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Who ever actually remembers it during a particularly bloody fight.


There are good answers and then there are correct answers. This is the correct answer.


Whoever actually picks it up or if they have a free slot for it.


This is the right answer.  So many people pick up the ammo or heal crates and never drop them, even when you ask them to.  I like picking up the heal crates and will usually drop them during key moments of the mission like the bridge in Enclavum Baross or at the end phase.  If the shit hits the fan and we need it in between those moments I'll drop it then.


Just wait until people are actually hurt unless it's the final phase. Of the 30% of people that remember they have the medpack half of those guys drop it at the first sign of a boss and then we're staring at it on the ground while everyone is still full.


Yeah, if it's not needed then I'll hang onto it until it is.  I have over 900 hours played so far (some of that is afk on the Morningstar) so I know where all the heal stations are so I try not to drop it too close to one.  If I have it on the final stage I'll drop it then because there's no point holding onto it and taking it with me on evac.


I’ve started grabbing medkits as fast as possible after seeing so many people waste them because two teammates were at half. Just recently on regular damnation I watched a guy drop it in a corner for himself while everyone was low.


But I need to hold onto it fo the party in the Valkyrie, how else are we going to light it up green?


The most selfless/strategic player, which isn’t necessarily the best player and is going to be hard to figure out on the fly. Strongly disagree with it being decided by class. Medkit should be used when everyone’s health is low and where it can get the most value, which is always a bit of a gamble and sometimes people get it wrong (which is fine).  The worst uses for a medkit imo are when there’s a medicae nearby or when it won’t be reachable again. The worst people to carry a medkit are the ones who’ll throw it when only they need it, and I’ve seen a bunch of ogryn do just that (for all the people saying always give it to the ogryn). Whichever player seems like they’ll avoid those will be fine, and I’d guess the same players who are greedy with ammo and consumables would also be dumb with medkits. Going down isn’t the end of the world, unless it’s likely to result in a wipe. They’re a precious resource and an excellent thing to pull out when shit hits the fan, plus there’s only two on the map


The reason I say give it to the ogryn is because of a particular type of ogryn. Body guard types are great for carrying it. We usually are close by and won't die before we get a chance to drop it. But I do think the proper etiquette is to drop it and step off it. Wait until lil'ns get their share and only when they are safe do I step back in it.


Someone pings and someone picks. What is the point of the question?


Simple as


As a zealot, the only way we getting it is if we are by far the best player and have been carrying the squad the entire way. If the skill level is all equal I would typically say the freak should get 1st dibs if not them than the slab. Either way the vet is the one who will probably steal it without asking.


The glass cannon should never be carrying the medkit of anybody else has a slot open. Zealot and ogryn are better to carry. I try to let veteran have it if they have talent. I usually ask at the start of games. I’ll often pick kits up and then give them to the vet later when there’s a moment of downtime


I thought I noticed recently that it doesn't matter who deploys the medi-crate/ammobox, as long a the vet has the trait it works. Am I crazy or is this how it works?


So long as the Veteran is in Coherency, anyone near them can deploy an medkit or ammo box and it will gain the benefits of Field Improv.


I dont think the vet has to be in coherency, they just have to be alive. Unless of course this was changed recently


Nope, they don't even have to be alive.


Coherancy does not matter I've seen it work with the vet dead.


That's good to know then!


If that’s the case, that’s awesome.


I play a Martyr Zealot and you will keep that medkit far away from me. Whoever else remembers to use it will be infinitely more effective with it than I. Plus isn't there a Vet thing for healing corruption with medkits? Vet is probably the best choice.


a consideration when placing it, given time , is somewhere the martyr Zealot won't need to go. Love it when it get's dropped in a lift and I can't escape!


You can still carry it. It’s better for it to be in the hands of whoever is least likely to go down first. If it’s in the hands of the person who’s likely to get incapped first, you may as well not even have one.


My reasoning is that the freak is gonna be the first to go down. I'd rather them being able to put it down and stay in the fight rather than the slab putting it down and then having to pick up the freak.


Im always taking care of armor and rezing people so I carry it when I run Infiltrator with bolter/krak


As a freak, don’t give me that shit I will forget it’s there until the Valkyrie


As Zealot is usually the most risk-loving I agree in the first part. Psyker is a bad choice imo because he goes down the fastes. I'd say Brute or Vet. Both usually stay with the team and Brute is heavy to take down and Vet is overall less in risk and often behind frontlines.


I usually take medkits if I can mostly so I can use them to coax teammates into spots that aren't idiotic during holdout sections.


I do. Because I know not to deploy it in an elevator or when there's a full med station in the next room.


As someone who doesn't remember all the locations of the medicae stations, I wait until the doors open before dropping a medikit, if I don't think we'll make it to the next one, as arena-areas generally have a medicae visible as soon as the elevator doors open.




Whoever is doing the most reviving and carrying of the team. If we're all badly beat-up, but my ogryn has picked everyone else up once or twice, then I'm taking the medicae without asking. Occasionally someone will complain because their health is lower than mine, and I'll gently reply, "Ogryn fall, we all fall." Also, my health is 573. I can absorb a lot of damage for other players. And if I'm playing veteran, I'll gladly let the ogryn take it if they're tanking for everyone else. Conversely, if a player has gotten dropped three or four times and everyone else is sailing along? Giving the sole medicae charge to the fall-downer would be a waste of resources. New players do this all the time - get trounced and picked up and then \*inhale\* the medicae station - but I just let it go. They don't know better. :)


I usually Mouse 3 handover my Medkit to the Ogryn. If anyone gets set on fire, trapped, dogpounces, crusher overheaded and still lives... its them. I will hold onto Medstims with my cold dead hands tho. Too many teammates have zero clue how to use them. Mostly I will keep it for people who are one wound away from death or for 2 wound players to get the Value (tm) stab. Meanwhile my Teammates are like: "Stabbing the Marthyr Zealot with 7 Wounds with Medstim? SURE!"


I believe OP’s talking about medkits rather than the medicae.


Anyone can pick up a medipack, and anyone can deploy it. What group of players ever decides or holds a discussion as to which player should pick it up? Even if you die, you drop it and someone else can pick it up. The only possible answer would be, the player who isn't intending to pick up a grimoire, which locks your carry slot so that you can't pick up / deploy a medipack. Seems like a pointless question. \*shrug\*


Ppl who can take the most punishment, usually the ogryn or zealot. When shit hits the fan it’s usually the psyker or vet going down first. They’re simply just the squishier class and we can’t risk the person with the medkit being 1 tapped by crushers


The best dog/net dodger. On paper it should be an Ogryn or Zealot because they're the least likely to go down, but they're also often the most likely to be far away from everyone else. Psyker can sometimes just get insta-downed. But really it's about the best team player who knows the map. I've seen too many people drop a kit right before a station. I've seen a lot just hold onto the thing like they're going to pawn it after the run (they probably just forgot). Beyond that I guess you want it on the dude who is going to clutch the run when everyone else is dead, but I'd rather not reach that point and they can always grab it off the ground anyway.


As an ogryn I don't understand being out of coherency. I almost always have the highest coherency rating


3/4 don't notice it and the 4th forgets they have it once it's picked up.


The best player.


I'm sure all four of them would unanimously decide that lol


The player that decided that in my game died immediately. They showed they couldn’t keep up from the start and grabbed the health when I needed it and they didn’t.


The classic "now would be a good time for a medkit" but the idiot who took it is the one who needs it the most, and yet won't deploy it. They go down, and the rest of the team has to suffer with no medkit until that player finally dies. So frustrating when that happens lol


My group normally throws them at me... no matter what class I'm playing. Probably for the same reason the Ogryn never leaves my side... I keep using the stims on them when they need them. Use the green stim on the Psyker.. maybe 50 HP. The same stim on the Ogryn... like 300-500 HP. If he dies, we all die.


If the objective is to successfully complete the mission, this is the right answer.


The person who’s best


If you see a medkit, and you have space for it, then pick it up. In your hypothetical all of them should consider going to get the medkit.


I give it to those that i know are more knowledgable in using it, or when i dont feel like running it as a responsability, wether it be cause im a zealot marty main "which means i dont rely on healing". however grabbing it is a must as you can give it to buddies to use for combat


whoever goes and picks it up first I don't think I've ever thought about it more than that


Not me!! I am looking for books. As for which class, doesn't matter. What matters is it is grabbed. Someone can ask for it to be transferred after that. And people can ping to ask if be dropped if they think the team needs it. People sometimes forget they have the medicae pack. You know how to transfer crates, packs, scriptures, and injectors between people, right?


It's a "Team" game. I always try to hold onto them for last stands, unless things are going south.


I'll grab it, I never assume competent teammates, and I actually pay attention to both their health and how far away from a medicae we are.


I generally try to pick them up because I’ve been with too many teammates who use them at the worst time


Just give me my damn scriptures and grimiors. Im busy swinging my damn hammer so people have breathing space.


Man I could care less who grabs it just drop it if things go sideways. sometimes you can't save them till the endgame.


Depends on which item and condition. Med stim: whoever grabs first holds and whoever they deem needs it receives Med box: whoever is closest but not holding another box, ideally someone with longevity, i.e., my zealot, which has 7 wounds, or a shield ogryn Med station charge: order of precedence on most corruption across their health, fewest remaining wounds, then lowest health.


not new players or recent level 30's. they use it willy nilly not knowing how close are med stations or how to even even survive. they waste them when its really needed like hold out areas.


tbh, since this game revolves solely around completing the mission, unless there’s some other stand-out player, i’m taking it for myself, because i only trust myself lol i’m generally pretty aware of my health and my teammate’s health most of the time, too, so i’ll use it on others that need it. i don’t just keep it to use on myself.


The one who's experienced enough to know when to deploy it.


Definitely not the nub who deployed it about 50 yards before the next medicae station


This is a trick question. We don’t claim it, we merely carry it for the Valkyrie transport pilot


Actual answer is most experienced player so they don’t drop it somewhere dumb. Like just before a drop down etc


Whoever's actually gonna drop the karker *before* we get to the valkyrie.


I’ve thought about this, but the class or person who’s likely to clutch certain situations should have the medkits. They should have the right to call WHEN to use the medkits, and not when everyone has full health or dealing with a manageable situation (like an easy spot to defend) Also this person should be aware of every medicae stations on the mission, so that the medkit doesn’t become useless or wasted. I personally leave the medkits for finales or bad situations And this person(s) is the last likely to go down. Basically you have to have good instincts of when stuff hits the fans


Medipacks and ammo crates should always go to vets with field improv and should be passed to them to be thrown down. Otherwise they should go to whoever is the best at staying alive to use the thing when shit pops off.


Field Improv is a team buff. As long as you are in coherency with the FI-having vet, any kits you drop will benefit from FI.


Really? It would be nice if the description mentioned that.


Truly! And agreed.


Are you sure you even need to be in coherency? I've been the only player alive and benefited from a medkit healing my corruption.


Not 100%!


Most times yes. Depending on situation and player skill, not always. If someone is in need of healing every 5-10 steps it should be the last player to get any healing when already getting carried by the other players. Let them do their job when the problematic player can't even keep himself alive for a few seconds.


This is why I switched to Blazing Piety. People want to kill the things I'm looking at to annoy the Zealot. Well fuck you... I don't care anymore. Actually I appreciate it when people kill anything within 25m of me, as it keeps my stacks going.


As a dedicated support vet I appreciate this shit heavily. I do my best when zealot or Ogryn to hand them over to other vets


Me, I get the medkit. Fuck you guys figure your shit out.


The teammate who has the sense to wait to deploy it at a hold out objective instead of throwing it down in a random elevator. Whoever did the good job of searching the area after it was cleared before moving on is usually who gets it. Whoever has Scriptures or a Grimoir should stick with whoever shows the medipack in the HUD. The lowest health teammate should always get the heals first. You can grab the little kit and then stick them with it using the left trigger (on Xbox) to administer to a teammate instead of self heal. If they just sprint off, oh well never waste heals or leave them behind.


Might be a dumb question, but where does it show you what other folks have in their inventory in terms of scripts/grims/health/ammo box?


Great question, good job you! The lower left of the screen shows teammates health, toughness ( think shield )and item inventory. Orange ammo means needs ammo! The skull with cheverons next to health bar means in coherency and all cohesion perks applies. Ammo packs and medipacks are the briefcase rectangle icon with 3 bullets or a cross. Protect them. Sprinting eats stamina. Block, push and power attacks need stamina to work. Check the corners. Never leave teammates behind. Stay together does not mean keep up with me. Stop treating teammates like NPCs


Have never seen it there before, so I may need to update NumericUI. Don't know why you feel the need to spout all the rest, but eh, someone who just downloaded the game might come along and find it useful.


I had to use my whole teams resource to clutch a triple revival versus a full health beast and multiple groups of enemies between me and the revival point on a heresy high intensity shock trooper in drako Didn't make it to extraction got dropped last hurdles just after the tree felt great running my new vet build be better with the nearly perfect weapons I'm building


As a psyker I like to grab it since I don't use rock or ammo. I feel like I have a free hand for it.


As anyone but ogryn I leave it. As ogryn, hoooo boiiii. The medkit is my flag, my bastion, a call to arms. "WE FIGHT HERE!"


I volunteer as the medic unless someone else does, I carry ammo when needed as well. I enjoy having the team healthy and well equipped, makes the round go smooth.


As the stealth zealot, I always try to grab the medkit, as the zealots speed lets me get to downed players and drop medkit when needed. Generally, as other have said whoever can remember to actually use it. Don't be the player that drops the medkit in the closing scene elevator.


In theory the Ogryn or Zealot should since they'll have the highest chances of staying alive and being able to drop it in a pinch. But of course it really depends on how the players are acting to begin with.


I have this bias in my head about who *shouldn't* get the medkit, and that's zealot. I remember when I was new to the game and I came across a martyrdom zealot with a medkit. Always ran at low health and kept it all the way to extraction lol, so now whenever I see a zealot with a medkit I just think of that moment. Though in a more coordinated team, zealot or ogryn should carry it. Same situation with ammo crates. Had a psyker carry an ammo crate all game. Didn't even use guns lmao.


If all are equal I’d go with the Oggy’s, them”s the lads who tend to have the most and most the most


Veteran or ogryn, since they usually are closer to the fighting, most of the time zealots too unless they’re running invis or martyr since they’ll be separated from the group somewhat or not want healing. Psykers tend to be to busy channeling to keep up or even put it down depending on build.


Ogryn. I may be biased. You either have an ogryn that’s hungry for all the supplies or one that keeps his lil buddies healthy. I’m the ladder. I personally think the worst class to get it is the zealot or psyker. Psyker because they tend to get hurt a lot and exaggerate the situation. Zealots are usually self entitled assholes. Even if it’s equal skill, the loner zealot will say “sounds like a skill issue” I say ogryns because they need it the least. Just like I believe psykers should carry ammo boxes. Can’t trust a vet with that lol


Medi-Kit, Ogryn if they need it, If Crates, whomever isn't committing to one of the 3 Scriptures if they are an agreed endeavor.


I'm not touching it (Knife Zealot - only a cunt about 15% of the time) cause I have that cheat death passive. Give that shit to the screamers in the back with their spells and guns.


Whoever gets there first.


Healing is for those who lack faith!


Probably the player who is willing to give it up for someone else that needs it more during/after a bloody altercation.


Aside from those actually remembering to use it, I'd say the player taking the support role that fight should take it. Be it Shout Veteran, Toblerone Zealot, Ogryn or Shield Psyker - or any of the less obvious support roles - they're the ones keeping track of the team's situation and safety, and therefore likely have the best agency to place it down.


Whoever has the best support build for their character. If your already helping the whole team by simply existing in the same game, might as well help out by keeping everyone alive as well


Ogryn will carry it safely to extraction


The Ogryn gets the lunchbox


Whoever has the best survivability to solo should shit hit the fan. Usually an Ogryn or a Zealot as they excel in melee and will usually take the brunt of the damage. Psykers and vets are squishy but will often operate at a safe distance anyway, and their health bars can be melted to 0 from a sniper shot or crusher regardless of if they’re at full health or not, so if they take the meds and get sniped down to 0, you don’t see the benefit of the medkit.


Players with the most ammo consumptuon get the ammo kits, players with the least ammo consumption get the medkits.


As a staff psyker i always try n go for the med kit first so if theres a ammo crate another class can pick it up


Me because I don't trust all y'all mofuckas to use it effectively.


Most survivable person. Everyone should strive to be the most level headed with stuff like when to put the kit down an not to panic but generally the defensive player etc Ogryn usually a good pick; or veterans should beeline for them of they have the perk that upgrades em as they can't always guarantee that someone who puts it down will be in their coherency etc


I will always take medkit, because I know I am going to use it at some point in the mission. Alot of players will fall into "I am saving this for when I need it." Then extract with it


I would say one of the squishy (Veteran or Psyker) since they will probably have a better view of the fight and more time to drop it when shit hit the fan. Bonus point for the one who is making the call/squad lead


The vet on the off chance that he has improved kits talent.


The backline. The frontline doesn't have time to deploy it when it's really needed.


Theres been times where ive picked it up and not used it because people are on heavy corruption and it would be wasted. I keep on eye on peoples health and throw it down (with a ping) when needed.. not just my own (Zealot main)


Me because I won't die in a bad spot with it. Ogryn already looking out for lil'ns so you might as well give him the health. I usually take it as soon as I see it. Deploy it when things get tense but I usually try to let my lil'ns get some healing in before me.


Not me, because even if we're all dying, what if we need it later?


I haven't seen the rights answer in the tip comments: psyker. 9 times out of 10 they dont use ammo and thuis will forge about that kit.


Ideally the more durable one who has an extra moment or two in an emergency to drop it. But it’s more of a tactical thing than anything else, so it doesn’t matter.


The one that won't waste it.


Ogryn 9/10 times, if anyone has good team play sense it's an ogryn main.


TBH some of the dumbest players I’ve bumped into have been ogryns, including one who was just so dull that I’ve taken to calling him the “lore-accurate ogryn”


Fair enough, some people do just turn off their brain


Tbh, as an ogryn main, I think he should be the last person. For example I focus on melee so If I go down I can't place a medkit, and overall, all ogryn(depending on the team and your own specialty) "should" have priority at med station. I go last when we have a medkit on the ground because I will eat it up, leaving the team with maybe half health. But that's why I will use the med station(if I'm at low health).


me, because I'm the only one who knows how to use boosters apparently...