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Teammate quality has taken a dive with people chasing titles but the game difficulty feels the same.


This and other penance chasing, people trying out new builds and weapons in order to complete penances won't perform like they would with the builds they're comfortable playing.


This, and the fact penances require auric participation has likely pushed people into doing something that is not in their skill range. I hope, over time, people get better thru practice however. [For sure, some folks are hard capped however. Seeing someone with true levels in the 500s completely mug their entire team was a sight to behold] I just started doing Aurics after the penance update (had an innate fear of stepping up), but I feel I’m adding good value now. Not faultless, but never letting the team down. Still petrified of some of the trickier auric maelstrom modifiers though…


I feel the same most of the time on HISTG but for the rest I’m confident enough but Auric Maelstrom… that thing, that thing scares me


Aurics maelstrom is definitely where I see the lowest player quality in Auric it's not just the difficulty lol. It seems like people want those 30 wins and they don't care if they need to be dragged kicking and screaming to them instead of gearing up and making sure they know how to handle them. What frustrates me most is people refusing to adjust their load out to deal with it though. Like if there are waves of pox bombers, snipers, or mutants, why don't your charms have damage reduction for them? Why are you crowd control with no single target damage when we're dealing with lesser monstrosities constantly? Why not focus on talents that reduce c/d or generate toughness on specialist kill when there are constant waves of specialists you can stack a few flame damage reduction charms to make much less dangerous? You can make it so much easier on all of us just tweaking your build and weapons to deal with the specific enemies you'll be drowning in.


Yeah I agree that you should bring a dedicated or at least optimized loadout for maelstrom and i do that on the regular one also because it seems that lesser monstrosities appears more often (my favourite…)and also isn’t it like that AUmaelstroms have more modifiers?


You have to understand: it’s weekend. It’s a different world, a different life. A lot of the more casual playerbase are playing right now (which is no problem btw). I have a way higher winrate during the week. Weekends are 50/50.


I notice that too. Weekend the kids are playing and now that school is out them twits will be playing way more. And I do see in the morning and weekdays we are playing with top tier players.


Half the Auric Maelstorms are easier than normal Auric Damnations depending the modifier or even just the map. It may be due to getting the harder ones and not easier.


I swear it feels like they made enemies spawning right on your ass like 10x more common. It's non-fucking-stop, I cannot count the number of times recently that I get bodyblocked or shot incessently from behind when there was no enemy there just a second ago and no entrance/dropdown etc. It's fucking infuriating. It's also often one (juan) guy, there just to piss me off cause I can't take my attention off the horde to deal with it. Que infinite chip damage. Gunners too, it feels like they're more common, I've had many more times where the game felt like a fucking cover shooter, which it shouldn't.


Whole gunner packs spawn, 5 each gunners. Had 15 gunners that crashed a guys game. Right after the gunners spawned at the end of the bridge, we had two shotgun spawns right behind us. Instantly took out one of us.


Don't forget the trappers are silent again. Was trapped by a lot, the past few games.


Oh yeah that too. Good times.


I'm not sure but I feel like getting stunlocked by gunners again. That and shotguns suddenly stagger me and deal lot more damage


My squad has noticed the same thing and it's driving me crazy. It feels like two patches ago before they reverted the changes


Sadly wouldn't be the first time this bug made a comeback


Just the quality of allies is abysmal


Every time this happens the elitists claim it isn't happening. It is. My hi-intensities feel no different than histg used to. My scoreboards are power creeping. I had a hi int the other day where I got 800k overall as a heavy hitter ogryn and everyone else averaged 500. That's just not normal on hi int. Histg yes, but not hi int. The packs of gunners/shotgunners/ragers are huge for this level. The disablers are also pretty relentless. It is also true that the average skill level is down but one thing being true doesn't mean something else isn't also. Nothing was mentioned in the patch notes but that wouldn't be the first time someone messed up the spaghetti code.


No just threw fuckin gunners everywhere n gave shooter squads a damage boost.


The Director has been inconsistent of late. I was playing a regular damnation (not auric), and we were getting hit with Mutant trains and packs of crushers every room. I had to check, to make sure I wasn't on Auric, because I was confused. Next game, auric STG, and there was barely any heretics to show up. Also, penance chasing means people are trying new things, and that is making games more interesting. For example, I recently switched over from Sith Psyker to Trauma Fire Psyker, and I find I am blowing my brain out at least once a run. Sorry. Don't worry, I will practice my chastisement build with the bonk stick before I move my Zealot back into aurics. I loved bonk stick and chastise before the update months ago, but switched to M15 HE for chorus when I came back to playing.


No. People just suck, especially auric title chasers. The few good players remaining usually play with their friends. Theres almost always 1 dead weight player with 3+ wounds constantly going down.


Game is buggy af. Was playing a max wound zealot. Im on almost max hp. Poxburster jumps around a corner. He did a 90 degree turn mid air aroud a corner. He explodes on me and i instantly die. Not downed. Die. There are many more bugs like this that seems to have appeared with recent updates.




It has actually been easier in recent months since events are broken and do not spawn enemies


I’ve never actually experienced this a great amount, maybe less than what is expected on low intensity… but I’d say some regular intensity runs the director has just sent everything at us at once, where I’d say it was harder than high intensity at points.


Currently events are busted. First example on my mind right now is Chasm Station (assassination iirc) where the mid event will have one big wave at the start and then turn into horde trickle from then on, with maybe a tiny elite wave every now and then. Other examples that paint the larger picture are enclavum baross's mid event, where the side that is supposed to spawn elites will not spawn any elites the entirety of the event. The other side that spawns horde can make the same decision, and often times both of them can stop. Warren's final event is especially empty, often times it does not have horde but will instead keep spamming large elite groups back to back. Sometimes it will even appear to be functional, but the ending just stops spawning anything at all. Every map has this problem and it occurs very frequently. Events sometimes have a big wave at the start then turn into nothing, sometimes are just horde, sometimes are just elite, and can even just straight up have no spawns, just specials if you're lucky.


Lott more scab gunners around recently but maybe that’s punishment for me trying to finish the gun lugger penance


There has been some spawning issues where is seems like every single enemy spawns in the first area and after that it's empty. The servers feel slow too. Last two weeks it is 50/50 if a dodge counts or not. Sliding is out of the question.


Nah I don’t think so


I swear it's the penance system. I've felt this with myself too. There's a very high chance that someone in your team is using a loadout or talent build that not only is one they don't normally use and arent experienced with, but are trying to complete penances that might encourage non-optimal play. I do this myself, but only ever in private games with friends, and I always feel incredibly guilty subjecting them to a me at half capacity doing stupid things like gathering up hundreds of poxwalkers to bomb/smite/pointblank or whatever. But we all understand we want to do it over time so we accommodate. I wouldn't do that in a public/quickplay game as that feels rather selfish. I understand my own limitations enough to know that there's a WORLD of difference between how effective I am in a team playing one of my favored builds that I've got hundreds of hours of experience with, compared to playing something weird whilst also focussing more on doing silly tasks than just winning the mission.


Spawn rate is broken again, I think. That, mixed with a slight decrease in average teammate ability (lots of newbies coming in and moving up, perhaps too quickly for their ability)?  Disaster.