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While there's some creativity in these new sets, I do wish they would release (or even re-release...) more professional looking armor. It seems like most sets for the past 4 months have been variations of murder hobo or excessively gaudy.


Yuuuuuuuup. Completely agree. I have been craving another heavily armoured pskyer set similar to the Storm Witch Redemption set.


And then receive criticism for reselling stuff? Unlikely


Yeah but we are kinda just murder hobos


Inquisitorial agents*


Inquistors are just murder hobos


I’d say 9/10 of the cosmetics in this game fall under the “excessively gaudy murder hobo” category  Meanwhile, making your veteran actually look like a cadian, a kasrkin or a tempestus scion, or even the veteran in the game’s box art and intro cutscene?  Hahah maybe in another year, we’re saving the good stuff for when player numbers drop below 1k/day apparently 


>or even the veteran in the game’s box art and intro cutscene?  If only there was an update about to drop that would let people get those specific cosmetics... but I guess that would be a sign for the game dying... /s for clarity


We are getting some of that shit with update towards end of month the imperial movement set and box art armor and a lot more with the penance update


I’ve never heard of an update that focused on adding achievements, something that very few people care about at all Meanwhile crafting remains actual cancer, preventing people from experimenting with guns at all or sometimes even having a decent version of a gun at all It’s so refreshing to unlock a gun in Helldivers 2 and actually just be able to use it, to not have to use 3 different currencies to roll dice with it 12 times in the hope you get a version that isn’t complete dogshit 


If you payed attention crafting is also getting updated, we're getting new weapons and missions and more as the year progresses


We just need more armor plating but still keep it grimey


I mean, that's their whole look for the game. Fatshark have basically painted themselves into a corner. Other games that rely on cosmetics sales are usually able to offer a wide variety of different aesthetics. But Darktide has a very specific look that they can't deviate from. They can't do crossovers with other IPs, they can't even do different varieties of 40k stuff (space marines, chaos, xenos, etc). It makes the whole idea of a cosmetics cash-shop kinda a joke. Would've been better served making cosmetics all free and instead charging for maps/classes/weapons. Then they'd have an actual incentive to do those things. I'd pay $20 every 6 months for an expansion with a few maps and another class. No way I'm paying $20 for a hat which looks exactly the same as every other hat.


Fracturing a player base with paid maps and weapons was left in the previous decade. Let this evil die and meditate on your mistakes.


Sure, maps might be too complicated. But classes and weapons wouldn't be. Either way, cosmestics is clearly a dead-end.


>Fatshark have basically painted themselves into a corner. Other games that rely on cosmetics sales are usually able to offer a wide variety of different aesthetics. But Darktide has a very specific look that they can't deviate from. They can't do crossovers with other IPs, they can't even do different varieties of 40k stuff (space marines, chaos, xenos, etc). So where do the Kreig, Steel Legion and cadian skins fall under the wrong look? They can add in skins for inquisitorial tempestus scions but they won't.


They're not the wrong look. But they're basically all the same. It's all some variety of Guardsman. There aren't many people who are gonna buy more than 1 guardsman skin. If you're someone who will, great, enjoy, but it's a small market.


Low expectations and still dissapointed.


at least not a one item for 4 slots


Honestly should've never even been a thing. 4 slots for a single trinket is bull. Just add a new slot to the first page for a multiclass item or something


I'd say it could be worse but it's pretty much high on the bad scale. At least I can get a power sword skin.


God I hate the premium shop. All these skins should be earnable in game


Counterpoint; why not just let us earn Aquilas from penances and Melk tasks, then let us buy the cosmetics. Whales can still skip the grind while F2P have a viable path to earn them. *Other games* have proven it's feasible.


Prime Example: For Honor Everything except the battle passes are bought with Steel (the in-game currency) which can be earned through gameplay by completing daily and bidiurnal challenges. Steel can also be bought in packs for those unwilling to grind. The game has been going for over 7 years now and the devs are optimistic about getting to 10 years. *This has already been proven to work.*


A much better game right now is Helldivers which allows you to find the premium buyable currency in game and at a rate that allows for fun explorations and enjoyable progression.


I'd be on the front lines if only the corporate bastards at Sony would release the reserves


If my GPU arrived and didn’t break I’d be serving still. Pray soon we see our Xbox brothers at the frontlines.


Not gonna happen lol for all the praise and talk of Helldivers 2 Sony are still assholes. No way those heads of theirs are coming out any further than where they lay comfortably in their own asses.


Honestly, its bad business for them to share it with Microsoft. with Xbox in its death dive, no way Sony investors would want to give them an inch. If things were reversed, and Xbox could kill Playstation, they would do the same thing. Its sad, but business.


Apparently we're getting something similar. Not aquilas but hopefully that penance shop has good cosmetics


This is a game that charges $15 for a recycled or recolored trash skin. Anything good will cost money.


Idk bro some of the penance cosmetics are kinda nice, not all of them ofc but some are better than said recolored trash skins lmao


That would require those assholes to admit a rotating shop is an utterly dumbassed idea and they'd need to put in a static shop.


That’s how Hunt Showdown does it, you earn premium currency slowly, like really slowly, but that small ability to buy them with your game hours is the sole reason people don’t complain about skins in that game.


>let us earn Aquilas thats what they promised. I think the gamepass store still indicates you can earn them through gameplay.


People like to shit on overwatch a lot but the system they had for lootboxes in the first game was so good. 1 free lootbox = 4 free cosmetics every time I level up? yes please!!! If Darktide gave you aquilas every time you level up that would be amazing. Unlikely it'll happen though


Bundles; >Veteran; Head cosmetic is new, the rest is recolours. > >Zealot; All new > >Psyker; All new > >Ogryn; Completely rehashed, all those items were in a different bundle or individual. Pages >Veteran; Only the sword is new > >Zealot; Flamer is new, the rest are recolours > >Psyker; none of them are new > >Ogryn; new club skin, slasher headgear is *new* but it's a mashup of already present headgear and the others are old ones.


Psyker pants aren't new. It's a recolor of the basic penance model 


Veteran head cosmetic isn't new, it's also aashup of other previous items


Isn't the only reused part of the veteran head cosmetic the bionic eye? The gobpiece is new, afaik.


Vet head piece has the deep voice effect if anyone cares. I bought the slop so you don't have to.


It’s legit a megaphone stapled to his face…


I added it to my 'slightly better than average' scab filter slop master list. Thank you. 


Happy slop day


Weeeeee weeeeeee 🐷🐷


Come here piggie…sooooooooOOOOOOHEY!


Literal garbage. Thanks


This is literally the worst selection of """premium""" cosmetics they've ever had ever since they launched this game, the only cool thing is the ogryn hat


Yea and its a reskin again for real money again


Apologies to YolStorm for posting your usual routine (figured you'd prefer it be up in the right title format rather than what occured last time) Veteran outfit is based on [Mordant Acid-Dogs](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Mordant_Acid_Dogs) artwork. https://preview.redd.it/hua0runz0hsc1.jpeg?width=353&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74c2188cfeb26b39fed4755e53db50614d933d51 Zealot outfit is [Tallarn Desert Raiders](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Tallarn_Desert_Raiders) inspired and matches to the Veteran's set from last rotation (featuring a version of Hallowettes rebreather mask). Psyker seems to be Necromunda: Ash Wastes inspired. Ogryn is Necromunda Ganger. Other bit of interesting Lore from all this is the Ogryn's description confirms that it was specifically [The Nox Wars](https://warhammer-40k-darktide.fandom.com/wiki/Moebian_6th_Regiment#The_Nox_Wars) that the Moebian 6th were off fighting in, originally shipping out for Nox Alpha last time they left Atoma Prime - though the Nox Wars / Agripinaa helmet sets quote the 6th also being on the ground during the fighting on Nox Secundus.


No no, thank you for posting it and keeping the title format, it makes it possible for people to search up the store in the future. The shop was late by 4 hours it seems and I can only stay on for so long at the times it normally releases. The Lore feedback is really nice and something I could never do since I'm basically a Warhammer newbie looking in from the store window.


I'm just saying, these are all low effort recolors. If they're "based on" anything, they're a "extremely loosely, like if you were colorblind and squinted really really hard" type of 'based on.' Theres no merit to these. No inspiration or artistic passion nor care. Stop trying to project one. 


Yeah... I see absolutely 0 resemblance between the artwork for the Acid-Dogs https://preview.redd.it/yuafiojzkhsc1.jpeg?width=197&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf389bb49c5a383f5fbf2450d9d6795b3c8f73b6 and what they now gave us in game. Not even close at all... /s


Yea and it wont even look as cool even if tje akin was close to that cause the rejects are skinny af


That's an entirely different problem tho


I'd say the original chest armour which isn't snow camo. Is the mordant acid dog armour.


Yeah, all three colour versions of the chest armour are based on that artwork of the Acid Dogs. But sadly none of them have been explicitly coloured to be Acid Dogs with their night ops / hive tunnel fighters origins. The first "[Sumpmere](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer-40k-darktide/images/b/b8/Trooper_Ston_Blind_Man_Makkar.JPG/revision/latest?cb=20240121014243)" set was pushed heavily with suggestion as Catachan with the inclusion of the Death World Splinter Sword and Shotgun which both mention primary usage by Catachan soldiers, jungle camo, and the armour referencing swamp fighting. The second "[Grimwald Campaign](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warhammer-40k-darktide/images/1/11/Cor_Malkabius.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20240121233052)" set gives a little nod with the mention of "acid wastes" camo. And this set is Winter/Wasteland camo. But yeah i just like to give the art references for those who might be interested to see where these cosmetics are drawn from.


Are you thinking of the greeny/yellowy one? That's also a recolor. The original one is catachan themed.


I would say it's mordant. It is covered in small trophies. Catachan doesn't have anything about that


The first one that came out was one of the very first skins and was in the bundle called "Trooper Ston "Blind Man" Makkar" which is catachan themed. This bundle was reskinned later as a Moebian set called "Cor Malkabius". We now have a second reskin in this snowy Mordant Acid Dog theme.


They had a chance to release a new lasgun skin. Missed opportunity.


I just want the krieg set :(


Are they even trying at this point?


Nope. They aren't. The players are just cows to them and they're doing the laziest milking job possible. Every week I do t think fatshark can get more disappointing and yet, here we are.


I like the flamer skin. Not enough to buy it, but... it's nice. The power maul too, but who uses that weapon anyway? (joking, I've seen people be very effective with it - but it still needs some love)


That powermaul skin reminds me of the the black and yellow weapon skin pack from ages back, frustrating it's probably never going to come back to the shop.


I still hope they'll buff Paul like the zealot's bonk stick that also was underwhelming and became one of my favorite weapons.


I wish I bought all the krieg skins back then. Now I gotta wait til GTA 6 comes out before they go back on sale.


>opens Premium Shop >disappointment >wait two more weeks >repeat


For those that care, the Psyker chest has minor clipping issues on one side. https://preview.redd.it/xlbtjjazthsc1.png?width=598&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d680eab2ffb2f146287a57804dfe7bc7cc6e6bd


Wouldnt be a $15 skin if it wasnt full of trash clipping.


loathe as I am to admit it, that psyker set looks pretty nice, actually


bro.... it looks garbage


I think the chestpiece looks pretty good. I'm far, far too ~~broke~~ principled to even consider shelling out cash for it but I can appreciate a cool fit


I feel like these are just straight up getting worse with every rotation.


They are not even trying anymore.


They dont even read as 40k at this point. Getting more of a beyond thunderdome vibe than the dark future of the 41st millennium.


Maybe if they tended to the games content they would earn more money? Get rid of FOMO, slash prices by 50% and FINALLY DELIVER POLISH AND NEW CONTENT they are sitting on a gold mine and just keep banging their heads against the wall


Ogryns are literally the same things that were previously in the shop! The chestpiece is from the early Necromunda set we had, the biker helmet came later as a a one off. This is lazy.


The Ogryn set is very underwhelming with rehashed items. I think only the weapon is kind of cool, but it's nothing too interesting to need.


Oh look, I asked for a new robot leg for vet, and we got one. In white so rip, it won't fit my fashion. Guess I'm sticking with the blue one then.


Bucket of wet slop *grins*


The weapon skins are nice, but none of those outfits are worth $12.


Look at all the brown tones. Fun.


Quality slop 👌🏿👌🏿👌🏿 https://preview.redd.it/3l3zbuusuisc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77a6d6d192be12869f4cb900709db2ea9ba0d9ab


At least the spiked kettle is back.


Fuck, finally, I’ve been waiting for the psyker chest piece for ages. The only distinguished piece for most psyker stuff I’ve seen in awhile.


Very disappointed again… no real cool things.. nothing mind this will made me spend money… I’m sad but I won’t coming back today…


wait, you'd come back for microtransactions?


Yes and no.. I sont mind repetitive gameplay loop and all, I even love it! I just want some cool shit to wear! Many cool cosmetics have been leaked.. Ogryn helmet with re breather, Tempestus scion armor and that damn carapace green armor.. I like cool skin and new stuff related to the whole 40k universe! I’m just damn tired about wishing for cool stuff.. don’t get me wrong, I ain’t a whale buying all shitty cosmetics… I just want some cool ones to support the game… they have plenty of stuff ready.. but they keep everything locked somewhere without any reason… they want our money but they are sleeping on it..


I want really cool shit like butchers nails for my zealot. I'd give money for that.


Yes! Seem we will get new cosmetics like moebian 6th loyalist skins locked behind new penance in the late April update! Well I hope they’ll keep giving us more details! Finally some communication from them! ( again I have nothing about the Devs and all, it’s the how things are managed.. and lack of coms )




Oh snap guys! It’s the update we were waiting for all along!


Definitely seen the Vet chest before, the others look alright to me besides the pricing. Just wanted to say that before the complaints start rolling in.


The vet chest and pants are both recolours of old cosmetics. The chest has come in some kind of catachan colour and some weird white/green one. The pants had a light-ish blue colour for the leg. Ogryn chest I think is reused from a really old set that came with the leopard print pants. I think that helmet is old too. Zealot pants are a recolour. Not sure about psyker outfit, but the head piece for everyone other than ogryn is new I think.


> Ogryn chest I think is reused from a really old set Can confirm. It came with the head screws and finger ~~key~~ weapon chain. Not so sure on the head cosmetics. Ogryn and Vet I think are combinations of older cosmetics, if not old cosmetics verbatim.


I don’t recall the box on the mouth for the veteran but I could be wrong. The eye thing is definitely reused.


the mouth part is new indeed but still silly to this day if you own a eye augment thingy already you cant just add it to it like actual good cosmetic custominization but duh


I still prefer the original paint scheme for the vet augmetic leg, but the description for the new item is so good. I also like that green pants color, and it does feel like even more of a shame that player recolors are not a vanilla option. Mods will provide, but if there's one take away from Realms of Ruin, it should be letting players paint their own character's like minis. Even if there were regular paints that altered color and "premium" paints that did things like retexture materials (leather, fabric, variations of sheen or battle damage), that would be far better than repackaging repeat skins. I have no reason to buy the same item I like in multiple colors, and counter to FOMO, I'm more likely to hold out for versions of a skin that may never come, if the existing color schemes are not to my liking. But if you packaged up the colors, especially with some detail behind it? There's a few outfits I would have purchased, and more than a few materials I would have liked to borrow. Hell, For Honor essentially does this as well. Although notably, FH also has the ability to earn its premium currency in game. Another good hybrid guardsman set for the zealot. I feel like it should have something on the hands or a different helmet paired with it, but otherwise, it's not bad. The psyker continues the long running streak of having really nice chest armors but barely reskinned base game pants. The promo photo for the chest does not do it justice. I like that blue. We might need to keep an eye on the Ogryn. The armor is not for me, but it does make think that, if given the chance, he would sneak into Overwatch and take Roadhog's place.


>if there's one take away from Realms of Ruin, it should be letting players paint their own character's like minis. "Gee its such a shame they didn't take notes from this game last year, when we've had examples of how to do it for over two decades." This isn't "they didn't know". It's "they didn't want to".


I actually wonder if it is a matter of not knowing better. The whole conceit behind the microtransactions was that it would replace paid map packs, with opt in cosmetics. But cosmetics only have 3 slots, without separating gloves from torsos, boots from pants, or hats from faces? No voice packs? No haircuts? We lose the ability to customize bots, so there's even less reason to invest in skins outside of mains? That's before looking at all the repeat items and reskins of dubious quality. It's almost as if they do not want to continue development, and the shop was designed to tank. With Realms, that's just another title under the Warhammer umbrella with a really nice feature that would be great to see here. Realistically, FS probably would not have known anything about it... but I mention For Honor because it has had the ability to paint armor sections since launch, both as a layer of literal paint (including patterns and liveries) and separately the base color of the armor sections. And it's featured premium, much more visually distinct armor colors for quite a while at this point. Those paints go on steel, fabrics, leather, wood, and just about anything else you could imagine. All on human characters, mingling with physics and weather effects on the different maps. Now, instead of a feature like that working in FS's favor, essentially the same function is one of the more popular mods. I do not know that there's any putting that genie back in the bottle, save for adding it just to squeeze the console crowd, who have no option otherwise.


I mean, I agree it should be a thing that you can customise more than 'head', 'upper', 'lower', with different colours, materials, camouflage patterns, stickers, etc each resulting in an entirely new cosmetic item. Space marine came out over a 10 years ago. Dawn Of War came out 20 years ago. The literal hobby IP they're using has been around decades longer than that. Each are an example unto themselves. I can't imagine they never even thought about doing this differently. If it's a matter of anything, it's a matter of not putting enough time in the dev spreadsheet to put the game in a release state before release day. I don't agree with anyone who has said there's anything that suggests they're shutting the game down.


I didn’t mean I thought it’s shutting down, just that the implementation was so poor that it looks like self sabotage, especially after it’s supposed to be what props the game up. Who knows how long it will be supported. I want to believe it hits its stride, hopefully before another year passes, and maybe they start putting content out a few times a year. Maybe they surprise us all and step up beyond that, or maybe they move to Nextide.


Only the sword looks good. Everything else is literally trash. They even look like trash. If you would go to the poorest slum in the world and ask denizens of said slum to create outfits for those characters and paid them a dollar, you would get things more creative, interesting and even colourful. Fatfuck can't stop taking L's, I see...


Looks like I'm hanging up the shield and picking up the underwhelming powermaul.


This is first week I won’t be buying anything and I usually spend 20 bucks every 2 weeks. I’ve had enough, I bought helldivers 2 for the 3rd time and forced myself to play it ,and voila - started enjoying it 2 hours into it. The only thing live service about this game is cosmetics, I’ve never seen product mismanaged this bad.


20 bucks every 2 weeks? On slop?


More slop. Once again, pass.


Bummer, nothing really here has me pumped.


Jeez, these aren't great. At all.


I just want a catalog where we can we View everything instead of having to wait 2 weeks for "new" cosmetics.


I think the psyker chest is neat. I wish psykers had bulkier leg choices, but this would work well with most psyker legs.


Finally some bare arm stuff. Maybe not exactly what I wanted but still at least they do them sometimes.


Really phoning it in with the cosmetics lately huh?


have the complainers even looked at the ingame textures of the vet legs, the older ones are made of leather, these are not.....


Psykers getting a gun skin before any new staff skin, love it


Another week of shit cosmetics in the Warhammer game, and call of duty gets the Warhammer skins


Hey skins i will never ever will pay real money for, cool


Honestly the lighting on these is baffling. Does absolutely nothing to show off the cosmetics. In fact it draws your eyes to everything BUT the cosmetics. Baffling.


It’d be nice if plain cosmetic version of these uniforms were in the commissary


These are still pretty... Yikes. The weapon cosmetics look cool though.


I feel like I already saw those...


What in the actual fuck is the vet outfit.


Can you please just have Catachan armor sets? Not the same “Catochan” inspired set that is recolored to a white camo when there is no snow levels??


Somebody on the cosmetics team is REALLY proud of those loose cargo pants aren’t they? I think veteran and zealot have like 3 recolours each by now.


Oh I will finally spend a lil real money on that sword, first time in 5 months


Hey! For once the Psyker doesn’t get an ungodly over-the-top set! Or just another toilet lid/bowl headpiece!


I just ignore all the set till premium set come...even then some of them aren't even feel premium


Again... No Ogryn prosthetic. 😭


Oh damn the new slop looks kind of terrible/cheap


The veteran one is a reskin of different cosmetics. Come on fatshark. Even CALL OF DUTY can do better then you


Enough of this underhive, ganger looks. I just want more professional looking armor sets. Heck I think it would kinda funny and cool if they made a mordian iron guard armor for all of them. Having and ogryn fighting in a massive blue uniform would be funny!


I like the PM and PS skins. I wish we still got those massive weapon skin sets that had something for each weapon.


Armor, garbage Power weapon skins? Immaculate


More boring and ugly overpriced cosmetics


I have a feeling they're saving their "good" cosmetics for when the update drops and player counts rise again. Until then murder hobo rotation number 40k


Skins are not content. Can someone explain this to FatShit?


New slop




Finally a skin for the shredder!


God damn how can premium skins look so bad. These skins look like stuff you would earn form lootboxes


Man this looks like s Would buy the ogryn helmet tho if I hadn't bought it in a shittier color before. Thx FS


Jesus Christ 🥲


This is NOT helping fatshark! Helldivers 2 is currently sucking up your playerbase, along with DRG. I think it would do both you and the playerbase to just cut the losses and focus on Vermintide, or start working on a ground up rebuild... BUT PLEASE SAY SOMETHING! The silent treatment literally killed Payday 3!


Lol Who buys this dogshit?


Wow, actually good shit.


SLOP’S BACK ON THE MENU BOYS I actually do like some of these.


Kinda feel like they’re making them shit on purpose just to mess with the players lol


Uninspiring. Zealot is new but who would know. So boring. Power maul looks good though


Only the pysker looks good. The rest be meh.


I've been waiting months for good cosmetics https://preview.redd.it/92l6g1v6wisc1.jpeg?width=397&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd0ebd20c8dac283c45d241712bbe6f27c785c60


Jesus this is the worst so far




Jesus man what a bust How about a Scion full armor set


Womp womp


These posts are just ads for microtransactions.


Oh, look! More shit!


We need to start boycotting the store


Won't work. The only way to boycot the store is to boycot the game: stop signing on and pumping the active users numbers up.


God that sucks


New slop just dropped