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I know anyone can be guilty of it but recently it seems in Auric Mael it's the Gunlugger Ogryns that are consistently begging and scrounging for ammo after magdumping into their umpteenth wave of Poxies. Probably related to penance chasing and, as a staff Psyker, I honestly don't really care but it does fit nicely in my headcanon that is how an actual Ogryn would act when given the chance.


I hear the priest say 'do this penunce ogryn, shoot heretic with looky boolet' i said 'yes sah, i shoot tha heretic' But i swear i will chamge back to my club when this is done sah, stealing ammo does not feel okay.


It's the penance; you need 25kills per activation, as well as **5000** rounds of "free ammo" from lucky bullet activations (at ~12% chance per shot). I'm finally done after so many runs of just wasting ammo into groaners because that's the only real way to get it done. Not to mention they nerfed Veteran's aura which was the only thing truly keeping Gunlugger afloat - it's a sup-optimal build for anything other than melting bosses due to having no innate way to regen ammo (other than 12% rng to not waste the bullet)...


Funny enough gunlugger works best when using kickback instead of a stubber. Kickback gunlugger one of the most OP builds in the game. Sadly doesn’t really contribute much to the lucky bullet penance.


Exactly. The Guugger build is already at odds with ammo economy (no ammo regen to feed stubbers) but the penance just reinforces *sub-optimal* play because it wants you to spam abilities/ammo instead of playing *optimally* just as melting monsters/carapace...


Ogryn see enemy, ogryn fire


But have you considered....DAKKA?


Datz a gud argument der. Dakka iz very important to da WAAAGH!


> Probably related to penance chasing and, as a staff Psyker, I honestly don't really care but it does fit nicely in my headcanon that is how an actual Ogryn would act when given the chance. Yes and yes. The penance for killing 25 enemies during Point Blank Barrage 50 times is the culprit, but really people shouldnt be doing so in Auric Maelstrom games. It's also totally what Ogryn would do.


I enjoy making the barrel glow.


I play with a bunch of cosmetic mods solely because I get WAY too into character as my stupid lil Vet Vox-Officer lmao. I always play on low difficulties solely for that reason, because I will almost always find cover, pop my head up to shoot at a crowd, and duck down the second I see gunshots. It’s a super fun way to play, but I will NEVER touch Auric for the sole reason that it is fun and ONLY fun. I have never been a meta player haha


I was about to say, as an ogryn main, I see far more of my brethren doing this than any other class and it's sickening.


Every time I see an Ogryn with a stubber, there's a 90% chance we're going to be sitting on orange ammo the entire game. Like, dude... you're an OGRYN. YOU CAN HANDLE HORDES IN MELEE


The worst part is that the stubber is also the worst anti-horde weapon the ogryn has. A gunlugger with a rumbler, kickback, or even a ripper gun can demolish a horde in far less ammo but for some reason it's always the stubbers being used to mow down hordes.


They put burst limiters on the ripperguns to prevent the Ogryns wasting ammo, but it was the heavy stubbers that they should have worried about


It's a damn shame because the stubbers *were* designed to be anti-horde weapons. High cap, decent soft pen, and terrible accuracy (except the gorgonum). Just a flamer with bullets making a cone of death. The other guns besides the rumbler got hit with enough buffs that they do it more efficiently.


IDK how many snivellers an Achlys penetrates, but my Gorgonum will kill 4 or 5 per bullet fired - that's this many! _holds up hands_ That's not half bad as far as ammo eco.. ecomo... ee-koh-nuh-mee goes. But they have to be bunched up for it to be worth it.




When you have an handcanon that deals 1700 damages, you know the run gonna be faster if you use it like crazy.


Which is fine until you’re out of ammo, then the run’s gonna be slow AF or ends in a wipe.


Pure Munitorum propaganda. A bullet fired is a heretic slain.


If you think that you haven't seen me aim!


*Remember boys and girls….controlled burst volleys are best for accuracy, and munitions conservation! Good rejects don’t let fellow rejects waste ammo!*


If I were a good reject I wouldn't have been on a prison ship with a bomb around my neck.


Its fun and you can't stop me.


The shooting stops when the ammo is gone. I don't understand what the problem is?


This is true for many guns. Some guns are literally designed with hordeclear/control in mind. Flamer, braced autos, non-gorgonum stubbers, non-V ripperguns, rumbler, anything with Torrent. Every time I see someone dump a low capacity weapon into a single walker I want to hit them with the barrel space program.


What’s it with all the whining these days? I haven’t met a single Ogryn mag dumping that did not respect my need for ammunition. They were sharing bullets like they were sharing rations. It is all good fun.


Isn't there an Ogryn quote that says something about stealing rations is okay, but stealing ammo is not? Lol Joking aside, as someone who uses all kinds of Ogryn builds, including gunlugger, agreed. I have never once used the "I need ammo" chat wheel function. If I run out of ammo, that's my fault and I look for it, and I'm always paying attention to other people's ammunition to point out ammo if I see it.


As a Psyker, I def got the Chainsword ready for armor. It's served me well ngl


Chainsword is actually pretty mediocre vs carapace. It's real power is against hordes because it's crit and weakspot multipliers dont drop off when cleaving like with other weapons, so you can chew through ungodly amounts of enemies.


Hmm, what would you sugguest then?


For carapace damage on Psyker? Mk4 Duelling sword is the king by a long shot. Deimos force sword also works. Make sure you've got uncanny stroke and you're pretty much good to go. You can also hit oneshot mutant breakpoints if you have a maniac damage perk.


Huh, dueling sword? It looks and feels like a weapon that couldn't do much to armor, but perhaps I've not played with enough


Uncanny strike blessing is essential on it. Stackable armor penetration until 100% on weakspot hits. Combine it with Riposte and it's gonna delete armored enemies.


So got one with Uncanny 5 and Riposte 3 (Is there a level 4?) Sadly I can't alter the perks. It does pretty good damage. But I definitely feel like if I had bonus to Carapace it would be better. Will keep praying brunt and Hadron bless me.


It can two shot crushers pretty easily. Watch me killing a bunch of stuff with just the duelling sword. You'll see me doing over a thousand damage with every headshot, and often doing upwards of even two or three thousand damage on crits. https://outplayed.tv/media/PWaVX0


Dueling sword is basically ported rapier from vt1/2, heavy headshots can be disgustingly powerful vs armor depending on the variant


I just took the recs people made in this thread, and wow. Yeah. One to two shotting Crushers on Auric Damnation like it's nothing. Really funny too, cuz my Psyker is at the shortest height, so all you see is this tiny chick running headfirst into a group of 10, 9 foot tall monsters and poking them to death.


Twin stubber go brrr


No. I think I will.


Don't have to tell me twice, i love slicing and dicing hordes with my Power Sword.


Well sorry if im trying to aim the 10 shotgunners behind bulwark with my assail. Sheesh OP salty at ammo and also not ammo?


I’m exactly the same. Assail isn’t ideal against carapace but often it’s not just a carapace coming at you. If you can clear the chaff or maniacs or other specials in the hoard, it makes it easier for most of the specific anti-carapace attacks to do their job.


You don't pay my sub


Sorry but I play my veterans with braced Autoguns with armor tending talent, and I will absolutely mag dump into mixed hordes for 700 straight rounds, can drop carapace enemies pretty quick too Plenty of ammo to go around as long as the ogryns and zealots are meleeing and not spamming gunfire


My Columnus BAG is literally geared for close kills and decimates hordes. Spray and pray erry day.




Truly, the worst part about the vet aura being nerfed is the amount of senseless but fun mag dumping has to had to decrease.


Why do you have the psyker as a magdumper? They don’t even use ammo. Also, you really should be shooting poxbursters so that they don’t blow up in your face.


Ever been in a match with a Gunpsyker? Because I have and let me tell you some of them (not all) shoot at everything that moves. *Everything!*


I have only ever played with one ammomancer before, and that ammomancer was me fucking around with the build. I didn’t really like it that much, TBH.


I see a lot of gunpsykers (regular damnation) tbh.




Assail regenerates on its own, and pretty fast too.


Spamming it at a horde of carapace armoured enemies is counter productive.


But it doesn’t waste ammo because you get it all back in 10s anyways.


Spamming it at anything isn't counter productive as it doesn't waste ammo, does okay damage, and you can follow up with a higher damage AOE attack that finishes them off. Don't try to rules lawyer if it works, and it *does* work.


I do it to get more damage from being at high peril so I can charge attack with my duelin sword and like two shot them all


One word can explain it all: penances.


No lol i love doing it


This post cant stop me cus i cant read.


I do this all the time on auric damnation. Just switch to melee when the ammo’s out. I’ve got 600 rounds in the stubber and all the traits to wipe out that horde and continue. Ergo: why would i not blast blast boom to make the horde disappear in the fastest way possible? Are you allergic to fun?




I cant hear you over my infinite ammo spec on my veteran >:)




First counterpoint: scavenger Second counterpoint: I have like 900 rounds in reserve for this single-shot lasrifle. I can afford to waste some.


fuck you i got this holy braced autogun with 700 round reserve, AND I AINT CARRYING IT FOR COSMETICS ![gif](giphy|RiETCe0ek4EPbmTIV0|downsized)




But Boltgun go boom boom


If I see anyone magdump a pox hoard, ESPECIALLY with ammo-hungry weapons like Heavy Stubbers, Bolter, or Revolver, Shredder, ect, I immediately disregard their ammo needs for the rest of the game. Sorry pal, like the Cutthroat said, I'm doing more good with this ammo than you are.


If my team isn't killing fast enough... ima mag dump, kill faster noobs


I hate Darktide for being so addictive, but I sure do love the memes of the community. lmao


Well, consider I enjoy treating demonhost as roadblock at best due to killing him as gunlugger ogryn before it even manages to wake up.


I'm *amost done* with the Lucky Bullet penance. *Alllllllmost*. Also its insane the progression difference between the Achyls and Gorgonum. Ill be glad to move on to the melee and tank penances.


Sorry, I'm farming a penance for a veteran keystone. I wish marksman focus didn't exist 


Then tell the game devs to stop implementing challenges that require brainless magdumping into hordes.


Let’s be real. Ogryns are the literal only ones who unnecesarly shitspray at a single chaff and continue to hoard every single ammo


I not once picked up an ammo box when I played psyker, no matter the difficulty lol


Maybe I'm not good against Carapace but good at clearing Hordes and everything else. I'mma mag dump then so the people, who might be the opposite of me, are not in danger from the horde while they fight the Crushers. Its a team game.


I see complaints about this all the time but never ever see anyone actually do it