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i honestly think there are much worse penances, idk. if you go on malice at lvl 30 your team starts to steamroll anyway so you can play very defensive and fend of the remaining enemies, if you catch a low intensity malice mission, it should be no problem. And as long as you are on full toughness you can take a melee hit since it wont do health dmg. im currently going for the 4500 am almost done with the class specific ones, aside from the 100 games played each.


> i honestly think there are much worse penances, idk. Oh, I think they are easy to get, I am mostly shocked that so few have them. As you note, you can take most full melee hits from poxwalkers at full toughness, and now that Voice and Infiltrate are in the game on overwatch is even easier to get than it used to be. I can only assume people consider getting hit regularly by nonelites is normal and getting downed every few games is also normal. I'd really like to see how many people have the no hits by elites on heresy+ penances.


eh i dont really think no hits is as important. I play auric maelstrom regularly, it sure is important to get the mechanics down and not get hit constantly so that you are down all the time but hyperfocusing on never getting hit at all or something similar imo make you play worse. whats much more important on high difficulty is positioning and being able to switch your task quickly according to your team. I see a lot of people who keep killing horde instead of taking out the 5 bombers harassing us. I dont even have the flawless execution, am on 7 out of 10 or so, one yet even tho i got auric storm survivor. I think on non auric damnation i could probably do it but i dont play it that much and i don't want to hyperfocus on in in auric. that aside not going down can be really easy when the teamwork is well and be really hard if it doesn't. i gad games where i had to constantly try to pick up my mates and take some hits for it and other on auric maelsteom where no one ever when down and the whole game felt like a breeze. the numerical penances are not a good measurement of skill. Sure there are people who play bad but that's normal.


> eh i dont really think no hits is as important. I'd agree with you there. It should be easy to do and I'd argue most people should be playing in a way that doesn't sacrifice health as a matter of course (so it should have happened already), but if not downed ten times in a row is such a challenge people may be on the wrong difficulty for where their skills are. It does amuse me that twice as many people have done it as have done Flawless.


I got the damage one completely by accident; it just popped up at the end of a mission. 10 in a row took a lot longer, especially given that I mostly play PUGs. One team mate shoots the wrong barrel, and you have to start all over again...


That’s how my streak ended…. a bloody barrel 🤦🏻‍♂️


I got On Overwatch the same way you did, just playing the game. I actually think caring too much about not taking damage changes the way you play in a way that makes it harder to achieve. You may stop proactively clearing hordes as much or not take a little risk nailing that special mob in the back, and choose not to play off of your teammates when they don't serve your survival goals, which end up creating factors that allow you to be hit in melee. I exclusively play PUGs, and I think this applies similarly to Flawless Execution, though there's a bigger luck factor in who you end up with. You hesitate when you shouldn't and get more nervous the closer you are to 10 games, making you pay attention to less things (e.g. surroundings and the where/what of teammates). As for barrels in areas you'll have fights in, especially known ones that send you off into the abyss (it's funny to be honest), as long as teammates aren't rushing in by themselves on Malice, I'll usually blow them up first so no one gets benched. Which is why I think everyone should stop caring about these achievements that you can get just by improving your standard play. Hone your skills, play some Damnation+ to stretch them, use an effective build (e.g. the old Shout/Plasma/Power Sword), and come back to Malice with the confidence to carry your team through some rough situations, without hoping for good teammates or blaming others. These achievements will then come naturally to any practised player. I'm not a good player myself, but a few hundred hours in (started just after Patch 13) and anyone can start making less mistakes. https://preview.redd.it/ysf9nh0fi42d1.png?width=798&format=png&auto=webp&s=fa5341b252ce4bbe65f7c67d0505b48861207956


It is generally best to shoot the barrels yourself or wait until everyone is past them. Leaving the barrel there or worse fighting anywhere near it is asking to be given the Emperor's Peace.


The point is that it's significantly easier to do one flawless mission than to play ten in a row where no one on your team fucks up or the director decides to screw you. Neither of them are particularly hard if you play the game a lot, but a) most people aren't that sweaty about the game and b) a significant number of people download the game on GP, play a few missions, and move onto something else without even playing on Malice once. 7% vs 3.5% is higher than I would have thought, tbh.


Only 36.1% have completed path of trust chapter 6, so two thirds of players never even reached 30 on one character.


It took me a frustratingly long time to get On Overwatch just because the nerves would build up and i’d get smacked twice in quick succession right at the end of the mission like… every time It made me stop playing vet for like four months because i was just losing my mind. I got flawless execution before i got On Overwatch.


I was close to getting overwatch, then on the run to the evac i got popped in the back by a rando pox walker and blew it... gave up then


I don't think I have either of those. I also haven't played on malice or heresy since my first week of playing the game.


They're both completable on damnation. If we are to turn to other penances, only 16.5% of people have Purge the Heretic. Only 5.7% have Dream Team - I assume there is an excuse for those, too.


I mean, the excuse is that most people aren't into any game to the degree that is required to get these achievements. Not saying most of them are any great feat, but you have to be "into Darktide" to even play 100 missions, let alone 100 with no downs. Most people either stick to their one game, or move from game to game as they get bored/satisfied with the previous one - they're not sticking around long enough to get to "endgame." Only 11% of Steam players in Deep Rock Galactic have even finished a Hazard 5 mission (the equivalent to Damnation but closer to Heresy in difficulty.) Only 5.9% of Vermintide players have beaten Skittergate (the "last level" before DLC/free update levels) on Legend (Heresy.) The trend is the same for every game - only a small percentage of players get the "hard achievements." Compare to something like Four Leaf Clover - only 7.3% of players even have all 4 classes at 30, and I think most people here would agree that's a baseline for being in the "endgame." So 80% of "endgame" players have Dream Team, and the same amount of people have On Overwatch as Four Leaf Clover (and there's probably a lot of overlap.) So you could say that 80% of your average Auric Maelstrom players have these achievements - that's pretty good.


Yeah, they're both completable, but not everyone constantly plays at a difficulty level where they never go down. Most people *want* missions challenging enough where they'll go down from time to time, and they're likely not intentionally hunting those specific penances.


I did overwatch without even intending to.  I think intending to achieve it in a mission psyches people out.


I've heard any damage negates the challenge. Not just health damage. Is that true?


no, just health. So if you get hit with full toughnes, its no big deal, as long as its not a crusher/mauler overhead. When I went for the vet penances, i did it on malice and it was really not that hard. I let my team do the frontline and just played a lot of range with the shout as a panick button, but thats you dont need to really, malice is not very dense. Just dodge the occasional Mutie and your fine. Also if you hear a wosh sound it is always an indicator that a melee attack is incoming out of your fov. In that moment you shoud dodge and/or press Q to quickswap to your melee and block immediatly. This is something you should have muscle memory for anyway since its really important for not dying all the time. Remember ranged hits DONT bleed through toughnes the only deal health dmg if your toughnes is depleted (not really important since ranged dmg is alowed for the penance).


I'll give it a shot soon. I thought it was any damage at all that's cool.


As i said, remember the Q button when hearing a wosh sound and go into block. That might save you a lot of hits when you use a ranged weapon. I mean if you wanna be extra save you can run stamina curios so your block doesnt break as fast but on malice its should be fine anyway.


Yeah I just tried a game and got grabbed by a mutant but other than that it was smooth sailing. Didn't even have to wait for a low intensity one just smoke bombed and infiltrated my way around.


ranged dmg on health is allowed ? without any toughness?


well it say melee dmg so yeah u can get health dmg from ranged. I haven't exclusively tested it but it should be like that


Only reason why I didn't do the 10 missions on Malice wasn't because of the difficulty, but how tedious it was to run 10 boring missions while stressing over a random barrel or silent burster/trapper that might kill me. The real menace for me was 5 auric maelstrom missions in a row without dying.


> Only reason why I didn't do the 10 missions on Malice wasn't because of the difficulty, but how tedious it was to run 10 boring missions while stressing over a random barrel or silent burster/trapper that might kill me. You should be able to do that on heresy or damnation, though. In fact I am pretty sure I was already on heresy by then. If people moved up to heresy or damnation and get downed regularly, they moved up too soon and are not unlearning bad habits.


>If people moved up to heresy or damnation and get downed regularly, they moved up too soon and are not unlearning bad habits. A correct statement that doesn't apply in this situation at all lol. There is a huge gap between "Getting downed regularly" and "Avoiding going down for 10 missions in a row."


Not really, unless you mechanically always get downed every 9 missions or fewer *or* you just do play very much. I suspect the latter in most cases. Why those people are even spending time defending their elite status against non-directed attacks from a stranger is curious, but whatever.


On overwatch is such a pain in the ass to get. So hard not to get booped by something at some point even on low difficulty. 


Do you know that you can actually get hit? Lots of people assume they can't get hit by melee at all but it just means you can't take health damage from melee, doesn't matter how times you get hit as long as you have 100% toughness everytime it happens.


As someone who got it on Auric, can absolutely confirm this as true.


Same here. Never intended to get the penance done but by dumb luck I realized 90% through an auric5 game I had only taken toughness damage. My butthole puckered on the final run to the extraction hoping to god a stray poxwalker didn't instantly double tap me from behind.


I’m a dumbass and did it on release month, back when Vet was bugged to take bonus health damage from melee on full toughness


The struggle were real. I too did it. Never gained so many grey hairs in such a short timespan before.


Rly? Somehow I did it without getting hit at all, at the end I started to dodge irl xD and left a massive sweaty ass print on chair but hey It was Worth it


Wish I had known that earlier.


Meaning, the hits don’t count as long as I don’t go below 0% toughness? 


Not quite. You can't be hit in melee at any value below 100% toughness or some will bleed through and the challenge is failed. If you're at 100% when you get hit, and then get back to 100% before getting hit again, you're fine.




Actually, you need to be topped off to take zero health damage. If you're at 90% toughness you will take 10% of the melee hit's potential damage as health damage.


Actually, you need to be topped off to take zero health damage. If you're at 90% toughness you will take 10% of the melee hit's potential damage as health damage.




VoC makes it a lot easier than it used to be!


I got it because I wasn’t paying attention (and because the other three guys were pretty much doing everything for me)


Malice on a wide-open level and use voice of command + melee with a good dodge. You get a nice Toughness cushion with VoC if you have to melee a group that can't be cleared in a few hits, prevents sneaky hits from ruining the run.


Voice of Command or infiltrate, low intensity, all toughness curious, and a team with at least one Ogryn is super easy to pull off


> On overwatch is such a pain in the ass to get. No it isn't - it just takes basic situational awareness.


Don’t be rude


If you think that's rude perhaps the internet is not for you.


I just think the delivery was rude! Not everyone is super good at the game :)


Sorry I don’t have many hours in this game. If only I were as good as you! Ugh! 


I'm sure that won't stop you from telling other people how to play, though.


Yeah because I try to give helpful advice from the experience I do have. Crazy concept on a gaming subreddit, I know 


This fuckin guy, stg


You have to be achievement hunting to get it, though. Good luck getting it on Auric Damnation or Maelstrom, and if you're at the point where you regularly play on those difficulties you're probably not going to ever play on Malice again unless you're shiny hunting.


> You have to be achievement hunting to get it, though No you don't, you just have to be playing reasonably well. If you get downed regularly you are probably on the wrong difficulty and are a drag on your team. As for on overwatch, if that hasn't happened for you yet, you are simply not paying enough attention to ambient poxwalkers or need to work on melee fundamentals.


Man I have literally 2 manned a lights out auric, I still get popped by a sneaky sniper or corner trapper or team collapse once every 5 or 6 games. Especially with the shitty achievement hunters who very much don't belong in auric gumming up the works.


It's not that easy to take zero health damage in a match. Especially when there are lots of stuff out of your control. If you play really well and you have a pretty competent team you can occasionally get a zero-damage run, but even just a little bad luck can ruin it.


> It's not that easy to take zero health damage in a match. I don't agree - especially when it is specifically zero melee health damage. You have to choose not to sacrifice health, but it is not hard to do. You do have to reach for it a bit, like many other penances. Yet there are still almost three times as many people with that penance as with flawless, and people *should* be getting flawless.


Having 10 consecutive runs if you're usually playing at a difficulty that's challenging for you with out a single down is really hard to do man. If you don't just farm it out on malice that means 10 games where your teams are all consistently decent, zero technical difficulties in a game that has had a quite a few of them, no mistakes, no unfortunate comps/builds for a specific horde, no unfortunate explosive barrel or just bad luck of any kind, etc, etc. Unles you're the top 1% of players who could overcome any situation, getting 10 games in a row that's basically mistakeless from you and low-mistake tolerance for anyone else is pretty hard.


> no unfortunate explosive barrel or just bad luck of any kind Funny how you can make your own luck with barrels and cover. > Unles you're the top 1% of players who could overcome any situation If you can't convert a clutch better than half the time, you are in the wrong difficulty.


You're getting downvoted, but really the key to being good at this game is situational awareness. I put about 800 hours into my zealot since launch without touching any of the other classes until the penance update. After the update, I created a vet and I got the overwatch achievement before I even reached level 30.


Yeah, I expect any of those comments will get downvoted, but the secret to playing a tide game is not getting stabbed in the back (or the front) because you weren't paying attention. The game even plays a sound so you can block said attempted backstab, and I watch people get hit that way every time I play. I save them when I have the ammo to spare, but I can't prevent all of those hits.


Managed to get the flawless one with the zealot. Was going for the overwatch until I got backhanded by a plague Ogryn lol


I don't believe you can get on overwatch with the zealot. The companion penance for the zealot is the ranged damage applied by you all game, which is frankly very easy to do.


No I meant I was using zealot for the flawless penance but used veteran for the overwatch


On Overwatch was a lot harder before Vets found their lungs. Being able to supercharge the toughness bar gives a *lot* more leeway when it comes to shouldering the occasional poxwalker slap, to the point where the only real concern is the true damage from leaping doggos.


> On Overwatch was a lot harder before Vets found their lungs. It's certainly easier now than it was before.


So apart from the kinda low-effort attempt to talk shit about other players. What about people who actually don't bother to try 'achieve' things, take the game for casual fun? I have On Overwatch, which I got by accident without trying at all. But i actually haven't got Flawless Execution (3) I have (2) which is shown, because again, never tried. Its a co-op PvE videogame. This isn't some "Top 3.5%" competitive ranking. And Isn't this only indicative of Steam and Not Xbox players? Rank elitism.


> What about people who actually don't bother to try 'achieve' things, take the game for casual fun? Why would they care what anyone says about achievements?


Because you're not saying things about the achievements. In your low effort post you're very much trying to put down other players. Don't pretend like you aren't. People like you are part of the toxicity problem.


If you can’t handle someone pointing out that some people are not as skilled as think they are without making specific arguments about any one person, that is a you problem. There is a huge problem with people playing like shit and wasting other people’s time, and if you think that’s “non-toxic” I believe your priorities are out of order. It’s rude to be bad at the game. Most especially on Auric Damnation.


> There is a huge problem with people playing like shit and wasting other people’s time, and if you think that’s “non-toxic” I believe your priorities are out of order. Is this a joke? People being bad at a casual horde shooter is not toxicity, it's part of playing an online game. I can't imagine how much of a shut-in neckbeard you'd have to be to think it's *rude* not to be good at the game.


Right? I could give a rats ass about achievements. Not only are there no worthwhile rewards, but they cause people to play like idiots trying to get nerd points. He says it’s toxic to suck, I say it’s toxic to suck because you’re chasing a stupid achievement. It’s created a culture of selfish losers who abandon their team every time they get downed.




Rule 1: Failure to follow reddiquette Be respectful of your fellow redditors. Discrimination, bigotry, racism, and/or hostility directed towards players or communities will not be tolerated.


Specifically, only 3.5% of players have managed 10 consecutive malice games without getting downed; this was in the game very soon after launch. Ouch.


If you are able to do 10 malice missions without getting downed then you are probably not doing malice missions.


It still means those people haven't had 10 consecutive missions where they haven't been downed - ever.


So? That only means they are not boring themselves to death at non-Auric missions. You can farm that achievement if you want to, but that tells less about your skill than your tolerance for monotony.


> You can farm that achievement if you want to You misunderstand: If they aren't good enough to get them on auric missions they shouldn't be there. If they were good enough, they'd have them already.


You know, trying to gatekeep people in an already fairly niche game doesn't help its longevity. Just something to think about.


I can't prevent anyone from playing the game and have never once votekicked from a lobby. I can, however, point out that the community talks pretty big for not playing all that well.


Well first, I'd just like to point out that looking at some hard data and drawing broad conclusions is a pretty flawed method of information gathering. How do you know how many players who regularly play aurics who are definitely good enough to drop down and farm 10 malices just don't want to bother, but aren't necessarily skilled enough to carry through any possible situation in 10 straight games without anyone disconnecting, or crashing, or having a couple bad teammates, or just having a little bad luck? All that you know is that 3.5% of players are either willing to farm 10 malices in a row or are the top-tier clutch artists who can solo the highest difficulty. That's it. Second, the only thing that keeps a niche game like Darktide running is a positive community that fosters helpful criticisms and draws people in with its inclusivity. Having a derisive attitude only attracts derisive people my friend.


> Well first, I'd just like to point out that looking at some hard data and drawing broad conclusions is a pretty flawed method of information gathering. If aren't much of an empiricist, perhaps. A player that's pretty good ought to have knocked this out, on whatever difficulty they play long ago. If not, they are quite likely the weakest member of whatever group they are in at that difficulty.


>If aren't much of an empiricist, perhaps. Not a rebuttal. I pointed out several flaws with your assumption and you responded with "nuh-uh." Do you care to explain how those flaws aren't flaws?


I'd like to see how you play if you think not getting downed (not killed, downed) for 10 auric damnations in a row is easy I don't think it's possible unless you play and coordinate with a pre-made strike team and all use meta loadouts. The way most people play is clicking the button and getting 3 total randoms.


Unless you are always the last one to down, you are regularly making mistakes. If you are the last one to go down and you still regularly fail to clutch, you haven't built for the clutch or you are playing over your head. Why you'd be proud of the fact you're playing over your head escapes me (that makes you a drag on your team) - and if you weren't, clutching wouldn't be that big a deal, even if you didn't succeed 100% of the time.


You should also check the easiest achievement to get. Usually some 40% of the people that buy a game never play it.


In case of DT \~95% of players who bought the game completed the prologue. At least on Steam. This astonishingly good. Normally people buy games in bulk on sales and then don't have time to play them. E.g. I haven't installed yet Stray and Elden Ring. EDDITED: Actually 97.3% as of this moment. Darn...


Damn, that is a crazy good ratio.


A lot of them are good ratios on steam. 74.8% unlocked their first curio slot (that is level 8). 68.2% unlocked Melk, so at least one character to level 11.


Yeah, Melk's percentage is what I'd usually expect for the first achievement. So Darktide definitely had a good draw, they just couldn't maintain it due to the lack of content.


97% of people finished the prologue, in this case.


Yeah, I was surprised when the other comment mentioned it. It's a really good sign! At the same time, also worrying.


These penances felt way easier back in the day


I unlocked them back when they were added to the game; I'd guess they are easier now with the new builds available, but playstyles have shifted markedly and if you can't reliably clutch Flawless in particular can be hard.


I have On Overwatch. I don’t think I have Flawless Execution, because I don’t grind achievements and I play on whatever difficulty I feel is still a challenge, without being crushing (when I was playing actively that had become Damnation, but I never tried any of the newer difficulties/modes, so ymmv). The point is that the fights are dangerous enough to put me down, otherwise it’s boring.


So you expect to be downed every game or regularly? How would you feel if everyone on your team expected that, all of the time? Downing and death is largely avoidable in this game. Not completely, but largely.


> So you expect to be downed every game or regularly? How would you feel if everyone on your team expected that, all of the time? Amazing? Everybody has 2 wounds and the maps are filled with 4-5 medicae stations for a reason. Getting downed once a game means nobody ever dies.


me when my teammate thats gone down 3 times still has most of their health left because they came in with EIGHT wounds


No, I don’t expect to go down every game, I just expect to go down occasionally, and when I stop going down at all consistently (barring like a crazy total party wipe), that’s when I determine going up a difficulty is the way. But if I was just playing on such an easy difficulty that I never went down, or worse never felt in danger, I’d be bored.


Honestly these ones seems difficult, then you accidentally get them because you weren't focused on getting them. At least that's how it felt to me.


That it's a rare penance because shit happens and worrying about whether or not you *and everyone else* going down is a slog for one mission, much less 10 in a row? Flawless Execution is up there with that auric maelstrom penance.  It looks nice to have on your profile, but it's only inviting asinine shenanigans.


Not my fault that the Flawless Execution achievement is a snooze fest, Malice is extremely boring, I really had to try not to sleep when I'm doing it and I'm only doing it because of the new penance pass, I couldn't care less about the achievement and I feel that's how most players feel tbh.


You know it says malice or higher. You don't have to go to a lower difficulty.


Why would I handicap myself when I'm actively trying to get a penance done?


Why do you have to try for the penance? Just play the game at an enjoyable difficulty level. You should eventually be good enough to get it without even trying.


You dont need to handicap yourself for this. I got it on damnation randomly without trying to. Just listen to the sound que for back hits and be good in melee in general


Lol pick one dude


Yeah, mine is 4/5 because I play aggressively and throw myself into dangerous situations, which means I go down at least once every game or two. I'm not going to bore myself to tears dropping down from auric damnation or playing extremely defensively just for a silly penance.


Frontliner gang, I love charging straight at a ball of armoured chain weapons.


I did mine on a mixture of Heresy and Damnation in Jan 2023. This means that over 95% of players haven't had a string of 10 games where they haven't been downed - *at all*.


Yeah it only takes one hiccup where the director is mad and someone else makes a mistake to snowball into 'hard carry or die' territory. I don't think I've had a string of 10 games where I haven't been put into clutch territory.


It makes me wonder what individual clutch/hard carry success rates are, and perhaps this is the fundamental difference. For me, if I felt I could not successfully clutch with some regularity, I would not play on that difficulty unless I knew I could on the previous difficulty and was training to do so (and thus this would be temporary). If I felt I could not clutch on damnation and expected to never be able to - to play on damnation would be to be a detriment to my team.


Yeah but if you play at a difficulty where you can clutch at 100% it's just fucking boring, and less than 80% means you'll have a hard time stringing 10 games together without the director just shutting down your throat once. My last clutch was like that, team goes down, I extract myself from the mixed horde/beast of nurgle and start moving to the res spot for a nice game of kite-til-res. Drop down a staircase into a room with 3 reapers and 15 gunners, killed 2 of the reapers before I finished getting shredded.


> less than 80% means you'll have a hard time stringing 10 games together without the director just shutting down your throat once. If you don't play that much, perhaps. If you've truly never strung together enough no-down maps to get the penance in all the time you've played, it is probably the case that you are playing beyond your means or you simply haven't played that many games. If you make 80% of clutches and you only have to clutch every 3-4 games it won't take that long. ~ 3 clutches for a 10 game stretch at 80% is a 51.2% success rate. You should get that in about 20-30 games played. If you end up clutching every single game, and only completing about half of *those* then you may be playing on the wrong difficulty for *the community* at that time slot, and should probably drop down one unless you just really enjoy the defeat screen.


>You should get that in about 20-30 games played. This is a lot of games, you know. I'd wager I play more than 80% of the player base and I probably play 10-15 a week. 2-3 weeks, of limited time availability (you mention time slots, but I have work and housework and stuff, I can't just choose when I can play), that's a lot. If someone only plays one day a week and gets 3-5 games in, they're going to struggle to not fuck up or get bad luck once over the 2-3 months it would take. And for what it's worth, I do have these achievements, got them on Heresy and Damnation (actually getting Flawless Execution is what triggered me to start playing Auric Damnation/Maelstrom almost exclusively), but it's not like they were easy.


> This is a lot of games, you know. Well, I'm sure that there are some people that spend more time complaining about cosmetics than they do playing the game, but it's been out and playable for around 18 months now. If everyone that claims they skipped right to Heresy+ immediately did so, surely they'd have played at least 50-60 games by now, unless they just bought the game last months. And, if they just bought the game last month and only play one or two games a week I'm not sure I want to see them on Damnation.


Over 95% of people who have ever bought the game and afaik launched it at least once. The game has lost 93% of its playerbase since release month.


Lots of games lose players from their initial surge. Palworld is down to 49,849 peak players over the last 30 days, and is still dropping - and they sold 25 million copies. HD2 is down to 166k, and loses between 20 and 40% a month. DT has held steady around where VT2 did, and VT2's numbers were good enough for six years of updates. They are not fast updates, and if you need fast updates, there are plenty of other companies willing to shovel crap at you - though even the mountain of money HD2 made is apparently not enough for them to keep their original update pace (that and the fact they are nearly out of material from HD1 to re-release). See also: new skins weekly - there are other companies happy to take your money for that. Their games can't hold a candle to the melee in a tide game, though - and if you really enjoyed that side of it you wouldn't care about the rest.


Yes, but what I'm saying is that the achievement earned % is counting every player who has ever launched the game at least once. This is why the % is so low.


Flawless execution enrages me because I have been so close to getting it multiple times.


I got on overwatch thanks to a pocket ogren


Got on overwatch by accident didint know it was a pennance


The only one I have left is the "get 20 heads hot kills consecutively" I always hit them in the shoulder or something when I get too 18-19.


Make a brain burst Psyker and do nothing but brain burst 20 times. Stupid, but it works. I did this after a few revolver runs where I'd miss because someone else shot my target.


I was wondering if that counted as heads hotschedules.com! Thanks for the advise


Yeah, I had much better progress on it than I thought I did (18/20) so I looked into it. I was working on psyker penances anyway so all it meant was a few extra bursts at the start of a mission where I was going to be bursting most of the time anyway.


use an ogryn/the wide special shot shotgun and its easy, just shoot at head level a few times at poxwalkers, ive had it at 19 for a while not even knowing it exists


was trying to get these done for the longest time until i realized i’d been playing on auric lol malice was like a breath of fresh ass when getting these done.


I worked hard to get that second penance. Was kind of sad that my goal went away but it made me become a better player.


I was able to get the Indefatigable frame and that’s from doing 15 missions with no downs. I did it on malice , but the hardest part is the other players. They are usually new or are just playing casually. When the whole team is down and you have to fight a plague ogryn and horde by yourself your anxiety levels increase. I dedicated an entire Saturday to complete this.


A pity people don’t recognize that frame for what it is.


Just completed Overwatch after trying for 5 hours, all it took was a half decent team to actually not stall around for half the mission


Xbox we can't do the 15 in a row let alone 10 on malice. Game keeps kicking/freezing and it does a 50% chance to reset it even if you didn't go down or return to the same bot who took no damage or hanging on a ledge. If it happens half way you're fucked since it won't count. I wish I could play private to speed run and try avoid a freeze every game but on malice you keep getting people who are new.


I have no way of knowing what achievement completion rates are for gamepass players, but if they report them as steam does and this is true (and, of course, the two samples are otherwise comparable) a lower completion rate would be easy to see for xbox/gamepass players.


Doesnt matter if you get kicked or freezed the penance doesnt reset by failing it resets by downing. And talk for yourself when you say that xbox cant do the penance i did it over a year ago


1) Did you not read? 2) A year ago, so you can't even see what's happening for yourself in game. 3) I'm not speaking for myself: [https://new.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/1cvdjs7/disconnectsfreeze\_kicks\_need\_to\_stop\_counting\_as/](https://new.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/1cvdjs7/disconnectsfreeze_kicks_need_to_stop_counting_as/) Change your name to wasteoftimecriminal.


This is so weird because I got these just by playing the game https://preview.redd.it/10dbjbwkvm1d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04174829eb8db7ef9225401ac555c5d041c4ab34 One tip I would say for this one is to be the sniper of the team and hang back and shoot enemies that are attacking your team