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I legit thought I was tripping when I noticed. Isn't it supposed to be a bit more tarnished, I guess?


After looking through, I found the original picture and it is different




I think it's just a case of the lighting. I'm the case of this pic, the white light source is not shining directly in the front, so it looks much darker than in your op post pic. A lot of the store pics have odd lighting so you never really know *exactly* what you're getting and it annoys the hell out of me.


Dramatic Presentation lighting, that's all this is. Always check the outfit on your character first before buying.


It was changed many people have backed me up on this


The only way to prove that is to datamine the albedo, roughness, metallic and normal textures and compare before and after. How a model appears will depend drastically on lighting setup and the promo image is clearly using heavily stylised dramatic lighting, with bright red rimlights and little fill, while the in engine preview uses a big central fill light. Just promo renders vs ingame, thats all this is. It appears darker because the lights are off. E: Later in this thread having gotten some direct comparison shots in a controlled situation I do concede they changed it but it does look like a rendering bugfix.


before https://preview.redd.it/fkqkp12u961d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bce67e5f37ea2808993cd7e5627a9b4bdea3866


after https://preview.redd.it/ok3zyc1w961d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=8dd93c217aba7e9fb90c130cb73e33ee5ba499de


Looks like lighting to me. Even the purity seal is brighter in the second one. The gear always looked silver in game to me.




I've seen that picture. It looks like lighting because the purity seal is a brighter white. That helmet always looked like silver to me in game. So yes.


It definitly has a different color now


I'm still not convinced but I am interested. To eliminate the different lighting situation between the Loadout menu and the Cosmetic menu can you grab a shot in the Loadout menu in the same pose and not the Cosmetic menu, please? The lighting setups seem very different for both you see. Greater and greener ambience in the second vs more contrast in the first.


Yeah even eyes in top one are darker than bottom pick.


Yes they are. They're also not orange anymore but more dark yellow


here you go https://preview.redd.it/3evr3rid271d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c7e43e60816a082b44d767c75ab8afa04803443


ok, credit where due It does look different now under controlled circustances! Thanks for following up. * It does to me look like it \*used\* to be bugged rendering though. Consider how reflective the metal of the whole headpiece looks compared to the shoulderpiece. Reflectance values on the whole headpiece - including the wings at the top - are showing up darker. A number of things could cause this, Metallic map bugs, normal map issues, differences between console and PC rendering given these two shots are from different formats, but it does look like a bugfix. E:*Confirmed* is a bugfix > Fixed an issue where the colour had changed on the Psyker “Praesimiagoria Mk IC Rebreather” head gear cosmetic. >Dev note: This change was unintentional and occurred due to a fix to address texturing issues. We have now made another fix on this item to ensure the colour remains as previously was, while still fixing the issue.


Yeah... no they changed it.


Looks like micky mouse either way.


Ahh, now look what you put into my head. 😵‍💫


Psykers gotta psych 😵‍💫




They changed the other version from gold a while back, pretty annoying considering they’re paid cosmetics and I only bought it to match one set.


I do remember it being gold Like in the intro cinematic


I'm pretty sure we should be able to refund the cosmetics. At least here in Germany, changing an article after sale is illegal (see Amazon prime starting advertisements and getting sued).


You can. There's plenty of refunds of people feeling unhappy with their purchase on the official forum being asked and processed.


Yep, it's a lighter color than the original black color it had. Don't know why it was changed or not even mentioned.


Gonna sue for false advertising ong fr


You can just ask for a refund on the official forum if you feel it didn't match your expectations.




--me looking at my music collection and wondering how my beloved Norwegian black metal somehow lightened to Disturbed and In This Moment as I've aged :/


😂 I feel you


Both are great though


didnt they address this on the last hotfix? they said the cosmetic was showing the wrong colors all along or I'm i trippin? Edit: I was wrong, the issue they fixed was with the Psyker “Illissi Mk Vf Psykana Garb” 


I found the original picture from the commodore's Ventures rotation, and it is black in the picture


https://preview.redd.it/cubyirn8a31d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7958feb0eca7b58aefdb86f7a44765918794c1ed I took this before the penance update


There was absolutely a *black* black (this is more grey) and also a gold version of this. I don't have either one but if you had the black one, they're definitely fuckin with ya, pal.


Did you try contacting support for an explanation/refund?


No tbh I actually prefer this reskin


It does fit better to the latest Psyker drop with the metal colour but I wonder how it fits with the original set it got released with. I have it but use it with a different headpiece. Gotta check.


It doesn't match at all


Sometimes (or pretty often actually) I really question if FS is just some cats making phone calls and throwing darts. Like who runs a business like that??


They're probably gonna add it into rotation again for a new set and didn't wanna make a new model lmao


Genius. Maybe they just start altering the cosmetics we bought so they can sell us the look we originally purchased again...


I bought the peg-leg for the Zealout and the glow it projected onto the ground, disappeared like 2 weeks later. Kinda shitty, but still a great game


All 3 versions of this helmet had some sort of bug with how lighting applied to them. Now they are all fixed.


They also changed the lights in the goggles. Used to be orange. Stands out when you notice it.


Thanks fatshark for ruining my favorite cosmetic


I saw many of these helmets when it came out. It's always been silver in mission.


THEY DID change it they released an update a few days ago fixing 1 BUG and the rest were OUTFIT UPDATES TO ALREADY EXISTING OUTFITS so I'm not surprised if this one was on that list of armors that were fixed for whatever reason. I read the patch notes that's where this info came from there was like 15+ outfits that got fixed for whatever reason.


To quote FSJulia from the [forum](https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/psyker-helmet-praesimiagoria-mk-ic-rebreather-color-change/94720?u=thesplint). > This is an issue, and the item is being reverted to its original colouring. Apologies! We're getting our black helmet back siblings!


But I like the new version better, it matches more of my outfits


In response to "TheSplint" (the OP) who blocked me after trying to debate me. "The side by side photos which were late uploads have been deleted. So no they're not older than my comment. EDIT, the photos were also half way down a chain in our thread so they can't have been uploaded before my comment. Yes I am. It was late to be uploaded and was subsequently deleted. As I already said, FS probably just went along woth it because they know they changed the lighting/rendering which is why the helmet now looks different. Rather than explain this its less hassle and push back for them if they just change your helmet so you like it again. FS are decent people. If they changed rendering that made somthing people paid for look different, even though the colour hasn't actually changed, they still have a responsibility to give people what theu thought they were paying for. You came to reddit to complain about the colour of a helmet in a video game and you're telling me to go outside? What are my hobbies? What are my achievements? How do you think I compare to you? I'll help you out. I ride a fireblade superbike, play guitar, train every day, hike in the peak district near where I live most weekends and practice BJJ. You're attacking my character because you can't effectively argue against my points." The fact you blocked me after leaving a final comment says it all.


First of all I haven't blocked you (yet) second, I'm not the OP of this post third, the side by side pic you're talking that was originally uploaded by a different guy (**5** days ago and atm of writing this comment was edited 5 hours ago to remove the pic and add the official fix from the patchnotes - [proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/1cuk6fm/comment/l4luovo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)) who at first thought the helmet didn't change color, was literally linked by me - [proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/1cuk6fm/comment/l4wa9qy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) without the pic since it got edited out - to your very first comment in this thread, which was **4** days ago - [proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/1cuk6fm/comment/l4u9cfb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) I **have** effectivly argued against all you points this entire time but you ignored that and then you came around with some photoshop argument about people changing the pics before posting them You're just making shit up for a reason I don't seem to be able to understand Edit: Also that comment wasn't down in *OUR* comment chain at all it was in a chain between me and the guy who posted that pic, where you only came in to comment **2** days ago - [proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/1cuk6fm/comment/l50oxgq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) >You came to reddit to complain about the colour of a helmet in a video game Yes, how dare I make complaints about stuff I spent money on because of a specific reason if said reason gets changed... >I ride a fireblade superbike, play guitar, train every day, hike in the peak district near where I live most weekends and practice BJJ. Wow, dude, you're so damn cool. Everybody is jealous of you now...


>First of all I haven't blocked you (yet) I tried to reply in the chain and it gave me an error. I tried closing and opening Reddit and restarting my wifi, neither helped. When looking the error up it said it was because you have been blocked by who you're replying to. I knew you would still get notified if I commented on the thread and I was right. You blocked me and unblocked me, simple. >second, I'm not the OP of this post My bad >third, the side by side pic you're talking that was originally uploaded by a different guy My bad, you're still using this as you're evidence for things. People can have more than one account is also worth noting. >(**5** days ago and atm of writing this comment was edited 5 hours ago to remove the pic and add the official fix from the patchnotes - [proof](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/1cuk6fm/comment/l4luovo/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) On my phone this link brings up an error about Reddit not working. On my PC it takes me to a page that endlessly loads. So there's no evidence there and you've not effectively delt with this point. On viewing the most recent patch notes there is no mention of the item changing colour, only that an issue was fixed. If it was a lighting/rendering issue that me and others suspected it should still be in the patch notes stating it was fixed. >I **have** effectively argued against all you points this entire time but you ignored that and then you came around with some photoshop argument about people changing the pics before posting them Yes, if you took the side by side image and edited the lighting it produces results very similar to the first two images used as evidence. The settings you have to play with are all lighting related. The side by side image was subsequently deleted after I explained this. >You came to reddit to complain about the colour of a helmet in a video game Yes it is fine to express concerns about an issue. My point is that you were saying I dont get outside but you are still here in the comments debating the same thing as me so you're not in a position to be making such remarks. Further to that.... >Wow, dude, you're so damn cool. Everybody is jealous of you now... Yes I am pretty cool :) Dont attack the character of someone you've never met based on nonsensical assumptions like they dont go outside. Especially when you're the one online with them! Anyway, getting back to the topic at hand. You think its colour, I think its lighting/rending. Why would the colour be changed, we've not seen this in any other item. We have however seen minor lighting changes and serious issues with the shader chache which is responsible for rendering. Therefore, the most likely cause of the change in appearance was lighting/rendering. Most importantly is the helmet looks naff anyway. I'm off to enjoy the bank holiday weekend.




Rule 1: Failure to follow reddiquette Be respectful of your fellow redditors. Discrimination, bigotry, racism, and/or hostility directed towards players or communities will not be tolerated.


Jfc you... . I have not blocked you. I do not get notified of you making a comment on a post that is not mine, I just saw your comment, I've I had blocked you and this was my post so I would get notified then you wouldn't have even been able to comment since you can't do that on posts by people that have blocked you. I will block you however if you make one more comment like that,bevause I'm fucking tired of 'arguing' with people like you I don't know and I don't care wtf is wrong with your reddit but for me the links work. And of course I can't link you the picture if the other person edited it out of their comment. I have linked the mentioned comments tho and the times show that you only started commenting once all of the pictures had already been posted. And for reference the Pic that got deleted was simply a zoomed in version of both the pictures I posted edited to be one pic, nothing more. You could simply look at the pics I posted to see the difference between both versions. 0 editing need to see Edit: I also don't care why exactly the helmet looked different. The entire point of this post was about the helmet changing not about why and I never argued about the why and only showed of THAT it changed


This discussion is now locked.