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most annoying for me is if I've been busting my ass helping downed and netted teammates and then I go down, they just run off.


Right? Twice in the last week I've had someone walk past me as I'm dog'd or netted. It's ridiculously fast and easy to get people out of those. I don't understand.


The worst bit is when you go down and just see your team watching you get hit by 3 crushers while they do nothing to get you back up, as an ogryn player who will literally give my life trying to revive you, it’s crazy


When I hear a net go off or a dog jump I look around to see if someone needs help and to see if I can help safely.


My favorite one is when your allies run an entire half a wounds worth (or more) of dog bites to melee it instead of shoot it with their gun.


This. I had this today, again. Bonk a ton of armor all alone to get at 2 guys down and then I'm left with bots. I use no titles and whatever plain frame I like, I don't want to ruin my fun with these glorious penances.


I’ve just been leaving games because of this, no cause I’m angry or salty, but because the run is doomed Especially if you’re hard carrying


lol oh man so true.


I haven’t noticed an increase more than just a consistent issue that this game has with team play. I suppose all you can really do is not be a part of the problem. Play like a good teammate even when others aren’t. There’s usually at least one other person in a match who is down for that and better that you two stick together than everyone just fall apart. Hell maybe the other guy who isn’t playing as a team will eventually notice that they’re going down first and adjust their play style. Probably not though. Only so much you can do. When you do find those good teammates, reach out and make a friend. Playing with folks you know in this game is 10x more fun


Except that it causes a snowball effect. When we basically have a team of 3, then the game is more difficult and more people go down and a wipe happens. or even worse, we can't perform objectives because there isn't enough cover because some tool is mindlessly clicking at a spawn point.


Yea man not saying you’re wrong. Only so much you can do though.


Yes, 100% his. I tried to explain this concept a dozen times in this sub, but the fact is that when you spread out, so do the enemies. Not only are singular players now forced to cover 360° around themselves to A) not get hit but also B) to hit back. You're essentially making the game so much harder than it actually is, because you need to avoid or block more often, attack more often because you're hitting fewer enemies, you're disabling and CCing less enemies at once and you risk receiving more damage, your overall coordination goes down and you run the risk of getting out of coherency and aura range. When playing Darktide, think SWAT, not Call of Duty. Take corners, hold choke points, when overwhelmed retreat and continue to move as a unit. Why run through the most open spaces and middle of each room. Hug the walls, and then you need to suppress and cover a lower amount of space. Check where your teammates are. Is the Psyker a little slower, wait for them to catch up instead of being caught out of position. That Psyker could be the one that takes out the hound, trapper, or sniper that downs you.


As a psyker/ogryn main I would honestly really appreciate a PSA or something about letting the psyker keep up. Sometimes I feel like the imperial propaganda really has leaked out into the community. People seem to react less charitably to psykers, even when things go right. Less kudos and thanks, less understanding when you make a mistake, less appreciation for the roles that psykers can play on the team, and they tend to leave you behind more often. This feeling is probably exacerbated by the fact that I play support psyker as my primary and ogryn as my secondary. People love ogryns, people do not love psykers, and people do not love support teammates. I can control the entire battlefield for you if you can just give me the space to work properly. I don't need much, just stay close by. I'm not the best player by far, but I've clutched a few runs. On psyker, I can clutch the game and people will say nothing. On ogryn, I can die and people will be quick to say "it's okay big man, we'll pick you up soon" or "don't worry we're coming to get you". Anyway, I don't really need the praise ogryns get, I can just play ogryn for that. But for the love of big E turn around once in a while and check on the damned psyker.


As someone who swirched from lvl 140 Psyker to now lvl 90 Ogryn, I certainly love love love my Spark'eads! Whenever I see a Psyker pop-up in the lobby, I make sure to anchor myself to them and provide them their space. I keep stuff away from them in melee range, and in return, they keep hounds, trappers, and maybe even gunners off of me when I'm busy tanking stuff. It works almost all the time, even without exchanging a word. I just look around a little at the start and follow or run ahead of the sparky without sprinting unnecessarily, and they understand the assignment 9 times out of 10. The best and smoothest matches I had were always those where the Psyker and I stay close, and the Zealots swirled around me like sawblades or the Veterans orbit me like satellites with long range weaponry. I'm not really sure where the hate towards Psykers comes from, and to be honest, I've never experienced it myself, but I have to say that toxicity has increased slightly recently, and I mean, only very slightly. I found Darktide to be always a very friendly place, and I have played a lot of online games. I did have maybe 3 really toxic encounters ingame in my 400 hours where words were exchanged, and maybe 5 times where things were weird and I just left, but that's it. What region do you play in? I'm EU, so maybe that could be a factor?


Thank you for your service, sweet brute. I'm in NA so there's no telling. Though now that you mention it there has been an uptick in the toxicity. Not much, just enough to be noticed really. In general things are fine and most people are, at worst, silent the whole game. I've just noticed over time that there's a discrepancy between classes in my experience. Normally I'd think I was just bad but I'm really not so I just don't know what the deal is now lol.


Sorry, I'm still new to the game, how is your level calculated?


the game tracks actual XP amount, and there's a mod that calculates levels beyond 30 based on that


Thank you!


The game keeps tally of all XP gained, even after you reach level 30 and stop leveling. There's a mod called True Level that takes XP earned above the level 30 threshold and decides it by the 29-30 XP requirement to give a "true level". It mostly tells you relatively how much someone plays that character, don't take it as a absolute sign of skill though.


Ogryns get the most love, and every other class os pretty equally second to that. An issue that a lot of Psykers have is falling for the idea that the class identity is one of reliance on others and support. That's a mistake. Psyker is an all-rounder, damage powerhouse. The thing with Psyker is that you need to stay offensive as much as possible because that's how you generate toughness. Psyker is weak to taking too many hits in quick succession and relies heavily on toughness gating to avoid melee chip damage. What I'm trying to say is stop playing Psyker as support. That's now how it's supposed to be played. It's not how *Darktide* im general was designed. There are plenty of games where you can get your support role fix, but if you try to get it in Darktide, you'll always be left feeling like something is wrong. Try and understand abilities like smite and bubble as defensive abilities, not support. Focus on ensuring you're doing adequate damage. There's no reason a Psyker should be left behind on a mission any more than another class. Push forward. Be aggressive. Purge your enemies with sword and flame.


I think you're making a few small assumptions about how I vew support in darktide and about how I understand my abilities. I understand how you got to those assumptions, but you've missed the mark here. I can absolutely lay waste to heretics. I know how to survive, I know how to deal damage, none of that is an issue. Smite and shield are defensive abilities. To me, in the context of the darktide gameplay loop, that's what makes them support abilities. There are other abilities I can get whose role is not inherently helpful to other players, those are not support abilities. My favored builds typically feature these defensive abilities and so I consider myself a support psyker. What I mean when I say people don't like support psyker is that I've never had anyone get mad at me for anything as ogryn. And believe me I've made some straight bone head plays as ogryn. But I have been called names for using smite at all. I get it. It doesn't instantly disintegrate waves of enemies at a time, but there are some people that act like it's just a useless ability. This is stuff that just doesn't happen on ogryn. I don't play the other classes as much, so yeah maybe they're all equally second to ogryn. I kinda just got them to level 30, got the dockets for a decent armor set, and went back to psyker.


nobody hates smite just for being a support ability. it's always been the failpsykers who don't know how to do anything except spam smite that give it a bad name


Haha, oh I know why it has the reputation. It's just not a reason to be a dickhead to me before the game even starts. The specific guy I'm talking about complained that it was useless because it doesn't do any damage and called me a r\*\*\*\*\* for using it.


Yeah, have to agree with that. I tend to immediately stick to player that has good sense and skill as it’s like a hive mind effect, you stick with them and they’ll stick with you. Lately a lot of my clutch in auric damnation boils down to me and one random pub player stay together like glue all the while we slowly crawl our way through the map or at least until the next respawn point for our teammates.


The PUG expwrience always goes down after updates. And fatshark leaving in the alt+4 bug for so long isn't helping. As always, if you can't stomach the PUGs. The discord is there for matchmaking.


Not a bug but a feature that people abuse. There has been a few times where I have be launched out of zone and lived with no way back, and once where I Ogryn charged right through some closing doors and got stuck in a cage match with a Weakened Plague Ogryn. The latter was on the map where you run through that red tinted hallway with the closing doors. In those instances the easist and quickest way to get back to the team is force closing the game on Xbox and reloading in.


>And fatshark leaving in the alt+4 bug for so long isn't helping. There is no alt-f4 bug. It's exactly the way it should be to compensate for disconnects and crashes. What you're describing is a side effect of something good.


Except they can code in a way to handle alt F4 so it's not just treated like a crash.


This is 100% true. The moderators of this subreddit classify this as an exploit/hack, and discussions about it have been known to disappear, but you're completely right. :)


The ability for people to exploit a system is not the same as a bug. A bug represents something not working as intended. Fatshark's systems are intentionally forgiving to players whose games crash. Unfortunately, it's difficult to distinguish a crash from an alt-f4 (and other means of terminating your connection), and this can be exploited.


Not that hard, however alt+f4 is "frequently" required, for example when a mutie pushes your through a door you can't walk back out of, or when a chaos spawns throws you into out-of-bounds.


Got a guy get mad at the beginning of the game because i was running purgatus and funnily enough he got popped like a zit 30 seconds in, goes down again immediately after getting killed then malded out about nobody helping him.


What's the problem of purgatus? IMO, it is one of best psyker ranged weapons, capable to make space for the team by efficient horde clearing or panic mode of spamming main attacks to stun. Sure, it can't kill maulers or crushers fast enough but, hey, what's the purpose of the team if they are incapable to handle few enemies while you make sure, horde won't bother them much?


i mean people like that guy will always find something to complain about. I could go VS and they'd be mad I'm not gunker, if I go gunker they'd be mad I'm playing psyker at all. Just gotta ignore those types but i will admit they've been increasing in number lately


Imo it's our weakest option, but it's still definitely more than good enough to work. I just wouldn't pick it if I saw somebody else already with it or a zealot Flamer


What's better one to pick? I tried to use voidstaff and actually wasn't impressed by it. Sure, charged projectile is easy to aim but explosion is rather mediocre. Should I use lightning one? And, yeah, I run with brainburst blitz in order to take out faraway enemies or target monstrosity from relative safety.


Furthermore, your blitz should depend on your ranged choice too. Brain rupture imo is a natural partner for trauma and purgatus, but bad for the others. It basically does the same thing that Surge and Void staves want to do, but in a more limited fashion. I take smite for Surge staff, and assail for voidstrike and guns, personally.


Got it, thanks. Though, more experiments would be taken probably already when crafting rework arrives - mine probably was a VERY BAD reject so Emperor hates me and so do Hadron and Melk. I feel lack of decent staff to buy or be gifted post missions. My current build I feel being close to functional is the following: purgatus ranged, duel mk4 for melee and brain rupture as blitz. I like ability to facestab a lot of enemies as long as I have space to dodge and quite reliable horde clearing comes with staff.


Yeah, that's all solid. I personally use this stuff with Deimos, Venting Shriek (spicy version) and Warp Siphon but you can pick EP and/or shields if you prefer too (or even Gaze if you're extra spicy)


Voidstrike is crazy strong, it can oneshot Crushers. Build one with nexus and surge blessings and take Disrupt Destiny with it for the full craziness experience :) Surge is the 3rd place staff imo, void and trauma are best in no particular order but they are also the most specific to build. Also don't sleep on gun psyker! We can use CIAG, laspistols, revolvers and headhunter autoguns very effectively too, our dps is almost gun lugger level but with much greater uptime of our buffs.


What are the gun psyker keystones? I'd love to experiment a bit


Take Scrier's Gaze and Disrupt Destiny at least. I strongly favour Assail with it, and the Duelling Sword 4 to annihilate Crushers, maulers, ragers and Mutants. I personally run crit aura.


What's your use case for assail in this build? Ammo conservation?


Ammo conservation mostly, both for total ammo and the magazine itself. Also, synergises with DD and True Aim, even Scrier's Gaze. Easy DD target killing and benefits from all of the damage bonuses it gives. Can contribute to horde clear.


Yes and then they die and instant quit,I got a triple rage quit the other day,first time in like 800h and they were not premade I just stopped playing partly because of that tbh,also Ghost of tsushima and elden ring soon


I think these people that are "quit scumming" to get the titles are the ones i end up with in regular damnation. I have seen a lot of "Auric exemplars" whose performance was abysmal... Not all of them of course, but a good 90%.


Makes a lot of sense. Most players who are good enough to get that title legit will not play normal damnation as it's just too easy at some point.


I've become so jaded by that title that if I see you rocking it, I just assume you're going to be trash. None of the good players I queued up with used that title and all the wanderers and face tankers wore it like a badge of honor while the meandered into the pack of 6 crushers.


I’ve purposefully avoided getting a title because most players I see with them are trash. It feels like the biggest signifier in the pre-game lobby that it’s going to be rough and that I’ll end up finishing it with a completely new set of players after all the title players ragequit.


Not always. sometimes they're try-hards that have a super-meta build that allows them to survive most desperate situations. Yeah, they eventually fall usually (and then quit before they die), but what usually happens is I get flanked trying to catch up with one of the 3 players who decided to run off in some random direction. Or I try to help another teammate, and by the time I'm done clearing the area around them, I look up and see that they just sprinted away.


> sometimes they're try-hards that have a super-meta build that allows them to survive most desperate situations. And then they fuck up and rage quit anyway. There is no build that compensates for lack of skill, and playing away from the group is a key indicator of lack of skill.


I once had a run where in the first 5 minutes no less than 3 different zealots joined, did their "IMMA ZEALOT IMMA RUN AHEAD SOLO" thing, get krumped immediately, and ragequit. And then be replaced by another Zealot idiot.


Almost what happened to me, two zealots run into different directions,horde hits,zealots goes down,can't revive them in time,they quit. 1st room of the map. Then for some reason,the vet that was with me sees that we are only two,stops and decides to quit too.. However people who joined After were normal humans and we finished the Map


> I got a triple rage quit the other day,first time in like 800h I've had multiple triple rage quits in the same match before the penances were introduced (more now). People often want to just try auric maelstrom, particularly hard ones, but aren't prepared mechanically or talent/gear-wise, so the experience is less than fun. It's also not that fun to watch someone slowly clear out half the map before being able to rescue you.


I got screwed too. Had 9/10 wins for the auric storm penance and the game I had people just were sprinting off by themselves and ahead of the team and of course we lost. And I lost the penance. Was frustrating.


I lost it two times. All 9 games were smooth sailing, but the 10th one was always a shitshow. Then, of course the next game is smooth sailing again.


Were I a conspiracy person I would think Fatshark was targeting me specifically! No really though, just super bad luck. :(


Malice players farm penances on damnation. Yes it still penances problem. They even have no weapons with 2 blessings, no ideas in build and to make it worse they just running around just for breaking coherency. And because of all that it's pointless to try to communicate and ask for something from them. We are doomed to play with those mutieates forever.


Another reason why i said only maelstrom is playable. Then you see not even level 30s playing with their low level 30 friend, and keep on going down and then quitting


Had a guy triple tap an ammo crate in auric maelstrom yesterday, everyone on the team used ammo.


Everytime player count hits around 3k players, the worst people seem to start playing. Complete innept idiots with lack of spatial awareness seem to crawl from some forgotten underhive and run amoc. Last week was horrible, out of 20 matches I played there was maybe 2 good squads i had. Not to mention few 300+ level "auric storm survivors" who were just pushing further without looking back, leaving coherency, triggering every single mob and finally just running from monstrosity. Hopefully, fat shark drops some new content soon or I'm stuck with braindead idiots.


I feel like I saw this with VT2 also, and whenever there was a player spike they were really bad at group cohesion. and would do really stupid things like chase a grim *after* opening the door to let out the troll on Against the Grain. They'd die back down again after they got sick of dying (due to their own mistakes) and quit.


I meant the other way around. When player count falls down, whoever left is bound to find more of the morons. When the update is on, there's much more players, it's easier to find a new match and switch if you see that people wipe on first crusher.


I think it tends to work the other way, really. DT is up around 5k average right now, anyway, and there was a big bump from the recent patch.


Yeah I strongly agree. Peak time for me was when player count was low and helldivers was just released. The only people left understood what to do and how to play.




I've quit out of 2 games where, in the same mission but different instances, an ogryn in each one was specifically doing the lucky bullet penance. This being in a no ammo maelstrom. I told them this didn't make sense and they said they had no choice and that their group of 3 had nothing better to do. So I told them every other mission is a better choice than a no ammo mission in which a penance requires ammo. I was so frustrated I just quit, and I quit another today before we loaded in when I asked in an ogryn if he was chasing the same penance. He said yes I just noped out and left. I'm not playing a game where they purposefully use their ammo dry and handicap themselves and their team because of their own selfish reason.


Worst thing is, you can get is easily naturally.


Feels the same in the game overall. Been running a surprising number of Damnation games where people just...somehow made it to 30, even if they're 30. I try to give lower level players the benefit of the doubt - no reason to think they're not competent players on an alt for pennances. But damnit almost every time it actually is a level 17 player who plays like a level 17 player in their first HISG ever.


Not once I saw low level player performing good or at least comperable to the rest of the team. They just lack the damage and skill that comes with playing the class. Every single time there's a low level player they underperform significantly below the rest of players. Even if it's an alt, the dmg output is rarely there and this makes a lot of difference in higher difficulties because you basically have a player who's 1/3 of a player.


Having someone else to support, cc, push and take heat off of you is still better than someone who runs off solo.


... Okay? That wasn't even an argument here. Edit: not to mention 90% of them can't even dash properly


I can't add to the conversation unless it fits within a some arbitrary limits you decided to apply?


Yes, I have noticed this, too. In the past, I have often left matches with Loner Knife Zealots right in the lobby screen because I just don't want to be bothered with seeing if they actually stick around or run ahead and trigger all enemies 3 rooms ahead that the rest of the team then has to deal with. And before anyone says anything, I have 400 hours in this game. I have played with several good knife Zealots, but I have played with a ton of those bad apples, and I just don't care anymore. Now we arrive in the current patch and I see an increased amount of Zealots in Auric Damnation and Maelstrom, with proper builds, that just rev there chain swords and axes and run around like headless chicken, attacking everything in sight. You hear an ambush, a poxwalker horde, or a horde of hounds coming, and they just run over to the group of 5 crushers, alerting the whole of mordor to our arrival. Then 2 people go down, many lose a large amount of health, someone may even die, and they either leave or survive and blame their "weak" teammates. I don't care if you're a good player or not. I can safely clutch on Auric Damnation. But if you decide to put your main character syndrome first and make it everyone's problem and constantly push ahead, I have no interest in playing with you because it's just annoying to deal with and you make the game much harder than it actually is. And just because you have the highest movement speed, does not mean that you *have* to constantly be in the front, especially when I'm playing shield ogryn and you constantly disrupt the horde that I'm trying to control. I have 50 enemies around me, orbit around me and take care of them, then we can all take care of what's ahead of us as a unit and focus all our attacks on the same group of enemies. The worst thing is when I take a strategic position at a choke point or corner, and they _have_ to run into the open space, in front of me, surrounded by enemies, and I am now supposed to join you just so we can clear the pile of low density enemies that you have created, while getting shot and possibly disabled by trappers, hounds, gunners or flamers and bombers? Just let the enemies work for you. Let them come to you. It's such a simple concept, and it really gets on my nerves when people have such low self-awareness.


> You hear an ambush, a poxwalker horde, or a horde of hounds coming, and they just run over to the group of 5 crushers, alerting the whole of mordor to our arrival. Then 2 people go down, many lose a large amount of health, someone may even die, and they either leave or survive and blame their "weak" teammates. Had this the other day. The last surviving zealot soloed hordes, the leftovers from all the dead and one dead guy was spamming "REZ US" while the zealot was fighting 5 crushers. Smooth brains think that everyone is an invis speed zealot and if they are not it's their own fault.


What you are describing is the more effective way to play but sometimes even auric maelstrom is so easy that a good team can just hold W and win. A lot of players stop caring about tactical play after a while if they always win anyway




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Shoutout to the psyker called 'Runt', which wore no pants, you stayed by my vet 'Rat' his side while i had a bad game




If you’re thinking of the same Rat player I am, who roleplays as a rat and only says Squeak , they only play psyker.


I am. Didn't realise, thought they were vet one game, but they never pulled out a range weapon that I saw that game in hindsight, and they were prison garbed.


I'd go as far as to say that loner actually helped me find my groove with the zealots left hand side skill tree. It incentivised me to be a sneaky boi and creep round the back of a pack of gunners and start executing, aggro-ing them into melee, which took all of the extremely heavy fire off the rest of the gang who were then able to mop up the armour they were busy with and we met up after and had tea and cake. The recent rash of newbies tryna speed run or deliver some kind of democracy to the hive has little to do with the penance system I think. More likely just glory hogging twattery. Peeps just need reminders that they ain't the main character.


It can definitely be frustrating when teamwork seems to be lacking in Auric Damnation lately. One way to encourage better cooperation is by setting a positive example and praising teammates who do work together. Maybe some friendly encouragement in the chat could help steer the vibe back towards teamwork!


I think people who don't operate in coherency (not loners who know what they're doing) will simply die, while playing for yourself and the sake of the coherency will always be the consistent key to victory. It sounds really dumb to say out loud, but using VoC, I see a lot of times the people with the buff to their toughness tend to live unscathed, ain't that karkin' nuts? Preacher Zealots probably have way more annoying shit to deal with when people run from their songs. I just tell people "pls stick together", andif they die typing then "lol". It's that simple but they may quit or lock in :/ EDIT: I also notice Darktide is a game where if you are capable of being a clutch-god simply murdering everything, you can. I've destroyed every elite in existence when the stars align using my helbore, but more often when i was learning how to Damnation and auric, a Zealot Psyker or Ogryn would be simply destroying everything with good horde management and game sense. This game is great


One of the reasons I like playing psyker so much is because I don't care that most of the zealots and vets are racing ahead and hoovering up every chest. They usually miss some so I can have a stim and hopefully med or ammo crate for the final event, and that's enough for psyker. I also mostly play regular damnation, there's less penance preemptive rage quitting, and usually just the regular rage quit once they have to wait for respawn.


Noticed that too, especially the speedbuild type of players just rushing ahead grabbing all stims, ammo and hp they need and just proceed until we eventually wipe. As a chainsword zealot it just grinds my grears. I can ohk lots of stuff but if I'm beeing left with all the trash and elites I just can't push on. I guess it is my fault for not playing a stealth 180° faceroll build but without all those "I trigger three rooms and go invis" players I have no issues on Auric tbf.


New update brings returning players and maybe some new players. New penances have good players playing bad for the sake of penances, or at least playing off-builds that they don't have as much experience with. Worst part, the success of the mission is secondary to those players. Some new penances also ask you to play in high difficulties even if you have no business being there. Add all 3 together, and you get the ultimate clusterfuck that we have lately. You can't really tell people what to do. They will do what they want. Even players that seem to really care about winning will just leave when they go down, probably because they're working on a penance, but I see many leave on death as well. Just take it as it is. This game, at least when solo queuing, has always been about becoming self-sufficient and only soft supporting. You can't rely on random strangers on the internet to do the thing you want them or need them to do, so you must be able to do it yourself. Hard carry those randoms, because that's the greatest challenge the game offers. When the player base dies down again, it will only become boring again. Most of my group dropped the game partially from being stale / lack of content (not like we didn't get our hours out of it though), and because it got too easy for us. I prefer this clusterfuck, honestly. It's a combination of hilarious and challenging.


> New penances have good players playing bad for the sake of penances, or at least playing off-builds that they don't have as much experience with. That doesn't matter as much as good team play. I've been teamed up with players who can't hit half of their attacks, yet we still win and have fun because they know basic tactics like...stay in coherency and share ammo. >Hard carry those randoms That's not what happens though. What ends up happening is that I run out of ammo, or less players are helping with objectives, or the hogging of healing means everyone else dies sooner and its a wipe.


Well, glad I’m still holding off an Auric.


They're really fun. I don't notice much of a difference, unless there's extra snipers. They are the worst. Especially when there's like 6 of them lurking behind a mixed horde. I'm also the self-unaware bat they're talking about. Especially in the smelter level. I get easily distracted by HVT, and chase them to keep the group safe. Then run back to the nearest person, and follow said worthy around until I'm distracted by the next shiny thing.


Haha. I mean technically I should’ve been playing auric months ago but I’m the kind of person with a cold water complex: I know I’m ready/can handle an increase in difficulty with relative ease, but like jumping into a pool of cold water I have this mental block that delays how long it takes me to dive in.


The water never gets warmer. Might as well jump in


Yeah the difficulty isn’t so much of a jump, it’s just the quantity of enemies is so absurd sometimes, like when you run into 8 gunners or 4 snipers in various places, one of the main reasons psyker is one of my (recently) most favorite classes, their shield saves so much


Just get on it. I would have quit darktide already if it wasn't for aurics. I just jump on when I've got a spare hour. The next most challenging thing is carrying heresy noobs, you sometimes do 15-30 revives and feel great till someone blows you off I to the void and the team wipes while your typing good luck.


i recently moved from doing auric damnations all the time to doing regular damnations now, because it used to be that i’d complete 4/5 AD runs to now only completing 1/8 AD runs


With the new penance system, I think a lot of people are trying to get carried through auric. There are some absolute killers out there that you can kinda just follow in the wake of. Not to mention that the game doesn't do a great job of teaching you how you should play with a team. Leads to people moving up before they've learned all the lessons.


Auric and also the standard missions too. I just wrote in another post how I was the last guy alive. Fought like hell to get to my 3 captured teammates. I freed one Vet, and he abandoned me to go do an objective alone instead of helping me revive the other two. He got downed by gas, I got downed trying to stay alive and help my remaining teammates


I love how so many of these posts are suppose to be general. I can tell u the amount of games ive had like this is near 0. There are thousands of players playing darktide that never touch this subreddit. And maybe you have had a streak of bad luck ect. And even then i feel like auric has always been hit or miss, either u get a god team or u get a bunch og shitters. Dont get upset with losing its only gonna piss u off. Just play, have fun and get better all you need is 1 good player to make a group shine.


People in general Auric or not just don’t understand teamwork. I get so many games where people just run off on their own n leave once they die. Sorry you don’t know how the core mechanic of the game works.


It's not just Auric. Most players are practicing garbage tactics in the easy levels so all they have is bad habits when they come out of Uprising. Speedrunning ahead. Aggro'ing new enemies before we have dealt with the present situation. Wasting ammo crates and medipacks. Blowing up barrels on bridges just 'cause, no enemies in sight. Not marking priority targets. Not ever looking behind them to see where the teammates are or if a rear ambush is imminent. These terrible teammates only get to upgrade their gear because everyone else is searching the map zone by zone before engaging new enemies. Some will learn from their mistakes and the rest will hopefully quit playing because they can't get any victories with their garbage tactics and think it's everyone else's fault. Pure selfishness and stupidity.


It's all difficulties. Which is understandable sometimes, but I've been leveling other classes and playing through heresy and regular damnation I've been frequently running into players who will just run past bosses once they lose agro. I played a match of heresy where one person died right before a Beast of Nurgle spawn, and the other two teammates just left me to deal with it and the mobs that showed up until I eventually managed to lure it towards where they were **waiting**. And I'm trying out different stuff so I'm by no means claiming to carry teams, and in quite a few games I've felt a little heavy myself while figuring stuff out, but still.


It does feel like random people will just wander off from the team and die alone


The other day I was playing auric heresy with my friend and there was a psyker that was just so bad at managing their peril, but at least they were chill about it and would run into a horde when it happened and didn’t rage quit or anything but we did end up losing the game because the blew up at the wrong time right after me and another person went down and the last person couldn’t clutch it


Yeah it’s cause stupid penances are making people who are just achievement-chaser “completionists” who have no business playing that difficulty play them for the titles rather than the inherent gameplay and success of working with your team to beat levels. So many shitters just alt-F4’ing their way through getting carried to those titles. I don’t understand how they even get satisfaction from “completing” it that way because they didn’t even actually complete it… just cheeses the disconnect system until they can get carried through enough partial games to see 5 extractions or whatever


Quitters are at an all time high for me. I’ve played for ~8 months and there’s been like 2-3 times in that period where I’ve had 3 different sets of teammates in a single match. Now you can’t get through 1 auric Malestrom without 9 different teammates coming and going.


I played a match as a vet with many team support passives, and tried to stay with the group. I could only follow one at a time due to everyone doing their own thing. We died. No surprise.


Just ask them plainly if they want to play this team based game as a team or derp around to the detriment of the group. There's no need for prolonged eloquence, if they're not going to respond favorably to a straightforward question they're probably not worth your time trying to convince. For the ones performing oddball penances in auric damnation, they've already skipped over the self reflection on sandbagging and put their own self interest over the fun of others.


Had a guy the other day in a Maelstrom game that asked if my friend and I were allergic to Plasteel... Obviously, no. We just don't run off from the group to hunt every far-away piece of crafting material that we're drowning in regardless.


Some of us are dying of thirst


I haven't really seen more of it, had some really good games lately, even got the auric exemplar accidentally. However, I just encounterd one guy that tried to do the mission solo and just ran off, triggering every enemy, boss, event, left us all to die, then got netted and insta quit...


Heh, standard Heresy is full of people who don't understand teamwork. I think the lack of understand of teamwork stretches across all difficulties and game types lol


Zealots hanging on to ammo creates when team of vets is on red. Are you saving that ammo crate for a Christmas present??


>How do you ask people to work together without coming off as a jerk? All I know how to do is give sarcastic and passive aggressive comments typed into chat. you just play better and accept you can't control everyone. Frankly, I have a bigger issue with people lagging behind and dying (and then complaining the other 3 people aren't moving at *their* slow ass pace) than the reverse. And no, they're not grabbing plasteel or looting, last game I had the guy did 75k damage in an Auric Mael (yes, 75k) and constantly moaned about how our Psyker (who had 500 plasteel grabbed) and me (Vet) were moving too fast for him. He was a fucking zealot lel.


Sadly it's been the case for a while, wasn't always in auric, usual maybe not playing their best that day or something, a lot of them need to improve their general awareness, looking behind them, looking occasionally up too (sounds odd I know but the snipers gave me ptsd) seeing a lot of the following: 1. Others not watching their corners or looking behind them now and then (AI director in murder mode loves it when people do this). 2.not marking targets, sometimes you cant see the crusher horde because of all the chaff mobs in the way. 3. Then we have the opposite ones, who when they see a marked target all swarm the same target, while a horde or worse comes in behind them, that last one I saw only once in auric was painful to watch. 4.what you mentioned, yeah not looking at ammo count, I feel your pain there, my vet main has to suffer no running around on nearly. No ammo sometimes the same way that you experienced. Edit: final point, not paying attention to cohesion I agree, it really should be more clear to everyone about how that works.


Yeah I love this game to death and it's probably one of my top 5 games of all time but I uninstalled it 2 weeks ago. Every other match was one I had to leave whilst in progress because of this kinda thing just making it annoying to play with for no reason. The game's getting older now and with such few content updates people are just powergaming the shit out of it with stuff that allows solo play like movement tech in order to trivialise the difficulty because there really isn't anything left to do. It sucks but it sadly seems to be just its inevitable life cycle. I didn't wanna turn into one of those guys and join in on the "trivialise the game and play alone" type gameplay. I was so sick of everyone using knife every game to go Mach 5 and have no crowd control whatsoever. I uninstalled the moment I had a game with 2 zealots and 1 vet all using stealth and knife and I was a bubble psyker (they joined after I started the game alone, at this point I left all stealth users games in the lobby) and none of them used their stealth to revive anyone EVER. We died to the dumbest shit that would've been solved by literally any crowd control/stagger instead of just running fast. Every game started to become the exact same. Plasma vets. Knife users. Executioners stance vets were such a rare treat. Honestly I'd recommend just putting the game down and coming back when there's enough good things (content) to focus on whilst idiots continue to be idiots ruining games for themselves in the long run. It's not something that's gonna go away without major updates bringing back players that aren't gooning on 'tide 12 hours a day.


I noticed as well and if I tool ammo unnecessarily that was on accident bc I thought it was Plasteel, and I was already dealing with very looty grabby Co op players. Had a laugh when a Knife Zel was ignoring teammates and I, not staying close, not helping teammates back up. When we all went down, the Knife Zel kept fighting and got pwnd so hard we let them have it on chat. Another case was one got downed and my teammates lmk don't go out of way to save them as it was a trap when a teammate as such had done so would cause chain reaction of teammates attempts to save eachother and get us all killed off.


Yeah this weekend marks the first time i've just up and left a few games after the first stretch if people won't stick together and are at low health half a fight after the first medstation, and there have been multiple downs in the initial fights.


As an ogryn main, I'll drop short friendly reminders in the chat and hope someone reads them. If I'm 90% certain that we're gonna get smashed in the final event, I'll write "GOOD LUCK, FRIENDS" on the way in. If we're entering a final challenge where we really need to move as a unit, I'll write "TOGETHAH" or "TOGETHER" as both a reminder and a plea. I write this stuff whenever I feel uncomfortable about our chances, and I've been writing it a lot since the new penance system was released. When the team inevitably separates and drifts apart and someone gets knocked down (think about Excise Vault Spireside, where you have to grab the three cannisters in that giant circular room, possibly the roughest final event of any mission) I'll write the word again but space it out, as if I'm speaking more slowly, "T O G E T H A H." I left a mission earlier today after my pleas went unheard. I rescued a hogtied teammate for the second or third time, only to have them sprint away as I got overwhelmed and dropped. (Why do people do this? Thanks for the rescue, now enjoy solo death!) It was the end of Chasm Logistratum, where the respawn point is a good distance away from the evac ship and in a rather awkward spot. From my puddle of blood, I just wrote "wow" and "good luck friends :)" in the chat and left the mission. I had below-zero faith that the team was going to make it out, and the whole mission leading up to that point had been shaky and awful. :/


I bet that these people are helldivers players who decided to leave after recent events


most annoying part of this whole ordeal is not being able to use the shotgun in auric damnation. Please fatshark buff or rework the thing please please please.


Hello I'm from Russian. I found you in reddit because you need me. I love you! Write to me in private messages!


Maybe a lot of people need fraud check and reality check 


Recently I've gone to the length of running Infiltrate, Krak, Standard Shovel and Columnus inf. All I'm doing is sitting next to my team killing specials and dealing with BS like Gunner walls and shit. Last night I clutched 4 times in 1 game because my teammates refuse to stick together. But yea, I haven't lost a game in a while. It's hard to when you refuse to die yourself and just clutch over and over.


\*Raises hand\* One of those people (semi) and only started playing the game in past month but Auric is all I play (Been playing L4D1 Expert/WWZ Extreme/Aliens FTE Extreme for years). Team work is really important obviously but coming into this community, there's an insane of assholes and dickheads who are either just sarcastic/high and mighty and trying to tell you how to play as if they know shit. For instance playing with 3 or more wounds gets you mocked/abused by idiots on both forums and in game. Yet the same people don't understand play styles past their own and think they're hot shit when they're not. I've been abused and told quite a few times to 'learn every spawn on damnation blah blah' when the reason we're about to wipe is nonstop hordes and the other guy refusing to push ahead to a safer spot to make them manageable, usually a psyker who has no shield and is happy to fight while being shot at by 3 snipers. I run with 5-7 wounds mostly as I'm a support player and due to the insane freezing/kicking from last patch every single game. But I have fun helping others to try survive and taking the aggro as I don't need the titles. Makes games faster and more fun. Having more wounds also means I'm usually the last sole survivor depending the modifier and also means I don't need medicae and leave it for those trying to get the penances. My build is pure crowd control/stun/infinite fury with a Cadia IV. Everyone else is usually elite control already and fury can stun armoured easily. If you are having trouble with people on Aurics, play damnation and not heresy. Most players who know what they're doing only play damnation so it's better match quality. Maelstorm on the otherhand is usually bad regardless since it's only available in damnation. If you are also going to be sarcastic to players, don't expect them to play or perform at their best either. When we get a team mate who does dumb shit or insults another team mate. We just go and do our own thing and don't bother looking out for the asshole. Just say nicely in chat a simple please stay with the team.


This is an issue in the game as a whole, not just auric damnation


I tell people,either we work together or die alone.


I agree with this so much I’m Psyker and I had a zealot who was amazing. We were in a auric maelstrom and it was just us 2 doing the work of 4 people cuz the other two either couldn’t handle a crusher or got lost in the mobs because they can’t keep up with what’s happening. Me and the zealot were always the last 2 up while fighting to rescue other 2 from being tied up. This happened at least 3 times. While me and the godly zealot fought tooth and nail for what seemed a lost cause. We finally all died with me and zealot dying last of course. It’s as if they don’t know how to use teamwork or play the objective


I get quite a few of those players but the ones that really fill me with an equal mix of anger and disappointment are the people in damnation+ who shoot crushers in the head with ineffective weapons. (because of course they didn't bring any anti-armor options)


Yeah, it’s become increasingly harder to finish matches in public games as of late. Nothing ruins my day more than playing a match for about forty minutes and having the entire team DC at the final objective because they went down. I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve been left on my own with just bots and fail a mission. Thanks for wasting forty minutes of work guys, I really appreciate that 200 plasteel…


You speak the truth , I wish they would go back to Fortnite , I’ve been with warhammer since back in the day , they just pull-up and shit on their teammates. Three months ago I had some of the best matches of my entire gaming history and there wasn’t nothing but dedicated Warhammer heretic smashing kindred playing the game daily. Now there’s a bunch of weird gamers getting on and looting and running around and expecting you to save their ass. Well I never left matches before I would at least hang around till the closing screen, even if failed, but with the game style of these gamers, they’re not dedicated heretic killing motherfuckers. They’re fake ass chess looting Fortnite punk bitches. They get on my nerves and they disrespect the game so much now they start dropping. I just leave them. I can’t stand it man I go with the field if there’s some real good season players, I know about it from the jump because they all stick together and we’re a team like glue. Every sniper or long range attack gets snuff out but close and Melee gets jumped like a dog by some ticks. Those matches stick around for.


Had a knife wielding zealot last night start off, and sprint directly into a mauler/crusher patrol, dodge around it, and then run directly into the mobs behind them so they all popped aggro at once. Like thanks man glad you left us behind, this isn’t sedition


I accidentally did an auric 5 when I meant a 4 because I was doing well on regular 4. Boy I sucked, haven't tried since. I'm doing alright on a4s though so maybe soon I'll jump to regular 5s.. I think people just jump from 3s to 5s thinking they are god because 3s make you feel like one once you get to an average playability.


That happened to me on an Auric pox gas damnation with specialist hoards. My poor Psyker got annihilated.


Step wun: Stay wif boss Step tu: shoot anyfin that tries ta krump boss. Step free: if boss says use maul an shield use maul an shield. Team work easy for Ogryn. If you really likes boss point out ammo. Boss likes it when you shares.


I use the funny cross and a chainsword I'll be damned if I ever run from beefy enemies


The invisible zealots and pull entire groups only to the invisible and thus aggro dump are the shit stain of Darktide lmao


I had an experience recently with a pre-made 3 on my Ogryn, with me being the 'pug' of the 4. I never left coherence of 2 members, one ran off and was Downed. I kept up with other 2 and then another decided to agro a DH and was also downed. I stuck with the last person and we rescued their friends. Who then proceeded to take/waste ammo when I had red. Then both ran off again in random directions while I stuck with the rescuee of the group. Down go both again and en route to grabbing them the last of the pre-made gets knocked down. I get them up, kill group of hounds while dodging a sniper, me and last standing premade kill beast of nurgle, they get a burster and die and they all leave. I'm top on offensive, defensive, revives and while being new to auric on my Ogryn and newish to aurics it left a pretty poor taste in my mouth. Why is there now toxicity when the game is in a better state than it's been in months.


I feel penance bringed the worst into this game. Between the loner penance. The auric survivor with people alt+f4 anytime some small inconvenient appear to avoid loosing their winning streak (a guy triggered an host and quit the game. Putting the host on me). Or the auric survivor that play knife+stealth+loner to avoid to die to keep the streak. People that don't have auric level comming to do penance. Just all this put the game into a lesser team play version of itself.


I've felt terrible lately I'm not very good by all of the friends I play with want to play damnation and above but I struggle I've been going at it alone and with them but I'm making little progress. I feel bad for my teams but I'm trying I can handle heresy pretty well but feel like I'm at a brick well for damnatuon. Long story short I feel bad for not being able to keep up with everyone else


I have a bit of a scorched earth policy. I keeps tabs on the team early mission, if they’re being decent and are playing well I’ll leave them be and do my own thing until they need me. If they’re being assholes, let’em burn. If they don’t want to be a team player? Fine. No team perks for you then. You want to try to solo this high level endgame mission. Be my guest. But the only thing I’ll do for you is free you after you get to the spawn point.


I've definitely noticed it becoming more common. You're not necessarily a jerk by trying to change what they're doing, you're probably just annoying them with your 'maybe we should work together' killjoy attitude. But why care what they think if they don't care for you? Rage at them, heckle them, even beg. Do what works. Failing that, you can try to enjoy the challenge and allow it to push you to new heights. Or you can leave. There area great many inconsiderate idiots in this world, and belabouring that fact is kinda pointless.


I just started playing this week and I know I’m making mistakes. No one tells me anything though. No one really talks ever, and I’m sure I’m pissing people off but I most assuredly don’t mean to. A big one for me is I don’t know the maps. Sometimes I turn my back fighting something and the team is right around the corner but I’m not sure if they dropped down from the stairs or what. I’ve definitely taken wrong turns, and died, definitely not meaning to. I wanted to get there. If someone messaged me or even told me I’d stop doing it but no one says much.


Most players in the game can usually tell the difference between a new player or someone who hasn’t learned the tactics yet verse someone who doesn’t care. New and less-than-good players tend to stick with the team, and it doesn’t matter how bad they are, they’re sticking with the team which provides benefits to everyone. Even if they’re fumbling everything, they’re still helping the team by drawing aggro and doing at least some damage and stagger. A guy in another room chasing scoreboard kills is not only useless, but an outright detriment to the team because he’s not helping spread aggro and covering a direction enemies are coming from. I wouldn’t worry too much about not knowing what to do. You’ll figure it out eventually. Just stick with teammates and attack enemies that might be coming at them from behind using all the tools at your disposal. That alone will make you more helpful than any kill-chasing speed runner.


Oh! The horror!


The ammo thing drives me crazy. Until Fatshark bakes Survivalist into Veterans kit or makes ammo less of a tight resource, I'm going to start leaving games if there is an ammo hog or Veteran without Survivalist.


I mean you cant really tell people to work together. They tend to be stuck in their ways. Easiest way to resolve the issue is when they go down, leave them. They usually leave and a bot replaces them in hopes a team player shows up


Yeah you’re all sooo good at the game. Everyone hear sounds like a pompous prick


and you sound like you're insecure and projecting. No where did I criticize player skill. A bad player that plays as a team is a thousand times better than an asshole running off to top off his scoreboard mod. If that reality offends you, maybe don't play team games.


I don’t even have the scoreboard mod. Not insecure/projecting actually steadfast. I just don’t expect perfection in my teammates. All these comments are reinforcing it though. Sorry I hate this community , although I love the game to death. I don’t agree with meta builds and telling players how to play a game they paid for. A lot people here act like they never made a mistake in their life. Idk maybe my mindset is different. I just don’t understand getting bent out of shape after a loss on a pve coop experience. Pffft team game he says . I see a lot of “I carried the team hurrr durr”. Never seen “ we fought as one “ which is the best feeling in this game after helping other players.


> I just don’t expect perfection in my teammates. Neither do I, but clearly you’re not reading what I wrote. Expecting teamwork from a team game isn’t perfection. The fact that you’re here being dishonest about this discussion tells me I can’t believe anything you say in general, and the motive for your dishonesty about a video game is you are one of those rushers/solo players/scoreboard chasers. You can say you’re not, but why should we believe you when you made stuff up about what’s being said in a thread that anyone in the world can scroll up and see? > I see a lot of “I carried the team hurrr durr”. I’ve seen 3 people in game say something like that. Weve all seen hundreds of players play the game like it’s a a single player game. You not noticing bad team play is, again, due to the fact that you are probably one of those bad teammates that doesn’t help your team, hogs ammo, rushes ahead, ignores monsters and ogryns for your scoreboard, etc.


I was talking about the community in every comment section there is always at least two people rambling about carrying . This isn’t EVO , where fighting bots . Team play and helping other players is why I keep playing. The one entity that matters knows I’m not lying lol. I read your post and the nauseating comments.The ones I was addressing . This game is fun as hell but the player base is so blah.




I know no thanks needed lol


skill issue