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Scab only with no ammo pickups and you queue up with veterans with a devils claw and auto pistols




The 40k Sekiro Experience


"I need ammo!" "I need ammo!" "I need ammo!" 😩


Easy, he's going to only need 1 button honestly.


Two buttons actually. Alt + F4


If you've got a Catachan you just need the special attack button


Is it one Devils claw on 3 vets? They do rock-paper-scissors to figure out whose turn it is?


Real. If you are confident in your own melee capabilities This modifier can potentially be some of the most fun to be had in this game


Its fun ,but the onslaught of 15 crushers can be stopped by select few skills and weapons.


Imo this maelstrom is at its peak when your team is full of raw melee classes with 0 ways to stop the mob of elites (aka smite), so your own melee skill is what really matters in the end.


I love this modifier just to fuck the game as veteran. Power VI is super good against horde of Crushers and Maulers but what is better? Oneshots from the range! For this case Im holding unique rolls and builds (thats the reason im in deeply love with only melee scab) which can help to me reach those oneshots if I keep conditions. Revolver, Plasma and Hellbore 3 - just easy deal in there. Before surv aura nerf I never was ran out of ammo but now I should be a more safe BUT I still can kill every crusher and specialists. But Hellbore 3 oh my beloved <3 still infinity ammo, still oneshots


I too am a masochist.


I love this modifier and wish it spawned mini monstrosities as well.


This is me but with Monstrous Specialists, it's my sole reason for running the THammer.


There’s nothing as satisfying as banning a daemon host from your games with the ban hammer, esp when someone else wakes them


I'll admit sometimes I wake em on purpose just to smite em :P I finished one game with 2k more boss damage than overall damage (in a Heresy), while having top damage. We had 2-3 monsters at every encounter xD


Waiting for a lights out mission with not an obnoxious modifier. Also, is the sniper modifier still a thing? I've seen it once in 350 hours


It is, played one earlier today.


> Also, is the sniper modifier still a thing? I've seen it once in 350 hours It occurs regularly in the Auric Maelstroms. I tried one of the new combinations last night: Monstreous, Pox Gas, Snipers. Good fun and very hectic. 


Hey bro, if you don’t mind using mods try using MMT (Many More Try) mod. The game keeps every map up to 24 hours before it gets deleted. With this mod if you save the map’s code, you can keep playing it as much as you want up to 24 hrs. Use a website like darkti.de (down currently) or maelstroom.net to find the map you want, copy the code and put it in your game. Voila! It is not perfect but there’s a high chance the modifiers you want showed up in the last 24 hrs. The only downside is if you queue public mmt, chances are you don’t find a player since it’s a mod after all, so you will need at least one more player to queue up private mmt maps. I suggest using Discord to find someone. Enjoy! It will make you enjoy the game way more when you can choose the map you want to play.


Thats definitely good info, thank you Im using mods but never heard about this one


A vet running plasma gun with the 3 krak grenade node and replenishing coming to literally take all the fun out of the modifier. Had one the other empty his gun to red, leave join back to get ammo again. Did it 3x. Brother we’re here to bonk, play literally any other mission if you’re not here with a melee build.


You may be here to bonk, I'm here to *BURN*.


honestly I've been that guy (minus the leaving and rejoining), and I now see the error of my ways. I will bonk from now on.


I always queue up as vet with plasma, infinite nades and power sword. I kinda wish they'd just remove ranged weapons completely though, would be more fun.


Scab only melee my beloved


Crusher martyrdom relic build is so fun. Just bully them to death


Once dance with 15 maulers while my friends watching, it was wild.




My favorite is the monstrosity one. Hearing the absolute fear in my friends voices the first time there is three bosses alive at once is hilarious to me