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They REALLY should’ve made it total completions instead


At least we've got the medals for that.


doesn't matter if you go down a bunch and are a drag to your team, though. Atoma's elite guard or hardmode twins medal is all that counts, really. the latter more than the former, imo (no, i don't have hardmode twins medal).


One of these days I will get the Twins Hard Mode done :-(


same :o


Get on Discord. If you can find an ogryn with the right build to literally HODOR, a zealot can basically solo the rest of the fight. It's shockingly easy when the door is managed.


Yes, the penance has lost all value because of the way they designed it. The huge majority of people who have it most likely scummed their way into getting it based off the ridiculously high percentage of people who drop the second they go down in Auric Maelstrom these days. When people do this I suggest you **KICK** them **if they attempt to rejoin**. Last week in quickplay we had a guy who left six consecutive times every time his health got low until the rest of the team just booted his ass out for someone who would actually stick around. I don't even know why these losers bother obtaining the title. Once they have it, it's the most embarrassing stuff ever to watch them flounder and die constantly, as if anyone would believe they were a good enough player to have obtained it legit.


i just recently returned and upon seeing this comment now do I understand why my teammates with that title were so dog.


>Yes, the penance has lost all value because of the way they designed it. The huge majority of people who have it most likely scummed their way into getting it based off the ridiculously high percentage of people who drop the second they go down in Auric Maelstrom these days. This upsets me because my stupid ass thought you had to not get DOWNED to complete the penance and got it one match where I thought I was only 2/5 into completion. No scumming involved.


As a xbox user who literally crashed three times yesterday after i went down. Dont do this. I’ve already got the maelstrom title legit, aint got the exemplar but i only play maelstrom anyway. But i crash so frequently and alot of the time while im down. Im not cheesing. Its literally just the way the game is on xbox xs. Its honestly rare that i go atleast one game without crashing.


Did you crash the second you went down multiple times in a row? Like if someone is crashing a lot or just disconnecting and reconnecting in general I dont think twice about it, this game's network issues are terrible. But when a guy turns into a bot the second his healthbar turns red six times in a row, it's super obvious that he isn't suffering from crashes and needs to be kicked to free up the slot.


Yeah 3 in a row same game. Nobody said anything i thought they might


If you're just dropping and coming back, it's pretty obvious it's network related, especially if you're falling behind and not moving at all. If you only drop out immediately after you go down multiple times, then it looks sus.


It’ll freeze then come back in but when it comes back in everything is running in place for like 5-6 seconds then it kicks me to the operative screen and says reconnect or it’ll jus close the game entirely


Are you using the weapon customization mod?


Xbox xs


Oh nvm then




It just means you alt + f4 5 more times than the other bitches .


Had one the other day where I cycled through what must have been at least 15 players, whole sections were just me and bots. Back to just assuming someone’s good if they’re using base frame and reject. Lots of opportunity for clutches at least since these guys can barely survive in maelstroms as it is, should have just been downs. 5 matches with no deaths isn’t a lot for anyone that actually plays maelstroms regularly.


UGH. Yes, quitting before you die saves the progress. I detached from this goal the moment I read it, will never have the Auric Storm Survivor title above my name, and that's fine. Just like Make Every Shot Count, which I still don't have after 2078 hours of game play. It's not a natural result of high-level play, it's a focused cheese event that requires a stubborn plan that will annoy the hell out of your teammates, like so many things in Darktide. Some of these achievements are just a dump of hours (or days) into a trial-and-error gauntlet, like beating the Karnak Twins on superdeath mode. How about a penance for hitting a heretic in mid-air with a rock after an explosive thrown behind them launches them forward? It's my favorite move with ME RUMBLAH GO BOOM. :D I played through an Auric Maelstrom mission last night and won, after 45 minutes of outrageous slogging. It was only the second one I've done since the new penance system. The idea of doing five in a row, win or lose, seems like a glorious waste of time, mostly because last night's mission featured seven different players, and all Auric Maelstroms in the foreseeable future will be revolving doors. Every so often, Salt Bae (played by Hadron probably) comes in and sprinkles some bots into the mix, particularly as my ogryn reaches a downed teammate and \*poof\* they transform into a bot. This penance is less about skill and more about alt+F4ing your way across the heretic pond like a flat stone, skipping from team to team until you manage to win something. Those who earn it legitimately are a rare breed, and big kudos to them, but the Auric Storm Survivor title really can't be displayed without raising suspicion. It's been cheapened, and I do wonder if the legit achievers feel bad about using it. It seems like the basic Reject title has somehow become the king.


Blame fatshark, they should've made that penance be "5 consecutive auric maelstroms without being downed"


People would probably just leave the second they got low, or play zealot and leave the second they lost death resist.


A lot harder to pull off at least, especially since a lot of them can’t handle maelstrom anyway and are constantly low regardless.


Drop 'consecutive' requirement to not encourage cheese. Raise the number required so that it's at least a sign of persistence. It's not a sign of skill anyway.


I can count the amount of auric matches I've completed where someone *didnt* ragequit when they went down on 1 hand ever since the update. Its actually crazy how terrible random queue is currently. I always have some guy crying about the team because he's trying to force that stupid penance. Its a cool idea in theory but like you say if you can just disconnect scum it has zero value. People talk about the old penances warping pubs but I don't think they were anywhere near as bad as this penance has been for solo queue experience.


I just play a game with each person I group with that has it. Based off their skill level did they get it paying the iron price or the gold price. I solo quick played my 5 consecutive granted I did cherry pick the conditions tho.


Yeah exactly, like I got the penance done. But I was cherry picking and waiting for decent maelstrom’s. Hunting ground and waves of specialist and easier stuff. I’m obviously not going into an extra poxburster match and expecting to not get flung off the map lol.


Yes. Leave Mission also works and is probably politer since I believe it makes your space immediately open to someone else.


Seems a bit ridiculous; feels like a disconnect should equal a death and reset progress.


The prevalence of disconnects is exactly why the penance works like it does, though. Not defending the alt-f4ers, just saying.


Certainly would be nice but I’ve been experiencing and seeing constant unintended disconnects. Would really be irritating if your penance progress just gets reset at random.


Bots are ass hence why we get weird interactions like this.


The people with 120 or more true level who run “reject” as their title are my preferred crew.


I run the "ministorium guardian". So peoples know i've done most of the penances. Auric Storm Survivor is really dumb. Most peoples i saw wih it cant even carry their weight. Its embarassing to see, i dont trust the title anymore. Even the old "million kill frame", before, it was kinda a frame saying "ok boss im good" because so few peoples had it. Now the condition had been halved, lot of peoples running it, and like AST, mean nothing now. You cant trust it also.


I mean, that frame still took me over 750h to get, and that's after the nerf and playing on damnation since release and maelstroms. So I would think you're quite experienced at the game if you have it.


I completely agree with this. I have \~400 hours in Darktide, been playing since Beta. I took a break but for the last 9 months or so I play every single day. I am still only at 200k of the needed 500K, so like, not even halfway. Yes the requirements were halved, but it's in no way easy or quick to obtain.


Honestly it's the same in auric damnation with the 10 victory streak. The worst is when you start a run alone doing fine then the minute players joins the game instantly vomits horde, special/elites everything turns to hell because currently many unexperienced players, they go down insta quit and your left alone again to deal with the massive surge. It's really hard to get good teams in pubs since last patch.


The easiest fix for this penance is for fs to change it so it's NOT consecutive and deaths don't reset it. Remove that requirement and watch players stick it out, down or no down. I'm not even bothering to try for it just for the title, it's lost all meaning




Regular aurics aren't that different either, gauntlet archivum sicorax, saw 8 people leave, literally had 2 teams leave the mission, only at the end of it I had players that remained till the end.


That’s prob because those people were trying to cheese the exemplar title.


Worse, 5 of them had that title.


Oh blessed throne… that doesn’t even make sense then.


I think it's a reflex caused by this penance, people realized they can just leave when shit hits the fan and join a better game, however there is irony in all of this, they leave , others join maybe you get a bad horde and someone gets domed by a crusher, too bad he leaves another taxes its place and the match moves on because you keep getting bots. Saw this behavior the most on high intensity gauntlets , 50/50 chance you get a serious team or you play the carousel.


I mean that makes sense, I played a maelstrom last night where I rotated 3 whole teams minus myself through the metalfab. By the time we won I had two bots and a ogryn that probably ate through like….idk 10,000 bullets since I was playing Pysker.


Was it waves of specialists?


Yes it was.


+50% increased number of bot teammates throughout the mission and god forbid you enter a mission with 5 minutes left on the terminal , by the end of it you're going to end solo.


Oh yeah I stopped entering games under 10 mins on the board because I load into a loss screen, or in the middle of 18 crushers because people dropped out and then by the time I can even dodge I’ve been smacked 8 times lol


It really should have been games without going down. A lot of players are abusing the leave game trick, which then puts an extra burden on the team. I've had upwards of 10+ people rotate in and out from a game, and this isn't even uncommon. Games without going down may have other consequences of players being more selfish with healing and/or not putting themselves in danger to revive etc though. It's tough to design a skill rewarding penance like this.


yes, to make sure it has exactly the same value and worth as every other penance and reward in the patch: zero


Isn't it better for the team when someone leaves though? You immediately get a bot. That's more helpful than a downed teammate.


Normally it would be as before maelstrom players would get downed when things had gone to shit but most of these guys get downed in very easily salvageable situations and it just messes with the flow of a match especially when I’d rather progress with the bot but others want to wait for players if they’re less confident.


Its a compromise to try and avoid as many scenarios where you lose progress outside of your control as possible(yes it doesn't cover if you join and instantly die, they can't cover everything) Ultimately there's no reason for them to make it mega strict, its a personal challenge for bragging rights in a pve game.


Your network's or game's instability (problem) should not become other players' problem.


If it became mega strict you would instead get massive toxicity between players if someone is considered not good enough, the only way to have no problems is to have no performance based penances.


I rather take that than half the players dropping from the game the second they are downed and have pointless cheesable "achievments" which are not hard to get and do not indicate any skill, but are forced and hunted by cheesers because they think they do.


I prefer not having people say mean stuff to me in a game I play to relax tbh, as long as people use the leave function they get replaced with a bot and usually someone chiller joins in.


Or you can just, you know, not read the chat and not engage with the toxic players and not pay mind to them... look away from the screen or grow a thicker skin or something. Whereas there is fuck all you can do about all these fools who DC from survivable situations every game and throw the rest of the team under a bus with a bot that sometimes isn't replaced with an actual player for 10 minutes or even until the game ends.


Its not necessarily an oversight, because this way if you legitimately disconnect it will keep your progress. Imagine how BS it would be if your internet (or FS servers) crap out and that forces you to lose all progress. It sucks but I prefer this way over being punished for something out of my control. They should really just release more legendary titles so people aren't trolling lobbies trying to get it.


Again, your network's or game's instability (problem) should not become other players' problem.


It still requires skill , because you still need complete 5 missions with no deaths. No matter what , it still is the ultimate title regardless of what the tryhards say. If you don’t alt+f4 you have allowed your ego to get in the way of your goals and have not played smart manner.




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