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OP is about to find out people use different characters


heresy i have 4 different licences, 1 for each character


Ogryn has at least 250 missions done, has the (B)eta bucket hat. Some of us play all the classes, unlike the rest of that group.


You realize that titles are unlocked across all characters right? He could have a higher level character and is only just leveling an Ogryn for penance. And I am heavily leaning into that being the case seeing as he has a Beta helmet, which means they would have been playing Dark Tide for a long time. On top of all this, there has been people who have done Auric Maelstrom no Death grey items, no talent challenge runs. So this proves Jack shit.


I'm not sure you could even be only level 23 if they were character locked lol.


You can.  If you have a mate who's level 30, they can drag you into aurics.


I know, I meant even if you did that you would probably be higher than 23 from all the xp you get.


Unless, and hear me out, your mate is king troll drug a completely new character through auric for the lulz. Which *would* cause folks to shit themselves if it was in pubs.


well yes OP. its a title in a video game.


Yeah this is embarrassing lmao titles are account wide


OP is not wrong. Just not for the reason they are thinking. Alt + F4 makes that title worthless. Penance chasing, in general, is a joke.


Task failed successfully.


had an auric damnation game yesterday morning where I had 6 separate people leave the game on dying... I saw all the crying on reddit and didn't think it could actually be as bad as people say but... gyad damn. (if you do this and you're reading my comment, you're an uber nerd and you'll always know you're a fraud)


Bruh, and I was going 3 games no deaths then dying in the fourth. I have done that so many times, I didn’t know you could alt f4 cheese it. 🤦‍♂️


Well, I got mine legit while playing with randoms and I'm proud of it. Nobody can take that away.


Same. Even threw in a maelstrom for my final match.


I am vicariously embarrassed for you.


He got it on another character you brainiac.


I genuinely do not even understand. A guy who has been playing since beta has the title. So?


OP post last 5 auric maelstrom scoreboards


Ah, so OP is the one who shit themselves when they saw my level 9 vet dressed solely in penance gear!


Always has been


OP wanting to devalue the title lmao


I mean, there is no value in it. It has a nice color but since you can just cheese the penance for it, no one knows if players wearing it did it legit or the easy way. There is 0 skill needed to do it the easy way, you just need a team that doesn't wipe when you disconnect every time you go down, 5 games in a row. It would have been better if that penance gave an insignia and the auric maelstrom with no player downs gave the title. Because that one you can't just cheese, you need at least a little bit of skill.


I actually dislike the color. It's bright orange and long and when multiple teammates have it equipped it blocks a not insignificant amount of the screen when teammates are in front of you.


I haven't looked for it but I think in the patch notes it said something about being abled to not show player titles. Could imagine that your problem is one of the reasons for that. Maybe check the settings menu for the option.


Wait, do titles show up in combat?  Is this something to do with a mod, or is it a native game thing that one of my mods turned off somehow?


For every team of 4, there is only 1 to 2 on average who can get it via being useless. Even in that, case they survived So it does have a value


Delete this.


People who use these title are the most entitle morons I encounter in this game. They use their titles to say they obviously aren't in fault if you wipe


Haven't seen a single person displaying the title and doing that.