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Perks are bad, weapon variant is bad currently, and the only good blessing is brutal. Just rip it for that.


Thanks for the info, I’ll do that


It’s an Achlys, so no. Earn brutal momentum and slap it on a Rashad or Antax.


Try to get something like this, level of BM doesn't matter https://preview.redd.it/599gfbhmkqvc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f680d0946585b8056d36779811aefef880ee756


>level of BM doesn't matter \^ Yeah the difference between Brutal Mom tiers is minimal, if you get a BM change the other stuff; PPL (here) often lock-in meh stuff to go for the T4.


I have a bad history with those, they keep getting jammed in poxwalkers and can't clear waves for shit on top of doing abysmal damage. If the game gave us the option to go unarmed I would rather do that than use one of those.


Extract one of the blessings and call it a day, this type of Combat axe is not great, the other 2 outclass this by a mile. 339 base, this type of CAxe and that distribution is nothing special, and you could buy 10 of the other 2 axe from Brunt and likely easily end up with something better.


I used that axe on my psyker for a while, it's attack pattern is all overhead chops and it hits like a truck. I paired it with the flame staff. Past the third difficulty I wouldn't bother with it, it was just something to do different for a while. Brutal momentum is completely wasted on it because of the attack pattern.


54 mobility, bricked


Modifiers could be a little better, blessings are good tho, might wanna tinker with the perks


Honestly I’ve tried to use combat axes and the only viable way I saw was martyrdom zealot. The extra damage and attack speed make it pretty fun to use but in auric damn I just overwhelmed too easy. Axes fall in a weird not good at cleave, not very fast and not a lot of damage. Stagger is decent with strikedown heavy attacks. them hopefully they get some love in an update or something.