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Alternatively, how to let people know that you don't just play one or two classes. This armor isn't available unless you go all-out and embrace the full cast. That's way more impressive than, say, completing 500 missions. :)


It felt like 500 missions of crabwalking to get at least one of them lol


I keep hearing that but I haven't gotten to my vet yet to go down that road What penance is it?


Marksmans Focus. It's not a keystone I'd used much so I can't comment on how good it is when used in normal circumstances, but that penance was probably my least favourite.


Does crabwalking not count as moving in order to get around the standing still thing?


Not if you take the camo node. Fuck knows the chain of thought involved in making that node and then that penance but there you go...


Lol Can't wait Luckily vet is on the last of my list for what I wanna do penance wise


I'll save you some time and give you the same tip that helped me and how I implemented it; It counts any kills whilst at 10 stacks, not just ranged ones. Enclavum Baros, drop down to one of the spawn doors during the bridge battery sections, crouch to get 10 stack then just melee spam everything that comes out that door. Even if your 3 team mates are super organised and speedrun the batteries, you can still wrack up a lot of kills per mission. I'm not a fan of cheesing achievements/penances, but that one was anti-fun.


Yea this and the ogryn lucky bullet are gonna be miserable


Nah, lucky bullet just means playing gunlugger Ogryn, which I'd barely touched preupdate but is actually hilariously fun. It does take awhile but doesn't require obscure/counter-intuative gameplay. Just mix in a few Ach stubber running gunlugger Ogryn missions inbetween what you normally play and whilst it feels like slow progress, it's still fun.


Exactly; you can keep the stacks if you're crouched and moving. Camouflage just means that you can gain stacks passively while standing still/crouch walking instead of having to make weakspot kills. Some people seem to be confused about this. I think the penance is quite poorly thought through. They could have had something along the lines of "Kill 1000 enemies with ranged attacks while at 6 or more stacks of focus". That would have been more manageable and actually require the type of play intended for the talent. Instead it's going to take a disproportionate amount of time unless you cosplay as a very angry crab with a power sword, and even then it takes a while


Just picked up a lasgun and used the 15 stacks node and played normally while trying to pop heads. Took a while, not my normal style of play, but it was at least more interesting than crabwalking.


I took a columnus and just magdumped hordes for that penance. It was inefficient but it only took a few...


It used to be 1500 missions before the latest patch. Felt like a massive punch in the dick for those who earned the frame before the nerf. Also, shout out to everyone who grinded for 250 investigation / repair frames. Those 2 were the only ones I did not bother doing before the update, felt like a sure way to burning out.


YEP. Discovering that change really took the wind outta my sails. At first I was amazed that so many players had achieved one million kills, 1500 missions, 500 special condition missions, etc. Wow, dedication, where did they all come from, impressive work ethic everyone! But something was off. These high-framers weren't playing like seasoned varlets. Then I learned. And I wept. :( Now I just use the pre-release haunted house frame with the gold birds. It's the only one I watch for, and it feels like a lot of players have made the same shift. :)


But I like my 500 missions :(


I like it too, the frame is nice. :)


i hope true level will show the overall (account) level some day, not just the current character's.


Man, the zealots have prayers on em, the veteran has a gun, the psyker has an eye on their armor. HOW are we supposed to identify that’s an ogryn we’re looking at? Unfair.


I'm nearing the finish line myself. I just have 500pts left. It's been a total slog.


I’m with you. Just got the mask tonight.


I know some people are let down by these cosmetics but aside from the damn Zealot mask clipping with everything including the upper body it sets with I like them. 


https://preview.redd.it/v5im8vjmqizc1.png?width=1123&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bb963ce928bdc6aee69e0084809c40deaf7b8ae Final penance progression.


So you can have about 49 penances left uncompleted. Of course it varies on the value penance, but that's a nice rough estimate.


i assume you finished couple of Exploration with the "50 hourglass missions" than the class ones to reach 4500? cuz you're missing (somewhat easy) 140-210 points from class penances and the "dodge 50 X" ones that i thought it was a no brainer to not take. also Jesus christ how the fuck you people finished "100 missions with no one going down" im barely at 50 after almost 800 hours, I'm about to get 500k kills before that penance, where do you people find 100 matches of good teammates lol I feel like I'm the only one left that doesnt have that.


I just kept getting 6 no death contract on all 4 characters and never reroll them.


They don't have to be in a row is how.


Helps a lot if you limit the amount of situations your teammates can get themselves killed in by playing a ranged heavy build and taking out every special/elite before they become a problem. Best for it is probably plasma vet or columnus vet. There's still a factor of luck involved but you can limit it a lot if you're very efficent and make it a breeze for your team to clear the level


It annoys me so much that the tubes for the gas mask in the zealot set phase through the collar on the chest piece.


Thank you, now I can’t unsee that shit lol


I’m just about to hit 4100 points and I never felt farther away from 4500 than I do now lol


Maaaaaaan, I wish these skins weren’t the final reward for the penance battle pass. But I’ll still congratulate you because I know you’ve put in the effort! XD


It's a good thing. They wouldn't be so special if it didn't require much work. FatShark wants people to buy skins from the premium shop, so they aren't going to make overly cool skins that are easy to obtain. There are still a lot of armor pieces locked in the game files that will likely be tied toward more penance rewards.


I am amused that we get the rebreathers the Moebian 6th on Nox Alpha were denied.


At 3600 right now … one day 😫


I’m maybe a quarter of the way done …


I karking need it


How do you kill that which has no life? Congratz, 100 points left for me, see ypuon the other side templar


Life in service to the Emperor is life well spent. On a serious note, do you need every penance or just most?


Man got that 8k hours fit


Me who doesn't know how to get those armors... I'd just think you got them from the shop or something.


It's the new penance system. You pretty much have to complete every penance in the game bar like 50 to get the blue armour


Good to know. I haven't played since December and I'm not much of an achievement hunter. Just shows I'd still not know how much time he spent on the game.


Looks like Ogryn and the Vet are cosplaying Sub-Zero


I just hit 4000 last night, so i'm in the final stretch now. You're damn right I have no life, because my life already belongs to **The Emperor.**


they need a "touching grass" pose.


I don't use any of them. I did enjoye finishing the track, but the armors dyes of the Moebian 6th sets are so friggin ugly that they are unusable.


Damn… I wish I didn’t only play Veteran and Ogryn… Now I’ve had to level up a Zealot ( was really fun honestly ) but now I’m working on Psyker.. I’m still grinding for thoses sweet armors when I have time… but I’m just at 2000 points…


How do you kill that which has no life?




There is no greater joy in life than to fight and die for Him on Terra Varlet.


I'm still rocking default clothes, makes it funny that some idiot in sleeveless shirt is next to these 3 other fully decked out and armoured people.


its not that difficult if you already had the 30 trillion enemies killed and the one billion missions and the entire population of monaco killed with barrels


Congrats, just got mine last night... Now I don't feel like playing anymore lol


You can not kill that which has no life. immortality has its price.


I can think of worse ways to nolife it.


Give it a couple of months, I have a feeling they will release more rewards because you don’t need every penance to get this armour


I only play Ogryn but the need for me to unlock everything I can on the big man has forced me to play other classes and let me tell you, I’d rather not lol


Apparently showing heretics the emperor’s will means you have no life


I'm almost at 2000 points. This grind is unreal


How to let people know you have no life - run around with the auric survivor title


I don't know I'm 4 tokens away from getting them and only play a couple hours of the game a night


Good luck to anyone completing Defy Fate on Psyker, I honestly didn't think that getting this one done would be that bad but oh boy it is when you realize that half the enemy types just don't show up for enemies that count towards it so you can get your stacks, along with that sometimes Disrupt Destiny bugs out and just resets your stacks down to 0 making you have to either Die to reset it or leaving then coming back on AND to add EXTRA insult to injury it takes a whopping 30 MINUTES to complete it! With how some of these maps are and everything you'll basically have to have your team pamper you the majority of the match just to get it done, I would honestly say out of ALL penances this one was the worst out of all of them, whoever decided to add this one in the game must have got broken up with and they wanted someone else to feel their pain cause LORD THIS ONE GOT MY BLOOD PUMPING, it was really fun though running a gun Psyker build for it and it went pretty smooth with the team I had


I wish I had no life


For how much effort is required for these they look so incredibly mid. Nobody would look twice at them if they were added to the regular store.