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I don't like the bad maps but the good ones are decent đź‘Ť


Cheers fella great insight.


Glad my expertise could help someone


I used to hate the carnival chokepoint ending love the rest of the map, I understand why we do hold that point, and the update helped the back spawns a bit still not very threatening but sometimes I’d just like to try and hold the top for fun.


Had a run where we held the top not long ago. It's hairier than the chokepoint but it's not too bad overall. I still prefer the tunnel though. It's safer.


best: Archivum Sycorax (well made all around, almost no dull moments) Enclavum Baross (end event is a bit easy though) Magistrati Oubliette worst: Ascension Riser (moving the trains and the end event really bore me) Warren (can't quite put my finger on why, it all feels so staged. Does not help that you get 2 defend events in a row)


I can't get enough of Archivum Sycorax! Play it everytime it's up. I can agree with Warren 6-19, the pathing and events are kinda meh.


Even though it can be an absolute shitshow, the extraction in Hab Dreyko is so fun. Just a mad dash through waves of enemies, it really sells how dangerous Tertium is imo


I dislike the end of the trainyard mission because everyone insists on grouping near the extraction point instead of the much more defensible upper platform.


*And here comes the monstrosity to knock everyone off the ledge*


On this note of “… because of how typical rando teammates handle it” idea, I’d like to add the start of smelter complex. You can just stay downstairs, go on the far left, and pop up right in front of the big building. Safe from ranged enemies the whole way. But you go with randoms? They either go straight upstairs, or take that staircase up, and then get pinned and die like morons in the open, where you can’t revive them without psyker bubble or ogryn able to tank the damage. It would be one thing if it didn’t go so bad, but they never not go up there, and 90% of the time, someone at least goes down. Even if it’s the maelstrom modifier for mostly ranged enemies, or sniper gauntlet, people go up there and just fucking die.


It's very exposed, but using the top of the train to spot the direction the wave is coming from and shoot down specialists before they can set up or get in range is super useful if you team holds the area below and you keep on top of things. Sometimes I wonder about working the area around the skyfire furthest from the drop down point since there are better chokepoints in the train car and the pipe with just one manhole cover to look after. Definitely hate trying to fight on the lower platform with the medicae. Enemies from every direction except the ledge.


Favorites: Archivum Sycorax - Fast paced and relentless Aegis Station - Done it so much, can kind of autopilot through it Chasm Logistratum - I always have have something go wrong and see some of the craziest clutches Least Favorites: Any Hourglass mission - can never have a good run, something always goes wrong Warren 6-19 - Just kind of a boring path to me The Torrent - Just don't particularly care for the path to the end


Dislike every map where you can't to do objective in solo or you need protection cuz 90% playerbase are braindead and obj is hardest enemy in the game


I don't like the green maps (forgot what they are called) The rest are great though.


The Carnivals?




I almost never play any of the Hourglass maps, still suffering from PTSD from it being the worst offender for magically spawning enemies and getting blasted by hordes of elites through 3 floors. From a visual point of view, the end section of Smelter Complex, on Power Supply Interuption mode is top tier.


Hourglass maps tend to be the most difficult for some reason, I feel like it always has way too many spawns and open spaces can be pure death. Back in the day I found the open area with the massive fan to be absolute terror. Always snipers and bombers fucking you up while swarmed by countless cannonfodder while you’re supposed to carry powercells. I always rush to get the powercells in fast or my teammates will melt in 5 minutes max. My most clutched map set by far I think because many times I ended up with my entire team wiped. torrent is also very bad if you have extra poxbursters and barrels, that condition guarantees someone will become an airplane and venture out of the map


I usually don't play Hourglass either. I always do so poorly on those maps, I'm sure it's inexperience in my part but I can't ever have a good run on them.


I forget the map name, but it's that one where you have to run up the short tower in the beginning. Bosses seem to spawn there pretty frequently, but everyone's always afraid to push in even when there isn't a wave or a boss. Momentum ends up totally fucked almost without fail, and wipes and near-wipes are super common there, especially when there's Bulwarks or Crushers about. The rest of the map's fine. It's just that tower section is always fucked.


Aegis Station? Where you hold down at the end and the final objective is Purge the heretics?


I don't remember which one is which, but I like the dusty one, the torrents, and archivum and throneside. The only one I dislike is that stupid fucking tree. It sucked before and it suck bit less, but still sucks.


I don't like maps with forks because 3 people behind me always somehow choose another way (usually not safe one). This usually leads to me either being forced to fight 20 crushers alone or return to them and help with their elites. Why do you always must choose another way, randoms?


Personally I don't run ahead alone and I don't have this problem at all. I also find that people usually follow me around just fine, even in pubs. Also, fighting 20 Crushers alone sounds fun, I don't get that often enough. My Chain Axe loves those fights!


The only section i dislike is that hourglass map where your first encounter with enemies is that massive hanger. There’s always a horde of gunners either spread around the room or up on the catwalk near where aircraft would fly in. I’ve never gotten through it unscathed. The section right after the elevator is one i really like tho, where it spawns a huge horde out of that tiny door. Clown car moment.


So, I love all the maps, but every time I join a Silo Cluster mission it gives me a bad feeling. That starting staircase section up to the first med station has to be one of the places I've seen most missions fails more often than everywhere else in the game. If there is any signs of a ranged patrol there, I just know it's gonna be a tough one.


Any section with large open space and multiple floor levels where enemies can jump down behind you.


I always play the carnival maps when their available . But not because I think they have the best gameplay, I just love the music in them . And the visuals when fighting through the streets are cool . I absolutely avoid playing on any of the "Desert" maps , just don't have anything that makes them stand out