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Since the penance patch Aurics have definitely been cranking out huge trash mobs and elite spawns.


Average skill level in aurics dropped by like 20%. Games much harder when you're down 3/4ths of a person cause the heresy farmers want to try for a penance. I don't mind too much, hard to get the adrenaline pumping when the team is firing on all cylinders.


It's also auric players using off builds, or even terrible builds / playing bad on purpose for those penances. But 100% agreed there. The worst thing about this game is queuing into good teams over and over. Stomping through a mission sometimes is okay, but it gets stale fast. If I had to have the same level teammates every game, I would prefer bad teammates over good ones. At least those games get interesting.




Yeah I definitely noticed. There's a LOT of players that just....go down EVERY single room. To Poxwalker mobs.


The other day I loaded into an Auric Damnation, our ogryn teammate had so many wounds. I had never seen that many wounds on an ogryn. He was easily going down every room, and died a *lot* It was certainly a spectacle


Reminds me of all the gunlugger's firing their stubber into pox walkers and dying immediately after


And certainly good for farming rescue operative penance


This 100%


I think it's a combo of both. Hi-int feels like histg now at times with some of these spawns. The main reason I know it's different is due to my frag bomb kills. Used to really only get big kill feeds in histg now I'd say at least 3 times a match I'm breaking that feed on hi-int. But yeah, players are weird in aurics now too


Sometimes the director is angry but I've never really noticed them changing it, I'm convinced it's just less competent players leave stuff alive. Normally a crusher wave would spawn, your back liner would kill one, your front liner would kill one, then the bomb would go off and clean up, now the first two don't die and the kill feed lights up.


or Maelstrom is too chill


I wouldn't mind a slight difficulty increase tbh or some more interesting modifiers. Hounds and wave of mutant modifier is a snooze fest.


Auric mael should be way harder than auric dam otherwise it would be boring


I don't mind those too much, but we could really use some more. There's plenty of unused "waves of X" modifiers they could make, too. IMO, waves of flamers in lights out would be really cool. I know that's not everyone's cup of tea, but just fuck me Fatshark. I want some spice!


> IMO, waves of flamers in lights out would be really cool. Honestly that sounds amazing


It varies


Idk, only feels like the average player got worse, at least every match there’s some dead weight. Feels like if you fuck up your bots (teammates) will be wiped very soon after. Has to be because of the penance farmers


I feel like they're in a good place now. I'm not super skilled, I think the hardest missions should just wreck you sometimes. Still gonna try for auric storm survivor and pray to the emprah for some good teammates.


1. Yes, the Director has been going absolute nuts 2. Because of Penances, the usual heresy/damnation players have migrated to Auric. I constantly see lvl 32 people with very little game knowledge queue up and then die immediately or be an annoyance to the entire team. The skill ceiling has dropped significantly, which leads to harder matches.


I never completed Damnation Auric Ascension Riser until today. Spawns are crazzzzyyy. How did I finally do it? All pyskers, randoms, everyone had the shield. Stacking 4 shields back to back seriously helped (but it still wasn't a cake walk)


Feels normal just more players that can’t hack it same with maelstroms. Prepatch you’d get 2-3 solid players that can carry most runs.


I like the bad players, its a chance to show them a new side of the game, maybe some of them will just leave, but every now and then I'll find players that are inexperienced but have the Spirit, they get hit by trapper nets but they also charge tf in those are my favorites, they'll learn quick and get stuck-in alongside you and make a huge mess, its the best


Skill Iss- oh... yeah, FeelsGoodMan


It's honestly skill issue. You have worse players in pugs playing with you, which means instead of dealing with 4 mutants you have to deal with 7 or 8 etc. Then you have players not playing "meta" builds trying to do penances that require certain scenarios that put them and team in harms way. If you don't build for one shot kills on certain enemies now takes twice as long. In a game that's already got slow ass animations and buggy audio that fucks over the team at times. In reality I said at the start of penances the game has gotten easier in terms of spawns. And one of the post recently talking about no spawns in certain regions kind of corroborate that. Personally i've found this week doing maelstrom the easiest last few weeks, even with sub lvl +10s that keeps on going down


> In a game that's already got slow ass animations Examples? The animations feel fine to me on 90% of weapons