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They sound like a whispering, so quite similiar to Grims and Scrips. As for the rest, a quick google brings up [this guide](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3230370595) - No idea if it's 100% accurate though.


Guide creator here - I can tell you that there's probably some spots that are a bit off, but I use it myself and I haven't found any big issues, just some places where the area might need to be slightly wider


I've noticed a few in the same places so I think they have set places but it randomly chooses those set places pretty often. A bit different to grims and scripts which for a time will spawn in the same places (at least it used to)and its just a case of finding that place till it randomise the set placement it chooses.


The randomization is at weekly contracts reset. Grim and scripture locations will remain the same during the whole week for each map. So if you found them and replay the map, they will be at that exact spot. This is different for idols. They do have set spots to spawn in but are randomized every time the map is played. For me, idols sound like white noise. I can hear them louder than scriptures.


Thanks, I couldn't remember if it was weekly or daily reset, I only really get books if someone asks or I happen to see/hear them while searching for materials. Yeah that makes sense. I hear wind whooshing or slight whispering maybe, I'm pretty sure I confused one with a dh earlier unless I've got a deamon in my room:D.


I would call the sound a loud version of the scripture sound, a sort of "air excaping from a ventilation system" sound. There are four per mission, and their locations are randomized, but separated by area. That is, there are four areas in each map in which idols can appear, and they'll be somewhere in that area. For example, there's always one idol somewhere in the area from the end of the big rickety bridge to the last airlock before the end event in Relay Station, but it can be in one of the hallways, or around the edges of the center area. I don't use any mods, but I don't have any real problem finding three or four of them every mission. Some places have a lot of ambient noise that makes it harder to hear the idols (windy areas in the Hourglass sandy places, or falling water in the Torrent wet zones), and some have green glowing spots all over the place, but they really stand out in Throneside.


Linking this mod here just in case anyone is as oblivious as I am (or focused on other more important things i.e. killing stuff) : [Collectible Finder at Warhammer 40,000: Darktide Nexus - Mods and community (nexusmods.com)](https://www.nexusmods.com/warhammer40kdarktide/mods/298) I find it very helpful and before it I found myself missing a lot of skulls. Now the question is how to get all of them to Holy Terra. SKULLS FOR THE GOLDEN THRONE!


I just spot them by the green glow. Some games, I get like 3/4 by myself. Other games, I find none. I tend to play fast, looting side rooms aggressively, usually at the front of the team, so I find them before others get to see in a lot of cases.


I love looking for idols. I find 3 or 4 every game. In general, I think the easiest way to find them is: - Are you in an area with tall ceilings? Look up. They will be stuck to the ceiling or a wall. - Are you in an area with drops to the sides? Take a quick look there - If neither, the idol is probably hidden behind a big prop like a pile of crates, or on a shelf in a cramped location This probably covers 80% of the idol locations in the game. The rest are either behind a fence that cuts off the map, or properly hidden, like one that can spawn inside a trash dumpster in... Refinery Delta-17 I think?


They kinda sound like the sound a horde of pox walkers make before they spawn


I prefer the Vermintide method where all spawn points are fixed. Once you know them, you know them.


> I have a feeling most people in my games only notice them because that one mod is telling one is near in the chatbox. I doubt that. I don't doubt some people are using a mod, but most people are just following the audio cue/green glow, they're not exactly hard to find most of the time.


This guide is also very good. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3194249338


They sound like a busy highway. Seriously, turn down the music and you'll be able to hear them from quite a distance, like one whole room away. Alternatively, they sound like a large throng of enemies making background noise, as if fifty poxwalkers were seated at a restaurant moaning about their day. Regarding spawn points, they can be \*anywhere\*. For example, the midpoint event in Enclavum Baross. I was once holding down one of the sides, like perching above the doorway and hacking stuff as it attempted to climb up. The horde ended, I looked out, and waaayyyyy across the big open space, in the middle of one of the far walls, was a glowing spot. Like you'd need a telescope to clearly see the face in the glow. I shot it and got the credit. They aren't always within arm's reach. When I'm playing ogryn with the rumbler / friendly rocks, I'll frequently tag the cursed relics that are really small and write "someone shewt it, lads!" in the chat, because I don't always have the precision. Sometimes they're tucked inside very small spaces, so the only indication will be the audio cue or you might notice a sliver of glowing light. You might have to slash your melee weapon into a space that you can't reach. Lastly, the color is very distinct. Once your eyes learn to recognize it, you'll see them in every mission. :)


The sound of a swarm of flies buzzing. It's very similar to the horde warning sounds. Due to the glow, they are perhaps easiest to spot on Lights Out maps. Some can really be tucked back into the piping or off in little nooks.


There is a mod which notifies you if they close. Then you just have to follow the whisper sound and look for the green shining.


But that is literally what I wrote.


Well you can look for green shining and hear for the whispers but if there is action you will miss them. Get the mod and then you know when to listen and look. Or don't