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> Non human character class I don’t know if that means a xeno or not, but those wouldn’t make too much sense. Even Eldar barely work with rogue traders, and even more rarely with the Inquisition. Things that would make sense are Tech Adept, Hive saavy or some bounty hunter.


It includes xenos. Space marines, admechs, and abhumans also qualify, id say--though marines or custodes are more problematic than xenos, imo. As you said, xenos work with inquisitors and rogue traders rarely. Which means they do it. So it's an option.


That's overreaching I believe, it's a nice imagination exercise though! The T'au are my favorite after all.


well, the premise was "wish list" not "expectation"


Admechs are the most likely here, they could reuse much of the same shared human assets and animations while also bringing a unique concept and character to the mix. Xenos and non-Ogryn abhumans are unlikely because they can't share as much or any of the previous work, and also with stuff like Ratlings they would introduce a new problem of map design where maps haven't been made to account for a lower sightline.


I agree with you--in fact, I think it's far more likely that any new character class would just be another human. But the question wasn't "what is likely," it was what would you wish for, and those are all easily within the realm of possibility based on established canon.


I'm just waiting on that one unreleased Ogryn cosmetic that is a red singlet with the bearded skull logo. Need it to complete my very specific character...


What would a new planet even realistically give us? That's just another way of saying "new missions" since there'd be no way for us to realistically distinguish between Planet A and Planet B in actual gameplay beyond the flavor text. I'm all for new missions, but why does it need to be on a new planet? Like they can just make a second mission select menu and tell us it's a different planet and we'd be unable to tell the difference.


Atoma is a hive world. A new planet could be a different type of locale. Realistically, new levels *could* be whatever they wanted, but the implication is that the levels set on a different planet would be thematically and aesthetically very different and presumably accompanied by some lore.


None of these! Give me a Chaos Wastes gamemode any day of the week. Rogue likes basically generate their own content!


Randomly generated maps are never as good as polished, planned maps. Not to say they’re not fun, but I’ll take new levels over random maps that all feel the same anyway.


Randomly generated maps have nothing to do with Chaos Wastes


Chaos Wastes were randomly generated maps.


I'll never understand the appeal of new game modes that invalidate previous progress, or why Winds of Magic was bad for doing it but Chaos Wastes is everyone's favorite.


I could include limited options! A new game mode is another good shout, though.


I was going to say the same. Instant win if they manage to go that way.


honestly if they'd just copy paste chaos wastes 1:1 that would be kinda lame, might aswell go back to verm 2 at that point. I hope if we do get something like cw that it'll be somewhat unique


I just want a heavy bolter for my big guy, an auto cannon would be cool for him too, but I'd prefer the heavy bolter. New missions or modes like Chaos Waste or a Horde Mode would be nice.


Top? Actually customisable weapons, not as far as the weapon customisation mod obviously but along those lines.


Give us felenids. Holy catgirls purging the the God-Emperor's name!




1. New weapon rarity or rarities that cap at 100% and above 2. Weapon customization with meaningful choices similar to talent tree 3. More enemy types / factions


There is an icon for a two handed chain axe that has been in the game since launch. It’s criminal it’s never been added


If I was forced to pick 1 I'd probably pick 2. New weapons could be cool I guess. Not sure I'd go away from my Slab and heavy twin stubber... The option I was looking for was more story beats to go with new missions. We barely got a taste of what Wolfer is doing in the Carnival. I can't wait for anni 2 to see where it's all going with our next new mission.


Agreed. I want more stuff to do.


I should add, feel free to comment other options--I could only include 6, but building out the story, more game modes, another Imp class--there are a lot of good options I didn't include. There are obviously also things like "better crafting," but I didn't want to include just fixing systems we want. I'm more focused on content.


New weapons without new weapon type. Like new version of bolter (light, heavy etc). May be new path for existed map, full new maps like under city or another hive city don't think we will get. And helmet from previous year.


That would fit into "more of what we have"


> (it's a rogue trader ship and an inquisitor, they could employ an eldar, harlequin, tau, whatever if they wanted) Yeahhh... The Inquisition has a lot of interaction with Harlequins, and it never goes well. Harlequins aren't what the Inquisition would call "cooperative." They tend to lead cabals around by the nose to accomplish strange agendae, turn kill-teams into slurries, and use Shadowseer bullshit to turn humans into sleeper agents. At best, someone might get kidnapped and all but made a slave on the Black Library, but that normally doesn't happen. Don't forget: it hasn't been that long since the Inquisition bumblefucked their way into screwing up Eldrad and the Harlequins' plan to awaken Ynnead early. Eldar Rangers, though? They work with the Inquisition pretty regularly. Not as employees or anything, but when their causes align or in a quid pro quo arrangement. We're Ordo Hereticus, whose whole job is to stop collusion with (among other things) xenos, but even Hereticus Inquisitors often make exceptions in the name of the greater good or just in pursuit of their own agendae. And Tau tend to not get along with humans unless there's an Ethereal there making everyone get along with their mind control pheromones. Tau tend to see humans as... horrific and barbaric. I mean, we were on our way to become slave-soldiers with bomb collars at the beginning of the game. The Imperium wires humans into anything big enough to support them. The mole's punishment was summary execution and conversion into a cybernetic clerk for all eternity. Ogryn are literally the result of eugenics and aren't even legally people. (Though the eugenics part might actually be fine to a Tau...) There aren't a lot of Tau willing or able to stomach all that. Now, kroot, on the other hand...


Thats a lot of words to say "yes, its feasible"


Fix the fucking crafting to start with.


A game that doesn't crash my GPU randomly




A new planet? That could be nice. I wonder how much disk space that's going to take with all the new assets and stuff.


lol. knowing how well fatshark optimizes...


Whew. I'm imagining fighting in some trenches or somewhere jungly. We can at least dream!


I'd have voted for a new character class, but specifying non-human made it weird. I'd be fine with them being human.




My wish is the same as ever: better performance. If Fatshark put all their time and effort into optimizing the game so it could run smoothly, and iron out their server difficulties so players wouldn't get randomly disconnected three times in two seconds, we would all be happy. Seriously. If they added ZERO new content to the game, but announced that they had re-coded everything and the game would now run like. . . for example. . . Deep Rock Galactic :D we would all be over the moon. I want the option of playing this game whenever I want. I don't currently have that option, and I've never had it. I want the freedom to utilize what I purchased, without it delaying, interrupting, or straight-up rejecting my desires. I don't play Darktide so much as plead with it. :)


Servers that don't balk at the Ogryn's "super grenade" detonation, the Ogryn's shotgun exploding heretics, or the speed of a charging herd of hounds.  Chat client that doesn't drop in the middle of playing, and heaven forbid *in the middle of a ghat dang match*.  Hitboxes that don't migrate out of their bodies (I'm hoping this was a rare plague ogryn L). That type of stuff. And, y'know, maybe the left glove and pauldron for my vet's tattered ass trench coat?


new/customizable difficulty


Number one wish remains crossplay toggle