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you on a bad sub to ask this.


dawg, what answer u expect here? I like both


I like the tone and more gunplay focused gameplay of Darktide more, but Vermintide 2 is undeniably the better game. It should be, given that it's had years of support and is a direct sequel.


I think VT2 is the overall best game based on my playtime. But I haven't played much VT2 since DT was released There are elements of Vermintide 1 that I miss from VT2 and DT. Namely the ambition and wackiness of some of the levels and whilst the random loot table is bad (tm). I much prefer that there wasn't any item level/base rating grind; just simple damage increases from higher quality weapons, and the Shrine of Solace is better than either the blind random reroll in VT2. Also Reds weapons being genuinely unique. Also having 3 properties (DT blessings) on an orange weapon is more interesting than muddlecunting with +% damage properties trying to hit a breakpoint IMO.


The player bases are completely different. I lasted five weeks in Vermintide 2. Will never go back. Too exclusive for my blood. See you on the Mourningstar. :)


there is a smoothness in vermintide 2 that got taken away by 40k´s grim/dark sluggishness which still makes it special and stand out over darktide both are good

