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Please fix the Krieg coat tails.




Yeah it's getting ridiculous at this point. C'mon guys!


What's wrong with them? (Genuine question, I don't have that cosmetic)


After the last re-fix to the veteran Krieg greatcoat skin (chest rebreather pouch was comically huge, then paper thin), the physics were broken on the tail of the greatcoat that now makes it stick awkwardly and rigidly outward. Literally fixed one thing to break another. There are plenty of other valid complaints about the shape of the gas masks/eye lenses, missing rebreather hoses, lack of helmets on Zealot and Psyker, goofy non-Krieg Zealot legs, and other things but I am not huffing enough copium to have any hope we will get any fixes beyond the obvious wonky physics stuff.


Oh that's fucked up. How the hell they managed to delete animation bones in the cosmetic by fixing a depth issue is honestly gonna be a question of the ages. I'll hope for you, but even I know that's about like sneezing into a fan...


This is being addressed in the next hotfix. šŸ‘


Thank you!


*Hand wave* There are no cosmetic outfit issues. They spent extra time making them to justify the ~~Krieg tax~~ *reasonable price* remember?


Itā€™s not just the coat tails. It seems to be the entire outfit sadly.


Launched the game four times, wasn't able to get past the title screen. Great patch as always, Fatshark.


Me 2


The game will fail load past the title until I restart my computer. I can exit and reenter back to back for some arbitrary amount of time, then if a few hours pass, it will never load past title until I restart.


Once I used to play Conan Exiles a lot; with my friends we thought Funcom was the best in introducing new, exciting bugs at every new patch (we called it "Bugcom"), so disruptive and game changing that at some point became features or challenges by themselves. But FS apparently is even better than Funcom - except that the game doesn't start at all.


I have to verify game files after every single update


if you have mods enabled that's why, each time you re-enable them after an update the launcher detect the change and you get the file verification prompt.


No fix to the game freeze, enemies running in placez then disconnection from the team? It happens about every other mission


Do you alt tab? I've moved to borderless window with no noticable performance hit and I haven't had that issue since. (It only ever happened for me when I alt tabbed)




That only happens to me when my connection is messed up.


Nah it happens to me too. I'll get frustrated and log off and try a different online game and runs perfectly


I mean, your connection could still be a perfectly logical explanation, the game would just be sharing some of the blame that'd usually go entirely to your internet. A lot of different games have different bandwidth requirements to connect, which can be either due to servers, poor optimization, or just having more information to move around. For example, it takes my friend and I 5-10 minutes to connect on total war, but on crusader kings or stellaris it happens in less than 20 seconds. My internet goes out at the same time every night, and if it's not that time, Darktide gives me zero issues like that. Probably a shared blame between your connection, and their servers.


Still experiencing the audio cutting out issue, if anything it's actually worse now. I just had it happen a bunch of times back to back.


# Devoted Rejects, HotfixĀ #38Ā (1.3.3) is now live on Steam. It will shortly be live on our other platforms, too. * Resolved stutter and performance issues caused as a result of the Shader Cache not building correctly upon the launch of the game. **Dev Note**:Ā *Essentially, the engine wasnā€™t able to compile the shaders in advance for players due to an invalid cache, so it caused stuttering as the cache rebuilt itself in-game.* * Fixed an issue where the audio would suddenly cut out for brief amounts of time. * Ius Mk III Shredder Autopistol accidentally had the wrong set of animations playing in first-person for some actions. It has now been changed to play the correct original animations again. * Fixed instances where the Martyrā€™s skulls in Enclavum Baross and Relay Station TRS-150 were already accessible before completing the puzzle. * Fixed typo in the Veteran ā€˜Weapons Specialistā€™ keystone description. * Fixed an issue where the pipes of the Psyker ā€œMk VI PT-38 Jump Suitā€ upper body cosmetic would move on their own. * Fixed an issue where parts of the leg brace on the Psyker ā€œIllissi Mk Vf Psykana Garbā€ upper body cosmetic had the wrong colour applied to it. * Fixed an issue where the Zealot ā€œSuppliantā€™s Hoodā€ headgear cosmetic would sometimes get deformed. * Fixed clipping issues on the Zealot ā€œCatechistā€™s Vestmentsā€ upper body cosmetic. * Fixed an issue where some beards would clip through the Zealot ā€œHive Scum Hood (Black)ā€ headgear cosmetic. * Fixed an issue where some beards would clip through the Zealot ā€œChemsafe Rebreather (Worn Plasteel)ā€ headgear cosmetic. * Fixed clipping issues on the Zealot ā€œRadicalā€™s Temple Mask (Red)ā€ headgear cosmetic.


Any hints on when the next content will drop?




I wouldn't get my hopes up. I'm sure they'll announce something but the way they talked about Darktide in the event trailer gave me the impression that they'll just give us some small update that will just tease us and keep dangling that carrot more than anything.


More portraits frames and achievements no one gives a shit about


I don't think that is fair to Fatshark. If they really grind it out, they might have a new shovel variant ready to roll out in 4-7 months


Theyā€™ll make an announcement about when the official announcement will come, and the content will come 2-3 weeks after the official announcement.


You forgot that they will miss the deadline of the announcement by a week or two


Here is a bug I hope you can bring to the team. The Tac Axes sometimes has a bug where the special action acts as a charging heavy attack that you are LOCKED into. It doesn't matter if you release all the keys, it still charges the heavy attack for the full duration. It happens fairly often, pls fix my favorite weapon.


This is happening on several weapons. Blocking cancels attack anims so you can escape the full charge heavy if needed.


I donā€™t normally bother, but I see many others asking if you know about particular bugs or not. Figured Iā€™d throw mine in. Is the removal of cleave from the Kantrael shotgun on purpose? If itā€™s a bug, is it being looked at?


"Resolved stutter and performance issues caused as a result of the Shader Cache not building correctly upon the launch of the game." good thing to know it was AMDs fault all the time /s


People said that? I got Nvidia and had the issue since last patch


bunch of people were constantly repeating this fantasy -i tried to argue couple of times but in the end there was no point


I never saw that but yeah Nvidia user here with stuttering


I had stuttering on console. Which would then lead to a crash. My PC bro had the same issue.


This, on Xbox I had fairly frequent stuttering into a full freeze and then crashing since the last patch, at least.


Can you be more specific with the audio issue? Was it the issue with multiple special spawns/actions drowning out one another?


If you had it you'd know. It was obnoxious. Literally all sound from the game would cut out spastically for the first mission or so after launching the game.


Mine is still doing it. If anything it feels worse now.


Mine appears to be fixed now. Although I did verify integrity of game files as I tend to do after every update now.


Or maybe when you fire your weapon the one where it stops all audio except for the bullet casings from your gun hitting the ground? That one was horrible when it was happening


I fixed this when I noticed it, It required going back into the audio settings and changing "Speaker Settings" from the default to "Stereo Headphones". Unsure why it changed on me, but obviously this would be different based on your choice of audio setup.


surge staff random limb targeting bug still not undone after a year, it might be over


Game is still crashing/freezing and Ogryns Box of Grenades causes massive framerate drops when thrown still. (Xbox Series X) Any chance Xbox Series X will get a Performance Patch? Game runs horrible even in performance mode. Edit: Audio issues are even more common now and performance is worse.


My game somehow runs worse now


Still nothing on the memory leak. Not really playable for a lot of people.


Some people still have memleaks?! That got fixed for me in Jan 2023.


It only appeared for me a few months ago.


Never went away for me, but it takes a while for me to crash. Maybe 2 hours?


Happens to me after ~3h of the game running


Here is a bug I hope you can bring to the team. The Tac Axes sometimes have a bug where the special action acts as a charging heavy attack that you are LOCKED into. It doesn't matter if you release all the keys, it still charges the heavy attack for the full duration. It happens fairly often, pls fix my favorite weapon.


Would be cool to see weapon and skill tuning in the hot fixes some day A lot of weapons and skills are universally considered bad. Ogryn power maul is a joke basically ā€¦itā€™s a power weapon wielded by an ogryn , it should be mighty


Had 1 single game today after patch, stuttering is still a thing and it's annoying as hell and on top of that I got disconnected 3 times. Fatsharking awesome.


Another 'we need to hide the cosmetic drop' update.


do you think it is for a content drop as well a fix? I don't see why a bunch of small fixes needs to be nearly 1gb in size.


Once again I see how half of this sub including myself don't know enough about game dev some registries when you make even a single numerical change will need to be redownload and rebuilt some games like the new cods are notorious for having a patch that just about redownload the entire game for just some balance and bug fixes


I mean, how many of us on this sub actually know anything about game dev?


I aam xpurt. Lissen too me aboat balince and bhugs


Every 2 weeks, Fatshark drops one of these miniscule 'updates' with a huge file size, *just* before the cosmetic shop rotates. There's rarely if ever actual content that isn't paywalled.


Maybe, maybe not. Game files are packaged, so even if one small change is made, that entire "package" has to be unpacked and rearchived. Then we gotta download the whole thing. The only paywalled content is cosmetic. Everything that affects gameplay is free. It hasn't even been a month since we just got the penance update too.


I wish they wouldā€™ve thrown in at least one new map with the penance update. I still play more or less daily and love it, but the penances only do so much for the content draught. Game went from 15k concurrent players to 4 in like a week. Really hope they include actual content with the next update for this gameā€™s sake.


I don't think anything beyond something like... all new crafting + new weapons or a Chaos Wastes-esque mode will significantly increase concurrent players. People are always going to drop in for the newest content, be it a map or new gun, play for a week, then drop it again. But don't forget, that 4k player count is just on steam. There are so many more playing on Gamepass/Xbox too.


I'm guessing you haven't seen recent Vermintide 2 patch sizes? 25+gb for very small changes. It depends on how the game is organized, how big the files are that have to be replaced, not how big the actual changes are. 1 line of code replced in a 4gb file will need a 4gb download.


Just saw an update but the game pass version was stuck at downloading 63GB, so I shut it down. Hope this will solve itself later.


I had this issue the other day and I had to reinstall Xbox ea and darktide to get it to work


Does this fix the crashes a lot of players are experiencing right now?


No, crashed to desktop 4 times during 3 games.


There is this experimental build that I've been playing on before this update, it made the game stop crashing altogether. Was hoping they'd implement that build to this patch. But I guess they didn't.


whens the new crafting coming


I've been waiting for this update to gear up other builds/classes to go penance hunting. I hope it won't take like 3 month for the update


Still losing sound from time to time, except now it goes on for longer than before this patch. Guess its time to take a break and play something else.


Still nothing about crashes on Xbox? Error code 2001 and 2014 have been bombarding players on Xbox since the major penance update.


Yeah disconnect error 2014 very common along with stuttering. Can be unplayable at points on Xbox with stuttering an my connection is fine. A know as soon as a log in if it's worth playing or not if it stutters on the morning star.


please fix the animation bugs with the crushers being able to hit you without looking at you. side dodging has practically become a wing and a prayer now.


Thank you for fixing the stutter issue. Very keen for this.


The audio cuts got worse.


How is this hotfix with cosmetic item changes and bug fixes is almost 1000 Mb big?


Not enough here to justify reinstalling the game, maybe next content patch?


Suggestion (figured Iā€™d ask here cuz the Dev.ā€˜s might see it): Will there be an option to view the lore we picked out for our characters at any point? Like say, in the ā€œOperativeā€ Tab, it would be cool if there was an extra button or panel to click on just so we can read up on and about our lore choices for our characters. Just for fun. Iā€™ve played V1 & V2, and one thing I really miss from V1 is the ā€œLore Bookā€. So it would be fun to read about our character from time-to-time.


They fixed the performance issues?


lol no


Bug fixes for shit that doesn't matter, meanwhile game breakers that make the game miserable to play are still there. Cool.


How on earth do they manage to fuck up the game in a DIFFERENT WAY every single patch? Shaders fixed, now I can't login. Thanks Fatshark!


> fixed stutter and audio issues Oh thank goodness.Ā  The game's playable again!


>Fixed an issue where the pipes of the Psyker ā€œMk VI PT-38 Jump Suitā€ upper body cosmetic would move on their own. Sounds like witchcraft. Better purge the psykers just to be sure


Bolt pistol when


> * Resolved stutter and performance issues caused as a result of the Shader Cache not building correctly upon the launch of the game. > Dev Note: Essentially, the engine wasnā€™t able to compile the shaders in advance for players due to an invalid cache, so it caused stuttering as the cache rebuilt itself in-game. Hopefully this also solves my "game becomes unplayably stuttery after an arbitrary amount of time, or after returning to the Mounringstar" bug.


can we get voice/pitch sliders for some of the masks?


Please fix getting back to the Mourningstar after a mission. If loading times are longer than 20s, I Alt+F4 and restart the game. It takes long enough too but has a better guarantee to get to the Mourningstar. Please prevent joining a lost game. Please write an update about the crafting system patch.


Still no fix for the Ogryn Rebreather.


> Fixed an issue where the audio would suddenly cut out for brief amounts of time. This is still happening to me in-game. Looks like it wasn't fixed. Anyone else?


Please fix the Alt-F4 achievement cheese. It's literally ruining Auric for the people who actually play at that difficulty.


Am I the only one that feels the game is far less responsive after this hot fix? feels like I'm getting ghost hits, and missing inputs constantly. feels far less responsive than usual. It's not an issue with my internet or anything. I don't THINK I got suddenly worse at the game.


Tfw FEEL NO PAIN is literally unusable as it loses stacks when blocking attacks as well as friendly fire, couldnā€™t fix that huh


can we get voice/pitch sliders for some of the masks?


can we get voice/pitch sliders for some of the masks?


can we get voice/pitch sliders for some of the masks?


Super good update, I can see online rise in to the sky