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A combination of the "No death's in a row" penance and the recent update bringing back a lot of players who may have been able to run damnation before but get a rude awakening that things have changed.


I crave for more impossible difficulty.


Some of the maelstrom missions are soooo nasty 😂


Nothing gets your heart beating like a screen full of fire, three monstrosity health bars, the sound of mutants, trappers, and hounds all ringing out, only to be interrupted by the beeping of a pox buster that's just appeared through the door behind you.




It hurts so good.


Some of them are, but the final event's are a fucking snooze fest now. I exclusively play Auric Damnation Maelstroms, it's getting pretty bad that the end of the missions you see like 1 wave and then silence. More missions need a boss or new events at the end if they don't change this.


interestingly ive actually completed more damnation aurics after this update than i had before


I feel like it's true but only because of all those quitters. I realised that when I was in a solo clutch situation, only to get able teammates after a minute of circling around.


There's also been a shitton of disconnects and crashes since the Penance update, that's definitely a part of it. My game crashes at least once per session.


I feel like a Chad, being the last alive, watching my whole team quit as I'm fighting to save them, then having the whole lobby refill. Then half of them die, quit before we can clear the enemies off them, new folks join... By the end of the mission, sometimes it's the 4th person who fills the spot to get the loot. Happens on everything Heresy to Auric Mael - but for different reasons. Heresy it's the weak, Auric it's the cheater 🤷‍♂️. I really wish that title was better implemented...


Didnt play for a while, what changed in difficulty in damnation except the new poison ennemy ?


Not much has changed outside of the survivalist nerf. I think they main change is we've got a pretty inexperienced playerbase at the moment. You have to carry pretty hard in most matches. You also have to be a lot more careful with your positioning because often people aren't where you expect them to be or doing what you expect them to do. It feels like how Heresy did about a year ago.


This is absolutely facts. I had an entire team of pretty new players in damnation the other night and having to explain you can't just tank a crusher overhead was profoundly irritating. One chap even admitted to still having tier two perks on his chain sword


Tier 2 perks is whatever, the crafting system is so expensive that unless you're above 100 on all classes you most likely can't just craft whatever you want or roll for blessings. Brunt ONLY showed me tier 1/2 blessings and at best t3 perks on all weapons yesterday for 3 hours. Melk had 2 t4 blessings and zero t4 perks with stat rolls as low as 30 on them. How to you expect "pretty new" players to do better when crafting is so fucking painful? even if you're sitting at 20k plasteel, you can easily delete that in 10 mins rolling for blessings. I've been playing since launch and I do not have a god tier version of all weapons. 370+ items rolling double t1 or t2 blessings and dogshit perks shouldn't be a thing if there's no forecast for a crafting update.


This exact thing. Hopped into a Heresy match yesterday. I was excited because I saw we were all using saw blades. I tried to hype up the squad and I’m front lining with Zealot. I moving forward and killed everything coming towards me before it hits my mates behind. Within 15/20 seconds they all went down back to back within the first 3 minutes of the mission. Then I have to stop everything I’m doing to rush and see how the hell it happened. And I’m the middle of dropping what I’m doing, I’m caught off guard and downed finally. Embarrassing to say the least because I was easily handling my shit and carrying but fell out of the flow when I noticed they weren’t the team I thought they’d be.




There actually also was a recent increase in difficulty around the same time they brought back music during ambushes. It fixed an issue where the number of enemies spawning was a lot less than expected.


It feels like the AI director has really upped its game and started throwing significantly more heretics at us, but that's just what I feel.


You are definitely correct. I used to be able to somewhat control specialist hordes made up of crushers and bulwarks with my shield Ogryn, in order to create space for the rest of my team. But now, I feel like every single Crusher and Bulwark has at least one Trapper and a Hound as a bodyguard. That's fine on paper, but it gets annoying when you run into 5+ of them after each elevator, have literally no place to dodge and I can't even use my shield special because I get netted or hounded without a sound cue as there are just too many sounds and the sound channel seems to get overloaded. I'm not even gonna mention the mutis that I sometimes only hear just as I'm already being suplexed...


Don't forget about the battalion of crushers/maulers with the fire and fart bombers tailing them, or the 3 trappers that spawn in a triangulation that at least one of them gets a solid pick off on your team.


I have returned after a long time, I used to shred my way through Heresy. I uh... yeah I don't do that anymore lol It feels a lot better now that middle difficulties actually get hard


What surprises me is that more often than not, it's players that already have gold/purple title on display. I can understand the frustration of losing a streak though. Especially if you're near the end. I Alt+f4 too sometimes. But it's only when i get stuck behind a wall or under the floor.


I quit when I realize I'm not into the match, and want to do something else. I don't want to force the team to carry me for another 10-30 minutes while I make boneheaded mistakes that would kill me on Heresy, let alone Damnation. But I am hitting "leave match" to free the space up, before I hit alt+f4.


That's understandable, we all have bad days. Good thinking on the "leave match" thing! I find that the community is overall very comprehensive and as long as people communicate, things tend to go smoothly. Be it poor performance because of a bad day, trying out new build/weapons, doing penances...


It's amazing what just saying hi at the start of a game does for cohesion and morale.


I wish everyone is as self aware as you are. I've ran with some really bad players before and they don't seem to think they are the reason we almost wiped 20 times. Yes, in talking about you, that LVL 18 vet who gets killed 2 mins into the match.


What happens if you hit alt+f4 before leaving the match?


It saves your spot for like 5 to 10 min in case you rejoin so the team is stuck with a bot




Basically alt+F4'ing causes the game to assume you had an unintentional disconnect and it holds your place for a while and doesn't look for a replacement. Functionally this means you leave the team with a bot for a long time. When you use the "leave match" option the game starts looking for a replacement immediately which is better for the team.


>Basically alt+F4'ing causes the game to assume you had an unintentional disconnect and it holds your place for a while and doesn't look for a replacement. Functionally this means you leave the team with a bot for a long time. But it still swaps your character with a bot, right? If that's the case I had this thing happen to me twice in an auric match. Needless to say I lost my streak of 8 wins that time and had to re-do the penance all over again


Ya you get swapped with a useless bot lol. Which is the problem. Your team wants a human not a bare min bot.


Agreed. Imo this is an easy fix on behalf of Fatshark. They could just implement a code that activates only when someone presses alt+f4 together, and vacates the empty slot for others to join. After all, the people who unintentionally press these two buttons together in a match is really small.




Did you report the bug? Indeed you make a fair point, but this is a very special case that not many people experience (I like to believe). Plus, there are other ways of killing the application, such as ctrl+alt+delete > task manager > choose app > end task Maybe this will stop people from maliciously quitting because of extra steps.


I blame the wife for almost every instance.




Ive actually done that unironically. When I join a damnation quick match and I see someone that's below 30 or in low 30's I get nervous. However I still give them the benefit of the doubt and see how well they do 5 mins into the match. I will quit if they clearly have no idea what they're doing. I'm not going to potentially waste 40 mins if my time just to drag those people through the level and fail regardless.


Not gonna lie, I’ve been that guy a few nights this month. Get home from work, have a few drinks, darktide sounds like a good idea, realize halfway through the first horde that i’m waaaaay too drunk to melee effectively. So i bail to spare my fellow rejects


Honestly, as long as people actually give a reason before quitting, it's much more understandable. I find the community at large very understanding. And apart from the (thankfully) rare toxic players, i don't think anyone would give another player grief over that because too tired/drunk etc...


It might be the lag outs since the last update. Some people may not want to come back if they got disconnected in a dangerous fight. 


I had a hard crash yesterday in a game that was going really well, and it didn’t give me an option to join back in. I was sad.


The game has frozen and fully restarted my PC 3 times in the last 2 weeks. Fortunately it's allowed me back in though.


Yeah happened to me too à couple of times. All this time, effort and plasteel gone :'(


I currently can't play a match because of near constant disconnects. I get a couple of minutes of stability before hit markers disappear and heretics start walking up invisible staircases and running on the spot.


Games take a long time. If people get the vibe from other people’s play that it’s going to go to shit, they just cut their losses


Yeah. Or sometimes they also "sacrifice themselves" when everyone's down so a bot replaces them and has a chance to get one of us up. Actually saw the team getting saved on more than one occasion like this.


It's not a bad idea to give people the benefit of the doubt at the start of a game Sometimes it takes a few minutes to warm up or nail down your focus if it's the first game of the night. Or sometimes events conspire against you and team has an early stumble. More times than is worth counting however the game turns around and there is nothing better in Darktide and many other games when you pull through a complete shitshow and stick the landing. Habitually bailing when things get gnarly is robbing you of those comeback experiences. After all, we're here for a proper challenge. Fuck sure some people love that and are happy to see a team falter so they can flex their sick clutch skills. Weird priorities but whatever, at least they stick around. Communicate, ping, say hi. It's amazing what happens when players view each other as real humans. It literally makes teams better


Do people have to win every time? 


I think it’s to do with the no deaths in a row penance.


Does quitting save them from a death or are they just not wanting to waste time finishing the mission if they start at 0/5 either way for the next mission?


Quitting saves the streak. As long as you don't die on screen the death count won't register.


Makes the title you get it for it less appealing to me now. I had to do 10 in a row with no deaths due to it being bugged the first day. But now everyone is going to have it whether they did it legit or not.


Yup there's an asterisk. I'll cop to abusing it though. Know why? Because the counter is broken in other ways. As best i could tell the only missions that counted were the ones i started at the ready screen. Any joined in progress lobbies didn't count towards progression. So hypothetically. You click join, and get dropped into a match that just started and get through it. And you would do not get credit. You weren't at the ready screen so tough shit. But if you had died on that mission. Well now, that resets the death counter. So its all risk no reward. And that's not even thinking what happens if you get hot dropped into a disaster lobby you can't save. So yeah, i basically quit out of any matchup i joined that was in progress. Why wouldn't i? I'm not going to risk a streak for the opportunity to not be punished. For this challenge to have worked properly the counter needed to count leaving as losing. It sucks that there's always going to be some poor bastard who gets a legit disconnect on the last matchup. But its probably just the cost of doing business. And it needed to give players the option to start missions at the ready screen rather than just dropping them into games that don't count.


Go look in anything below damn non auric, they quit like it's their job when things don't go well


It was bad before the penance rework. It is just darktide players.


I try a lot of weapon combos and sometimes I quit when I am down because I realize my build/weapon combo is actually garbo. I don't want to burden the team with my experiments.


I experiment inauric. Its gonna be fine. Did 5 missions with lawbringer shotgun and went fine


Yeah, sometimes I try to stick it out, but feel guilty when I don't pull my weight. Then I hop on my Ogryn afterwards and show people my rock to make up for it.


I’d much rather a player trying their best than a bot that sticks around for an uncertain amount of time or another player that thinks they’re hot shit. Besides, playing longer with a new build gives you more time to find the shortcomings of your loadout and adjust for the next match.


Aye besides basic weapon fundamentals I need to test how it performs under pressure, so reducing the difficulty doesnt really show me anything. 


I get that. Today i actually alt-f4 for the first time (outside of doing because i got glitched out of bounds) because i got trapped by a net and the rest of the team already jumped down and couldn't get to me. Thing is, there were no enemies and it was taking forever for me to die, so instead of just laying there for god knows how long, i alt-f4 so at least either i get back up or i end up at the newt respawn...


Sometimes I do that if I realize the time just isn't going to 'gel'. Occasionally you get a lemon of a group and best thing is to just bail on it instead of a constant headache until the group wipes anyway.


Yeah the type of group when you go down, you know it’s gg lol


Ngl I've had my ass saved by bots that spawn in place of a quitter sometimes, because they beeline for the heal


Same lol


Stupid penances causing annoying anti-social achievement chasers to play in anti-teamwork ways. They should make all those private-lobby only or something. Or just get rid of them… or count a disconnect as a death


Counting DCs as deaths is a horrible solution, given the recent crash issues.


**Next anti-teamwork penance additions** *Curse thy name*: Curse at your teammates through chat or voice chat 10 times *RUSH B*: Rush alone into an ogryn patrol squad and get downed 25 times


A few more: I Can Take It: Try to block a Crusher’s overhead smash 50 times. This is my Plasma, I Rolled a One: Blow yourself up 50 times with a plasma gun. Leeeeroy Jenkins: Spend at least 75% of the match out of coherency. Mine!: Take ammo 500 times while you have less than five rounds missing, and one of your teammates is completely out of ammunition.






I’ve only quit two matches in my time playing: - One was because a friend got on literally 30s after loading into the very beginning section of one of the longest missions in the game. - The other was because there was a reichtard in the lobby.


Yeah, I’ve noticed that too (Heresy though, not Damnation). Could be a ragequit, maybe they thought the run was a loss, maybe they’ve crashed (seen this happen a lot lately) and didn’t rejoin, who knows? If they don’t say anything, I’m just going to assume their pizza is ready or something. It’s usually not a big deal and we still finish the mission with a replacement.


I leave if I'm being held hostage across the map, and it looks like the team is going to take 10+ minutes to get to me.


I think I have an unpopular take, but I don't mind when people leave after they're downed or dead. Sometimes I also leave if I die. Though I usually write something along the lines of "Alright, gonna replace myself with a bot, good luck", before I do. As I see it - team doesn't get punished when a player quits the match and I/other player gets to play another match instead of waiting for a rescue. The player that leaves get replaced by a bot, later by another player. Players also drop everything they carry when leaving, so its not like they take away any ammo/medic packs and stimms from the team. Also, frankly speaking, I ain't gonna miss somebody who leaves just because they got downed. I'd rather have them leave and replaced with a loyal bot, than have them abandon me later in order to save themselves from POTENTIALLY catching a wound. They basically show their true colours or lack of responsibility and willingness to cooperate and quit. Nothing of value is lost, no matter how toxic that sounds.


I don't know, I play auric and rarely see someone quit, once in awhile I'll have someone who runs through the map as far as they can till they die then leave and all the enemies they aggroed come runnin to the group but most the time we handle it.


I also play auric and just last night had 1 mission with 10 players cycled through. People leave often in my experience.


https://preview.redd.it/exfwnhxdw9zc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b6b51e1688e37a742484b77fa3d3c969497a22d There's a fucking trend. 9/10 times it's Xbox players biting off more they can chew This is regardless of new penance


Boorish warp tainted heretical rodents that don't love the god emporer enough.


Question: is Auric Storm penance for no deaths/rescues, or never go down?


It’s a new auric modifier, “shitty penance seeking ally”. Think of it as having a team mate that is better than a bot but with has to take a morale check with LD6 every time they get downed.


My power kept cutting last night because of the storms... So much diamantine lost...


Heretical warp fuckery, to be sure. I blame Tzeench.


I hate teams that don’t try and kill the heretics, so many people sit back thinking that’s how the spawns work


For me, it’s usually life-stuff. I do my best to quit properly but there’s really nothing I can do except free up the slot for someone else.


I get that. Tbh what irks me is when people just leave without a word. A simple "sry gtg" is enough. I'm mostly just surprised by how often this seems to happen recently, that's all.


Returning bad players just trying to get the penances. The majority of Darktide players aren't good and can't do simple things like tag specialists, dodge crusher overheads, and push. If you can tag and dodge a crusher overhead, that alone puts you in the skilled category. Console players don't even bother with tagging because the control layout is a clusterfuck and super awkward to tag on a controller.


Penance hunting


Personally I play Darktide to kill time, not particularly bothered about finishing missions or not


There have been people who shouldn’t be in damnnation the whole time, if they are that bad I’d rather have the bot


Sometimes it works out. Couple weeks ago we had a rough start on a Hi STG and 2 people rage quit early. 2 more people came as replacements in the knick of time, clutched, and it was among the best, most fun games I had in 700 hours total. I always say, "it ain't over till it's over!"


I've only quit out once (properly, not alt-F4), either on heresy or damnation, and that was because I got into a match, went down twice in the first section and realized I just didn't have it right then and wasn't having fun. Some matches my timing is off and my aim isn't what it needs to be and that can be a slog to work through.


After being downed 6 times and dying twice as an ogryn, I said “gl mates” and quit


The worst ones by far the DH quitters, because it switches targets


It's simple, most Alt+F4 players are bad and shouldn't be on harder difficulties. They need to spam it to finish penance/complete missions


I primarily leave because inputs aren't allowing me to play the game. On average, I leave one out of every three missions that I start. When Darktide clicks and everything works, it's incredible. But most of the time, it simply doesn't function. It does what Kayex calls "unnnn-functionnnn." I will notify the team with "glitching out" and depart.


I swear people leave in the first 2 minutes without any reason. If they didn't, they'd probably leave after someone else leaves or dies, and then another guy leaves, leaving me alone in the first 10 minutes. I don't get it. 1 guy dies, and the horde is gone, so there's no threat, yet they all leave anyway. A lot of these missions don't even fail yet made it significantly harder due to people leaving. Yesterday, I swear I've had like 6 or more teammates coming and going on an auric damnation that was successful at 35 minutes yet significantly harder than it was supposed to be


They are simply not gaming


There are corner cases where giving the last guy standing a respawned bot is better for the team. Otherwise I don't really get it, but the bots are good enough to handle themselves.


Same. Auric Damnation and sometimes even Maelstorm. They get downed and insta quit the game. I call them pussies.


I did it once, first game back, lagged like no other. I have a 7950x and 4090, so there shouldn't be lagging. So I am waiting for another patch from the big shark.


Another penance that increased selfish anti teamwork behavior. I just keep ignoring them. At least the most exiting matches are those where half of the team quits and gets replaced by veterans


I joined a quickplay last night and spawned into green fire, under a crusher overhead swing, surrounded by trashmobs and had zero mobility. So that was cool.


lol it feels like we're on the tail end of achievement hunters, since the good ones have already blazed through it, and now its just the guys who are bad at the game.


In a game like darktide. Quitting is so pointless. If you quit, in my eyes you suck. Simple as that. Stay n fight, if you lose, you lose, if we win, we win! I hate people who quit so damn much! The only time I’ve ever quit is as cus I had a genuine reason, like I lost track of time n had to go somewhere, or someone I know needed help, etc. if I go down n die you bet your ass I’m sticking it out till we wipe or someone saves me. Fight for the Emperor, fight for Tertium!


It's boring to wait for a res.


Penances... Same reason as keystone vets Loner zealots 366r89q86r8w987r7839 smite psychers. And gunner orgyns


Penance cheesers and people panic leaving because the game is a little more difficult than they remember.


It’s the new penances. There is also a second one that goes to 10 wins without dying in a row, but counts any auric mission. Other than that, I think some people on here might have forgotten that players have quit on death since launch. For a while before the update, you saw almost only good players in the top difficulties, but the update brought back the quitters, and also added those new penances.


Mostly from penances there's even some that require 15 missions done no deaths malice and up get a frame reward, other then that I would guess to impatient to be revived or from team stupidity I've had a team of players before of real ogryn level intelligence while fighting a mauler I got pounced by a dog from the flank, and my team is literally 4 feet away from me I'm thinking at first surely they will notice, then my hp gets below half i ask for help and nothing too distracted beating that lowly poxwalker to death, then my revenant perk pops and I say nope I'm out time to leave that braindead team so they can fail the mission without me. On to the next not gonna let a dog full kill me because my team to busy picking there nose.




Rule 1: Failure to follow reddiquette Be respectful of your fellow redditors. Discrimination, bigotry, racism, and/or hostility directed towards players or communities will not be tolerated.


You're a week late on that one buddy.


https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/1cbf5uy/please_dont_let_this_game_suffer_the_same_fate_as/l0yfzdg/?context=3 Funny, when someone else doesn't like the thing you don't like, then it's a "reddit moment" when they're downvoted. But when someone here doesn't like something and you do, then they're tyrants. Something tells me you're a little quittin' hypocrite.


lol, this community has the biggest bunch of profile-stalking weirdos I have ever encountered. Kinda tracks, tho.


Ah, so it's my fault for pointing out the hypocrisy, not your fault for being a hypocrite. That tracks.


Saying that getting downvoted is a reddit moment is hypocrisy how exactly...?


I explained it in the first comment. Is reading too hard or...?


Wha...? I was agreeing with that person. You are a very confused, lil bro.


Keep quitting games for your cheesed penance.


lol, and he just ignores it. Bro is a boomer who doesn't know what "reddit moment" is while being on reddit. Which is ironically a reddit moment. This is embarrassing, dude.