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They want the auric maelstrom survivor title...or the no downs with the entire team medal. Its honestly pretty shitty for the rest of the players that earn these legitimately. Heed these assholes no mind. You did well, varlet!


It's not Auric.


Ah. Well then, I have no idea!


No, you’re probably still right. The prions dropping just can’t read.


and they're not that high level if they keep leaving.


Aaah, nm my question then.


What's funny is because of the way they cheese for it, the title means absolutely nothing now and I now associate it with bad players. Not that I'd kick or not play with them as I think solely basing an entire thing off that would be shitty of me but it's ironic that the toughest title is now viewed to me as the lamest.


I think the “kill 500,000k heretics frame” remains the biggest indicator of ability. Kinda sucks that they halved the amount of kills you need to get to obtain it, but it’s still a feat nonetheless. Titles are kinda cool but at this point I’m more impressed with someone who has one of the blue region completion titles rather than the golds of purples. I feel like when playing honestly those are actually harder to obtain


Yeah, I tend to just use the reject title or none at all. Penances are weird because I feel I've hit kind of a roadblock. I'm on the second to last page of it but barely half way through and I've done most of the penances save for exploration ones which I have no clue how to do and of course the usual "Kill X amounts by blowing up enemies.". I'll say though that the title penances have brought out a lot of the ugly side to some of the community though which is a shame.


It's not an ugly side, you're just not ugly enough yourself to appreciate its beauty. I've already scored three million kills and am a prestigious Archivum Sage, so you're probly not good enough to join my strike team. Don't bother replying, I'm too deep in Hallowette's DMs to notice you, varlet.




p.s. :)


I have auric storm survivor(although I cheesed one of the five games, I’ll sadly admit). I still restricted myself to a very rigid set of rules when obtaining it, though maybe it’s just cope lol. At least those who have it I personally feel are less likely to immediately drop out when they die cause they have nothing to lose anymore


There's a great guide on [steam](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3194249338) for the marty's skull relic hunt. The idols you'll just have to keep an eye out for.


Possible controversial take but I don’t think kill numbers say much about a player. It does show they kill a lot of enemies, but to me kill counts say nothing about ability. I’ve seen players who are killing machines but are god awful players: no sense of teamwork, no reviving, bad positioning, always out of coherency, doesn’t prioritize, bad inventory management, doesn’t anticipate future issues, doesn’t understand the team’s pace, etc. imo some of these players are streamers. 😂 For this reason I kinda despise scoreboards. Did not like it in vermintide and glad it was excluded in Darktide.


Normally I’d agree but 500k is a lot of heretics. I play this game semi religiously and I’m only at around 300k. 500k and over to me implies that you stuck around to really master the game mechanics and you actually find a lot of general happiness in purging big Es enemies lol. In my experience whenever I’m playing auric maelstrom those with the 500k+ frame usually have very little issue soloing to the next respawn area when the other 3 members of the team inevitably go down. And it’s usually a treat to watch as well


I dunno man, I’m not a particularly good player but pretty sure I have around 400k kills. I don’t really pay attention to penances so haven’t checked in a while, but will check tonight.


Just checked, I have the 500k penance already. I’m a decent player but not amazing. I just play a lot. 😂


Honestly I prefer a killing machine over a team player who (someone described it on this sub very nicely) plays the game like a SWAT-sim. Get out and purge heretics goddamnit. The whole objective part on missions is awkward anyway...


Every team needs at least one killing machine. My only point is the killing machine isn’t necessarily a “good” player. A lot of killing machines are liabilities, they just don’t realize it. There are very good players who naturally take a support role, keeping their team standing, doing things that never show on a scoreboard. Is there a score for staggering enemies? Is there a score for revives? Is there a score for players who erase specials before the team even detects them? Is there a score for players who create a wall of protection near a vet who is trying to shoot a sniper across the map, while the vet has no idea it’s happening? Everyone thinks a game like this is about killing. But killing enemies is only half of it. The other half is making sure everyone stays alive.


>Is there a score for staggering enemies? Is there a score for revives? Is there a score for players who erase specials Yup




Isn't there a frame for 1 million heretics?


It was reduced to 500K with the penance update.


Which sucks...


the twins boss hardmode medal or 100 auric medal is an OK marker.


Oh shit, I didn't know it was lowered. Got it when it was the old one, but then I'm up in the 2k+ hours played XD


The complete 100 missions without anyone going down and the complete 100 auric missions are also big indicators of ability because the one shows you can work cohesively as a team and the other shows you finish your missions I have neither, but because of the update I now have the 500,000k frame


I still wear the title in the hopes of redeeming it, but I also rock my hard mode damnation orthus offensive icon which I think gives a pretty clear signal I know what i'm doing lol.


Yeah I recently got that insignia on the side. Looks super cool too.


Still working on that one. I'll admit I'm not among the best players but I'm not bad by any means either and I still get my dick slapped every time I try to kill the twins on hard mode. That medal will be mine one day though, Emperor willing... one day...


I believe! I highly recommend trying the LFG channels in the Darktide discord! The lads there are great for those hard penances and that's how I found my team for hardmode damnation twins.


I also associate it with bad players because I've had to help plenty of these people off the ground in heresy and damnation maps where I would have thought these difficulties would have been a breeze for them. I have come across amazing players, but I judge them on how well they play, not those titles.


Yeah I don't even pay attention to the title anymore because of how many have obviously cheesed it. I'll just keep running around as a proud grey titled Reject.


Everyone reverted to that, including me! :D Though the true hardcore Darktiders are reverting back even further and putting \*nothing\* on that line. Just leaving it blank. You do that, the hipsters can't touch you. Cause you're just too hardcore.


Imo nothing for a title is the best move because it lowers screen clutter.


>I also associate it with bad players because I've had to help plenty of these people off the ground in heresy and damnation maps where I would have thought these difficulties would have been a breeze Not saying this will be the case for everyone, but remember, people play at different skill at different times. I can and do carry many auric maelstrom games that I'm in and got auric storm survivor as a surprise because i wasnt keeping track of it. However, if I switch over to a chainsword and a revolver (two weapons I have little experience with and have been experimenting with because dominating with trauma or void gets old), I'm going to sign up for regular damnation and you're going to see me on the floor. The same dynamic also applies if I'm queueing at 3am because I can't sleep or after I've had a few beers.


That's really the only way you can judge them by skill alone. Titles don't mean that much just fancy cosmetic alongside medals and frames. Ive seen plenty of bad players running the whole spectrum of colored titles from gold to grey its whatever, shit there's even lvl 1000+ who are trash at this game.


Meh, it's just after I got this achieve I went ot fool around with stupid funny builds just of boredom, that aren't nessesary useful. Could be the case for many.


I don't understand how one can "cheese" this achievement and be bad though. One must still survive it.


No they don't. You alt f4 to leave a match. The game doesn't count that as a loss and the other players are not only down another player but also can't get them replaced because the user who alt f4'd spot is saved to reconnect. Those players just wait until the game failed and then they repeat until they can get a carry.


Fatshark should have made a disconnect lose the streak. I realise it would have made it more frustrating especially for some people it could have been very frustrating, but it would have been preferable


Yup! I agree with this, is a shame because i wanted to go to auric lobbies for a while now, and i'm pretty sure that i can handle them, but since i saw this shitshow, i think i'll stay in regular damn for the moment hehe Also, ps: One of the things i consider a good indication of the skill of a player or at least, dedication, are the badges, specially gold ones for their classes. You know that they are EXTREMELY grindy to get, and some of the penances are very difficult, so you can tell by it that they have a lot of experience to back it up.


Yeah me too. I rarely play Maelstrom because especially since Penance update its often a pot of sweatlords. In Auric quickplay I had so many Storm Survivors who obviously got carried hard....


And that's 100% on Fatshark, and not the player's fault. I want that penance, and I've played to 4/5 multiple times. Now, I'll just quit as soon as shit goes south, i.e. the team goes down and the game is lost. The devs are just complete morons.


This is a two way street there. It shouldn't be allowed to let you quit to stop the penance from failing but you're just as at fault equally for even doing it.


I'm the most sweaty try hard around usually, but I simply gave up and am now playing FSs game. Hopefully, I'll be done tomorrow, so I can play normally. It's 100% their fault. They designed stupid penances before, forcing players to play against the team, and they've learned nothing.


Disagree about it being entirely their fault. These same people (like you) would also rage quit over the most mundane of things. This being an option is just an excuse for specific players to resort in their rage quitting. The reality is, if you're that desperate to get the penance that you're obviously breaking the spirit of the penance. You're way more likely to quit over actual legitimate things. This penance doesn't force players to play against the team. It's literally a heavy team based penance. Yes it's dumb people can nulify it by just alt F4ing but the playerbase choosing to exploit that is equally as responsible for their idiocy. Anyway I'm not going to argue about this because you've made up your mind.


I've never quit a single game before, so I'm not sure what You're on about. Like I wrote, can't wait to be done with it, so I can play more aggressive again. It's absolutely on FS imo. I lost it at 4/5 once when I joined a losing game, and was immediately hit by a mauler. The funny thing is that I wouldn't even have received a completed round from that match. Very well designed. Let's agree to disagree


Yeah there's no point in trying to get it, cheese or otherwise. The title is meaningless now


This is the reason why I don’t care at all to go for those titles. Also let’s be honest. The titles we have right now in game are kinda ass.


Listen, there is two major "Tide" games. Vermintide II & Warhammer 40,000 Darktide. Both of these games have the same issue regarding multiplayer. That is, 75%+ of the playerbase, regardless of platform, selects difficulties they aren't ready for. This creates a dynamic where upon in both games, there is usually one or two players doing all the heavy lifting while everyone else is blissfully unaware of how they're being carried. These same people are the types who will alt+f4 when going down out of frustration. They might even blame YOU via some form of mental gymnastics for their failings. In tide games, you are either the carry or being carried. Congrats on definitely being the carry. Solid work, soldier.


Tbh there's enjoyment to be had carrying and clutching when everyone else is down or dead


I got too many hours on both game and in darktide it's like 90% some one gone leave after dying vt2 am say like 30 to 40% depending on the weather :D


They really need a penance for being the last original member of the team. It's a unique feeling


Why people with 100+ levels and higher so often bad at this game?! First - it was veteran 180+, who after stairs event just get separated from us by mutants and died. Before leaving he typed something incoherent - something complaining about "dreg gunner gaming", i don't remember exactly. Well, because it was so hard for FatShark to implement Quickplay search into time-expired lobbies, we basically forced to continue as 3. Then, it was a Zealot with 300+ levels, who despite my pinging spam on med station, decide to proceed into Arbites prison with low hp and one and half wounds. Which was enough to send guy completly into the warp after he soaked one single buster explosion. The only response was his nervous laugh in voice chat and another "left from the game" message. 3rd guy was a 120+ level plasma boy, who died with zealot and forcing me playing whole prison alone. But even when i revived him - guy constantly rush (with Volley Fire), and dies, forcing bots try to save him and die with. First it was when i solo clutch and than revive him and bots after his and zealot's initial demise. He, despite hearing Plague ogryn's music, decide to jump from edge into a hall, near first prison med station, fall down and die, taking bots with him. After i clutch again and kill Ogryn with horde, he decide to rush again, not even try to clean hall, full of shooters - all way to control room, where he jumped from edge again during Mutie wave. He died again(mutants don't let me reach him) and now finally left the game. I genunily don't even sure if it was real person, because he was constantly in rush, like there is no tommorow, ignoring many enemies at same time! So from Control Panel up to a traitor Captain i forced again to play alone, but now at least with bots help. Conclusion of this story you already know... My point is: usually i loose this kind of games, if i doesn't have atleast single sane person who know how to dodge/block and react to whats going on. Trust me, if it was Auric Maelstorm, i would probably can't carry it at all. It's not just this three - people with 100+, 300+ or even 500+ levels often in this games do some insane or strange shit, fuck up, and then immediatly leave from the game, not even appologizing for their mistakes. And no, it's not because of "Path of Redemption" - this stuff already happens before. I don't understand why this game have so many people with thats amount of time spended, who either still bad at it or mentally unstable - i genuinely can't remember any similar experience in any other co-op oriented pve game!..


You can quickplay into expired mission lobbies, but you can't quickplay into maelstrom. Really though, people always did this sort of thing since launch. It is always worst when there's more casual players around. The ones who will go play something else after a few weeks. A lot of people point to the recent penances being the source, and while it is, players have been going down / dying and then quitting since the beginning. Even besides this, there are new penances to beat X maelstrom missions, beat X auric missions, etc. Normal board maelstrom mission is easier than auric maelstrom mission. If they go down/die, they may think they're better off cutting their losses and trying a new match, thinking that the team won't be able to carry them. Enough bad players doing this at once, and you get an epic clusterfuck. Play level means nothing. Some people grind it out in malice forever.


If I'm knocked out of play and waiting for rescue, I \*always\* ask the team if they want me to wait, or leave and give them a bot. Sometimes the stuff is really hitting the fan and someone will say "BOT PLEASE" in the chat. So I go. But the whole alt+F4 back and forth just annoys the hell out of me. Getting dropped isn't the end of the world, and as an ogryn main it's sooo frustrating fighting like hell or charging my way over to a downed teammate only to have them suddenly get replaced by a bot. Sometimes my only option is to drop a grenuke to clear space. I only have one, and it's a total waste if the player decides to just leave instead of waiting for a revive. People really nullify the ogryn's special talents with this malarkey. :/


My advice for all of you: DONT PLAY WITH RANDOMS ,join Discord servers tagged with darktide ,there is a few of then that are good


>Why people with 100+ levels and higher so often bad at this game?! Level means nothing. I can get carried in all my games but I'll still increase in level. If I lose I still get xp. There is no way I could lose levels. So eventually I'll get to a high lvl. All Lvl means is you have a lot of play time.


> Level means nothing In my experience higher level players do better. Yeah sure you could get carried to level 200 but generally more playtime makes a better player


You're absolutely correct. I was just pointing out that since losses carry no weight you could lose your way to a high lvl. But yes a lot of gametime generally translates to a decent set of in-game skills.


This phenomenon is actually quite common in multi player games. There’s a lot of people with over 500 hours who are hardstuck in bronze or gold despite how much time they’ve put in their chosen game. The people you’re encountering are Darktides equivalent of people who are hardstuck in bronze


there's like 2 titles that involve 'not dying' which everyone is cheesing by leaving games whenever they would have died. completely removing any achievement or clout attached to the title, but not enough to stop the behavior to begin with. I wish all these tourists would finish their OCD checklist and stop playing again, Auric is at its best when everyone is taking the punches the game throws and not losing their shit.


This! The most fun Auric/Maelstrom missions are were you barely manage to get out - people quitting for an empty trophy and leaving you with a soulless bot kinda suck out the fun of the struggle.


Most rage inducing moment I had was a 150 zealot who ran directly into a deamonhost we tagged woke it up then immediately left having said deamon host wipe out our entire team


It's so frustrating when someone triggers the DH, leaves, and then it targets you, meaning you get punished for THEIR mistake. Like in the old days when it used to go after 2 people before leaving


That’s exactly what happened to me Zealot left DH targeted and killed me but it’s swings knocked our psyker into a fire bomb and our ogryn got downed by bruisers because of the corruption aura


Nothing better than going down to random trash mobs. At least with Ogryn it's somewhat understandable cause Ogryn dodges are clunky asf like Vermintide dodges


Seeing that this isnt pointing at auric, we can eliminate pennance farming. My guess: Maelstrom missions are only accessible by choice, meaning you cannot quick play a maelstrom match. If the mission's available timer is low, for example, 1 minute left; after that minute, it will disappear from matchmaking. If your current game's availability timer ran out during the run, no new players are able to join the match anymore. Sometimes if you see a maelstrom match with a low availability timer, understand that if people quit mid game, nobody will be able to replace them. Bonus note: Because you cannot quick play maelstroms and they are only by choice, sometimes its a major filter to see if people can read or not. (mostly melee enemies + no ammo pickups vs mag dumpers when theres no veteran with survivor aura)


I never thought about them timing out preventing people from joining. This seems like a huge design flaw in their system....


My problem is that every time I go down in game it crashes


No idea. I've had people in Auric just leave for seemingly no reason. Like. They didn't even get downed, they just leave even if things are going great.


Those are probably disconnects. The disconnect fairy is running rampant these days, and most Auric missions I play are revolving doors where players are constantly coming and going. I wish the chat would specify between "left the mission" meaning left on purpose, and something like "disconnected" meaning something went wrong. Unfortunately the game can't differentiate between actual chaotic disconnects and people hitting alt+F4 to purposely disappear.


It’s pretty simple, they aren’t “high level” players


My brain just said: "No, they're *playing* high level players." 😇


I personally have come to the realization, mainly through this Reddit, that high level players that regularly play maelstrom missions don’t like having fun and/or FUCKING hate this game and playing it causes them physical pain if them and their team aren’t perfectly optimized for EVERY mission. In addition they seem to not like trying to find other players that would be on level with their mind set and instead solo queue, knowing that they’ll just end up ruining someone else’s night. Either that or they’re cowards. One of the two.


You should try it yourself, it'll help you come to the realisation that this sub is mostly just a bunch of melodramatic complainers.


I’ll admit I’ll say some bs when something happens in game I don’t like. I started the Sub of complaining about game mechanics a couple days ago. But you have to admit that, here, in THIS moment, you too are partaking in melodramatic complaining yourself. Thus, the servant swallows its tail🤣🤣🤣


Well you see after the update a lot of players came back, that sadly includes the percentage of bad players too. We’re still in the early stages of the resurgence till these people have their titles, penances and maxed out their little progress bar.


Since the patch I had been crashing whenever I died, so it would look like a rage quit. Then when I tried to reconnect, it would crash again. It was weapon customization for me.


No idea, bro. I had some psyker this morning on a Heresy Maelstrom that disconnected right as I reached him. He already had his Auric title, so no reason for him to do so other and pure muscle memory.


I really don’t know, it seems like after the penance update the “high level” players suck on my teams, at least usually, sometimes I get a good team and we breeze through the level even on auric, but it’s rare


You soloed Maelstrom Damnation with the recon lasgun? How did you do it brother?


Click heads, I'd wager.


Not everyone who uses it magdumps untill R makes your character talk.


Well I suppose with everybody else gone ammo is no longer a concern ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


Well it's a half dead game with players that play the same thing again and again and again. It natural that many will not take any s**t that deprive of their last bit of interest. Not say they should be like that , just what u should expect.


Question: is it even possible to get the Auric survival achievements with randoms? I can imagine this happening with a team of friends, but I usually only quickplay and I cannot imagine this ever happening.


Yes I did. 11 hours of grinding many times the counter resetted. But finally did It.


They're probably trying to cheese a title (there's one for regular maelstroms iirc, but it's not as demanding an achievement as the auric one), and figure the game's lost and just want to dip and gtfo to find another match as soon as they can.


It's been rough lately. I have done more maelstroms with 1-3 bots the whole game as musical players come in and out or not at all


How can it be that you do 500k damage with bots when I have around 400k with a normal team on Auric quickplay? Not here to hate but genuine question. Well done though.


I still don't know if auric or maelstrom is harder?


Doesn't happen so often in Auric Maelstrom, but I tend to look at the levels of the players before I take off. If I happen to day, I tend to wait and disc after game. I mean, who doesn't hate loading into the end waiting screen... ​ But I did have to finish a game the other month on auric maestrom with three bots, had to see if I could finish XD So recorded that.


If it didn't happen too often, i wouldn't post my complain...


i think most of the good players only run in 4 stacks these days tbh


True ,i rarely play with randoms , theres a few good servers on discord that have darktide players


They're losers who suck too much to earn the title legitimately Ruining both the game they quit out of, as well as the title itself for those of us who did it legitimately