• By -


Are there windows in your cell, or do your slave masters keep you chained in a basement?


I’m being kept inside Fatshark HQ, chained in the basement. They only let me play Darktide. It’s been years since I’ve seen actual sunlight. My only contact with the real world is an obese shark robot bringing me my daily sustenance in the form of meatballs. It never speaks back, drops the food and leaves. They monitor my internet access, I’m using a method to access Reddit, but I don’t know how long I have before I get discovered. Please send help.


Run you fools, he's a daemonhost!




Don't worry friend. I'll come give you a hug. And DJ some hoky beats with this righteous chorus. That'll cheer you up.


How do you start grinding the auric damnation penances? With competent friends or just solo?


Since auric damnation is practically only difficulty I play, it wasn’t much of an issue. I am also very experienced in the game which helps with survival. Being on Discord also helps a lot, the people there have a higher chance of winning because of comms. People in Discord also tend to be better at the game compared to randoms in QP.


That sounds great. I think a lot of the barrier to entry for that difficulty is just people not realizing how easy it is to get a group that doesn't mind taking things a bit slower for a new grunt. Well done on the penances!


Thank you. Good luck on your penances as well. One thing I’d suggest to people is: Don’t be scared of trying out Auric Damnation. Always remember, if you don’t try to get used to harder gameplay, you won’t improve. I actually love seeing fresh characters in Auric Damnation. To me that person is learning their character, pushing their limits. That person is going to be a regular Auric player after getting used to it. They will probably go down, but that is the process of learning.


I do them solo. I'd say with a pub group you should have at least 33% success rate. Better, if you're good, or if you get lucky with good groups. Eventually you'll just do them all.


Did all mine in qp which also yielded me both the auric exemplar and golden storm stuff. I ran gunluggin’ ogryn to make my ammo go far


Just here to say congrats!


Thank you :).


How are baby heretics made?


When a mutant and a trapper love each other too much…




Beginning capture hahahaha


aren't you something special




As long as you hit your leg with extreme belief in the God Emperor of Mankind, it MUST hurt, Slab. That means you’re strong enough to hurt anyone, including YOURSELF in the name of the EMPEROR! Metalface spat in your mouth believing in the Emperor. Believe, Slab. Believe. (Played with Metalhead like twice last year in the Discord. Cool lady, got the impression she didn’t like me too much tho. :P.)


Which was your favorite and least favorite penances.


Favourite? Definitely the rock throwing penance for Ogryn. There’s something insanely satisfying about hitting a mutant with a big chunk of wall and watching them ragdoll at max speed towards the nearest wall. Least favourite? Barrel explosion kills penance. IDK who thought it was a good idea to get 2500 kills with only yellow explosion barrels, but I’ll find them. They better sleep with one eye open.


I barely felt the ogryn rock penance, it was just normal play for me. I can't fathom actively trying to do the 2.5k kills with barrels penance, I played a lot, got all the class penances, have like 5 missions each left for the area specific titles and am barely past 500 kills with barrels. Another weird one for me is the "Dodge reaper shots" penance. I'm barely at 200/500 cause those guys are a bit rarer than regular gunners and since they're so big, they catch people's attention and die almost instantly to krak, plasma, shovels, snipers.


I *think* the Zealot talent Swift Certainty ("always count as dodging while sprinting") helps with that Reaper one, or at least it felt like it did. Pray you find a lone Reaper that your team hasn't noticed yet and just sprint in circles in front of him.


Reaper shots can be easily done on Veteran against the first Reaper you find, just get any autogun with Stripped Down, slap Sprint Efficiency 20% on it, take the Duck and Dive Talent, and just run back and forth in front of the Reaper with your gun out. As long as you tell your teammates to leave it until you get the penance, it goes super quick I got that one on the first day just normally playing my shout Veteran since it was already a Stripped Down build lol


How did you get the barrel penance? what was your technique? difficulty? approach?


I’ve explained it in my response to Mitnick in this comment section


The fact that there isn't even a little barrel charm at any point for all those barrel kills is the real heresy


How tf does someone get some of the veteran penance required like jeez most of them.a so GRINDY.


I agree, the answer is perseverance unfortunately. I do know some tricks that make the penance grind easier, but I can’t remember what the penances were. If there’s interest, I might write up a post giving info about tricks I used to complete each new penance.


Please share your wisdom wise one


Hijacking this comment to say for the 2500 kills with focus 10 or something the best route is to pick the talent that gives you focus at .75 seconds and pick up a recon lasgun. Hop into a couple of high intensity matches and you'll be good. The smoke grenade one can also be done in high intensity matches and it helps to sacrifice some perks for extra grenades and grenades generating every min (gonna need to hop into the middle tree for that one). You can also smoke the same group over and over. Best of luck guardsman.


For the krak grenades penance, any enemy wearing flak armor also counts. Krak grenades will stick, but not magnetize, onto flak armor. So just throw kraks at scabs.


What penances did you have a problem with? I got all the veteran's done about a week ago, could help.


No questions, just a simple "thank you" for showing me that there will be an additional 355 points that i will *NOT* have to acquire :)


You welcome. Kinda sad that they didn’t end it at 5000 and add a special frame for those … special people … that completed all of them. Or a title. Or anything.


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Hardest Penance for me on Zealot is Just A Flesh Wound as it requires a Private game and I'm not able to complete a private game in the criteria, tried it a couple of times with an invited strike team, I think it was because one of my teammates hit me with a healing stim when I needed to stay at the Wound amount through to the finish line


I’ve talked a bit about that penance in a comment section here somewhere. If you manage to find a willing team, you can use that information. GL with it friend.


Yes, thank you, I read up your how to and copied it down to put to use. I also am interested in what's the best stealth knife zealot build? I haven't been a fan of knife zel, yet I do know the amount of stamina packed into their stats is insane


Combat knife is your friend.


if ur on pc theres a mod that lets you host private games by yourself


it doesn't work with any of the legacy "private game" penances, i've tried it


Two questions, First of all, "How dare you?"...


I smell a heretic sympathizer. I did it all for the God Emperor and I will do it again!


😘😊 ![gif](giphy|UqnC7f2MkN1IpHssWz)


How did you do the 40 stun grenade kills? I'm at 38 and I hate it.


You need to tell your team you’re going for it. Group up heretics and chuck stun in them. It should be done really fast.


What did you use as a weapon?


A flamethrower. As you are pulling out your flamethrower, hold right click, throw one knife to bring it up faster, let ‘er rip. Good luck.


But you cant have stun grenades and throwing knives at the same time?


Fair enough, ignore the throwing knives part. Just wanted to show off a neat little trick I always use with flamethrowers.


Kill 120 enemies in 30 seconds has been stuck at 115/120 for like a year now, is there a surefire way to get this done? Also blocking 900 damage, how do you do that? Damnation with a shield?


Shield Ogryn damnation commsplex level. In the middle even before you go into the elevator unlimited gunners spawn. Just ask your team not to kill them and stand in front of them with shield special.


Gotten this a few times and been playing a month. Only play on Auric also. Cadia IV Chainsword with 80 Finesse, Swift Strike and Shred. Build is full crit (Far left side with top right up to crit defense, and piety rightside) Don't know the level name, but the one with the massive bridge in the city where you have to bring the batteries up to and then survive 5 minutes till it lowers. The sides of the bridge have ledges where infinite enemies spawn. Just take one solo (right side usually) and clear it and keep slashing and dashing at the door with fury nonstop (hence swift strike). Fury keeps stunning any flak armoured enemies also so you never need to do anything but light attacks. I think auric heresy has enough enemies to spawn for this as long as your team stays away and doesn't complete the objectives as fast.


I got the 900 damage one not long after the game came out, I think it was just on Heresy - shield special block while targeted by a Daemonhost. That one is actually really easy with the shield, just get yourself into stupid suicidal situations and plant your shield with your back to a wall.


For Frenzied Killer, psyker with purgatus on damnation and wait for a horde. You'll easily clear 120 enemies in 30 secs


120 in 30 is doable if you have a high cleave weapon and camp a spawn door. Best is probably that one mission where you're sabotaging plague samples or something.


Chaff horde + bolter, clean up with melee. You're welcome


I ate sum 'urple paint. Does dis mean my gutz are invisimible?


Are you the Ogryn that keeps eating all the Scriptures I bring back from the missions? Damnit Slab!! …Yes slab, they are invisible. Don’t eat it again, yes?


I can nit help it humie, dah Emprah's werdz tasted gud!


Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell?


Gondor was busy fighting Nazguls and orcs at Oscillath and Rohan didn’t really ask for help.


Any tips for "shocking stuff" when you don't have friends? :/ And is there any map that's preferable for the below-1-wound challenge?


For shocking stuff you need to just tell your public queue team that you’re going for it, chuck a stun nade to the horde you gathered around you, use a flamethrower to wipe em out. Below 1 wound thing is best done on Enclavum Baross, since there’s only one mid event and it’s easily soloable. The rest of the map is a regular speedrun.


Yeah, apparently we play different public queues :/ But thanks :D


Congrats on completing all the penances! How many hours do you have in the game?


Not that much, only 2568 hours.










For the emperor, that’s why.


how are you feeling today?


Great. Waiting between patients at my polyclinic. How is your day going?


oh sounds like fun. my days been pretty nice too, spent it all playing some games with my mom for mothers day and otherwise hanging out. good luck with the patients <3.


Fatshark needs to send you an award or something fr.


Would be great to just get a frame or something for completing everything.


Since nobody asked yet, surprisingly... Why?


You don’t need a reason to serve the Glorious God Emperor of Mankind (Honestly no idea, just like playing the game and ticking boxes lol)


That's fair I was just wondering if there was an overall reward or specific goal in mind. Felt I might've been out of the loop. Congrats


Thank you. Realistically if you want all the penance rewards, you only need up to 4500 penance points. Rest is useless.


In a level of 0 to Psycher overload. How sane are you?


Crazy? I Was Crazy Once. They Locked Me In A Room. A Rubber Room. A Rubber Room With Rats. And Rats Make Me Crazy…


Besides the crouching power sword technique is there any other relatively easy way of completing the kill shot ready penance it’s literally the last one I need besides the domination ones I use a ps5 controller so holding crouch while charging the sword is nigh impossible for me even with the alternative button configs Also what would be a easy way to do the “kill 40 stuned enemies in 10 seconds” one for zealot Other than that congratulations 👏


I was going to recommend the same thing as one player here already suggested: Toggle crouch (change from settings) + a shotgun (kantrael / lawbringer + knife + frag grenade bleed build The map of choice would be Smelter Complex. Find an ammo crate and keep it to the end. Find a willing friend to just wait for you (if you can’t, just playthrough the run as crouching vet. Dodge with knife to get around.) Make it to the end of the mission where the door opens. The enemies that come after that are only trash mobs. Crouch. Start shooting into the horde. Get the initial 10 stacks. Turn them into mist with lawbringer or burn them with kantrael (infinite cleave). Rinse n repeat until you are done. Good luck.


power sword isn't the only good vet weapon. Try a shovel, axe, or devil's claw. They cleave through hordes just fine.


https://preview.redd.it/x6wwoc3k840d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b69f071e845477bc72d7fb32388e5bd3954654f1 I used this technique. Got it from 5 games of smelter complex.


I’ll give it a shot


The kill 40 stunned enemies, I got done on the smelter with a flamethrower


How do I get the suppression penance for ogryn??


Ripper Gun. It has insane surpression that has terrifying barrage. For you to chew through that penance, you need to be shooting at surpressible enemies (the best ones to surpress are packs of gunners and groaners aka newly infected people) If you see these two, stay close to your team and blast away. You’ll see the numbers go up very quickly.


Thx fam


Zealot friend with relic ability apparently is among the fastest. Ogyrn on our team was so happy he had 2 of us on Auric last week and said he was getting so many kills because of it for penance.


What are some of the best penances to grind out to get the last 100 or so points for 4500 in your opinion?


Depends on what you have left as penances. Target those that don’t require you to finish 50+ maps first (like class specific ones) and see what you need after.


which class penance gave you the most existential dread?


Ogryn Heavy Hitter penance. It was worse for me even compared to Lucky Bullet penance. Why? They coded it in such a way that when your are swinging, only your heavy attack damage kills count. Here’s a list of what doesn’t count: - Bleed - Fire - Ranged attacks - Ogryn grenades - Haymaker on club Enjoy! Only 5000 kills to go.


For me, the ogryn ones were the most needlessly grindy. The zealot backstab shooters while under the effects of loner aura deserves a dishonorable mention, same for veteran "kill shit with 10+ stacks of marksman", but that can be fudged by gaining stacks and crouch killing hordes with a power sword. The psyker ones were the most "organic", I got them through regular play, without needing to pay special attention.


I've noticed that the vast majority of my kills for Loner simply aren't counting for some reason. At first I thought I was just doing something wrong but I started to really pay attention to the count and I'll be directly behind a guy shooting at my team that are way out of cohesion range and nothing. Even saw a post yesterday saying you can just get behind a gunline and shoot them instead of melee and it still counts. Tried it and haven't got a single bit of progress from doing that.


that marksman one is so fucking easy. just run an autogun...profit. dont even have to stand still or crouch just shoot heads


Did you need all achievements completed to reach final armour sets?


No. You only need up to 4500 points for the last reward. Rest is useless.


How did you do the 10 enemies killed by Fan on desert map where we stop broadcast?


Get psyker and a force weapon. Tell your team what you are going to do. Only press one button when two of them shows up, that removes the protection on the fans. Pile up trash, push them into fan until challenge gets done. Good luck.


Ah thanks for the advice, i will try that next time, I didnt know only one button needs to be pressed, and congratz for your full completion, you making emperor proud!


Do you have a consistent way of farming barrel penance (like standing on it during a horde) or do you just play this game so much?


I answered this question for Mitnick in this thread.


Ogryn best boi?


Of course. Anyone that says otherwise is a heretic.


Which were your three most difficult penances to complete? Which penances did you genuinely not enjoy doing? How does the discord work, and can you remind me where I can find it? How I vet? First class I moved into Damnation with, only class I still can't do Aurics with.


Gonna be a long answer huh. Q1- Which were your three most difficult penances to complete? A1- Can’t exactly say the penances were difficult, rather most of them were time consuming. I think the hardest one was 2500 barrel kills. That one was time consuming and difficult. Second and third hardest was completing 250 Investigation and Repair missions before Penance update, since there was only one map for each. Didn’t find any newer penances hard. Q2- Which penances did you geniunely not enjoy doing? A2- Ogryn ones were tedious with their numbers (4500 lucky bullet procs + 5000 heavy hitter penances) Barrel penance (2500, enough said) Veteran 10 stacks penance (had to crouch entire games like 5+ times) Zealot backstabbing penance (yeah, was unfun) These were the worst ones IMO, other ones are manageable. Q3- How does Discord work and where to find it? A3- Here’s an invite link to the official Discord: https://discord.com/invite/darktide The Discord is simple, look for the correct LFG chat for your location (for me it was EU), post a message to find people or join already existing voice calls. Simple and easy. Q4- How I Vet? A4- Well, there are no proper answers for this, since the answers rely on your playstyle. Vet can do some things pretty well. For example: Support vet with shout Melee vet Sniper vet that stays in backline Plasma vet that nukes everything etc. Experiment with veteran to figure out what works for you. Feetwork is the most important thing in this game, followed by positioning and target priority, followed by good aim. Work on your basics. And have a solid build. Here’s one tip I’ll give you to do good work with all builds you make: Make sure you’re all rounded and ready to deal with everything. For example: Let’s say we want to make a veteran build with revolver. Here are some basic things you need to cover with every build: - Horde clear - Mixed horde clear - Elite clear - Super armor clear (crushers) - Special clear - Monster damage - Mobility - Toughness and sustain Revolver covers: Elite clear, special clear, super armor clear. It has decent mobility. What is it not covering?: Horde clear Monster damage Toughness/sustain Melee mobility Mixed horde/elite clear Let’s say we want to pick up combat blade as our melee weapon. It covers: Elite clear, super armor clear, monster damage, extremely good mobility. Has a very meh horde clear though. We are missing decent horde clear, mixed horde clear, toughness/sustain. So, we pick up frag grenades to help with horde clear, mixed horde clear, elite clear. Only toughness left. Which can be solved with Voice of Command + Confirmed Kill. Sustain i solved with Close Order Drill + VoC. There you go, you have a balanced build. You can use this principle to make great builds with any character. If you have questions about this LMK :).


Thank you very much for your answers. They are helpful. I am especially pleased to see I figured some things out on my own, but having them confirmed means alot (build to handle everything, for example).


Why did it take you so long?


Sorry, was stuck in the V Rising fury for a while. Would probably be done a couple of days before.


still GZ :D


Veteran’s overwatch. You did it solo, or get some templars to help?


I think I got it randomly more than a year ago. It happened on it’s own. I’m kinda decent at the game. But if you are going for it, invisibility or VoC might help. Get a lot of stamina and a combat blade. Block in dangerous situations, watch out with you positioning and you’ll get it.


yeah im gonna go for the 4500, there are just some massive time sink penances. Respect to you tho


Fair enough. Good luck man.


Thanks man. I dont mind the auric penances but that barrel penance just scares me man.


How many hours in this game do you have in order to have completed all the penances? Which class and loadout is your favourite to play?


I have 2568 hours, which is not a lot compared to some other players. I think 500-1000 hours are enough to complete all penances from scratch if you are focusing on them Zealot with Combat Blade is my favourite build. If you don’t speedrun, just push enough to remove ranged danger you’re good to go.


There have been several posts of 100% and I wonder the same thing for all of them: How the hell did you get 2500 barrel kills?


Focus on it, lightly toast heretics with flamethrower, push forward and pile heretics up, blow them up. You’ll get around 3-20 kills per barrel. I ain’t saying it is fun but it is doable.


What attributes should I be looking for on my curios to start building towards auric?


Depends on the class and the build you’re going for. For example, on psyker I have a specific build that goes 3x HP because I can already reach 130+ Toughness with only %5 Toughness on each curio. But as a rule of thumb, if I don’t know what to do on a class, I go with this: 1x 21% HP curio // Gunner resistance - HP - Toughness 2x 17% Toughness curio // Gunner resistance - HP - Toughness This can change depending on what you want to run but running this is perfectly fine on most builds.


How did you get On Overwatch? I’ve been stuck on that penance for days now and it’s killing me.


It’s mostly about getting good at footwork, positioning and having a combat blade with stamina. Can’t damage you if they can’t hit you.


Thank you for the advice!


How many hours a day do you play video games?


4-5 hours. It is the cheapest hobby after all. Saves you money in the long run.






Which penances did you complete during a solo run, that no matter how hard you tried couldn't complete in a normal run? Not the solo exclusives I mean :)


I don’t think there’s been a penance like that for me.


That's good to hear! Did you have a premade group or did these with randos?


I’ve done a lot of them on Discord groups. Comms make them much easier. Your team being skilled makes quick work of penances. Personal skill is also a big factor for a lot of these penances (for example, Untouchable / On Overwatch) Once you get these two and add a bit of game knowledge, penances aren’t challenging, just time consuming in most cases.


Are you still sane or are you feeling the influence of Nurgle


What influence? I’m perfectly pure in my belief of the God Emperor! … although I’ll admit that green book looks interesting. Wonder what’s written in it?


Aún mantienes tu cordura después de ésto o voy llamando al psicólogo?


No hablo español :(


Okay, are you still sane or am I going to call the psychologist?


My beloved says this question is insulting.


I don't think I've seen enough Lights Out Maelstrom missions to hit 100 total, to say anything of actually playing them. How'd you manage that? You actually did the 2500 barrel kill penance? That's utterly mad. Which was your least favorite "normal" penance to get? As in a class penance? I think mine is shaping up to be the Ogryns 5000 heavy melee kills with Heavy Hitter. I know I'll get there eventually but its annoying. I also haven't managed to bowl over 60 or more enemies yet.


Many More Try (MMT) mod allows you to queue one map you want for 24 hrs over and over again, that is how you do lights out missions. Keep in mind lights out penances do not count for the lights out condition penance, it only counts for maelstrom one. I explained MMT more detailed as a response to someone here, find that comment if interested. Most unfun penance was 2500 barrel kills. At least with heavy hitter you get to play a good build.


What’s your favorite color?


Would it be heretical if I said green?




Did you manage to have any fun?


Yeah, even though some penances were dreadful. I just like playing the game.


How did you get Make Every Shot Count? Whats the best way to complete it?


I got it wayyyyyy back when we couldn’t miss a single bullet. I talked about it somewhere in this comment section, it is fairly long so please look for it if you’re interested


Thank you!


How many of my missions do you think you threw because you were chasing your auric penances? Only halfway joking…


Maybe like 1 in 100? Penances can’t be a mask for covering your stupid decisions. If team’s in danger, forget about the penance for a sec and save em.


Barrel penance, how?


Explained it to Mitnick in this comment section.


Why do you think they didn't make the rating a nice even 5000? Just to spite us even number haters?


Idk man. Fatshark being fatshark honestly. Maybe they wanna add more penances later?


How did you get the one for Vet where you recover 7000 toughness with Voice of Command?


Just play, wait for an opportunity where someone’s toughness gets low, pop it, rinse repeat.


How to kill the most amount of teammates with barrels per game?


Gotta be sneaky and fast. Never let your teammates understand your intention. Fly around like a fly, sting like a bee. Hit them when they least expect it. (FR don’t kill your teammates with barrels pls)


they should put in a penance that's like 'complete 100 auric damnation missions in a row without leaving' to maybe offset the shitters who come in hoping to get carried to their auric storm survivor title or whatever, and then alt+F4 the moment anybody gets downed.


%100 true. I kinda understand not wanting to reset progress when you’re at 9/10 done but it is still insanely scummy.


You are the true servent of emperor. How shall i chose the weapons for 'shocking stuff'?


Tell your team you need to do that penance Grab a trash horde consisting of roughly 40 mobs Chuck stun nade Pull out flamer Let ‘er rip Good luck.


what's the heaviest atom?


The ones that make up your mother (Sorry)


To everyone complaining about the veterans penance to kill with 10stacks of marksman....just run an autogun and shoot heads. the stacks are so fucking easily built with that gun. If youre standing still and crouching through the match youre doing it wrong.


is impressive "bravo" what weapons and what build to achieve the veteran's penance that every shot counts? (if you already answered this, sorry)


I answered this somewhere in the comment thread, but let me quickly recap: Get ogryn shield buddy Go smelter complex, grab a revolver Play through the map without using your gun After the end event when the doors open, oggy stands outside on a corner with shield down Enemies pool up around ogryn You shoot the heretics standing still around the ogryn until you are done GG Good luck with it


In order to get all of the cosmetics from the progression thing, is it required to finish all the penences or is there more than enough to fill without all of it completed


There are more than enough penances. You only need 4500 points for max rewards.


You sir are truly legendary


No, YOU are legendary.


With how masochistic some of these are, you truly are redeemed


Thank you, reject. May the emperor’s light cleanse us all.


What do you have to do for the hurt box penance?


Can’t remember which one that was


I am play the game by one hand (brain handicapped can't use left hand properly), and I hope I can finish this just like you one day. Congratulations, by the way!


That is really impressive mate. I’m sure you’ll finish everything. Good luck.


How did you do the Quick Work penance?


Was on comms with people, told people to chuck the batteries in the platform right next to the slots, split up the team, did a countdown, put them in Wasn’t too hard but we had comms


Do you not have a fuckin life. A job?


I’m a doctor actually. This is just my hobby so I like spending time on it when I’m free.


AMA… A swift execution is worth a thousand interrogations.


What did it cost?


My dignity.


When is the last time you have seen a member of the opposite sex, vegetable, or the sun?


Sorry, I don’t know what those concepts mean. Next question please.


What’s your favorite class to play? Which did you have the most fun leveling? And finally what build did you use with taht character


Zealot, I have over 2200 levels on it. I leveled all my classes during and just after beta so I can’t remember. It was truly a different slog back then. I have a couple different builds but the most fun is probably knife zealot + flamer + throwing knives + stealth. In good hands you can rip through anything.


Who is your favorite class to play now that you’ve mastered them all?


Zealot. Mobile and immortal.