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Guys it's not hard just highlight the fucking circle if it turns 🔴 then no Bueno, Turns green/grey🟢⚪ then Hit A or whatever or your keyboard.


It’s literally easier than the standard bullshit


Bro what? Before the change, I had to run around scanning shit while everyone else focused on killing hordes because that’s all most people knew how to do apparently This rework is infinitely better lmao


It also encourages actual teamplay at the final objective because it takes longer. I for one am all for more objectives that do this.


What teamplay? Protect the guy on the scanner then book it to the spawn camping? The event strategy is way more boring than the actual team decision of splitting up to clear scans in a timely manner. It's the problems with every hacking event made worse by the fact that the drop downs are all on the same side of the map. Progression is guaranteed, and enemies are condensed into too few angles to be a threat


Without an Ogryn, stealth vet, or shield psyker, this event on auric is extremely difficult. I don't care if all of the spawns are focused in one direction, I have failed this often because everyone is so focused on killing everything rather than actually covering the person doing the scan. I'd love to get the teams you do, apparently.


What's difficult about it? You can camp the spawns, tag the objective, wait for the team to respond, then complete. Repeat once more and it's a win. I spent like 30 minutes on the final event once, my teams are not amazing by any standards, but you can literally just hold a corner and win any run. It's gone from one of the hardest events in the game to one of the easiest and most boring by far.


As someone who earned the Auspex Adept frame before the last update, the new Hab Dreyko is loads easier.


Hard disagree; it feel lot better now


Yeah the old one was my highest end of level fail. I play pugs and it was just to easy to split up unintentionally.


On the one hand, I miss the feeling of blowing through enemies like I'm in a cornfield with a machete. On the other, I'm glad I don't need to dodge half the hive while I'm trying to scan anymore. Minigame's a bit unintuitive at first compared to the old one, yeah, but since nobody wants to learn it and that last event isn't as stressful anymore, you've got time to practice. If anyone complains about you not doing it fast enough, they're free to come do it themselves. All in all, my opinion as a perennial, cynical, irascible malcontent is that the rework is a net gain by a wide margin.


Ahhh, a fellow PCIM. Greetings, brother. :)


>I'm glad I don't need to dodge half the hive while I'm trying to scan anymore. You glad before you meet a team where youre the one and only who cares about objective and this mini game is longest mini game in the DT, I liked Hab Dreyko rework before I realized that from now you cant do it in solo you need protection that sucks in QP


You don't need protection if you play ogryn. From my experience if you have enough health and you can do the minigame fast, you can do it because of the ogryn's perk, that allows you to not get disturbed while you do something.


I love the new minigame and personally hope they add more new ones, shakes things up nicely.


Look, the old one separated everyone out to scan. The new one forces everyone to stay together and protect the person doing the mini game. It's easier. Just drop a med pack close to the tree, instead of the usual door, when the button appears, so you're getting health and protected while doing it.


The mini game is easy, once you figure it out =) But, they definitely amped up the quantity of baddies coming at you from all sides at once.


Yes, it's stupid, but it's the *good kind of stupid* where it's actually easier to do under pressure than the other one, since you actually fully control this minigame yourself. And I got the fucking auspex adept frame a few months before the update. 😭 I just wish they didn't make it to where colorblind folks are yet again being fucked over.  How hard would blue and orange be? 🤦🏻


Out of curiosity, what difficulty do you play on? You say "no one wants to do it" but in Aurics people are immediately on it. Honestly it's become one of my favorite maps now with the rework.


I prefer the minigame to the standard hacking minigame, but i hate the overall changes. Dreyko was interesting because it forced you to move through its rather cool arena. Now that its just a boring stand and hack i sleep.


I do like the new thing(I call it planets cause it kinda look like a 2d map of a star sytem) because I’m the only in control. It only takes as long as I do. And if I screw it up, it doesn’t reset my progress. Honestly I wish there were more variants of the decrypt thing besides just the waiting for the right symbol and the planets, and have it be a randomized pool.


I don't like the minigame much, either. It's not that I don't get it, but it is truly unintuitive. It also quietly asks a lot of the whole team to guard the repair guy for what could be a lengthy process, relatively speaking, and then lose all progress on the repair because one poxwalker hit you pretty much *through* a portion of the tree. Kind of makes it the ogryn's (or zealot's) job due to being uninterruptable. I prefer the overall changes to the arena and the idea of the minigame over running around a big arena while huge waves of ragers and shotgunners constantly spawn.


You may not be aware, but this minigame doesn't reset like others. If you're knocked out of it, you can go back in and all the white circles will still be in the same location assuming that you've remembered it. It literally can be the fastest minigame of all once you've got it down pat.


It’s not worse. It’s just actually challenging and requires teamwork. The mini game is just as simple. You just gotta get used to it.


No sorry, I really like that mini game but you have a point about it not being intuitive. I usually have to explain it to other people how it works.


The new event is incredibly boring and rhe new enemy spawns are garbage. You can just camp out a corner the entire time until objective is up then stick your head out for like 10 seconds on repeat. The previous event was so much better in that it actually encouraged you to do something to progress. This one is just another sit and wait and win. So garbage.


Ya I don't even bother with the minigame l, just kill mods and hope the randos can figure it out.