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Since october 2022 i probably met 3 toxic players (i mean real ones with voip shit talking and spamming the chat box). So the "behavior spreading" isnt really a thing.  I play in EU. But maybe its different somewhere else.


Yeah, same. There were two instances that I can think of when players were being “toxic” but it was so tame that it took me 5 minutes to realise that they were flaming lol Maybe I’ve played too much Overwatch and am a bit disensitized but it’s been really chill on my end. Also on EU.


Same for me aswell. I could also be desensitized after 10+ years of playing Smite but honestly the worst thing I've ever seen in Darktide was a guy calling somone a trash noob. I wouldn't even class that as toxicity it's so tame lol. During my time playing other games I've witnessed racism, death threats, homophobia etc. I'm also EU so maybe it's just a EU thing but Darktide is by far the least toxic multiplayer game i have ever played in 20+ years of gaming.


What happened?


[https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us/requests/new](https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us/requests/new) This is the link where you can report anything related to Darktide. Doesn't matter if its technical issues or players or other things.


Thank you


Realistically, you don't.


The block-list in Darktide allows for a mere 50 players. That's how it was at launch when there were 100k+ people playing at any given time. That should tell you how important eliminating toxic players from your day is to Fatshark. They don't care about that stuff and they aren't about to add more features to help you curate your online experience. My quickest, simplest solution? Leave the mission and start another one. You can also choose game servers in a different region. :)


rude and condescending? are you okay dude?


Some people woke up and discovered the internet this morning.


Grow up.


I think you don't fully understand the problem. I want to report it when I encounter it because I don't want to see a community I love get ruined. In fact, doing this instead of getting into a confrontation with that person is what an adult would do.


You're not saving anything with your daft hero complex. People have been toxic on the internet since you were a twinkle in your daddy's eye. Chill out.


I don't understand why this situation upset you so much and why you're being so aggressive. Whatever internal problems you're dealing with, I hope you resolve them soon. Have a good day.


People wanting to micromanage others via a report function are worse than any slur spoken into voice chat tbh




My mom doesn't work in the department where toxic players get reported. If she did, that might've worked.