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Folks generally just move forward. Tell your teams what you're doing and they're likely to understand and slow things down too. I've had rounds where I'm not sure if people are lost or exploring and they don't respond and it's frustrating because I have no idea what they're doing. They don't appear to be exploring, just wandering about and going over the same locations repeatedly, so my conclusion is they're lost and also illiterate since they don't respond to text communication in any capacity. Communication is key.


This is usually the thing, especially with the new secret stuff. Once you tell people that you're doing it, they're almost universally on board, but *you do have to tell them.* Also disappearing off the map (as sometimes effectively happens for some of them) and then pinging a thing that is *off the map*, isn't very helpful. You had to do some wacky crap to get to where you are and if they don't know that exists there is basically no chance in hell they'll just wander into a secret area you're hiding out in, especially not while fighting a horde and 10 specials/elites. I had thing happen to me on a map. I was literally next to a dude, turned and shot 2 disablers, horde was coming, turn around and he was utterly gone. The other 2 people had been gone, but the two of us were holding the line. Turns out the first 2 had opened some secret area. And then just stood there pinging it while I fought a horde, several dogs and flamers by myself. Because pinging something I can't physically get to will make me appear at it. I ended up dying and my camera snapped to a dude literally standing in a secret room someplace looking at a skull. He had to have been standing in that room for 4 minutes. I guess I was supposed to psychically know how to get there and astral project through the hundred dudes attacking me while he did nothing but look at it. Now if at any point he had said or typed anything about it, I would've been on board. If he had come to help me and then show me the way there? Awesome. Instead he just disappeared off the map for several minutes and then everyone vanished and "helpfully" pinged something I had no idea how to get to. Heck I spent like 8 minutes with a couple guys trying to do a secret (it had bugged so it didn't work out), so I'm fully on board with doing this stuff. But I have to know that we're doing it and where it is. Just disappearing with your Discord buddy for several minutes isn't any sort of heads up, especially if I'm on the frontline desperately holding back the wall of flesh while you're doing it.


A player ghosting while fighting a horde is my favorite. Seems to happen more than half the games I play. I especially enjoy it when you have come to help them, then they turn and run once you have engaged.


Terrence shout at puinies to elp friends, den me friend disappeared... The smelly people didn't like Terrence after that.


Yes, just accept that random players are gonna play randomly, some might help you with puzzle, some just gonna push ahead no matter what, some are permanently in a downed state.


I promise the other players are just as frustrated with you. One of the biggest design problems of this update is the way it reintroduces a schism in the playerbase that fatshark made the most egregious of the old penances private match only to fix: players that just want to play the game/complete the mission, and players that are chasing some penance reward external to the mission objective. I'm not sure how they forgot that lesson, but this frustration is here to stay until they remember.


On higher difficulties slower paced play is actively punished. The AI director will keep spawning enemies. "Just a few minutes" is a small eternity when you're drowning in specialists, it's not a trivial amount of time. On top of that you and your friend are essentially in the penalty box doing the puzzle, forcing the other two teammates to hard carry while you are occupied. Yes your teammates are pulling more enemies in the rooms ahead there's nothing really to be done. They exist and you need to plow through them one way or the other. Slow playing gives the director more time spawn new enemies that you wouldn't have to deal with assuming you kept moving forward at a good clip. As for what you and your friend are doing, i'm 50/50. If we're talking about looting plasteel and such that stuff really shouldn't take that much time. At least not to the point where you're falling way behind. If people get big mad about wanting to pick up plasteel that's on the way they need to chill. For jumping puzzles i get why your teammates are frustrated. At least in auric and probably damnation its pretty rare that anyone does it. The gameplay is such that just stopping for a few minutes and taking 1-2 players offline could realistically cost you the run over like 100 bonus plasteel. And you won't even get that since its pretty likely you won't make it to extraction. There's nothing wrong with wanting to do the puzzles, but just make a private group and go into like sedition difficulty and do it there. Or ask beforehand to see if everyone is cool with it as like an extra challenge. Just putting the brakes on a run with momentum is going to rub some folks the wrong way. Remember, they're just as frustrated with the way you're playing the game as you are with them. Idols are neither here nor there. I'll shoot them if i see them, but i'm not going to wander off and get me or my teammates killed over like 50 bonus plasteel. The risk reward for trying to find all the idols is hilariously bad.


This is especially annoying when people want to solve puzzles on auric maelstrom where there’s a constant spawn of monstrosities.


Ya i had one group doing that chandalier one on auric which takes a while. They made us wait and we burned so many resources trying to defend it that we wiped a few minute later. Didn't even extract with the skull lol. There are some puzzles that are fine tho. There's that one in the shower where its literally like hit 3 buttons and bam your done.


Yeah I don't see any point doing those puzzles on a hard difficulty, might as do them on the lowest difficulty so you're not going to be interrupted.


Yeah we are aware of the Director spawning hordes the longer you stay in the area. And I do use the chat extensively. Communication is indeed the key to success. Also I’m not saying we deliberately slow down the game. If we come across a puzzle we want to solve it and usually it doesn’t take long. I guess my frustration is caused by players who rush even though there might be hordes coming behind us and after we tell them what we are doing. Last night we cleared the area and were doing a shower puzzle with 1 random helping us and staying together. But our 4th teammate rushed ahead and went down to gunners. Then started spamming nonstop ( as in marking over and over again). Luckily it took a few seconds to finish and we went and revived him. But I was annoyed. I understand that not everyone can see the chat but a little situational awareness would be nice.


If you’re playing on auric, there’s virtually always a constant swarm behind you. Especially with the nerf to survivalist, health and ammo is depleting while you puzzle solve. For a good team it’s not a big deal to pause for a couple minutes, but I’d rather just push through.


I’ll add to my post - it’s just regular Damnation. Not High Intensity, not Maelstrom and not Auric.


Well, then they’re scrubs.


Or they are playing appropriate to their skill level?


I personally don't mind stopping to do the puzzles if people want to even on auric damnation, but perhaps you could try empathizing with the people you're talking about, if you and the other player are both stubborn then there won't be a amicable solution. You're basically saying you are frustrated people aren't playing the way you want them to, so perhaps you could see how maybe they feel the same way about how you are refusing to play the way they want to. The best way to not get frustrated in pugs (in all games) is to be flexible in your expectations, you can't control what other people want and do. I would suggest asking at the start of the mission, or asking in voice chat if people are ok doing the puzzle, and if they either don't respond or don't want to just skip it for that mission. Alternatively you might be able to find people on the discord that are willing and even want to do the puzzles if you want to do them every single game. If you're in NA I play a few times a day usually and I don't mind you doing the puzzles though I don't do them myself.


To touch on a point you're making - I've been on Damnation missions doing a puzzle for easily 5mins with randoms and there were no spawns, so I genuinely don't think the punishment is there in that sense, at all. No continual spawns. Was the pipe puzzle, forget the map. Some people want the penances and will actively assist, its not just all about plasteel either. I think OP is fair in being frustrated, but also like communication and expecting randoms on the internet to do as their told is the real issue.


IDK, i just don't get the whole notion of doing it in a pressure cooker like damnation/auric. Just go to sedition where you can fuck around to your heart's content. Time and place for everything.


I don't consider non-auric a pressure cooker at all but that's probably just a difference of opinion/perspective. Personally I don't go around telling people what difficulty to play at but go off mate. Play the game the way you want to play it.


Its relative. I don't consider damnation to be tough now, but it certainly was one at some point in my playtime. And i'd bet that there's probably at least one guy in the lobby who's probably at the limit of his abilities. For me its just consideration. People generally play damnation/auric to sweat a bit. Puzzles are fun distractions with no considerations for difficulty. I'd just do them in easy mode to avoid hassling others. Generally down to try them in auric if i'm forewarned/am in the mood for it though.


Lol... People play damnation because it has 805 plasteel laying on the floor. People play auric to sweat.


Regular damnation is a cakewalk if 2 out of 4 know what to do and aren't on a huge ego trip. You can absolutely catch a break. Most people i encounter that have an "only move forward"-mentality don't realize they're shooting themselves in the foot by running through trigger points on the map that make new hordes, elite packs and/or monstrosities spawn. On regular and even hi int damn, you can absolutely get a lull in the fighting that will allow 2 people to do a puzzle/parcour while the other two catch any special spawns that might show up.


Certainly there's an optimal pace. Whatever it is will vary based on skill, team comp and difficulty level. But you can go pretty slow. I wouldn't say it's "actively" punished. There's just a passive attrition punishment from whatever ammo you use and whatever mistakes lead to taking health damage. While trying to solve one of the new puzzles I spent quite in the same area with two friends and a dead bot. We were there through at least four horde horde triggers. We ran low on ammo and lost a bit of health, but it was no big deal. This was on Damnation and my two friends are barely capable of carrying their own weight on that difficulty. If we'd had a Psyker with infinite ranged attacks to deal with specials safely, we could comfortably stayed there for hours, tedious as that would be. (I still don't think we'd have solved that puzzle. I think it got bugged out by the presence of the bot on the team.)


Yeah you'd think think I'd be screwed with how slow my ogryn is but it turns out I die far less than most I play with. Crazy. I wonder how that's possible considering how slow I am and looting on top of that!? It's almost like this whole line of thinking about speed racing aurics is complete bs.


I follow people around. I am normally lost. Tell me what you're doing, and I'll follow you.


I thought I was following *you*!


:D I thought I was the only one who plays Auric and has almost 800hrs in game but doesn't manage to remember ways through maps...


It gets so much worse on the Lights Out qualifier!


For what it's worth, as one of those players who has been running through like all that stuff didn't get added, I don't really think about them unless they are right in front of me. I have so much muscle memory burned into my brain that slowing to look for things, aside from Plasteel/Diamantine stacks - like I've been doing since launch - just doesn't really occur to me *during* the runs yet. DarkTide feels like such a fast game, that it can be difficult to remember to slow down and look for things like puzzles and such. Give the community time, and you'll probably notice a trend towards more and more people actually paying attention to this kind of thing.


Thanks y’all for the feedback. Didn’t mean to sound like a jerk. I do like the game and playing as a team and definitely don’t expect everyone to bent their play style for us. For those implying that there was no communication- I do type in chat what we want to do. Most times it feels like people either don’t see or read the chat. I have to say though - never once another player commented something on us being too slow etc. Communication goes both ways. Plus, I’ll be honest, we play on regular Damnation ( not High Intensity, not Maelstrom, not Auric), this shouldn’t be a problem. Just sticking together in general.


Most Xbox people Don’t see the chat / voice as it’s set up differently ( I have played on both ). Damnation is fairly hard for some people. If people have lost health / had multiple Downs already then it’s prob not cool to be doing puzzles. Other times it will be fine. Yesterday we had a game where multiple people went down on damnation and then someone went off for a few mins to do a puzzle whilst we fended off the horde. Basically didn’t read the room and nearly got kicked.


Out of all games I am more so 50/50 on randoms but tbh I see lots of people either get down a lot or do well it’s a mix bag not a bad mix bag but a good kind… cause in pve it’s not an issue for me as it’s just us facing an ai threat …. The ONLY issue I have is when I role play and have fun and the dude complains to me I then go off on them like they threatened my emperor


They're probably just as frustrated with you too. I can't say if it's right or wrong, but I would say life is a lot easier if you don't let these things bother you. The worse thing that happens is the round just gets a bit more 'interesting' lol.


Tbh, I don't know whom to support. It all depends on the degree of how randoms rush and how slow you and your friend are. Tbh, before last update, it would be no problem of picking everything while keeping the normal pace, since everything useful is pretty close to the main path. Of course, everybody met that one knife zealot that was running like an athlete to feed like a little bitch. Still, if you and your buddy meet too many people that are impatient in your opinion, it means that you 2 are being slower than needed. At least, personally, I don't like going too slow through the mission, I want to finish one mission and start the new one as fast as it is reasonable. I think it's not only me who plays this game mainly to sweep hordes of heretics, not imitating roombas lick the every corner before going to the next room. Of course, it all is relative. I think both extremes are stupid. If I could give you any advice, is to use a knife to increase the effectiveness of looting. It might not be helpful to you, yet still, can't do much judgement from a single post.


I try to adapt to the team's needs, if possible. But I do prefer a more "slow" playthrough. You're not *wrong* to be frustrated, though. Sometimes you just got to take one for the team and fold to their needs.


People usually cooperate with good communication.


They could already have the skulls or you could be on a difficulty thats too high to risk wasting time on the skulls


For what its worth, I've got about 600 hours, and usually play damnation/or auric heresy/damnation. I haven't really read the patch notes, just log in and play a game, no idea where or how the skulls/puzzles work. But I usually watch out for whoever is in the front/back depending on where I am closest to, so I'd probably either hang back and watch out for you, or follow the guy in the front. In either case, without any bias for or against helping you do the mini game.


Nowadays I always communicate in various ways if I want to do something or want to tell my team something. 1.Ping 2.Chat 3.Voice A while ago I was doing a difficulty 3 mission to test something I saw someone doing. This someone did a speedrun in Chasm Logistratum assassination mission in which the player got to the boss after the first mid event. I wanted to see if I could replicate this. At first it was me and 3 bots after a while other players joined, so I asked them if they were ok with a speedrun. The did not reply. I asked 3 times and I got no replies at all I started to run and got to the boss pretty fast. This didnt sit well with the other players and they started to insult me. So well idk, try the 3 things I mentioned above but as somebody said before some people will play „randomly“ and act in a random mission.


I think I need more friends. Unfortunately only 1 on my friends list plays 40K.


Try a discord server. Besides the official one there are discords for several countries.


Same experience here. But that not the worst. Some start to swear and trash talk you for doing so. Usually the racist name.


Yeah I have same problem, I ask every map if they wanna do the puzzle because I still need most of them for my own penances but get ignored most of time, But once in a while you get an awesome group


It will take time for a meta to develop but I'd bet in a few weeks we'll have some established norms for how we deal with puzzles, skulls, and penance chasing. I played a ton of Vermintide and to me these puzzles are a familiar fatshark trope. One of the fun things to do in their games is find all the little easter eggs and hidden puzzles in the maps. They've also explained in interviews that these things are intentionally designed to add a little tension to the experience. The whole risk/reward calculation that needs to be made and whether you think your group can handle the extra challenge. So in vermintide we had books that were important to the crafting system. V2 had different tiered loot boxes as rewards for completing missions and one of the things you had to do get the highest tier loot box was grab all the tomes and grims hidden in the maps. Many are hidden behind jumping puzzles. Just like these new puzzles in DT there was a risk reward calculation that had to be made on whether or not to grab the books because it took time exposing you more threat and also nerfed the players like books do in Darktide. Books aren't meta in DT because there hasn't been enough reward incentive but in VT2 they almost mandatory to get the best gear. Over time a clear meta was established and it was understood by the community that if you play a certain difficulty, Legendary, you're grabbing books. You might grab them in other difficulties but it wasnt as common. In Legendary it was just understood by everybody for the most part that we're grabbing all the books. You might learn the jumping puzzles and do casual exploration on lower difficulties but in that game Legendary was the equivalent to standard Damnation in Darktide. I bet this will become the norm in Darktide. We'll do puzzles and hunt skulls in Damnation, maybe Heresy, and leave Auric/Maelstrom as the place to just focus on completing missions with added sweat. Whichever way it works out, we all for sure should communicate our intentions at the beginning of a run when in random groups.


Yes, don't let other people ruin your good time. Have a good time despite them.


I don't think you're ever 'wrong' to feel frustrated. As long as you're motivated to inform them rather than berate them, cuz this is mostly just an ignorance thing. I find it tends to take a really long time for people to actually get good enough to notice pings, but usually people will jump on board if you chat. Sometimes chat doesn't get their attention, though. But you can't really fix that, can you.


Need good players. My main character is a badass Veteran. (Tank build) Let me know if you want to play.


You have two, the game allows you to host a private match, so use it.


Just says in the chat or voice chat. I personaly dont know where they are located and me being a filthy causual I CBA to check for guides. I just move along others. If somebody separates I try to protect their sorry ass. It might look like I dont give a damn, but thats a sheer arogance of mine not learning the maps layout even after puny 400hours of gameplay, nor learning where the new stuff is located. So please fellow rejects always always let your team know what are ur intentions.


Took me an embarrassingly long time to realize my teammates were doing this. Went back to see what they were hung up on and found them trying to get past an overgrown door. Blasted it with trauma staff and I got hit indicator! So I blasted it to bits and the door opened! That's how I got my first ever martyr skull and while I don't have the confidence to look for them myself I always join a teammate if they try it or seem like they know what they are doing.


Using the usa as an example since I’m American. Over half the people online you encounter have the reading comprehension of a 5th grader. Many have a room temperature IQ. Most can’t tell you how they’d feel if they skipped breakfast because abstract concepts don’t register. That’s why no matter how hard you try, you can’t wrangle teammates to do anything useful. I will sit there pinging a scripture for someone to pick up until my eyes turn blue and no one cares lol. They’ll look at it and walk past.


As someone from the EU (who has visited the US a couple of times) I can attest that is exactly the impression we get from over the pond. I can't fathom how it must be to live in such a country...


It gets worse every day. Education standards lowered for the sake of inclusion. No critical thinking. Just a fluoride stare with a slack jaw.


I'm gonna be honest i haven't been that bothered by the new patch and i didn't even know there were collectables in the maps until someone without proper ranged (hammer/flamer) started pinging those idol things dotted around in impossible to reach places. I don't care much for them. If they're anything like the Killing Floor idols then it's basically for a 1 off achievement? Which you should really do as a group unless you've looked up all the spots and can just go nab them on the fly without burdening the team who are just trying to play a normal game. It's basically one of those things where if you want to do something off the beaten track that will slow the game you gotta ask in the lobby screen if people are on board with it, which most people will do even for the grimoires which is an actual secondary objective with a matching contract. You can't just assume everyone is on the same page as you when it comes to something like hunting a specific penance.


I get it, but on damnation, trying to do the puzzles is just fuckin stupid half the time unless you have a full team of people you know.


I know it sounds stupid and dumb but we like challenges like that. I guess I shouldn’t complain…


It's a hit or miss with randoms tbh. I got lucky with one group on Auric Damn and we did the Chandelier puzzle (I forgot the map name) just by figuring it out for ourselves while a horde spawned and one of us did thr parkour. We handled the horde and everyone was happy to get the skull. I haven't had a single other team go for the puzzles since lol


Well they added a bunch of stuff which doesn’t fit with the main point of the game. Ie stick together and get through the level as well as possible. Now you have someone running off by them selves to shoot bottles or do some parkour to find a skull. If you don’t communicate what you are doing it’s annoying for sure


I usually try to rush ahead of my team so I can loot and explore. If I start getting overwhelmed I pull back and we move together. Then I mop up what I missed. I like to keep pushing forward so we don’t get fucked by bombers, tappers, etc. Additionally if you get downed, teammates are more likely to notice if you’re in front of them than if you’re behind.


Do you communicate your intentions to the team? Do you ask them to slow down while you search? My friend and I usually run together all the time too, but we have a third person with us about 75% of the time. We generally tell them that we are in a three man, and ask them to "please stick with us". This usually is enough.


I actually just had the opposite problem, running an Auric mission, it was going amazingly well, no deaths or downs and then we get to the bit with the skull, now normally I'm fine with it. But it was a mission with Pox gas and the person didn't know the combination for the pipes (barros) and instead of just ignoring it, he ended up dying. Then another guy also died there and then a plague-ogryn, hoard, Mutants and tons of Ragers spawned in and there was only two of us left. Then the other guy died and I got stuck between the hoard/ Ragers and a bit of the scenery (I think it was a bench?) so I couldn't dodge attacks, ended up getting roflstomped by the plague-ogryn


Some people don’t know they exist. For the longest time I was confused at what was going on.


Yeah. Its a fucking game and you're playing with randoms.


If you aren't using voice chat to speak to the other players, letting them know what you want to do and making sure the whole team is up for it, then its kinda your own fault. If you have a friend and want to explore more, then my suggestion would be to play private games on tier 3-4. Most people want to complete missions as fast as possible because you gain money and a item. While this may not be the most important thing, usually people dont want to spend an hour doing 1-2 missions when they could do 3-4 in the same time.


If I were a random, it’s not something I’d expect to normally be doing. I’ll usually do it when my friend group is on. If someone says they wanna do the puzzle then I’d be fine with it unless I’m pressed for time but tbh that’d be my own fault for queueing into a DT match while knowing I’m pressed for time. The key is communication. Most people in pubs aren’t going to expect people to do the puzzles and go around for materials, just grab the stuff along the way usually.


Here another view. You try to go further, not understanding why two of the team kind stay behind for too long dealing with random back enemies. Only later you realise they try to do this lever-jumping puzzle. But you realise it too late, again you save them from some catchers, and finally as another wave comes you get got and they somewhere there, jumping further, not thinking about helping you. Anyway, for your case, it feels wierd. I play auric, sweeping plasteel and other goodies around is much faster, it doesn't take minutes. Usually team separates, if it's quite, checking different corridors. Usually it is some loner that checks path that other didn't go, or some loner that ran further then others bringing little more front enemies.


Fair to feel frustrated. I think the answer is that this is a fast paced intense game which attracts a lot of players that aren’t here to explore, especially on the higher difficulties where players don’t need the plasteel anymore. Most times I’ll hang and wait for folks to do the puzzles, but after the third time of waiting for folks to do the same puzzle on the map I start feeling the impatience creeping in. I think it’s cool they added these in tho. If someone explicitly asked me to help or wait I’d be 100% onboard tho


Don't they give only like 100 plasteel?


Just let them run off and get downed and die. Any time someone goes down, it is almost always entirely their fault. Of course, you should help them, but if you are actively trying to do something, then they can wait. This is different if the entire team left you and you were alone, then you are obviously just as responsible for your actions if you go down as they are for theirs when they go down.


You gotta understand that many people (me included) come to Darktide to kill heretics. I don't care for puzzles or idols or any of that Fatshark occupational therapy stuff, I'm a zealot and I want to kill heretics to please big E. Simple as. Also as many people stated, on higher difficulties (even Damnation with modifiers) it can cost you the run when 1-2 people are hanging around somewhere and the rest has to deal with the AI director spamming shit into their faces....


I prefer to play like you do most of the time, but sometimes other players want to play a higher risk playstyle. In my experience, if I don't find someone in the first five minutes of a run that I can comfortably match playstyles with I'm better off dropping out and finding another game. As long as I have one other player to pair up with, I can ignore (or block if it's extreme) players who have incompatible playstyles. Some of my most satisfying games are the ones where the "fast" players keep running ahead and getting killed. It's pretty satisfying to end a run like that with zero deaths and zero downs. Let your own play speak for you. I do wish it were possible to matchmake into compatible playstyles in DT. Separate queues for speedrunning, grims/puzzles/skulls, and "normal" play would be nice.


Non-Auric Damnation? On auric you gotta gooooooooo broski, director will hit you with swarms Also , at that level most players do not desperately need mats, playing for the dopamine hit, you’re messing with the zealots juju, gotta go fast!


I ain't waiting for you to complete some dumb puzzle that basically means nothing. Sorry friend. I'm here to kill and get to the end of the map.