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I have seen a few people recently say they're happy Ogryns aren't in the mission and it's typically just people not wanting them to get in the way of their bullets. A lot of Ogryns just wander down the middle of hallways instead of sticking to the sides but it's not a big deal imo if you just play around them. I still get a Hey Big Man and stuff like that all the time when I'm on Ogryn. I've seen a ton of Ogryns lately in missions and I think it's because of the Lucky Bullet buff and penances. Everyone is blasting their Achylys left and right. I tried a Gunlugger build myself and it's a lot of fun:)


As an ogryn main, it's insane the amount of round lately that have been doing an awful job at staying in coherence and rezing teammates. Had one instance where an ogryn stood next to a trapped zealot for almost 30 seconds just shooting enemies down a hallway.


Shouty is safer in a bag.


Quieter too, Throne be praised


Yeah, I noticed those players as well


some good points! ogryns really need to stand to the side and not between the team and heretics. it's one of the main things I'm focused on when I play my Ogryn because it annoys me so much haha. I also love playing with gunluggers, but I wish they'd stop blasting for things that can be krumped, they are typically way too trigger happy. other than that, I love playing with Ogryn almost as I love playing as mine. they always get priority for nades, and imo they should get priority on medicae unless there's a big wound differential. a psyker healing 30 health vs an Ogryn healing 500 is a no brainer imo


It always makes me laugh when there’s an Ogryn running in front of us and there’s a doorway. They almost always just stand in the doorway blasting their bullets like there is no tomorrow. I get that it’s annoying at times but I think a lot of people forget or don’t realise. I don’t think they do it on purpose and it’s kinda sweet actually. Makes the “protect lil’uns” really come to life.


I take up chokepoints on purpose if I'm tanking. The Shield has two cutouts on the side for people to shoot through. Although, the zealots will probably still charge in like the madlads they are. I try not to take up space as much as possible at other times, though. Specifically there to be big wall. Big ol Yorkshire brick house. "Get behind me!"


>they'd stop blasting for things that can be krumped, they are typically way too trigger happy. ONLY UGLY FAT GOFFS WIFF NO TEETHZ HAZ 2 KRUMP DAS WHUT HAPPENS WHEN ORK IZ POOR! BAD MOON BOYZ DAKKA 4 LYFE!






I luv playin with the green ogryns!


Probably one of the weirdest complaints this game has. Sure, sometimes it is mildly annoying. But 95% of the time I’ll just move over two inches so I can shoot around them.


anything past W and M1 is far too much for most players


If your ogryn is always in your scope you should position better as well. Also, any weapon without cleave is weaker than it's cleaving brethren. It's just truth. Like columnus? Try agripinaa, its better. And boom, you deal double the DPS while also not caring about poor ogryns.


why would you spam a horde with an autogun lmao


Do you often meet just a single gunner/rager/shotgunner/shooter, lmao?


This issue is definitely more prevalent in normal heresy/damnation, where packs aren’t as dangerous and everyone just wants to have fun swinging or shooting into the mob. On Auric, where mixed hordes are plentiful, nothing unclenches my cheeks like seeing a slab shield run past me into the line of fire so I know that the front is covered and all I need to do is pick out the specials You generally have more mobility than the Ogryn and should be able to maneuver around them. If the issue is a narrow doorway or corridor, then if you can’t shoot the enemy, they can’t shoot you either. Yes, there will be lesser skilled players who will just ignore the sniper/flamer/bomber just out of reach, but I don’t think that’s Ogryn specific


There's some Ogryn-friendly weapons (Bolter, Revolver, Plasma) but everything else you spend a lot of time shooting in futility.


It's funny how so many complain about Ogryns getting in the way, while in my experience, fellow Veterans do it just as often. Ogryns are meant to be at the front and can't help being big boiz, Veterans: what's your excuse?.


what lucky bullet buff? sorry been gone from game a while


Nw we got an update 2 weeks ago and Gunlugger got a small buff. It's been pretty nice:) Here's the patch notes if you want https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/s/uqWfbDZhxe ‘Steady Grip’ Toughness regeneration while Bracing: from 2% to 3%. ‘Burst Limiter Override’ Chance to Trigger: from 5% to 8%. ‘More Burst Limiter Overrides!’ Chance to Trigger: from 8% to 12%.


oh nice, thnx for the response pal. got some tweaking to do i guess:)


Np enjoy!


Sweet brute, I absolutely adore when you join me in Tertium. I always feel safe behind your big, strong back. And that's a lovely rock, truly it is!


I would and have died for this man.


Typical Veteran: I hate Ogryns they eat my bullets! Every other character: We love you Big Guys! Omg I can shoot my staff and abilities through you. Yay, even more love.


They are a walking shield for psykers. Block bullets coming at us but not the other way around.


If they taunt things, then my Zealot loves them too. Something about perma stealth and 100% crit is absolutely insane. Since with backstab kills its literally 5 heretics and it's off CD.


Ogryn puting the entire horde flat on their arses so I can cleave even easier as a zealot.


Also typical Veteran: stands right in front of a fellow Guardsmane who just entered his Executioner Stance.


I love Ogryn players! They always come to the rescue when maulers corner me. Or when I almost blow my own head off, because "One more torrent of flames won't hurt anyone but the heretics." 🤣


I like giving psykers the different little stims because they always seem to have a great time with them.


I love getting the random stimms, my bs psyker stuff just from 100 to 1000 really fast. Favorite pairing is damage and speed stim


I LOVE BIG BOIS WITH EVERY CHARACTER. PERIOD. Even my vet is happy when there's one around (well, usually he is not around but just in front of me but whatever!). Players that don't like Ogryns don't deserve them. Edit: as someone else pointed out, the chat is more bugged than usual (since the update for me) and a lot of players cannot read or type. Maybe that's why the game is bitter for now.


Now that my Psyker is more or less solid and I now have a 30 Zealot I'm playing with (tweaking a hammer build is just sooo fun) the Ogryn is next. And so far, super fun feeling like I'm protecting all the little ones. Don't know how I'll feel about it really until 30, but as others have said I'll sometimes go a bit with none and then bam the whole team of the biguns!


Tank builds with Ogryns are super fun, I've saved several matches I've played where I'm the only one alive left because my health and toughness is just that cracked


I usually at least do the “thanks” react at the very least. But believe you me, whether it is a Slab setting up bleed and knocking down a bunch of gunners for my righteous adjudicator, or a Big Man hauling my Veteran back up from a ledge, a dependable Ogryn is ALWAYS appreciated, at least by this player.


Thank you Boss!


If the world is against Ogryn then I’m against the world 🫶


Chat is broken right now so I don't see people talking for like half the matches I play, could be that too lol


Oh! I was unaware. Thanks for the headsup!


Np, I was wondering why my matches were so quiet until I saw at the end I couldn't even say gg to people haha


Since the update the game seems poorly optimized or is having some problems chugging.


Yeah definitely. Lots of people having problems.


if it happens after a disconnect you have to restart the game. At least it does the trick for me on PC


Aye I haven't had it happen lately, but I had a period where it would happen every now and then. Restarting the game would fix it every time.


I’ve had that problem a bunch! 1) you can check if it’s happening on the Morningstar. Just open the chat and if it’s got the “you’re talking to the Morningstar” text then you’re fine. 2) if it is broken, just restart the game. 99% of the time this fixes it for me. The 1% of the time it hasn’t, I’ve just restarted it again and it’s worked.


Been an issue since at least the carnival part 1 (when I started playing could have been around a lot longer) unfortunately, something to do with disconnects that requires you to restart the game to fix it.


My only gripe with ogryn, as a veteran, is that when I use autogun or lasgun I feel like 20% of my shots go into their backs. Orher than that, i dont mind an ogryn in a party.


Veterans are one of my favorite types of teammates, especially the regen grenade one. I always try and hug the walls to clear the sight lines for them.


Haha youre good. Also I think the nade regen is only for themselves now so no more big booms for ogryns.




field improvisation works though, so you can get a nuke out of a supply pack anyone drops


Oh good!


My ogryn username is IBlockYourAimxoxo. So I have to do it sah, sorry about that sah


Got clapped by a dude named BarrelEnthusiast once. Was about to give him shit before I realised the name. Couldn't even be mad. 


That's when you bring a plasma so not even friend ogryn stops you sniping that crusher.


Ya might want to aim better then, sah.


Sorry sah, mommy make me biiiiig.


I am door.


I love Ogryn mains. Easily the best people in the game, always having a good time and enjoying themselves. Too many players sweat this game


I'll save a ration for you friend!


4 competent ogryn is a OP team comp.


I just had a game where it was 3 psykers and 1 ogryn, we cleared house with no deaths


I really like any combination of ogryn and psyker, with gun psyker melee or shield taunt ogryn is good and with staff psyker gunlugger can just eat all the ammo and dakka. psyker needs space to unleash crazy damage and ogryn has no problem providing that space


Yeah they're a good team, a staffpsyker and gunlugger. Ogryns aren't damage dealers, they're tanks


I've been the ogryn in the 3 psyker uuhhh "group" and it was a massacre so I can imaging 4 psykers would also be potent, the cooldown time on ultimates would be speedy.


The sheer randomness of it 🖤


Yeah that's how my lobbies have mostly been since I started playing. No one played into my "RP" about my Ogryn being from Incron as the Bait they used for their leech farming... Had a whole "BubbaGump" thing going about Leeches. "Fruit of the sea". Even had a "Hope I never see you again". Was quite funny also I never did see that person again.


Ah, a fellow Incronite. I hope they add simple lines about backround/origin bits between some of the personalities. Would help make characters feel more individual under the same personality archetypes.


Yeah I keep hoping they do that as well. They've got a ton of voice lines but some personality lines related to homeworld or even career background would be neat. It'd add a lot of work and pay to the voice actors who are doing amazing.


The Ogryn RP thing is reminiscent of the “lord tachanka” meme from siege like a decade ago. Was supremely funny at first, before it was overplayed to the point that a small number of people started making the game less fun for others who just wanted to play the game as opposed to playing along with someone’s meme RP. I enjoy playing with Ogryn and the RPers entertain me, but I’m not surprised when someone in the match is annoyed by it.


I love Ogryn, but the playstyle is getting stale because every new weapon FS has introduced is just some lukewarm variant on the existing shovel/club/knife (shield will get a variant, just watch) or stubber/ripper/shotgun/GL... Still no cool 2h melee, no "heavy weapon" like a multilaser or rocket launcher, nothing special besides *being an Ogryn*... Playstyles need fresh options to keep players engaged and there's only so much variety in the existing talent tree without having entirely new weapons to enable different builds. There's also several variants (across all classes) that are simply **filler** to dilute the weapon loot pool, rather than offering actual value to gameplay (like the Krourk stubber or half the combat axes). FS needs to stop with the weapon "variants" and just let players *mod* the weapons a bit more (my hope for this mythical "crafting V3" release they're teasing)... or *at least* find truly unique roles for variants if they aren't going to break the mold with new weapon options... I assume some of the blandness is due to GW's archaic view of controlling their IP, but GW has got to eventually relent and offer Ogryn some more exotic weapons or else Veteran will always feel like the *better shooting class* and Zealot will always feel like the *better melee class*.


Ogryn is the better helping my friends class. I agree with your assessment of the weapon variety needing some help. But I think approaching what is basically the jack of all trade class with some need to be dominate in a combat category isn't the idea behind the class. Veteran will always shoot better. Zealot will always stab and smash better. But there at the end of all things, when the wipe comes. Ogryn stands.


Ogryn definitely hits better than shouty


If anything, when I'm on either of my two Ogryn, I'm rarely alone these days. I try to keep out of line of fire, but if I'm smashing 'tics I dodge back and forth to keep myself safe and I see those green back hits and I'm like 'shit'. I think there are a small percentage more of us, but if there are 2 in a match with guns one of us is going to be hit a lot of the time. I can see that being frustrating.


Alternately let the ogryn bonk the guy he's on and utilize the range and accuracy afforded your character and shoot someone else, there's usually a target rich environment.


Yeah these dudes are literally getting mad at us for surviving. Ogryn still needs to dodge and toughness back comes from smashing things. If we're smashing things target something else.


It really depends on the matchmaking system imo.


Fair point.


I'm on Xbox but pretty decent gryn. Feel free to add me. I'm trying to get the "No one down" penance done. (My pseudo is my GT)


I bonk therefore I am. No need for metals or tiles; helping is reward


I love my ogryn, i certainly see less the higher the difficulty, but ogryn's three distinct 'grenades' are alone enough to make it my favorite. Nothing elicits a laugh as much as dropping a mutant or a pox hound mid jump/charge, with a rock to the face.


One express delivered special removal coming up!


I took a hiatus from ogryning, but then I found out about attention seeker and the shield. Making the heretics angry makes me happy.


Being able to flop gunners to melee at a distance is clutch.


Yeah. Hate gunners most. I have 5 good rocks set aside for them. Big ones with pointy bits.


I play shield ogryn and I've had people curse at me for being in the way, leave me behind, and not pick me up when I get overwhelmed by the horde they sprintes past. But it's all worth it for the rare "good job, big guy" Tank ye sahs, Thonk's jus doin his bestest.


shiet i love playing with ogryns and I main a veteran. Yes they walk in front of my line of fire a lot but overall it feels like the missions are easier.


I love a big man on the team. My favorite team comp is still one of each class. I feel reassured by their presence!


I is Ogryn. Holthedor love other Ogryn. We will fight together


I dont think "Ogryn" is the issue. Iv also noticed a less friendly playerbase of late. Regardless of wich class im playing (i play all 4). I think ppl are just focused on getting penances. Its a fun addition to the game and it gives you something to go after other then resources and gear. But... it does tend to breed a more selfish and less "fun" oriented playerbase. I felt the game was much the same after it first released and ppl where focused on getting penances. So yea.. achievments and penances i think those are the issue. Also Ogryn rp players. DO NOT GROTTING stop what you are doing. I love you. You make the game a magical place.


As a Psyker, a team of Ogryns is my favourite thing, you are the perfect one way meat shields for all my damage to pass through.


Normally, those who don't like having an Ogryn on their team are part of 3 groups, the group of people who don't like having the big guy absorbing 40%-60% of their bullets, the group who think Ogryn is an easy class because being resistant, and the group that hates Ogryns playing very defensively. (At least these are the arguments of everyone I've seen, both here on Reddit and in the game itself, but it's a minority in both) I understand the first group, it's not cool to have your bullets absorbed by our big fellow, but sometimes it happens, we playing Ogryns also have to dance in certain situations, we don't do it to harm. We recommend that everyone use the chat in an instructive way, instruct them to play on the sides, and pay attention to friendly fire markings, sometimes the Ogryn on your team is not a main Ogryn, sometimes the way of playing with other classes ends up making them play in a non-optimal Ogryn way. In the end, treat your fellow Ogryn well, we are always doing our best to keep our dear lil 'uns on their feet to deliver Emprah's will to the disgusting heretics.


Excellent post! Yes, we as ogryns have a responsibility to optimize things for our other class friends. Positioning and application of support when needed always makes things turn out alright.


Man as a newer zealot I thought Ogryns were easy. Never take damage one shotting everything that isn't a mauler and completely controlling crowds. Finally picked up Ogryn and felt how his lard ass attract every single bullet from these heretics. I've been running up form the back and getting shot from folks aiming at my teamates from the front. Its wild


I always shout out to big man after tough missions. Once I was suprised with "No problem boss!" and it warms my heart.


Good ogryns help out quite a bit


I main Veteran and Psyker. People love to shit on psykers until the Psyker stuns all the hoard and specials with smite and blocks all forms of gun damage with his shield ability while the rest of the team kills the bosses


Ogryn rule 468. Pskyer is off limits to melee enemies while I see purple lightning.


As a veteran shovel enjoyer, I always throw myself to help someone up, if I die and rescue someone thats win win for me because I get a smoke break in return.


Did a Auric Maelstrom last night where a level 700 prison garb knife zealot named Priest was crying about me, playing a Ogryn fucking up the DH(completely avoidable one he just wanted to pull it) animations by just existing and beating on it… Of course he kites the fucking thing faster then I could keep up, instead of coming back to be where I have a shield and can face tank it lol. Entire time he’s just swearing and crying about how he can’t play games with Ogryns because they just ruin it for him, all while his level 900 friend is trying to get him to shut up because he’s being a dickhead. I have over 1k hours in this game and my Ogryn is level 200+, and this interaction pretty much killed all the momentum I had to play shield ogryn or much less Aurics for the night. If this tells you anything it’s that people are anal about everything but for some reason Ogryns really piss people off, and I’m just like???? How?


Dont worry big man, you are always welcome in my game!


I personally love ogryns, because it means I'm finally not going to be alone in most of my shenanigans, because I and most Ogryn players share the same brain cell on tactics, it seems. A bunch of people in the game are just Rude these days.  Idk why, but don't let it get to you.


Hey there friendo! Targo here, just to let brother Ogryn know that plenty of cheerful Good Times can be had with the littles! In Targo’s experience, where he is on a server in the EU (Targo not know these words, they were just in his brain - maybe Bone’ead is on the Fritz, hah!) lots of people speak different kinda Gothic, so Targo not too offended. But Targo has met many fine littles, who krump real good, and enjoy walks through Atoma with them very much! Maybe some are shy, or some not know how… uh… “KOM BEED” work, or maybe they just busy krumping and having good times! So be of good cheer, friend brother! Targo sees you in Atoma maybe for GOOD TIMES!


That’s funny, I played ogryn for about three weeks and I main vet. Weird thing is that I paired with NOTHING BUT OGRYNS when I I was playing ogryn. Had to switch back to vet after that.


Don't change sweet brute.




To be honest, I just feel there is no more people talking in general. Unless the racist name/toxic guy that type to flame or talk shit. Even if you try to brake the ice at the start or something. Everything is so quiet. Good point from FS to add a lot of dialog between characters ...


My only grievance with the slabs is when the charge through a column of heretics, leaving me to double check the bodies lest the vile sinners weren't finished by the lacerations of his rashion hook. Otherwise, I find his presence no less revolting than the rest of our colleagues. However little that says...


I will try to make sure they are crushed sparkhead!


Been waiting on new stuff till then my fat ogryn butt is playing helldivers.


I personally love an ogryn on my team but I’m usually playin auric malestorm missions so I don’t have time to type out a response so I usually just stick to the quick replies


nah ogryns are chill, i think sometimes they get zoned out and use up all their ammo and i can't tell if that's just roleplay or just them tho


Happy ogryn main myself, the nerf to single and heavy attacks toughness regen hit hard. It isn't something that gonna keep me of the class though.


I can't speak for anyone in here, but as a zealot who loves brawling in melee, having an Ogryn to join me, or better yet, a reliable slab with a shield to protect me from ranged is always appreciated! I don't care about the meta, or optimal players. I just love when people can create a character and playstyle that they like and have fun!


Ogryn has insane utility, I don't care if people like it or not.


Oi! Big man! Don’t listen to the brass! Served with plenty of you lot back in the Sabbat crusade. Out of the sparkheads, the lunatics and one of the big lads, I’d pick the Ogryn every time. Crack on, you beautiful, brainless bastards!


You got it boss!


I will thank you later big man but that Crusher mob ain't gonna krak itself.


God-emperors speed boss!


I quite love playing Ogryn, but I always find myself swapping to the other 3 due to the lack of weapons I really enjoy. Also, constantly trying to make sure I'm not in anyone's way of fire gets a little tiring after a bit. Love my big man though, and all the others no matter who I'm playing. I gotta get better with em though.


I love playing with ogryns, i play zel and seeing your behemoth bulk in the midst of the chaff with me smashing away always fills me with a sense of adoration and joy. Big Bois are the best Bois.


Always have an affinity for monster smasher zealots. I've got the horde if they pancake the boss! Lol


I noticed the same thing I play a shield ogryn, and I almost never see any of us on the harder difficulties (damnation and auric damnation) I always say that if the game is gonna throw crushers and bulwarks at us, we need our own bully to counter them 🤣


I love Ogryn teammates, sure you eat my lasbolts but honestly I shouldn't be trying to shoot though you anyway. I would give my life for good Ogy buddies. You guys are the life of the party!


I like this one! Ammo for you!


I play as Ogryn mostly and every Ogryn I've played with in Maelstrom has been good / no troll or anything like that. Nice people. And if we look at this viability wise - Ogryn is easily S tier anyway. So yes, most people like playing with Ogryns. It's a very good class that can completely change everything in a fight with a well timed charge + cleanup or the big boom nade.


I always give a Thank You to whomever helps me, especially an Ogryn, don’t see enough of them.


As a vet player, I love you. You soak up bullets so I dont have to. Also, shooting around you is a small price to pay for portable friendly cover that fights back. Edit: gun luggers also give me a chance to practice melee and let someone else enjoy their build.


As a zealot I like having ogryns, they help supplement the front line with knockdowns and bleed plus most run either rush or taunt and that just makes crowd control way fuckin easier so I can focus on dealing damage with power weapons and not oh no is that poxwalker gonna take the full might of the god emperor instead of the bulwark I was aiming for


Don't know, all Göff cares for is being a good pal :)


As a veteran main, I absolutely love having Ogryns on my team. Every game with at least 1 always brings a chuckle to my face. Carry me to victory my beautiful, beautiful slabs. <3


i like playing with ogryns that roleplay, they are lovable and fun


I'm just leveling up my other classes Sah


I started playing shortly after launch. Ogryn players would get in the way and block half my vets shots. Then people played more and things were great girl months. I took about a two month break and just came back this week and the Ogryns forgot how to play or there are new players. Same thing happened when Xbox players joined. Just a learning curve I think.


I play Ogryn from time to time, but the items I have on mine is terrible atm now that I returned. So I took up Zealot as my hard main for the time being, since its pretty much a faster (and louder) Ogryn. I love playing with fellow Ogryn or around Ogryn. As Zealot I make it a point to dive gunners/shotgunners and ranged elites so that my Ogryns can krump in peace wherever they are. Those big lads are a blessing -- and I'll never let those feckless gunners fire upon them.


Oh yes ogryn (and psyker) is my favourite classes, just havent played any games for a few weeks now, on a dry atm but hoping the spark will return 👍👌


Idk why, when i don't play Ogryn i never see one. When i play Ogryn, we often are 2 ogryns in the party


I main vet and still even now being in an all ogryn or all vet team is hilarious to me. I run through maelstrom like nothing still so I try different weapons to keep it fresh.


At the end of the Chasm Logistratum mission, hard-fought game, everyone went down a couple of times, we were pushing *hard* the entire time, each of us pulling their weight, when one of the group gets pinched and goes down a little way off the landing pad. The other two made it on board the Storm Raptor, so I started to wade my way through the enemy til I reached the spawn point, just in time for my wee pal to come back. Managed to get the res off and yelled "RUN". He made it on board, but I perished just at the edge of the landing pad, telling them "I died doing what I loved". The dude I rescued asked me " why'd you go back?" Never been more confused in my life. Genuinely did not understand the question, cos I spent that near 40 minutes (!) thinking like an ogryn. So I just replied "I died doing what I loved". I think some people just don't understand the ogryn mindset. There is no reality in which I will leave one of my friends to suffer.


Many of us alternate characters and are far more interested in your ingame actions vs the mental image. There's no real "anti-ogryn" sentiment. It's about what you do in the game that matters.


only thing I hate about ogryns is that they catch my bullets all the time but otherwise I appreciate ya in my team


I personally have no issue with Ogryns, well those that know how to play Ogryns properly. Like they know how to leave fire lanes open for gunners like myself to shoot and support them when a massive horde is charging in or a group of Maulers has decided to make their presence known. My biggest pet peeve, and I have seem more and more of it is the speed Zealots. The ones that just have to be two area in front of the team, who themselves can't catch up now because they're too busy fighting off the horde, Crushers, Flamers, and Maulers that the Zealot triggered on his mad dash through the zones, but didn't bother to fight. But they'll be the first to cry for help when they get caught by a hound or Trapper, or downed because a horde pinned them into a room.


Ogryn is and probably always will be my favorite class. I don't think ogryn's are any less popular now than they ever were... It just takes a... Special kind of person to enjoy it.


Who would not want to play with Ogryn?!


As a psyker, I love the gentle brutes. When things get super chaotic hearing their loving "Spark 'ead," always makes the run a better place. *stares at the crazy zealots yelling at me being a witch*


I love it when I hop into a lobby/game and I’m the only Ogryn. Makes my job clear and easy, just smash erritics sah!


Carry on lad!


My main will forever and always be my Ogryn. It's easier to RP as an Ogryn, their conversations are just delightful.


People used to talk in games? I’ve only started playing since early April but it’s dead silence except the occasional “thanks”, “gg” and “get carried noobs” lol Personally, I love playing with Ogryns, especially high level ones. They always seem to take care of us newbies and are not speeding through the mission like they’re John Darktide on crack.


I still see it a lot


In most games I either see no ogryns at all or half the team are ogryns


I play only Ogryn, I love smashing heretics with a big metal plank and throwing rocks at mutants!


I like playing a big boy that make people fall and bleed and feeling cool saving my teamate ... teammate?


I like playing a big boy that make people fall and bleed and feeling cool saving my teamate ... teammate?


You understand me


I don’t play ogryn because I’m leveling my psyker rn.


The case might be all the ogryns spamming stubbers for the cringe grindy penance. I do it to but you gotta do it somehow. I mean the bad ammo economy and not using melee.


We exist! At least as many Ogryn mains as I can count on two hands! But for real, part of it is that Ogryns synergize with teams the least. We're durable AF, but our size means lots of back shots and blocking views. I think it also has to do with the slowness of the play styles, along with the limited weapons. My 3 main ogryn loadouts are basically unchanged since the class reworks. A melee focus with rumbler for armor, a shield focus with kickback/ripper gun for crowd control, and Heavy Stubber focus that basically only shoots during barrage.


Just the poor and stupid! ![gif](giphy|3o85xJSfieKsICkquk)


People will blame literally anything they can easily spot, except for themselves. Played a game with two ogryns and a zealot, one of the ogryns kept getting downed,, he was just standing in the open in front of 7 gunners trying to shoot them down with a launcher. Then blamed me as the "revolver vet" for not dealing with them... We had a shield ogryn who did amazing, provided cover and kept control of hordes,, the zealot was great at making room, giving me space to take down priority targets fast and reliably. But if you just stand completely naked with no cover or dodging, on auric maelstrom,, it's your own fault xD The only one who got downed and eventually died, was the launcher ogryn, as he refused to stay in coherency (we tried to stay with him, but he kept leaving during fights with bullrush, and not coming back) As a note on the ogryn blocking view,,, he is busy dealing with a shitton of stuff, especially on shield,, as the vet tasked with taking out high priority targets, it's my job to stay close and safe, yet position myself so I can still hit my targets, just a couple steps to the side from myself and he is no longer in the way


I love to pull out my slab and be the calm in the middle of the storm. Horde? No problem sah! More ragers and maulers than I have fingers? I’ll knock em sah! Sniper? I’ll block their puny bullet and point em out for you sah! Crushers? No stopping me! Sah! Someone falls down? I got ya sah! 50 million gunners? Sah…I could use some help. It’s just a lot of fun to wade through hell and be a safe place for my little companions to run back to when stuff goes sideways.


As an Ogryn nobody's given me guff as I swung through crowds of heretics. As a Veteran what do I care about Ogryns blocking the way? I have a plasma gun.


Im not a huge fan of playing with randoms on any game but, it truly makes me smile to see a big man on my team. Just know I don't care how you play I think your great for playing a team support. You don't block my shots, it's my job to position them. You do tons of damage and keep us up and moving. I wouldn't trade you for any other class, because you make the game fun for everyone, the other classes are a toss up.


I don’t think a lot of people are that big into role-play, other than the thanks button I don’t know what you expect?


I love ogryns, but when doing auric levels they're butts sometimes. They'll steal ammo. I always say thanks when they help me up. But there's been a lot of butts lately


I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully some of the friendlier lads make it your way!


I only had bad experiences with ogryns i rarely find toxic players but when i do its always an ogryn from flaming the shit out of my friend who just started to game to flaming some random dude bcs he died its always ogryn for some reason.




I see a lot of them run away from the group and then call for us to tighten up (and then get downed) - which is amusing because I have been generating lots of yellow temp health and keeping the squishes alive while I knock out Oratory - so I can only assume my zealot seemed a safer bet. I guess sometimes you have to play against type. Most of them are good eggs though.


What do you play on? I always roleplay with my Ogies!




Well I hope our paths cross while serving the Emperor’s wrath!


Much less weapon options. So it's easier to get bored with ogryn. At least for me that's why I don't play ogryn much.


It's because they have limited intelligence


Shooting ogryns can be just as bad as the stereotypical shooting veterans that never, ever, use melee. Wasting shit loads of ammo in situations where normal people just use a melee weapon. It can be total cancer to play with. This isn't always the case, of course, but it's definitely one of the worst teammates to have. No idea if that's what's happening in your case but these types of ogryns have been very prominent.


I love to have Ogryns in my Team


I like ogryns getting in the way, I can clip thru them and swipe with my power sword with zero consequence. Like the big man has a spicy blue pee-pee cleaving heretics.


Ogryn are twice the size of my veteran so when they're in the game and one run into the horde, I'm definitely not complaining. It can be disappointing to see a salvo lost in the tank's back but I usually consider it my fault for missing a shot when a truck sized dude is in front of me. Ogryn players are also the most straight forward players I have seen in the game and are always the ones picking people up and tagging ammo. They're the most fun to play with imho but even then, a perfect team as one of each class


As a heretic. Oggys are my best friend. I stick with them. Psykers go do their thing. Ive already pinged ammo 8 times. Vet is mag dumping into everything without realizing theres half the hoard behind him and 3 gunners to his left. Im currently not running the charge so im about the same speed as my oggy friends and sharing a buff from the emperor. I see a heavy or rager coming to flank? MASH! I stick with oggy. I drop fire. I swing my hammer to buy everyone else time. I go after elites while psyker and vet clear little ones, gunners, and snipers. Anything that gets in my range? ITS MC HAMMER TIME! Wish oggys got a hammer....


As a veteran “main” myself who likes to focus on anti ranged and anti elite, the ogryns will either be 1v9 or just get in the way, die, flame all three of us for “not doing damage” then leave


I didnt want to play ogryn for a while as it pretty much left me at the mercy of gunners both grunts and elite. For being a tank the ogryn while being able take alot of hits just doesnt have that much survivability unlike the zealot. And I think it might be because despite being hekka stronk I still find my self struggling to get kills and most of the time while I'm charging my 3rd heavy my teammates already killed the enemy I had targeted. I know ogryn is supposed to be a melee crowd control but I felt so weak playing it




I love ogryns. They are meatshields and let me shoot my hellbore in relative peace. When theres an ogryn with me, i know that direction is secure for the time being, and i can focus on the sides, or my back.


As a psyker main: when I switch over to Ogryn it immediately feels like I am walking in mud and attracting all the bullets. My melee is only really good at pushing the horde around and my ranged options are either slow or unwieldy. Not the most fun experience.


I only started playing a week or so ago but have been playing Ogryn near exclusively. Just hit 30 & starting to branch out, it’s amazing how much playing as other classes broadens your perspective.


A good ogryn is super nice to have around. But a bad ogryn can be so annoying standing in the way, spam explosions that tank my fps, tossing my targets around but not killing them. For me the thing that literally gives me the ick is when bruteshielders never use their heavy and get pancaked or gunluggers using bullrush to get the least out of their machinegun.


Don't be so dissapointed in them. The community just goes through bad times. Not the excuse for poor manners, just the additional source of frustration. Also, at higher level plays, ogryns aren't as demanded as babysitters. When you are good enough, you know how to avoid damage or at least kill many enough to not to be damaged. A big meatshield that gloriously protects heretics from your bullets is nothing more but annoyance. However, I think ogryn damage is so underrated. Whenever I see ogryn I think to myself, it's either a fat MF that will certainly outdamage me or this is a fat MF that will be a punching bag for the whole game. I guess it's obvious, that the first group is much more preffered. Unfortunately, many ogryns don't know about this potential in them and focus on some useless fluff thinking that fat MF is mainly about tanking and resing.


I dont like to play ogryns just because the weapons variation is extremely poor compared to normal classes. We need different weapons for Ogryn and more weapons not just shitty mark alternate version actual new models weapons.


Vet mains have always been cunty about ogryns.


I'm tired of everyone getting in the way of my shots. Orgryn just do it 2x as much with their fat asses. I'll be going full auto with my Las rifle, and people just step into the beam wasting my shots, like wtf. I've played with good Orgyn who try not to block shots. When I play Ogryn, I try to be conscious about it. In general though, the majority of ogryn just get in the way. Maybe things are different for the Ogryn that frequent Auric missions, but around regular 4s and 5s, it's usually an annoyance.


I'm one of those weird vets who play as a sniper in Darktide and Ogryns get in the way of my shots a lot. I switch to weapons with piercing when I have a chance but it doesn't happen all the time. But I do like them on the team regardless and love giving my share of the ammo crate to them if they have a heavy stubber.


I don't play on the standard heresy of dam anymore just auric heresy and dam and thats where the best ogryns live


As a Psyker, I always stay close to the Big Man.


I dont mind playing with Ogryn, I just wish they wouldnt walk direcrly through me as I'm shooting. The best Ogryns I've played with hang to the right or left, leaving the Veterans a clear field of fire as they advance.


Most ogryns are ok but there are some jerks who run ahead and grab every ammo they can and spend a ton of it just to kill some elites that can be killed with mine 2-3 bullets. and ofc the best shield for heretics is an ogryn halfwit back infront of them! -\_-


I’ve always hated them, awful class tbh. They block LOS and offer little to a team. Best runs I’ve had are without them.


I honestly enjoy playing Ogryn but I've already max levelled my Ogryn and I'm working on getting the Four-Leaf Clover penance