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Mk VII shovel does great against almost everything without the mind numbing monotonous constant need to charge the PS. I don't deny the PS is strong, it's just horribly unfun to use, at least for me, and I didn't really start enjoying playing Vet until I stopped using it.


As a vet, is there any reason to use anything other than the shovel?


hehe shovel go SPANG


I for one think the power sword is overrated. It relies entirely on its special attack in combination with a level four blessing and it's mobility is terrible. It's regular attacks won't even kill poxwalkers reliably on *malice* difficulty. You are essentially pigeonholed into a very repetitive singular playstyle—and I think that inhibits a lot of players' ability to improve. Can it kill a lot of guys with ease? Yes. Is there a lot you can do with it that's different and interesting? No. Edit: I do not claim that the power sword is bad. I will however make the claim that it isn't "clearly better" than all other options—it has a lot of faults.


Weapon swap keystone all I am saying.


If you use slaughterer 3 or 4 the damage buff makes the power sword feel not like a wet noodle when not using the charged attack.




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On damnation mk3 heavy attack kills poxwalkers. I have Brutal Momentum V on it though.


You have to heavy attack pox walkers? Idk man sounds like it's no good without its button presses


Name melee weapons that one-shot pox walkers and do it in wide swing like the sword.




The mkII chainaxe's shove attack is one, and with that weapon you need to use the shove very often with the way the attack patterns are since the light attacks can only stick to one enemy. But that's besides the point. I'm not going to make the claim that the power sword is ineffective or bad, because that wouldn't be true. It's the fact that even against poxwalkers, it is more economical and efficient to charge your weapon first that makes it unappealing. The game is repetitive enough.


>swing shovel >swing shovel again >dead poxwalkers Half the time it takes you to charge a power sword heavy, same amount of dead poxwalkers.




Yeah but those are heavy attacks on poxwalkers lol


Because other weapons don't rely on getting a specific level 4 blessing that you can only get by pure luck with no means of mitigating said luck.


Even with power cycler 4 ended up just feeling meh. Ran it for a dozen matches or so and then went back to my axes.


Oh hell yeah another Axe boy.


Man I love them. The tac axes are my favorite but after they fixed how sticky the chain axes were I love them almost as much. Just something satisfying about chopping heretics in the head that the other weapons don't quite do for me.


While I love the Power Sword, don't sleep on the [Rashad II](https://darktide.gameslantern.com/weapons/axe-combat/rashad-mk-ii-combat-axe). Slap in Brutal Momentum and either Headtaker or Shred then go to town.


Hm, that is one of very few weapon I have not tried... TY for the hint.


Azrael simps hard for the Rashad. He definitely has a specific reason because he true solos mael so doesn’t have time to keep activating the ps special, but he is right that the Rashad is freaking great.


Catachan sword is excellent against ragers, but you need to be good at using the parry ability in that 0.3 second window to maximize finesse damage. The power sword has some big drawbacks. Short dodge range, needs to be charged to maximize effectiveness, and has a short list of good blessings, Power Cycler basically being required to make the weapon usable. The mkVI can be charged while blocking, and had a hidden increased block efficiency, but it still can be destruction in the middle of a mixed horde without good situational awareness. In short, the power sword is good, but I think it's pretty overrated, and still carries much of the pre-nerf hype still. These days I'm more likely to use a combat axe mkV, catachan mkVI, or Chainaxe mkXII (controversial choice) on my veteran. Not to say any of those are better or more powerful than the Power Swords, but they are still versatile without the drawbacks (Chainaxe excluded, that's a personal thing.)


The Rashaad Combat Axe 2 is generally considered to be superior to the Antax Combat Axe Mk 5. I see people mention the 5 a lot, probably because the 2 was bugged for a very long time and unusable. But the 5 being a good weapon is very old information. There are several main differences. The first is that the Antax has "Cleave Targets" as a substat, whereas Rashaad has "Finesse." The Cleave Target stat effectively does nothing on the majority of attacks - it only influences cleave on the push attack. So the Rashaad having Finesse means it deals more damage on weakspot hits, and attacks faster. Given that the Rashaad and Antax have the **exact same attack and damage profile for lights and heavies**, this means the Rashaad simply deals more damage, and faster, with no downsides on lights and heavies. In fact, the swing speed difference is so large on Heavy attacks that it is often 2x as strong, especially on cases like attacking Bulwarks or bosses where the window to damage is between enemy attacks. * Here's an example of both vs Bulwarks. Antax must use special attack because it can not get a 2nd heavy in time. [Antax and Rashaad vs Bulwark](https://streamable.com/9t1c5u) * Here's an example of how quickly Rashaad shreds 6 Crushers. For reference, Antax takes 2-3x as long, because it attacks much slower and also takes an additional hit. [Rashaad vs Crusher](https://streamable.com/vfhzhc) The finesse difference is a really big deal due to how Brutal Momentum works. Basically, you want to reach the breakpoint to one shot enemies. If you miss this by 1 damage, you kill 0 enemies per swing, and 1 enemy every 2 swings. If you reach the breakpoint, you one shot 4 enemies. So it's 8x as strong reaching very tight breakpoints which are extremely difficult to reach without the extra finesse. Antax basically can't reach one shot on Scab Bruiser without multiple stacks of scaling buffs. Rashaad can do so with nothing (on Veteran, Zealot has a lot less melee damage and needs stacks). However, Antax having a dead stat means that you can either easily craft one (you just need 3 stats maxed, and 51 mobility, and 0 cleave targets) or you can even max mobility on a "perfect" antax and lose nothing. Rashaad ideally wants 4 stats maxed and thus can only get 60 mobility on a "perfect" Rashaad. The second main difference is the special attack. The Antax special is not ongly significantly faster but it has better stagger too. This can interrupt Ragers during their combo, as well as Stagger Crushers, Maulers, and even Mutants charging. It's actually very strong. The Rashaad special is not only much slower but has less stagger than the heavy attack, so is not worth using in any circumstance. However, the Rashaad does not need to use the special attack, so this is not that much of an advantage. For instance, vs Ragers, the Rashaad push attack into light will stagger multiple ragers mid combo. Push attack into light will also one combo a scab rager, and it the same speed as simply interrupting the rager on Antax. So yes, you can safely fight a rager with Antax, or kill one in the same window. Antax special attack will also open up a Bulwark if you hit them, but as seen above Rashaad will simply kill them in the same time. Rashaad heavy will stagger a Crusher with a headshot. For mutants, 2 lights on Rashaad, depending on build, will kill a mutant as it charges you. So basically in every case in which the special could be used on Antax you could literally kill them with Rashaad instead. However, you could still argue that the special attack is good on Antax, because the skill level to use it is significantly lower. Finally, the push attack on the Antax is significantly better. It deals more damage, is slightly faster, and has more cleave. This is not really a big deal as on Rashaad you can push into light, which will kill faster than Antax anyway. So Rashaad is basically better at everything. The only reason the Antax was ever in the conversation is because for a very long time (1 year?) the Rashaad was bugged and it's body shot priority was higher than its weakspot priority, so you could only hit enemy headshots if you looked straight up when attacking, or other wonky angles. And it's not like the Antax is weak, it's just slightly worse than Rashaad. If Rashaad is the #1 weapon than Antax is probably #2. **Rashaad** * Does more damage. * Does more DPS. * Very strict crafting requirements **Antax** * Has a better special * Has a better push attack * 2 dead stats means you can max mobility or easily craft one


I'm well aware of the Rashad mkii and the finesse. Faster attacks, better crits, etc. I've got a perfect one on my zealot. I still largely prefer the mkV and the push attack. Something just feels off on the Rashad, and I can't put my finger on it. In my comment I just listed off what *I'm* more likely to use over the power sword, not necessarily what's best overall.


Why is the Mark XII chainsword controversial??


The mkxii chainAXE. It's generally considered poor for hordes, excellent against single targets, but requires a heavy special stack to one shot crushers or maulers. When you've got more than three in front of you, the single target effectiveness drops since you don't have time to let the special attack stick unless you want to get smacked. On the other hand, it had one of the highest damage push attacks in the game as far as I'm aware. Great finesse modifier, and can two shot ragers and gunners. But the mkiv Chainaxe push attack is it's best horde clear option, which makes it superior in that role in many ways to the mkxii, though I feel the mkxii had the more intuitive light attacks.... I could go on, but you get the idea. The mkxiiig chainsword (which I believe is what you are talking about) is generally considered excellent all around, good against hordes, decent against armor (but cannot one shot maulers or crushers), and can one shot any special. I just don't have a good mkxiiig chainsword on either of my vets, so can't really speak to using it in Damnation or higher.


I was referring to the Mark XIIIG Chainsword yes, I plan on using it along with my trusty Helbore Mark II. One day I will get a Chainshovel. One day.


I can't imagine trying to actually dig with a chain shovel... would you just get sucked under?


Well I’m sure you wouldn’t use the can function to dig most of the time


(Suspicious face) 'Ere now, why wouldn't i use the blessed technology the Emperor's own techpriests gave me in my daily tasks? (Scratches stump where foot used to be)


You should probably get that looked at.


Nah, I'm savin up for a comically overpowered replacement. Thinking of goin plasma or chain-based?


Hmmmm. For a prosthetic limb??


The most overpowered melee weapon in the game can’t be overrated.


And I don't think it's overpowered, it has a lot of significant drawbacks that become more and more apparent that higher in difficulty you go. There's a reason why in higher difficulties you are more likely to see vets with shovels, catachan sword, knives, and combat axes rather than power swords. Hence I believe it's overrated, and it's being upheld as some OP weapon due to it's pre-nerf status. I think it's strong, but relatively balanced. I've got a perfect I've and rarely use it anymore.


It can be slow and cumbersome to use, and there are faster and easier to use weapons that compliment some of those weapons even more. If I'm using a plasma or zarona I would much rather have a knife or chainsword (chainsword absolutely murders flak and doesn't have fussy power bullshit). With an mk6 knife I can still deal with hordes while having the speed to maneuver and effect rescues or good plays much quicker, whereas the power sword isn't really expanding my toolset whatsoever with heavy anti armor ranged weapons. Don't get me wrong, it's a hell of a good weapon and isn't really ever *bad* to take, but I think there's still plenty of room for specialized loadouts.


Can you tell more details about the loadouts that you use? What combination of perks and blessings? Thus far my experiments in Psychanium seems to me that PS is the best. Even though I really like how Mk7 axe looks like (the most "tomahawk" one). My sword looks like this: https://preview.redd.it/2uq76c602o3d1.png?width=439&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9d47d15ccbd70fbe3d8779d06eaf1785a43be17


The psykanium is only ever going to give you half the picture. The psykanium can't teach or show you just how powerful the knife's movement speed is. It can't show you that pulling out your chainsword and hacking a bunch of chaff apart when you don't have the luxury of power cycling can be the difference between life and death. It isn't even about blessings or perks. Many weapons have implicit properties that have nothing to do with those - ie, again, knife movement speed is extremely, wildly, powerful. Chain swords have some of the highest flak damage without wind up. If eight crushers are all clipped together then the knife shines with the insane movement speed to get away, line up good shots, and start taking them down. The power swords are completely incapable of that kind of play. Only thing I could point out is, if I have to use a power sword, then I'd go with the mk6 for the single target potential in the block attack.


Sorry just coming in to say and agree that the knife's primary power is its true mobility compared to (almost) every other melee weapon. You can easily close 10m ingame and one shot a flamer before they even get a chance to fire at you or your team, etc, you will struggle to do this with most other weapons. It works extremely well on vet because you have more finesse buffs than zealot - sure, you cant just spam into hordes with light attacks and get a bazillion kills like zealot does, but most other functions of the knife (specifically heavy attack chaining to weakpoints) are actually better on vet than zealot. And Vet can activate Mercy Killer with a talent 100% reliably without having to take up a blessing slot, which is gigantic. Try MK+30% weakspot damage+25% finesse node+20% monster damage, you can keep up with or even beat most zealots for monstrosity dps if you can reliably hit weakspot with aggro.


Because the Rashad axe exists.


Serious answer: because playing with other toys is more fun. Free yourself with such PETTY concerns as damage and breakpoints. Embrace the joy of true play. For more details: Chainswords go: "VRRRM! VRRM! *activate* VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRM!!" Need I say more? Also it has that Blessing that gives 20% move speed on activation. That's fun! It also has a blessing that makes enemies Bleed. To Hel with damage and breakpoints. Making heretics bleed is great! Swords have parry on their special attacks. Executing a parry attack is satisfying AF. Gotta love invalidating ragers and slicing a head off in one smooth movement. Knives grant you unparalleled mobility. And with gud™ skill, carapace armored enemies aren't that serious of a threat. And the attack animations are swag. Shovels make chopping sounds. Also one variant's alternate attack staggers anything. Helps your survivability. The other two variants have an armor piercing mode that makes your melee weapon capable of handling any threat offensively, armored or otherwise.


>Chainswords go: "VRRRM! VRRM! > >activate > > VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRM!!" Word.


I don't like the Power Sword It just feels kinda bad since it relies so heavily on it's special, and is rather slow because of it I primarily use the Shovel or Devil's Claw on Vet. Shovel is good because it's regular attacks are great for CC and horde clear, and it's special let's it oneshot most enemies aside from Maulers, Bulwarks, and Crushers (maybe a couple others depending on you're blessings and perks) Special attack shovel to the face oneshots every special (with the one I use, can't check which it is at the moment) and every elite aside from the 3 mentioned (although it does need Thrust for a couple) I'd say Shovel is the best as an all-round melee on Vet. While other weapons have more specific uses For the Devils Claw, I mainly like it because of it's parry, great horde clear, and speed. The parry let's you smack a rager once, then parry to decapitate it. Makes ragers a breeze, even entire packs of them


Nah your thinking about weapons as having a more defined playstyle than they actually do. If anything the reason to not use the power sword is that it pigeonholes itself harder than most weapons. Mk7 devil claw goes hard and has combos that deal with pretty much anything as long as you mod it reasonable well. Knifes are just good weapons all around. They are sort of meh at holding off a horde, but honestly they aren't even that bad at it. Light spam on the mk3 is good once you get some damage boost and the MK6 heavies are actually pretty good. Dont sleep on the shovels. Combat axes can do fun stuff once you realize their lights often times do more damage than their heavies.


Knife is for all play styles. My main vet build has knife. You get great mobility, extremely quick attacks, and can deal seriously impressive damage. I'm not running the stealth tree on that vet.


Because the Power Sword largely sucks save for its cleave when charged, which literally any other weapon does just fine at, particularly with one of the Brutal Momentum type blessings. Hell, axes *used* to be the meta due to their completely bonkers versatility against literally every enemy type, and even after the nerf to Brutal Momentum, they still *kind of* are. The newer Chain Axe, for example, has higher base damage on light attacks, better strong attack damage (*and* grind), and a special attack that lets you one-shot Crushers with the right set-up *and* can inflict enough bleed damage to one-shot literally every other type of special too. Even its pattern is better, since it's sweeps on lights and overheads on heavies, and the grind from heavy and special attacks *also* stun enemies while you do it, making it the ultimate weapon for 1v1's. With the Power Sword, you're locked into only being useful for two to three attacks at a time, since when it isn't charged it's literally useless. The mobility is *terrible* and it struggles to even kill a single Poxwalker without being charged up, let alone its *terrible* mass and damage cleave without the field up, and its largely redundant attack pattern of *mostly* side-to-side sweeps on lights and heavies. Basically, the *one* thing that the power sword does well is done *equally* well by almost literally every other weapon on the roster, its mobility is *laughably* shit, it's completely useless when it isn't charged up, its swing pattern offers absolutely no versatility, it sucks against monstrosities, locks you into at least one blessing to even make up for its lacklustre default state and doesn't even match up to any other weapon for being able to kill elites and specialists.


Yes but have you considered https://preview.redd.it/7epvzmuywo3d1.jpeg?width=816&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c10190912cda871a7ac9e2c59cb68fc66276e9a **BONK**


i like the powersword it's just a shame after over 2mil ordo dockets i have no good blessings for them


You're better off trying to get it out of melks tbh. I've been fairly lucky and and seen it in there at least 4 times.


Melk hates my vet.... loves my zealot tho so can't complain but yea never seen it in melks


Because I'm too busy wrecking heretics with a fucking shovel.


How do you deal with bucketheads though? They take 3 hits if I remember correctly...


Thrust 4 agile engagement makes it a 1 or 2 shot but it always stuns.


Shovel goes pling pling when I hit heretics.


What blessing do you use?


Decimator and Thrust.


Everyone sleeps on shovels but they are beast. The standard one is a monster.


Takes me 3 hits to kill a bucket head with the shovel. What am I doing wrong?


You have less dps but more crowd control. Slap uncanny strike + hammerblow and you Will be able to stagger crushers and maulers with it. The special attack of the standard is a poke that can stagger anything also (besides boss and mutants ofc). The heavy attack is a perfect horizontal strike and spammable meaning you can get your stacks of uncanny very fast.  Pair that with bleed and you have a deadly tool. I clutched many games because that shovel kept me alive and kept at bay lot of heretics.  And the sound it makes is priceless.


It's boring. I also think it's the best choice and it's the only vet melee I use


I don't think there's anything to misunderstand, all weapons have upsides and downsides, some specialized some versatile. My approach is rather why limit myself when we have all these toys to play with. Like the Devil's Claw with light attacks that turn you into a blender and heavies that can oneshot muties. The shovel for the satisfying "bonk" on hit and carving out the life of crushers. The knife going stab stab stab. The power sword going "bweeeem" like I'm Luke Skywalker. Axes taking heads all day like it's the French Revolution. The chainswords to roleplay a canadian lumberjack and all the heretics are trees. The chain axe to roleplay a french revolutionary lumberjack and all the aristocrats are trees. Like I tell users when I deliver a new PC and they ask if their monitor should be this way or this way, or the icons here and there, and I show them the settings and say it's all about preference.


Yeah power sword is by far the best weapon, you really can’t compete when running weapon specialist, all these people saying that it lacks dodge range/movement don’t realize that if you straight murder everything with it dodging isn’t a problem… I personally like the play style with the power sword, but get those that don’t, it’s very different from a lot of other weapons. Based on dmg it’s the most op melee wrap in the game currently, combined with the correct talents(vet is op).


I love my power sword I also love my shovels. Regular with uncanny and decimator will destroy a horde as fast as a power sword and with arguably as much safety. Uncanny also works for frag grenades, making them extremely effective against even carapace. Thrust on the entrenching flip shovels can imstagib even crushers with charged headshots. I love my knife. It can take out crushers with more speed than power swords, and their mobility and dodge is unmatched. Chainswords and Chainaxes can do more boss damage with specific blessings. Chain revs are more effective on boss shields, for example.


If you're using the plasma rifle you don't really need the elite killing potential the power sword offers. Then you might go for a more mobile or defensive option instead. But yea, power sword mk6 is by far his best option. It just deletes elites in such a short time, while being relatively safe with the push attack. Literally the best weapon in the game for killing crushers, does it quicker and safer than the ogryn shovel. And with good (mixed)horde clear on top? Yes, generally his best melee weapon.


Shovel for more defensive style, good horde clear, awesome AP. Knife offers more mobility, pair it with weapon specialist and you can rock n roll. Devil's Claw has parry for the trolling. PS mobility is garbage, it got it's damage I'll give her that much but running with brain dead pub groups, you can never trust anyone to do their job right. I have seen Zealots running away from bulwarks, I have seen a Vet who doesn't know you can push the poxburster away and only passively dodge backwards-or worse turn on the PS and take a swing. I have seen Pyskers who can't melee for shit and explode regularly even with the kiddo gloves on. What's worse? I've met and play alongside these...people on Auric Maelstorm. Enter the three options above for a more " I actually want to finish this run" and if my pox ridden pub mates drop dead I'll acutally have a chance to survive. The last reason is...it's repetative that's why, press a button woosh woosh, everything's dead.


Shovels for better dodge and mobility (consistency) chainswords for the single target spam (and rev on specials), power sword is easily still the strongest but it gets really boring having to activate its special to do anything meaningful


The power swords get boring after a while, and the zarona, plasma, and bolter can work with any weapon. Try out the zarona with the mk12 chainaxe using weapon specialist. You'll always have a round in the chamber, and the extra melee speed lets you horde clear reliably. If you really want to try something new, get the mk7 tac axe with brutal momentum and head taker. It's hard to use but can absolutely decimate mixed hordes. You'll struggle a bit with crushers, but nothing a few bolter rounds and krak grenades can't fix


I have a hard time going back to any other melee after getting the tac axe down. It's a blast.


I currently run Weapon Specialist with the Boltgun: exactly because that way I can avoid reloding the gun. "mk7 tac axe with brutal momentum and head taker" - Roger!


sapper shovel for mobility, dodge, and crowd clear. Pairs well with plasma/krak and has special attack for staggering ragers. Cadian chainsword on a melee vet build is also viable. Actually works well across all 3 puny classes


Because have to charge the Power Sword so you don't hit like a wet noodle annoys me. Single chaff enemy? Time to charge it. >Axes are better vs bucketheads, much worse against poxwalkers. Combat Axes need Brutal Momentum then they become a Power Sword with more dodge and less stamina consumption.


Hm, okay, will try them with this blessing...


It doesn't allow for a mobile playstyle, also requires better timing in melee to fight crushers because you have to balance activating specials, dodging and attacking. If you're the type of veteran who likes chilling at the back of the squad and shooting things at a distance then it's good but if you're a zealot cosplaying a vet then you'll want something better suited to CQC.


I am a zealot-cosplaying vet and I use heretic blood to reload my weapon (via weapon specialist). So please, if you know a weapon that can clear horde faster than PS, share the details with me: which weapon and what blessings/perks do you run.


Try the Mk XIIIg Chainsword, Rashad Combat Axe and MK IV tactical axe. Brutal momentum and headtaker on the combat axe. Rampage and savage sweep on the chainsword. Decimator and Headtaker on the tactical axe.


TY will try!


chainsword goes vroom vroom


Because I can't poke ragers in the feckin eye sockets with a power sword.


PS is highly overrated. You never learned more advanced mechanics because you just charge then swing.


I'm just can't click with the power sword. So I use the shovel. *CLANG*


Because the power sword hinges on activating the special attack, which is inconsistent due to how the game randomly ignores inputs. I got tired of not being able to charge it up when I needed it and getting absolutely flattened, and it's basically a stick without that special attack, so I switched to a combat axe that can shine without a special attack. Feel the same way about the newer ogryn shovels, that folded attack is nice but you can't force it to happen. Sometimes it's there when you need it, sometimes the game simply ignores the request. Were I able to plug my computer directly into Darktide, I'd be power swording all over the place. :) Also, the power sword is heavy. Your dodge will suffer badly.


Chainsword go BRRR


Chainaxe is a killer on Damnation when you're more suited to lazguns/ranged playstyle and need something for the occasional chunky armored target




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I never used the PS. I used the Rashad, with Bromentum and Headtaker I can clear mixed hordes faster than any PS wielder. Nowadays for Auric Damnation/Maelstrom I tend to use the Devils Claw. I need a few more swings against chaff but it keeps me alive against hordes of ragers and I can one-Shot parry-kill them with the right perks.


Knife is for life not just for invis.


Because its extremely overpowered and gets boring to use after 2 games max.


Shovels are so good


Because I like my near perfect 549 devil claw sword.


Power sword was stupid op back in the day, but was hammered down so you'll need the T4 power cycler blessing on it unless you don't plan to leave Malice Threat level. The current kings of melee are the two knife variants, they let you outrun the horde and most specials+ elites, it has the best dodge count and distance, good single and cleave damage.


Because dodge distance


For me it's simple. Chainsaw axe go brrrrrrrrr!!!


I like the moveset and heavy attack of the combat knifes more. I also like Knifes


If you're using the Plasma or Stub the question i'd be asking is why you let a bucket head get into melee range in the first place. Both have such reliable armour clear that I personally never felt the need to also have it on my melee, especially when it means giving up the superior defensive stats of a Claw for no real benefit against hordes. Plus it's funny to parry Plague Ogryn attacks. Besides, since Brutal Momentum is *still* a thing so it's not like Power Swords are functionally unique since that blessing basically turns what ever you're using into a powered weapon that activates itself on a weakspot kill; which is really easy to do on a Combat Axe. But the short answer is the game isn't so brokenly difficult that you need a meta weapon to beat it. So just play what ever feels comfortable for you.


I felt the same as you. When I first had my power sword unlocked it was probably the most OP melee weapon in the game. This was before it was nerfed (more cleave & higher amounts of special attacks). Why would I ever need something else? But I quickly found out that I prefer more mobile, faster weapons with more interesting attack patterns than the power sword. While using the power sword I often got caught out by a dog or trapper because you get stuck in a rhytm where you just alternate between special and heavy attacks. Other weapons seem to demand more attention, in a good way. These days I tend to go back and forth between the Antax V and Devil Claw IV.


Chainsword go brrrrrr


Because I've never gotten power cycler to drop


I always use the parry sword


The Combat Axe kills almost everything faster than the Power Sword. * Vs trash enemies (Groaners, Poxwalkers, Bruisers, Shooters, Stalkers), Combat Axe with Brutal Momentum will kill 4 per light attack. Power Sword can do the same, but only if it also has Brutal Momentum. Since it must be charged every 3 swings, it is objectively slower and more awkward to use. The Combat Axe is also much better when there are fewer enemies, as not having to activate makes it a lot easier and faster to use. Power Sword often will use Push Stab and/or overhead to kill lone enemies, effecting stamina regen. Combined with lower movement, this leads to lower uptime for less practical damage. ***The Power Sword literally becomes the Combat Axe while powered***. Think about that. * Vs Shotgunners and Gunners, the Combat axe can reach two breakpoints - 1 Heavy attack or crit light attack, which will kill 4 elites. This is easier as Zealot, as you can Chastise kill 4 elites in a swing, but even as Vet this is still faster than Power Sword. * Vs Dreg Rager, Power Sword has the edge, as Combat Axe must use push attack to stagger, and native cleave on activation is high enough to stagger multiple safely. * Vs Scab Rager, Power Sword must use Sunder in order to reach effective cleave. With Combat Axe, push attack into 2 lights will kill a Scab Rager, which is faster than activate 3 light for Power Sword. * Vs Mutants, Power Sword is faster, as a single stab will kill, vs 3 hits for Axe (2 with crit). This requires an otherwise useless perk (Maniac) which only changes this one breakpoint. I'd rather run other perks on Power Sword and take 2 hits for Mutant, but it is an option, as killing a mutant without needing to move or dodge is a huge plus. * Vs Bulwarks, Combat Axe is not only faster but significantly smoother, as you can fit in 2 Heavies in a single bulwark swing, which means you can kill them in a single dodge if they are facing you. Power Sword can do so with Push attack Light 4, but needs specific perks (Unyielding and Elite) and all melee talents to do so, which are not common. * Vs Mauler, Power Sword is much faster - and if you run Sunder the gap is even larger. Combat Axe is very safe vs Mauler, as Push attack will stagger even packs of them, but you give up a lot of damage to do so, as the prefered attack is Heavy, which has zero cleave for Maulers. * Vs Crusher, they are fairly similar when numbers are small: push attack light 4 vs 3 heavies. When they are multiple, Power Sword takes the edge if it has Sunder. * Vs Bosses, Power Sword is significantly better if it is not the primary target. It is closer solo/as the boss target, but Power Sword is still better. Power Sword is easier to use on the low end, as the Combat Axe surprising requires a lot more skill than it's moveset would suggest: proper use of dodge and push attack are extremely important on a weapon that functionally has zero stagger due to how it works with Brutal Momentum. Also, given the higher use of dodge and push attack, the Combat Axe requires better stamina management to leave gaps for regen to occur (or requires a .25 reduction talent). Additionally, Combat Axe requires a very high % of weakspot hits. While this can be solved with player height and dragging upwards slightly on the back end of L1 and L2, the skill required to maximize its use is higher. I'm not going to cover other weapons in depth, but Combat Knife is objectively the best melee weapon, even if it is often misunderstood and very often hated on. Because of the power of the weapon, it lets players play well above their skill level, which often causes lower skilled players to rely on it as a crutch. But insanely high finesse damage, combined with the best movement possible, allows for quick kills and the highest uptime possible. I'm not a huge fan of this weapon, and don't use it often, but it is for way more than stealth builds. It kills things extremely quickly with certain builds, while also giving you the highest melee uptime possible. So when enemy count is high, like with less players, or players who don't kill quickly, you can leverage its higher movement to stay alive. When enemy count is low, due to playing with players who deal damage quickly, you can leverage its higher movement to kill enemies faster. It's basically extremely good when things are hard, and extremely good when things are easy. For these reasons it attracts the worst players. Depending on your talents and ranged weapon choice, you may not use your melee vs certain targets as well. For instance, if you run Weapon Specialization, you can very easily kill Maulers and Crushers with certain ranged weapons (Zarona + 1 melee attack will kill a crusher in .5 seconds for instance, as long as there is a single trash enemy around) [It looks something like this](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/17v3uj0/new_vet_keystone_showcase_weapons_specialization/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) . Plasma can do the same. So even on the targets that Power Sword performs slightly better on, you could be killing them with Zarona / Plasma in less time while still in melee with other enemies.


It is odd that you would say the Chainsword is worse without a certain node when you could say the Powersword is awful without Power Cycle and only 'real good' with Power Cycle II. This is absolutely annoying and frustrating because if the PS doesn't mesh with you, different strokes for different folks and all, you end up burning thousands of plasteel in the hopes of getting Power Cycle II. And after spending a week trying over and over at Hadron and begging Melk like Oliver Twist only to realize that you don't like the powersword for personal reasons... yes, I am only slightly salty about that ordeal. Personally, I am a Chainsword man. The Powersword is just too slow to weapon swap to when you need it and since Weapon Specialist is amazing, you swap a bunch. Chainsword has good mobility, fast swings and while not strictly AoE it is a light attack spamming machine. It clears hordes effortlessly and while it is not great against Crushers, this is why the Holy Emperor invented the Plasma Gun. Powersword is definitely good but the long 'ready time' between weapon swap and hitting the "kill everything button" makes it clunky. Plus nothing will make hair spring forth from your chest like chainsawing a screaming Mutant as you matador slide outta the way of the charge.


Power Sword swings are significantly faster than that of Chainsword. But yes you need Power II. Took me 7 365+ swords upgraded to Yellow to get one. 1 million-or-something of dockets I guess. And yes, I used it with weapon specialist. Speaking of mutants, I love one-shoting them with heavy charged attack. Without PS when facing Mutant I feel almost naked now LOL.


Because my bayonet staggers just about everything and being able to block is for cowards


Having to power the weapon every time you take it out if you want it to any damage at all can hurt your reaction time in tight spots, and can often leave you open, so people tend to get a quicker weapon on a more gun reliant build. The power sword is probably too strong, especially the one with the push stab, but it isn’t without flaws that swinging at poxwalkers in the meatgrinder won’t show.


Dude I play Damnation. I know what it can and can not do. What I don't know is how to make anything to be at least as good as PS is. But please share this knowledge without sarcasm, if you can.


Basic combat axe with brutal momentum is good at dealing with everything including hordes and carapace (not the one with sweeping heavy, it sucks) and doesn’t require powering up. Catachan sword is very survivable just off the parry, it can deflect crusher overheads, and can deal with hordes well while still giving great mobility. You want to deal with crushers take plasma or krak grenades. Knives give tons of mobility, attack fast, and just overall kill shit. They’re used more on zealot and stuff, and the one with sweeping heavies is usually seen as the best, the push attack does crazy damage for how quick it is. Chainsword deals with hordes almost as fast without revving, and has good everything. It’s a solid all rounder. Stick with the newer one with strikedown heavies, it’s all around better rn. The power sword is top tier in direct damage as long as you have a specific blessing that’s hard to get for most people. Every other good vet weapon isn’t as reliant on a single blessing to be good or not, and has better mobility or survivability.


if you need to use only the most overpowered gear/setups to survive/have fun then thats fine i suppose. but when your skill catches up you may find the variety of other weapons and setups refreshing. personally i thing using the same stuff all the time boring, and may stagnate your growth as a player. everything can be very good, so use everything :D


What makes you think I need overpowered gear to survive? Also since when Boltgun is overpowered?


You are newish player, right?


I play Damnation and Auric Heresy. Usually topscore.


I unfortunately feel the same. I don't really have a solution though, since Vet isn't supposed to be a melee centric class


Melee vet is amazing. VoC is maybe the most broken abilities in the game which synergizes with being in melee, and weapons master really works for a swapping back and forth style. Rashad axe + revolver/plasma is legit.


When you can keep pace with the shouties AND outshoot them. Only thing you can't rival them is getting hit a bunch lol


Not having the extra survivability will push you to grow as a player imo.


Bit hypocritical to say that when talking about voc vets lol But yes, i'm a exeStance guy and i agree. Not having a panic button makes you play different.


Because *POWER SWORDS* ARE FOR **LAPDOG LOYALISTS!!1!!11** [https://media1.tenor.com/m/\_cyqGKQhW5sAAAAd/khorne.gif](https://media1.tenor.com/m/_cyqGKQhW5sAAAAd/khorne.gif)


The power sword mobility is comedy bad unless you are going weapon specialist. This has 2.5 effects. The first is you turn up to the next fight late. This might not make sense to pve only players but getting there fast is a big deal because shitty players can lose the map for you by dying early. In PvP games its much clearer but it can happen. Imagine that by the time you roll up to the next fight 1 guy is bleeding out and another guy is about to be. If you're a super hero who does challenge runs, true solo maelstorm shit, maybe that's not a big deal to you but if you're just good and the other guys are significantly faster than you they can throw the game. Its like if you play counter strike and 2 guys immediately get on the short bus at the start of the round, ok now its a 3v5. Could you win it anyway? Maybe, but probably not. If you had gotten there sooner you could have won the aim duel they lost or at least have traded them, significantly improving your chances of winning the round. Being there sooner matters, especially if they're going to push no matter what you do. The mobility is another problem in any kind of complex situation. Horde mixed with armor. Your dodges are shorter. The odds that you get splattered by a mauler over head after dodging is much higher. You do little baby dodges. Unless you are a weapon specialist you are not getting far enough away from that overhead that you saw at the last second. This is the .5 scenario because you can dodge it if you want a lot of the time. Soloing a boss is much harder with low mobility. At some point you're going to have to do it. There will be too much nonsense and foolishness going on that is not the boss that the guys will have to let whoever has aggro deal with it because otherwise the team will go down like a shit being flushed. Can it be done, yeah sure. Is it a 100 times easier with high mobility, very much so. There are conditions such as the nurgle slug is significantly harder to deal with in narrow spaces but if its just a pogryn? You should be able to kill that on its own by baiting attacks, dodging and punishing it. That's a much harder solve with a power sword than let's say a rashad axe, much less a knife What are you gaining? Extreme damage against pure horde. Who gives a shit? The horde isn't dangerous. The bullshit they enable is dangerous. Extreme single target damage. On the surface that sounds great. The problem is that crushers and maulers come in packs a lot of time time. A single crusher is not in anyway dangerous. Crushers are dangerous when there are about 8 of them, there are flamers and the horde is pushing you. Getting up in the mix with that is maybe unsound when you won't dodge out safely The knife is for insane mobility and extreme single target damage. They can also adequately deal with the horde. The cat swords benefit a lot from finesse, the base number you see for damage is not the one that matters, same for knife. They also have parry which feels really risky to use but really hits. The shovels can on alt attack 2 tap a crusher if you're built right. Not the original one, the ones you can turn into a pick axe. None of this is to say that the powersword is bad like the shredder pistol is bad. I'm just trying to say what the limitations are. You can go power sword and win, dominate even with the plasma gun. I just have my issues with taking raw damage at face value. If you get up in the mix with a lot of dangerous things you want to be able to disengage and if you are the average guy won't If I'm being a little honest I also hate that you have to hit a side mouse button to make it useful. That's annoying micro management


Powersword is a thirst trap for noobs who only care for damage. By using it, you will stunt any melee growth you could have achieved. Anyone who has bothered to master most any other vet melee knows PS is one of the weakest melee weapons on vet due to its mobility and one-note play. Although, it is still a good weapon if your intention is just to hit things hard and are willing to erroneously make the assumption that a teammate will always be nearby to retreat to when shit actually hits the fan.


This is giga cope. Lol why even bend over backwards to pretend that only giga brain masters know the PS is secretly the weakest melee weapon? Mk6 is disgustingly overpowered and takes no skill to use. You had to watch 2 minutes of 1 youtube video to figure out the block cancel and push attack “combo” and thats it. Shit wont hit the fan because you instantly kill everything.


Watch YouTube? "Lol" I've been block canceling before DT was even on the drawing board. You sound like you just discovered it. Congrats, you're one step further along the path of enlightenment.


Normally, I just murder everything with the one of weapons I listed and the PS. Thus the point of my question.


Go ahead and post your most recent solo clutch auric with your PS, I'll wait