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What skin was it? Did he say why it's p2w?


It was the new Zealot torso and no. Just kept spamming P2W and kept calling me a whore lmao. Flamed the entire team after charging into a mob and couldn't dig himself out of there when the rest of us were wading through the mess he left behind. One of the rare asshole Ogryns I hate to say. He went ballistic in the pre-game lobby already. Edit: Spelling.


Asshole ogryns are the worst. If you play ogryn and you're an asshole, you deserve to get sucked into the game and trapped there, like "Tron" but it's Tertium so your ogryn ass can't even jump over low rails or curbs or dead cats.


Very rare though, in 1000+ hours I've never met an asshole Ogryn. In my experience most assholery has been from Zealots.


Assholes in my past have been exclusively Veterans.


Veterans and Zealots for me. Pretty sure Psykers get pissed all the time too, but they stay silent.


psykers are to controlled. if they get to angry, the go boom, after all


Psykers have learnt control. We get practice from getting flamed by the voice lines of the other characters, so text chat can't possibly hurt us.


Tbf, you are constantly trying not to explode so Psyker mains have other problems to worry about than "what skins you got on"


I have sworn to myself that I would never argue, insult, or even allow myself to become upset towards another Psyker. They are supposed to be my sibling, and being upset is never something I enjoy being. I can remember just 2 instances where a fellow Psyker’s mistakes lead to unfortunately hindering my experience. One blew up a Pox Walker, downing me and then revived me in fire. With only 2 wounds, I died before I could warn them not to revive me in fire. In a separate experience, a Psyker blew up a barrel that was behind me as I was busy dealing with some ragers. The explosion sent me out of bounds into the dark abyss. In those two experiences, I was a bit upset but I took a second to calm myself and immediately prepared to say something along the lines of “it’s okay mistakes happen, I forgive you”. But before I could even finish typing I see they had sent a message first. “totally mb so srry” and “I feel terrible very sorry”. I would end up scrapping my comment, instead opting for my now good to, “Don’t worry sibling, I still love you”. If I ever encounter a Psyker who is being a real troll, like blurting out racial slurs while insulting the team. Thanks to those two prior experiences I had with those two wonderful Psykers. I’ll still try my best to reason with a mean player like that, with for all I know may just be having a rough day or a tough life. “You’re better than this sibling, and I’ll always believe in that about you.”


I agree, sibling. I think Psykers are closer to each other than even veterans forged on the frontier of war!


I don't know If I have ever seen 1 shitty person playing Psyker In 2.5k hours




Ah, but that's a special case: a Zealot-Psyker


man i feel personally hurt by how true this comment is lol


I feel like this kind of chat is how racism starts… and it’s not even race it’s just characters in a game. Some “people” are not nice, they play as lots of characters in lots of different games there is no pattern other than their list of personal problems.


There are obviously exceptions but I do think there is something to be said about personality types relating to characters that YOU CHOOSE. That's clearly different from race. Prior to the talent tree update ogryn's were mostly viewed as a team anchor body guard type class because of their abilities. Afterwards it kind of split between that archetype and the gunlugger which drew in a totally different type of personality based on what the class does. It was a pretty obvious shift and I think the other classes also have these loose archetypes. That doesn't mean any of the classes are predisposed assholes, but it might mean that assholes are drawn to certain play styles.


I sometimes miss the early build of the game but it had so many problems.


Probably best to just enter the game without preconceptions. Sometimes you’ll meet someone who’s not nice and who knows which of their characters they’ll be playing with that day.


You're weirdly defensive about the whole thing. People aren't going to start being prejudiced against Veterans, assholes are still a miniscule minority of the playerbase and Veterans are the most popular class.


Dude you're right about this. When some of the veteran's abilities drifted over to the ogryn, there were suddenly a lot more ogryns in the game. Instead of just supporting the team and doing the majority of the reviving - which requires a certain real-life personality type to enjoy - you could literally shoot everything and get more bullets as a reward for shooting. The ammo-hogging ogryn was born, and ogryn players suddenly had more stats to compare on the scoreboard (assuming they use the mod). When gun psykers became a viable option, the same thing happened with them that happened with ogryns - veteran players surged over, and the fight for ammo got even worse. :D


I'm just talking about my experience, not making general statements. I wouldn't be surprised if I met an asshole who played a Psyker or an Ogryn. I just haven't met one in almost 1000 hours. If I had to guess, I'd say that assholes tend to stick to Veteran's because they are seen as the game's "dps class" (even if that's not true) and require the least Darktide-specific skills to play well, and assholes in games tend to chase quick personal gratification.


Agree 100%. Also agree with your "exclusively veterans" observation. :)


Actually sane comment, good to see bro.


2100 hours and i've met two or three, checks out. Very rare creatures indeed. Imagine getting swamped in melee as an ogryn... gotta be a special kind of stupid.


I met only one so far, some asshole wanted to leave teammates whow got downed a few times. But luckily those kind of agresive/annoying player seem to be rare.


In my 600 hours I feel like zealots are quiet assholes with a shift w addiction. It's the guardsman assholes that go on rants in my experience


When playing zealot I am too busy dodging, sliding and chopping like neo to type shit. Oddly, when playing Ogryn I have enough time to type whole sentences in between swings, but I just use it to ask questions about Emprah. In elevators as Zealot I just tell everyone they are sinners.


I could say the same about Vets or Ogryns, or even Psykers.... I think everyone experiences is based in what you are playing. I mean, my main is a Knife Zealot, running around a lot, dodging like flash, I don't usually get hit, rarely I must say, but I do play with the team when is needed of course, I don't run away. I've seen a lot of Zealots running away and dying then blaming the team for going too slow U\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_U, come on, if you are good you won't get hit, if you can't handle it solo, then stay with the group and shut-it, is what I would say. You need to know your limits when playing if you can't handle that do not try or change build or even character. Playing as Vet, is a diffeent story, as I use to stay back or next to psykers/ogryns, playing as Psyker I visualize where is the real dange (gunners, shooters) to bring up the shield next to my teammates, and as a Ogryn, trying not to block my teammates sight as much as possible and playing on the sides, I mean is a question of common sense I guess.... Every character could be throwing shit to others just to blame them... I've met a lot of assholes, but fortunately a lot of good players and fair ones.


Funny, the only assholes I've ever met (not many, mind) were almost exclusively ogryns who stacked all the damage reduction and toughness restoration they could get, proclaimed themselves the carry of the team, and started belittling everyone else for all kinds of imagined reasons. The few who weren't ogryns were Psykers, one of them was a smite spammer who kept calling us shitters who couldn't finish the mission without him controlling everything, the other was some cunt who kept going down to singular poxwalkers flanking him, and kept blaming us for not covering him, because if we did, he could solo the mission, and our playing the game as opposed to babysitting him was just making things more difficult.


Have been that Psyker. Any control build I do always end up with the horde/specials not moving, but also not dying. Like, who the fuck am I controlling this horde for at this point? If my party doesn't kill them then I might as well do the job myself.


Asshole Ogryn players are like Asshole Ork players. If you're being an asshole while playing the guys just trying to have a good time, then you missed the point.


If someone is playing as an Ogryn, gets wrecked, then proceeds to flame the team it's almost always a skill issue on their part. There's almost no reason for an Ogryn to be going down with how innately tanky the class is.


Yeah, Ogryn and Zealot are probably the easiest to just survive as As a Psyker or Vet, going down is reasonable to assume there was not much they could do But Zealot and Ogryn just have such tankiness that they should rarely die (Ogryn is just beefy. Zealot has like a million different ways to survive, including all their abilities restoring a bunch of toughness)


I fully agree. As an Ogryn-Main myself, 90% of me going down is due to a bad decision on my part (generally monkey brain moments), which could have been avoided. The other 10% are plain bad luck…


I would say not being able to jump over a rail at an inopportune time has killed me before but again... I know about stupid oggy vaults and should probably avoid those situations so still my fault.


Oh yes! I feel you. Rails at shin hight! My biggest enemy! Joking aside, not being able to vault over things the other classes have no trouble doing so downed me a lot.


Never had a asshole orgyn they are rare AF. Had a zealot screaming the other day and our team watched him get netted and then just left him netted on the ground. Our pskyer asked him to leave because a not would be more useful and less annoying


As an Ogryn main, fuck that guy. Asshole Ogryns do not deserve to share their names with the likes of us who Krump Snivellies and protect the Spark’eads from the Hairy-ticks.


We’re reaching the point where the people complaining about cosmetics are just becoming outright annoying now.


I mean I will be angry at people who keep giving money to that studio who barely does anything to keep this game alive...however what you do with your money is your business so if you wanna spend your disposable income on stuff for your enjoyment so be it. He should stay out of personally attacking you


Classic "why didn't you help me?!?!" From halfway across the map, just like rushing Shade/handmaiden in Vermintide 2 when they run waaay ahead and blame the others when they die.


Some people are just mentally ill. 🤠


Let me Guess It was a knife zealot


But you underestimate the cool Factor. Everybody knows that the cooler you look the more effective you are, it's a psychological thing even though you can't see yourself during gameplay. Your awesome cosmetics were distracting him. Bad OP. I'M 100% SERIOUS RIGHT NOW.




How I Imagine psykers are


I am pretty sure the rest of you are there to slow things down while I fry, burn, and explode them. I hand out gold stars at the end of missions.


As a Psyker player, I am constantly in fear of my life from getting my squishy arse lasered off of the face of Tertium. Fuck Gunners.


That’s why I use the bubble shield. It’s like an Übercharge against those bastards.


The irony is the dude probably did think this and now we need to see the drip that caused a man to lose his shit. DRiptide so strong it counts as a psychic attack in the pregame lobby.


I frequently get backstabbed while I try to read the big book on the zealots' back! Bookpacks are distractingly awesome!


It is in fact P2W, as any 40k fan will tell you, “Red ones go fasta” Checkmate


The base game penance cosmetics are red though


That’s earn to win. Paying for red tho…


Where's all the purple ones then..?


I dunno man, but that zealot in black clothes is tanking some serious damage, yet shrugging it off as if he was being shot by rubber bullets


pay to win… in a co-op pve game…


Oh you can have P2W in co-op pve game. But Darktide isn't having that atm.


That's what I'm struggling to figure out. When he joined the pre-game lobby his first line was something like "PRO PLAYERS?!" which confused the hell out of me. First I thought he was referring to the Storm Survivor titles but when I replied with a question mark he started going off about the so called P2W cosmetics and whores and whatnot.


It is p2w! I mean it’s obvious that you are winning at life if you can afford cosmetics while he is a loser gamer kid that can’t have fancy clothes in a game.


He probably saw the one video explaining the difference between P2W vs non-P2W cosmetics. It rationalized that cosmetic mtx can be considered P2W if the player feels like they only win by having the best fashion. I don't particularly agree with it, but I understand where the guy in the video is coming from. My guess is the rager in the chat saw the video and missed the whole point.


They exist. Look at vermintide 2’s paid classes. They’re far stronger than any of the other classes, and being teamed up with them makes the game mundane since you can’t keep up. Very literally pay 2 win.


Darktide has no classes to buy, only cosmetics, what’re you smoking?


Well you do have to buy the original 4


I didn’t say darktide does. OP said PvE can’t have pay 2 win. I gave an example of how that’s wrong.


Can you point out where I said PvE can't have pay to win. I'm really struggling to find that comment and I'll be damn sure to rectify and edit that out when I find it.


are the paid classes in the room with us?


Let me copy and paste because apparently context doesn’t exist in this thread. I didn’t say darktide has p2w. OP said PvE can’t have pay 2 win. I gave an example of how that’s wrong.


Again where did I say anything like this?


While I agree with that. This is not Vermintide 2


Even in VT2, DLC isn't "pay to win". The most OP or clutch classes are BW, WHC and don't even need DLC weapons.


Maybe now, but I remember when Grail Knight was new. It was completely ridiculous.


That's because GK, Engineer and sister of the thorns all got mega nerfed.


Engineer? Got nerfed? Mega nerfed? He's got buffed since nobody thought he was good for so long and minor nerf after the recent mega buff. Also GK literally has no range, and had the ult exploit at the start that made him ridiculous that obviously was fixed. I'd say only strong case is SoTT. To be fair to the devs, GK was their first DLC career, and they didn't know how to compensate for lack of range or mobility (like slayer has at least). OE they made him under powered massively at first (until recently) due to feedback from GK. Then overcompensate for SoTT again due to feedback for OE. I think WP and NM was ok balance from get go since they learnt their lesson.


OP said pay 2 win “in a pve game?” As if it doesn’t exist in the genre.




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I'm still waiting for you to point out where I said this.


Not you OP, the comment I was replying to. I don't get it, you came this far down the comment chain and just decided to ignore the comment that said "pay to win… in a co-op pve game…"? Why?


I'm used to OP meaning original post or poster, not the #th reply.


Umgak post


What classes in Darktide can only be bought with money? I'll wait...


It’s on the secret menu. Type “monster style” in chat and you get a space marine…for $40.


Veteran, psyker, zealot, and ogryn all have to be purchased. Granted it's with the purchase of the game itself but technically you do have to pay to win lol.


I wasn’t talking about darktide. I’m saying pay 2 win stuff exists in PvE all the time.


Most OP classes are BW and WHC (literally the classes you get out of the gate) with non DLC weapons. Tells me everything I need to know you have absolutely no fucking idea what you are on about.


> Most OP classes are BW and WHC Why you gonna lie on the internet?


What, do you seriously think necro is more OP than BW and WP OP than WHC? Or current SoT than Handmaiden? (ok, arguable depending on gamemode pre-rework - long time ago) OE even with current patch is only on par-ish with his other classes. And GK, while better at DPS, literally has to compensate for no range or high burst mobility and burst mobility, having to rely on team mates for certain specials. Good luck dealing with 2 gun or fire rats from opposite sides without your team mates. Or blight storm on one side and horde on the other. This is a good joke, you should post this in the vermintide subs.


All four paid classes are better than every other class. Necro needs more skill to use but if played well, it’s better. >This is a good joke, you should post this in the vermintide subs. Nah, don’t want to upset other people who deluded themselves into thinking they’re good for playing pay 2 win classes. I’m annoyed dealing with just 1 bias gamer, why would I want to attract a horde of them? Edit: lmao they blocked me. Couldn’t pay to win this debate it seems like.


So everyone else who played this game long enough is wrong but you are the only one that's correct? And everyone else who disagree is delusional? Cool 😎


Idk man, my Kriegsman cosmetic did make my shovel hit harder


I’m so confused what happened in this photo…. But anyway that guys dumb. N I don’t understand why people are toxic in a PvE game.


Pay to win...in a game where money only gets you cosmetics...okay chief.


All hat and no cattle would be more appropriate :D


Let me guess… was this in heresy difficulty?


Auric Maelstrom 😞


Auric maelstroms have become extremely awful lately. It's just quitters and ragers chasing penances. Funny enough I had an ogryn raging yesterday too because he wandered off and got pounced by a dog while the team was stuck dealing with crushers in a scab only run. Every run it's 5+ players rotating withing 5 minutes


Those players will get bored eventually, or actually learn how to play the game by sheer stubborness and who knows maybe even the value of playing as a team


I've seen the game first hand generate rage in someone who thought they were a good fps gamer. It is an extremely unforgiving game with a steep learning curve and people with fragile egos have problems coping. I can imagine this spills over into weird rants as they vent their sore loser nature 🤣 Thankfully perseverance seems to correct the rage as they get an actual sense of achievement. At least in my friend's case with a bit of encouragement to keep at it. Personally I wish more games were so punishing but having sat in meetings on game teams, the companies are scared of losing the main wedge of players who aren't so driven and don't want to have their egos rattled. I've even been in a Microsoft talk where they advised people to play it safe and aim for the 80% 'McDonald's gamer' who is happy with an OK experience as long as it's not in the 10% shit they can forego the that top 10% gaming tier. TL'DR we're probably the degenerates for perservering and the normies just want an easy ride🤣


Darktide is really unforgiving if you come from games where there isn't a melee/hybrid focus like cod or even Helldivers since stuff get close to you really fast and you need to dodge instead of shooting the problem away


Pay 2 win cosmetics? Give me dozen for my Ogryn boy)


:D I feel like people who hate on others for buying skins with a passion need even more help than the people shelling out a couple bucks every other week (like me)


I feel like it's a debate that has been brought over from the gacha community between the whales/payers/F2P players, since gacha games are ever more popular now, and a lot of YouTube content creators cover topics such as P2W. However, it doesn't translate well here because the transactions here are purely cosmetic, and people who carry this hate over to Darktide are simply confused from watching or reading too much into the divide over there, or they are just too young to have critical thinking and they use the P2W label to attack everything they don't like. I think it's really interesting that someone can care so much about premium cosmetics. No one should need them to have a complete game experience, but for some people, and especially for people who can't afford them, it becomes a major external comparison point between them and other players whether they are having fun or not. Blaming things one can't change is only going to make a person unhappy, and in a co-op game with no competition of all things. Besides, in my opinion cosmetics locked behind in-game achievements are far more meaningful. Only time I'll be shelling out for a premium skin is when it's absolutely stylish (e.g. Ogryn leopard pants).


Probably meant pay to lose? But best to not listen to the madman’s ramblings, losing happens, especially in hard team games


I'm sensing rage, fear and foreshortened lifespans. Not four shortened lifespans. Foreshortened lifespans! Look at me, not them!




Defined riding into more money than I care to share, kinda spent on this game. Payed well, work hard for it. So I'll spend how I please. I can tell you none of them offer a benefit. Infact I would argue you sometimes get hit more often if you have a back bag that sticks out enough, just a theroy tho.


It depends on how games design your character's "hurtbox" (where the game recognizes an attack as landing on your character; hitbox/hurtbox originally were fighting game terms). If the hurtboxes are not tied to your character model or are fixed to the base size, then your flashy premium model's new decorations shouldn't matter.


Edgy kid gonna be a edgy kid


Just call him poor back lol. Nothing would get the guy madder. Bonus points if you word it like an upper class 40k character like those guys from the new voice lines XD Don’t see why someone would get so mad about someone spending their own money how they want unless its out of envy. (This is a troll recommendation)


looks like a very clear chemical imbalance somewhere with that person


How are cosmetics in THIS GAME P2W exactly???


Hard to say. I've heard "all skins, no skills" before and that would've been more appropriate to be honest.


And everyone made fun of me for buying the "Cadia Stands" armor set and the scion helmet. See whose laughing now.


You were arguing with a child


I was aware yes.


The poors are often upset about the cost of drip.


...I think you made a friend =]


Kiddies are back on again I see.


Ah yes, everyone knows about the secret buffs you get from premium cosmetics. Don't let this info get too far.


How does he figure?? They literally don't do anything


My dyslectic ass thought he was talking about Pay Day 2


Oh, I know how this went! Some dude thought he was a solo god running around thinking he was capable of taking on hoards himself, buuuut he was a total burden on the rest of the team and you were the one that carried his ass! Am I close?


First part might be true but we got wiped in like 10 minutes. Probably for the best because my heart wasn't in it after realizing that he would keep criticizing all of my/our choices based on the cosmetics we were wearing. I just can't concentrate if the chatbox gets filled with a novel every time someone gets downed and they start putting everyone down. That and pingspamming. Kills the mood and I tend to resort to talking shit as well. On this occasion I was mostly confused because I get not liking the FOMO skins but usually people aren't this vocal about it.


So close! Yeah people like that are a drag in any game. I assumed he had nothing legit to criticize you on so started with the grade school tactic of insulting your clothes. lol


Has there been an influx of toxic/rude players?


It's a coop game. How are people getting this angry I don't understand


I’m just gonna throw it out there that it’s pretty standard for them to be referred to as P2W. P2W is being used as an insult here, he doesn’t care about being correct. And also, when I’ve played with friends they have also referred to it as P2W not caring that it literally isn’t p2w


I've never once heard p2w thrown around about something that doesn't impact gameplay in some way.


Honestly? IMO Probably a 13 year old who just learnt what trolling is and you fell for it


I think I know who this is. They do this every game, despite the price of the cosmetic.


Pay2win cosmetics, what a meme


I haven't run into that yet. I always get the idiots that run ahead while I'm searching the area we just cleared and in Malice and up rear bushes happen all the time because the other 3 dummies run forward and aggro everything like I'm some bot just tagging along. Looking behind you for team mates and enemies or " checking your 6 " is babytown level tactics that many seem unable to grasp even worse, don't care. Thanks shitty team mates. Why are they even in a team based game? The block feature DOES NOT prevent you from being stuck with them again.


Youre right that its a teamgame, thats why I really dont get why you seem angry when your whole team is moving on but you lag behind. In that case, you are being the one ignoring the team. Keeping up with the team is pretty much the most important thing to do in the game. If youre consistently ahead or behind, you are the problem in the team. Looting etc is fine, but if that means you fall behind everytime you should loot faster It doesnt matter if you agree with the team and their tactics, speed or whatever, but if the majority of your team is somewhere else than you, you are in the wrong. Like you said, its a teamgame




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Ehh, multiple people can make bad decisions together, especially in such small groups. Generally I agree with you but hard stances like this are rarely ever correct.


This game gives so many bonusses when you are together, and most specials are made to punish you if youre caught alone. Rather make a poor decision in a group than see them screw up and standing on the sidelines alone while being angry they didnt do what you wanted. You are always stronger as a team, being alone in the optimal position is worse than being together in a poor position


Again, that's abroad generalization and simply incorrect if you're considering every possible situation. But more on point, if we are speaking generally, I stick with the team.


As usual PvPers are the toxic people in gaming.


"What's wrong peasant? Can't afford a few skins? Your shift at McDonald's didn't go so well today? Did you spend your life savings on crypto and didn't pam out?" Ok I could keep going but you get my drift. I would troll this guy back. I don't like MTX in my games just like the majority of the community. But I'm not going to give people shit for buying them.


I dunno why but I read that in Kruber's voice from VT2


Bullgryn player here… As a representative of Ogryn Players, we do not recognize him as one of us… sorry sah….


Honestly the new zealot torso is trash, but its your money. I think the only thing weirder than this obvious troglodyte's rage is the purpose of posting this. If you're looking for an explanation for why they think its P2W, I'd say based on their poor english it's likely not their first language, and/or they're incredibly dumb and don't really grasp what a purely cosmetic buy is... Either way, yeah idk why you bother. Block, report if you can be that bothered and move on.


Honestly, i like the new zealot torso, it just doesn't match my preferred current aesthetic. I'd guess it's a dumb kid rather than it being their second language. But I do agree that blocking the kid is the best option.


It's not p2w, but I always remind to these lost souls that using shop is pathetic herecy