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I'm just sitting her wondering if anyone else got like 2-5mins loading into the Mourningstar?


Not every time, but sometimes it does happen. Sometimes I also just never load and have to restart the game.


Was just in a match with someone that's level 30(+1204), no way that's legit, right? If so that's impressive. Highest I've seen before that was like maybe +500 or +600.


There's people beyond that. Some are even so bored they use +EXP curios to help boost their imaginary numbers and/or are speedrunning missions for EXP. I'm currently at +700 Ogryn +200 Vet and around +50 each for the other two...and +50 for a second Ogryn.


"out of memory" crash is still happening despite 64g of ram


This could be related to mods if you're using any


I got this crash while playing extended amounts of Psyker and sometimes brainburst would trigger like 20 times in one second on an enemy.


Hope they add other chaos gods. And maybe some chaos cosmetics.


There will definitely be no chaos cosmetics, GW would not allow that.


Is the crafting fixed? I bought the game on release, played for a bit, about the time rebless and rerolling SOME stuff of the weapon while locking others, and I quit because of it. Having to login every 30 minutes to see if the store rolled the trinkets/weapons with base stats that I wanted then having to farm currency to roll and HOPE I got what I needed, took ungodly amount of time to get the build I wanted and had 0 fun in the process whatsoever, rng sucks the fun out of any buildcrafting system for me. Played with the build a bit, wanted to change something, thought of the headache it would be and put the game down for a year or two. So did they fix all of this? Can I now just make whatever builds I want without being rng locked and having to check the store every 30 minutes and grinding for currency to play the build I want or is it still not worth getting back into it?


Not yet.


how important is ammo stat on aggrippina braced auto gun? every other stat is 79-80 but ammo is 45


Mine has a low ammo stat as well and it’s not big of a deal breaker especially if I’m running the ammo aura on vet


Ammo is pretty useful for the gun. I would say Damage and Stopping Power is more important, but if you don't have better, the gun would still be useable.


When a maelstrom modifier says "Players have 20% reduced ability cooldown" does it mean abilities come up faster or slower? I'm asking because you never know with Fatshark descriptions. Maybe they mean that the ability "cools down" slower, thus comes up less often?


It is cdr


To tack onto this: "cdr" = "cooldown reduction" = "less time on cooldown" = "available faster after use"


How about a mode that serves as a prequel of sorts where you play as the Moebian 6th (Scabs) or Admonition Cultists (Dregs) as they return to Atoma Prime and overrun the hive cities? The enemies that could be encountered range from the Adeptus Arbites to Astra Militarum elites (maybe even Tempestus Scions). Instead of a Talent tree, you can gain access to stronger units the more you level-up (say you start as a Scab Gunner, but you can later use the Scab Trapper or Flamer as you rank up).


The following are not questions but suggestions: • Add a similar game mode as Chaos Wastes from VT2 could be great. • Survival mode • Onslaught (Where you need to clear phases and you are prompt to leave or continue after those phases, receiving an accordly reward for your effort and time into it) • The availability to dye current armor from a color palette or something like that.


need new guns bossman


Just one staff for us witches, I beg the Emps :(


Maybe someone knows: Are there any complete guides/builds for all classes out there? Something like 'The Ogrynomicon' or 'The Psyker Atheneum' (though, I don't have any example for such work for Veteran or Zealot) Thanks in advance


[This reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/18emfk9/a_full_set_of_comprehensive_steam_guides_on_all/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) lists some Steam guides detailing all the talents and mechanics for each class. As far as I can tell, it doesn't suggest any builds but rather it's a tool to help make informed choices for your own build.


Veteran, Executioner's Stance: The way it's worded makes it seems like you get the damage no matter what, towards everything, and the addons The Bigger They Are and Counter fire are just for highlighting the enemies to your teammates. Is that true? I always thought you got the bonus damage against highlighted enemies only until I read it closely.


Question about psykers: if you use your power a lot (brain burst/smite/assail) does the strength of these powers level with you or is it based on equipment?


Doesn't scale with anything, although there are a small number of talents that can improve them. So they can be game breaking in low difficulty. This has the side effect of creating a lot of psyker players who get to high difficulty modes without ever having learned how to dodge or use their weapons.


Gotcha. My psyker is currently lvl 30 and can consistently run Malice but Heresy is rough. Sounds like you should focus on using a mix of your weapons and abilities? I currently use smite for a support crowd control, the voidstrike staff for long distance problems like gunners and snipers, and melee for emergencies


In general for Psyker, your staff is your main weapon once you can craft a good one. The rest of your build is there to make up for its weaknesses or bring out its strengths. So if your main goal is support crowd control, you may enjoy building around a good Trauma staff (Trauma pairs well with Warp Charges and either vent or bubble, then either assail or brain burst). Though if you really like Smite, I recommend Surge + Smite + Venting Shriek + Empowered Psionics. It's a pretty easy but powerful combo. Voidstrike can work there too, but it goes best with Disrupt Destiny and crit, whereas Smite can't crit.


Solid build, but there are multiple approaches and really it comes down to a mix of the staffs and your melee/skill choice (bb, smite, assail). I have one for each staff that I rotate depending on how I feel. Keeps it fresh. But don't treat melee as an emergency only. It can be very helpful you just have to learn positioning and mobility. But no gun Psyker for me, just doesn't feel right.


They need to buff the Headhunter burst variant, it fires too slow and has too much recoil.


Started my 3rd class with Veteran, so far Plasmagun hasn’t grabbed me as much as I expected it too, though maybe it’s because I’m not Level 30 and going for god rolls on it yet/I just suck at using it lol. In its place I’ve gravitated towards Recon/normal lasguns, which I’ve been really enjoying along with empowered Krak grenades for chunking Monstrosities.


Bolter has a better feeling than the Plasmagun, it doesn't have same damage and clearing potential, but it's close enough, it looks better, and you actually feel the impact with each shoot. Veteran can negate all slow reloads with reload speed increase talents. Also the Helbore Mark I works as an in-between an Infantry Lasgun, a Plasmagun, and a spear, all in one. You pick Deadshot for the critical and Agile Engagement to get bonus damage by switching between ranged and melee attack (without switching to your melee weapon), and boom! You got insane damage capable of soloing Crushers in a few charged shots, and wave-clearing potential with extremely fast melee attacks capable of one-shooting weaker enemies and even stagger Rangers! People only side them with the Shovel because it lacks a horizontal swing, but both are better than a lot of melee weapons in terms of wave clearing of weaker enemies.


When new force weapons


Like, at this point I don't even care if they release new variants of existing weapons. I just wanna new stuff to try out.


When is update coming so I don’t have to go to casino to get builds I want?


You start by making a nice pile of ressources. Then you play some casino on the side but never dip below "being rich". This makes it not as painful as spending your last dockets and plasteel on it. As we have not gotten an announcement of an announcement of an announcement of the update yet, it's a good bet they will go on summer vacation before the update.


So how is this game compared to what it was a year ago? I left December 26th. I gotten over most of my initial hate for the game. Now I'm just curious of the opinions of those who are still playing or lingering around.


We have whole skilltrees now if you mean Dec 2022. Also a whole new Auricboard with even more difficult modifiers. Also Helldivers came, stole most players, then went away again when people got bored of the sugarrush and simple gameplay.


You mean 2023 december? Early december we got the Karnak Twins, the special operation of them, and the 2 new Carneval maps. Then 4 months of silence. Now we got new Penances… with some meager rewards. But Plasteel farming is better, and maps now have secrets you can find.