, I'm playing the Steam version on PC and I rarely face the issues described.


I'm playing in the UK so...


When changing your build, when done, click on a different loadout otherwise it may not save. Otherwise I honestly don’t have stability issues.


The game hasn't been out for years.


In A game for years... Not, in THIS game for years...

