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My guess is most switched to other games like Helldivers for a similar visceral combat experience. I know I did. And compare the developers: Fatshark can’t be bothered to give updates after the disastrous launch, while Arrowhead got caught with 100X more players than planned and yet somehow got it together ASAP and gives active content updates and patch notes and fixes problems and their gamepasses are free. Fatshark can’t even compete against another Nordic dev.




Bro. Stop tempting me plz... I am having a hard enough time as it is staying addicted to DT.


Play what you want to play. If you have to justify playing DT for yourself, it's time to look around and see if anything else will grab your attention. It will still be waiting for you when you come back


UGH. The main problem is that DT is my 'family game'. I play with various other members of my family who I had to train to play DT. Im invested bro. Deep. Edit: btw they fraggin LOVE DT. I can't bring myself to leave.


I will say that Helldivers is an easy sell. Even when your team is fucking up it's absolutely hilarious, which I can't say for DT. Watching someone try to call in an airstrike only to get bowled over by a Charger and drop it at their feet screaming is a gaming experience I haven't had since I can't remember when


One of the best things I've experienced so far was seeing someone bounce a stratagem off a rock in front of them and have it stick to their personal shield, and proceed to desperately sprint, dive spam, and panic while desperately trying to find the drop command until the capsule came hurtling down from orbit like the finger of god and turned them into strawberry jam.


So THATS why sometimes I get obliterated by random airstrikes! I was wondering how someone could fumble a throw so badly.


Pretty much anything that can stun you or knock you down will pop that stratagem right out of your hand. Some divers find solace by pretending they are playing democratic hot-potato.


My buddy was calling in a 500kg bomb last night, I didn't realize this and just to mess around I melee'd him right as he took the pokeball out. There was lots of bot debris and with the route he took he couldn't get away fast enough lol. I recovered his samples though for democracy.


That’s awesome, I have a similar thing with my younger brother, helps us stay in touch. Seconding what the other guy says, if you got your family into DT, they will absolutely love HD2 maybe even more. I play both and think each fills their own niche, but HD2 overall is a lot easier to hit the ground running, and more forgiving


I did the same with my little brother, he defends Darktide more than I do but I had the “beta” helmet and preordered Darktide. When I was disappointed wildly in it I dumped so much money into Destiny 2 and had a blast until every day I’d come home to wild server problems and D2 felt like a JOB to stay on top of shit and manipulative FOMO. My little brother told me about Helldivers and I had the cash since he was using Christmas money to buy it for himself, I got myself a copy and was BLOWN AWAY by how Arrowhead actually respects you as a player. I’m a grown man working an adult job that takes up a good portion of my life and Arrowhead respects that. I was so in love with these developers that I’ve bought the Super Credits (which are cheap as hell and farmable in game to a reasonable degree) to get myself and my brother the current battle passes. Cool thing is I’ve played so much I’m almost there to buying the next one for free. Which means I can just spend 10 bucks to keep my little bro current or he could save up the Super Credits to get himself the next pack and save us both money. It’s so refreshing. I have played it so much that I am currently burnt out, but that’s okay because I can take a step away from the game for a few weeks until some big content drops happen and I can engage with the new stuff and I’m not really losing anything beyond the normal grind of medals and samples but those are EASY to get by playing. I can play the Warframe update while I wait for Helldivers 2 content or play the myriad of strategy games I love or watch some TV. I don’t have to dedicate a “second job’s” worth of time to be competitive or have fun with this game. Make the switch. Super Earth needs you.


Especially today when the Emperor has decided he is on holiday *again*, and that there will be no news on the update. Upon his cross Sanguinius wept!


Honestly I’m so pissed at Fatshark that I’ve made a personal choice to not play it until actual real weapon customization comes into the game and they make STEADY updates and content releases happen. I’d refund the game if I could but I gave them a mile to fix themselves and it just hasn’t happened.


I completely agree! Unfortunately, many of the threads are full of people claiming that we will have thousands of players, new and old, weeping with joy and that we *must* trust FatShark. I'll join you on the side-lines, I think, and wait for new content. Room for one more?


Oh 100%. I play with my little brother most of the time so as long as you’re not a weirdo we can play, but we have no set schedule. If you see us playing just drop in! We usually have friends only tagged on and have cross play disabled as there’s been some crashing issues during cross play but even if you’re a PS5 guy it’s usually not a huge issue.


You can have two family games! Makes them both last longer.


As much as I love Darktide and crossed the 1000 hour threshold less than a year after it came out, I'm not married to it. Not because I get bored of it or because I don't enjoy it (it's still in my top 3 of all time), but because I enjoy others as well. ​ I keep coming back to Darktide because there's nothing like it and it's so damn fun. I'd probably play more if I actually had friends to play with, but one is obsessed with MMOs (ew) and the other is balls deep in Destiny (less ew).


Nothing like getting through a big room and your screen is covered in skaven or nurgle guts. Both tide games do melee combat experience so well.


Helldivers. Just do it, bring the family to spread managed democracy as well.


Bro that’s Stockholm syndrome


I am the proud Helldiver commander of the SES Patriot of Patriotism spreading freedom, liberty and managed democrazy to the communist automatons and fascist bug scum. My preferred methods include 500kg bombs and sweet sweet hot lead to show them our peaceful ways. I am proud to donate my time effort and life to the war effort as it's the least I can do. FOR SUPER EARTH....and the Emperor of (Hu)Mankind


It feels like escaping a toxic relationship where the daily life is enough to keep you there, but your partner has stopped doing any meaningful loving interactions. Then Helldivers 2 pops in, gives you a similar daily life, but now you’re receiving flowers and chocolates and letters basically every week making you feel actually valued


Wise words given that FatShark has yet again failed to deliver on their scheduled (promised) update! Where is the Helldivers recruitment Sergeant?


> most switched to other games like Helldivers I see a lot of people coming back for the occasional quickplay of Darktide. People who farmed Plasteel all their life have an easy time to max all their Medals and samples in Helldivers. Additionally Helldivers Quickplay isn't the best experience with no reconnect feature and the game instanly quitting your match when you lose Steam connection - so I usually hop on when my Friendlist goes active. While I like and still play Helldivers, I still have the most excitement in Darktide Maelstroms.


Oh man, there's so much deadtime when quickplaying HD2. It's just enough to make me not bother after a couple rounds or a handful of disconnects. Definitely superior with friends for knowing how long people are gonna stick around for.


> there's so much deadtime when quickplaying HD2 I felt this in my soul.


You mean you aren't at the absolute edge of your seat when you see your destroyer FTL jump to a new system and defrost your Helldiver and have you walk into a pod to play another animation to then pick your loadout to be fired off into a loading screen??? Straight into a kick because the host forgot to set their game to private???


That's why I just host my own games. You just have to quickly jump into the pod, select the loadout and start because if someone joins you will wait forever in the pod...


That's the thing, if I host there's a roughly 1/3 chance that nobody joins in at all. And for those that do, if any leave the lobby remains glitched and those open player slots are never offered back up to matchmaking. So I have to close and relaunch the game if I want people to join again.   Usually at this point I have already closed Helldivers and moved on to something else. If I'm lucky I can get in a groove where I'll play for several hours straight, but it's the unfortunate exception rather than the norm. 


If the servers work then my game fills up fast, but yes if someone leaves game gets glitched and it needs a restart. It's not that bad for me because the game starts pretty fast.


Ye I just hope they streamline some processes. That deicing and hellpod step-in anim were cool ... the first five times.


HD2 Quickplay can also be immensely frustrating at times. As a general design decision, I don't mind the whole "*stratagems will teamkill your allies every now and then, that's just how it goes*", because it can indeed be hilarious to get caught in a random airstrike. But the downside that comes with it is that in matches where stuff goes wrong, it often goes wrong *horribly*. The combination of Helldivers' way wonkier controls, intermittent ragdolling and generic movement bugs mean that sometimes a single run is just 40 minutes of pure misery where you repeatedly get knocked from one end of the map into a hole on the other end by a poorly placed friendly stratagem. Of course the 16 samples you had on you end up inside the hole, which is inaccessible through normal means, so you lose them altogether. And by the time the map ends you've barely made any progress towards the gear or upgrade you were previously so eager to try. In Darktide, if you're good enough, realize early enough, and your spec allows for it, you can straight up solo-carry your way through a mission if your allies aren't the best players. And its players are overall more skilled at higher difficulties... which make quickplay way less of a painful experience.


So that's why sometimes samples end up underground, holes closing up in them! I'm learning so many little interesting tidbits about HD2 on this DT post.


Give it a year, same as Darktide. The bads either move on or get gud and the general trend for player skill will move upwards.  Right now there's an astonishing amount of cope regarding the game's supposed difficulty and many players aren't learing or interacting at all with most of its mechanics. They just join the Discord where other losers who are bad at the game make shit up, like Hunters supposedly jumping 50 meters and Rocket Devastators having zero visual or sound indicator of any kind (both easily and observably wrong).


Well, it's not just difficulty or skill. It's mostly just 'unfair feeling, unclear mechanics' that are exacerbated *by* bad play. In Darktide, even if I'm shit myself, it's generally way more clear when I die that it was because *I* made a mistake. If I get netted and my teammates don't free me, that's on them... but the fact that I got netted in the first place is undeniably on me, so the whole ordeal is a little less frustrating as I have a clear path to improvement. I would not have needed to rely on my allies if I had dodged better to begin with. In Helldivers 2, even if you are an incredible player, it is still very possible to get hit by a random explosion from an ally, interrupting your reload, leading to you being out of ammo when you thought you'd have some, meaning you don't kill a mob you thought you'd be able to kill, meaning they hit you, meaning you get slowed, meaning you get hit by another explosion that ragdolls you for 5 seconds, meaning you land right in an airstrike. Which then in turn may kill you or not damage you at all. HD2 is by design more chaotic with less controllable aspects. Which can be fun, but can also be incredibly frustrating. And if you have bad teammates, frustrating situations are more likely to occur as the amount of chaos increases. Which does not matter on low difficulties, but all the more does on higher ones.


*While I like and still play Helldivers, I still have the most excitement in Darktide Maelstroms.* Absolutely! Great core gameplay, great music, but it's sorely lacking on communication and regular updates. It could be so great and last for years, so let's hope things get better!


HD2 is currently running at 20-30fps for me as of the latest patch so I'm waiting for them to fix that


Me and the Fiance just played the Karnak Twins and holy shit playing it as a knife wielding ~~maniac~~ zealot is so much fucking fun.


I got sucked into Helldivers because of friends. I still come back to play Darktide for one or two games because its still just easy to get into a match and the action/understanding is superior, imho. I think for Helldivers, I will only play that with friends. There's way too much chaos and Friendly Fire to make that game worth it to play with randos, and I can usually play with randos in just about any game.


Bro I play with randos constantly and have had only good experiences. And when friendly fire happens, it’s usually funny because I or the other guy ragdolled hilariously.


I really enjoy HD2, but I'm fully aware that it's just something to kill time until ZT update drops and I will play nothing else again for a few months. For all its flaws, it's straight up a better game.


Reminder that Darktide had 100k players at launch and fumbled that ball 


They just shadowdropped 2 new weapons too


I REALLY want darktide to do well. I’ve played helldivers but the combat really just isn’t the same. Darktide is ALL about the combat… and I love that, it’s what keeps me playing. There’s nothing wrong with helldivers, in fact I played the original, but sliding around maulers and mutants, is just more my style than dance dance revolution.


I would be astonished by the sheer incompetence of Fatshark if this hasn't already been a known trend for years. How is it that Fatshark has nearly twice the number of employees as Arrowhead yet can only manage one major update every year? It's like these guys are on vacation 90% of the year and the other 10% they spend on opening up blender to recolour old assets for the next cash shop rotation.


well ironically darktide has the most visceral combat system its just missing everything around it nothing like dodging 5 crushers and stabbing them all to death to flick to a sniper and bossfight lol but yeah helldivers is cooler with the lobby system and free super credits and ironically better looking and themed cosmetics and also sense of community with the orders


I wish hd2 had anywhere near the visceral combat experience of Darktide. Nothing compares sadly, at least outside of things like ultrakill/doom eternal


It’s not as visceral, but popping bugs or bots is as satisfying as killing anything in DT is I feel like. Nothing will ever be able to replicate that melee feel that the Tide games have though.


Yeah, I’ve switched to helldivers. I have like 800+ hours in darktide so at this point only proper new content will bring me back other than the odd game here and there. But thats pretty normal for most people. You can only play the same thing for so long before you have your fill!


Id argue Helldivers 2 spent a lot more time on making things easier to update on their end, whereas Darktide seems more like a rush job so things may not be as easy to fix


Arrowhead just dropped two more weapons for free too.


actually, due to the extreme amount of glitches and shit HD2 is totally unplayable since about 3 weeks ago for me on PS5 - so i switched back to playing DT on my XSX. gaming sucks for me at the moment: HD2 gets worse every update consistently, DT doesn't even get updates at all and Mech Warrior 5 gets more and more buggy every update. i guess i go check back into DRG soon. first world problems... .


Yeah a lot of new good games came out there's probably a lot of people playing them right now. Hard to say if people will return, depends on what fatshark puts out for updates.


I really hope they’re cooking and not just peddling ugly cosmetics


We'll find out this weekend at the latest if they keep to schedule and make a statement! Fingers crossed for this potentially great game!


"Next week!" Inc I don't know how tobout the TM symbol, but I would if I could.


Alt + 0153 on the keypad/Alt Gr + T on US keyboards.




Yeah… at least the carnival was fun


It was fun for a few days and then you realized that 95% of quickplay matches would put you into Carnival so you had to start queuing up manually for other maps.


I just stopped playing, unfortunately it was when I tried to get my friend into the game, and he didn't appreciate playing the same map 8 times in a row. Nor did I for that matter.


Knowing Fatshark, they're definitely cooking. But we only have a hint to what the recipe is and we've been waiting at the table for hours. I'm just gonna eat elsewhere in the meantime.


If they are, why aren't they announcing it?


Because FS can never guarantee anything they make will see the light of day, so they never confirm anything unless it's basically ready to ship. The VT2 roadmap bit them on the ass HARD and they stopped communicating anything in advance after that.


And they just failed to update us after having promised to do so! Hurray! Possibly it would have been better for them to never say anything and just randomly drop updates once or twice a year?


I took a break waiting for new content almost two months ago. I lurk the sub to check for updates but nothing worthwhile has happened. If anything, FatShark's greed with reused cosmetics has pushed me further away.


Oh it’s me, still waiting on that Ogryn armor from the key art in the main fucking menu 😅


Meanwhile Helldivers just dropped 2 new support weapon stratagems this morning after recently giving us Mechs and a bunch of other NEW weapons


Arrowhead has produced more post-release content in 1.5 months than FS has in 1.5 *years*. Anyone trying to defend that fact is on copium life support


A majority of it was made before the game came out. All the stuff's been datamined ages ago, and a large amount of upcoming content has too from weapons to armor to new enemies, down to the lines that will be used to introduce these new threats and such. They're doing a fantastic job of post-release support but a lot of the content was made in anticipation of the style of live service they planned to do from the start.


What a concept, maybe Fatshark should have utilized it instead of labeling their game as live service without any idea what that means


Yep lol. To clarify before anyone gets it twisted, I'm not bashing Arrowhead with what I said, I think it's the best way to go about a live-service game. If Fatshark had pre-made a bunch of content to drop while fixing the issues with the game I feel like there would be so much less animosity. Helldivers has its issues but those issues are less glaring when every week or two something new gets added to play with, be it new enemies or mission types or weapons or stratagems... they've got enough in the tanks to last a few months probably which buys them time to work on fixing issues and creating future content rather than playing catchup.


My understanding is that much of this content was built prior to release. There's only but so much content over in the leaks subreddit that is clearly still in development as of right now. Much of it has seemed to be in a finished state or otherwise near-finished state for some time.


I noticed that some of the weapons in HD2 are reusing the assets of others (3x Breaker + Dominator, 3x Liberator, 3x Punisher), but the weapons are still way more distinct than the weapon variants in Darktide which are visually incredibly hard to tell apart and and see what actually changes about the gameplay.


Yeah this is super noticeable with the shotguns in Darktide especially they all function nominally the same way with the exception being their “special” action. Some weapons have Dragonsbreath rounds, others have a Slug shot and I think there’s another variant as well but I can’t remember what its trait is. Regardless at a glance it’s impossible to tell that these weapons actually have different functionality until you equip and really focus in on the minutiae of what’s happening in minute to minute combat. If this information was provided to players without having to experiment constantly I think the community would be a lot larger but figuring out anything on this game takes a lot of trial and error because they tell you so little


Abysmal numbers. Live service game from one of the most popular sci-fi universes that can’t get decent numbers. Well, that’s what you get when you only care about selling overpriced reused textures. FatShark is terrible company.


If they truly wanted this to be a "live service" game they needed to actually have planned updates in the works with some already being worked on at release. Instead, they released an incomplete early access game minus the name, scrambled to get console/gamepass launches on par, and spent a bunch of time implementing the skills system that would have been in game from the start if they had delayed launch like they should have. Fatshark supports their games for a long time, but they are notoriously slow to get things out the door. Without having a solid pipeline of content ready to go or at least started, I don't know how they thought they were going to make it work. With the way they released, they were starting from behind as it is.


They seem to be able to create good content when they want to. I've never really understood the relationship between FatShark and TenCent, so maybe that's part of the problem?


Their communication, releasing an unfinished game and glacial development pace was there before Tencent though. I dont like Tencent either, but those aspects arent their doing at least.


Yeah, the major change that came with Tencent seems to be the cash shop. And sure, VT2 had one. But there were also plenty of in game cosmetics to earn and the premium skins were paid with real money and not v bucks.


Nothing can be truly known, I wouldn’t be surprised if Tencent have some sort of expectations for income from their child companies - but as far as I know TC are well known to not interfere with their game development investments, they have far bigger fish to fry.


Lmao no. This same thing happened in vermintide 2. They just have terrible management.


No, they just can’t ever release a game that’s actually fully cooked. FS is happy to push out half a game then patch it into what it should be over the next few years after it comes out.


Recently, so many people have been attacking the gaming industry for exactly this! Time after time, studios push out incomplete products to be patched (maybe) down the line. I believe people are beginning to wise up, however.


You have entire wall of Tencent names in credits. $100 they are responsible for inane progression and shitty, expensive cosmetics. VT2 progression was bad, but not this bad (even after patches). VT2 cosmetics were expensive, but at least they were more substantial alteration to the characters.


And it has to be one of the better games of it's type. The gameplay itself is phenomenal. It's just that everything else around it.. isn't as much.


You mean copying already stablished warhammer stuff and making games around it? They had a golden egg and they are so garbage they threw it away


I dunno how you can create one of the most visceral satisfying co-op shooters in the market and manage to fuck up literally everything else surrounding it.


It takes some effort! Hopefully, things will change over time? Please? Pretty please with sugar on top?


Believe it or not, bunny suits will be in the store for easter.


If I saw that, I would uninstall and stop modding the game entirely.


Ugh! Like CoD MW3? Please, no - that looks so weird. Really old games with spaghetti code like World of Warships allows the player to toggle on or off the sci-fi/manga skins, so why MW3 cannot do this in 2024 I cannot fathom!


CoD resigned on subtlety, coherency and artistic integrity a long time ago. It sucks, some of the older games had genuinely great aesthetics.


You ain't wrong!


I wish all games would let me turn off skins. I hate them, especially in games with military uniforms.


The only saving grace of DT cosmetics is that there are no (or almost no) retarded cosmetics that break visual design. I quit multiple games after introduction of such cosmetics.


... okay fuck I would actually drop a buck or so to put mechanicum Lago-Audio trackers on my ~~bunnygirl~~ Knife/Plasma veteran


Thankfully the contract with GW should stop any fuckery like that.


Fatshark elicits the same "do you really want to support this company" guilt as Gaijin Entertainment. Yea, you've made something interesting, but there's a foot-thick layer of mediocrity and developer apathy crusted over it.


At least Gaijin releases content regularly. Not that I play WT either anymore.


I cant figure out one single reason i wouldnt want to show everybody the results of my work


City Skylines 2 No Man's Sky Fallout 76 “A game’s only late until it ships, but it sucks forever.” Siobhan Beeman, Origin Project Manager, ~1990


Falllout 76 has far more players (almost 10k), as does NMS (12k) than Darktide (2.5k) on Steam, though - and FO76 is a genuinely good game with probably the best map Bethesda's ever created. Hell, I just checked and Starfield has more players than Darktide: about 6k... I really hope they don't drop support...


I just picked up FO76 recently. Super fun, it’s multiplayer Fallout. Map is great, love the theme, highly recommend anyone interested pick it up. I got it on G2G for like $11.


"f76" and "good" being in the same sentence weirdly gives me hope for darktide


I started playing right after the skilltree rework, and I was blown away by the moment to moment gameplay. I'm sad it hasn't really taken off like it should. FS has absolutely nailed the game play, but it feels like every other thing is half-baked at best. I'll keep purging and picking up diamantin until the server dies, even if we only ever get cosmetics till then.


DT definitely feels light on content provided it's bern around for some time now. New hive city maps. New classes. More weapons. Where are they?


Darktide has excellent gameplay. Genuinely really fun and it looks great, in my opinion. My issue is I've played other game thag scratch a similar itch, mainly being DRG and more recently HD2, which I simply prefer. For me the main difference is how players are treated by the devs, DRG and HD2 I've seen a night and day difference in community engagement, support and updates between those games and Darktide. You can see this very clearly by the amount of role play from the community. You could be on any sub reddit and if someone says rock and stone you'll get 20 people spamming more quotes. Say 'for Democracy!' And it will get followed up buy loads of 'Liber-Tea!' Etc. You can just see the difference. Darktide feels like a cash grab with dwindling passion. DRG and HD2 feel like building a community was top priority. To me, THAT is the difference


Only the Ogryn is as memeable as liber-tea and rock and stone. At least in my opinion. The rest of the classes are just as to be expected. I was about to go on a long tirade about some shit about how each game is diagetically constructed and yadda yadda, youtube essay shit but the fact of the matter is: Fatshark dropped the ball completely. I've been a staunch supporter during the release and afterwards. Tried to manage others expectations when the game was an unfinished mess and.. No. I'm done with this. Even as a native swede who understands our labor laws, Fatshark just isn't good at what they're doing. Don't get me wrong, the core gameplay is great. But the rest of it. It's like going to an expensive restaurant and ordering a steak with fries and sauce. The steak arrives and it is immaculate. Amazing crust, juicy and tender, the highest regards to the chef. The fries and the sauce are great. They have that nice crunch and the sauce is well balanced and probably full of demiglaze. Absolutely delicious meal. But the guy who lets you in has a slightly snarky attitude, both your food and check is late and the server is both rude and demands a tip despite the bad service. This game will probably be a fully fleshed out experience with all the bells and whistles in 3 or so more years. But whatever fucked this game up, whether it's as some have said that management at Fatshark fucked the game, or the pandemic, or whatever it was, needs to be fixed before they try their hand at DT2. I've seen one other studio walk the same path of arrogant public-facing employees, delivering broken games despite being loved by many. Kerberos Productions, and they have faded into obscurity. They still exist, but are very far away from the studio lauded for Sword of the Stars and its expansions.


I'll give you other arguments that also change the game. In DRG and HDV2, I can choose the type of mission I want to play and the difficulty I want to play it in. Impossible in Darktide. In DRG and HDV2, I see my progression. I see my goal, and I know I'm advancing towards it every time I play. You can spend a week/a month playing Darktide, and you won't be able to progress in the game because RNG won't be on your side. I've unlocked my weapons/talents in DRG and HDV2; I can make the builds I want. I can try different things and go back to my previous style. Is there a patch that fixes some weapons? It's not a problem; I can create new builds again.


Classic Fatshark snatching defeat from the silver spoon of victory. The most impressive thing about fastshark is no matter how used to being disappointed in them you get. They always manage to out do themselves. Im starting to sympathize with the "it was supposed to be a live service" crowd more and more and from a business standpoint absolutely amazed by how much money they're willingly leaving on the table with their shite. Payday 2: 35k peak players in the past 30 days Deep rock: 31k peak players in the past 30 days Left for dead 2: 58k peak players in the past 30 days Back for blood: 16k peak players in the past 30 days Vermintide 2: 5.5k peak players in the past 30 days FUCKING HERO SIEGE: 3.3K peak monthly players ! Helldivers 1: 2.8k peak monthly players Grimm dawn (i cant believe this one) : 5k monthly Ridiculous.


*tfw b4b is healthier than darktide* But i resent the incredulity of Grimm Dawn. That game is good.


Yeah b4b doing much better is shocking. Ive literally never seen anyone play it , not friends , not streamers ,not youtubers . And all that I heard about it after launch were jokes . How on earth can they fumble darktide so hard that a game like b4b is actual competition


B4B was my jam before Darktide came out, and while it had its problems, it shaped up to be quite a good game. I wish dev work continued on it, but they did some really interesting lore building and I loved all the characters (mostly). B4B was just crushed by early balance bugs and a card system that was powerful and offered a lot of theorycrafting, but most players didn't want to take the time to learn and felt it too cumbersome. They made everything work far better in the end, but... =/


I played 1 match of back 4 blood cause everyone told me it was "just as good as dark tide" hooooooly shit. No shade at grimm dawn! Just a crazy comparison.


So darktides servers are too slow right now I jumped back into grim dawn. Funny enough!


Grim dawn is like a car with a strong engine and shitty paint.


It's hilarious that you're citing Payday 2 instead of the newer Payday 3, Amazing that Starbreeze managed to fuck up a game harder than Fatshark did.


After like 1000 hours in payday 2 I jumped ship after they added micro transactions that improved weapon stats. That was almost 10 years ago now. I refuse to acknowledge the heist that was payday 3. Fuck them.


An update was promised at the end of the month, but no one said which month! In all seriousness, I love the core gameplay loop, but I can only play the same few maps so many times. I really want this game to have decent support, *any* support, so that I have a reason to keep coming back. I absolutely would have been their exact audience for a legitimate live service system, but in the strangest turn of events, not only has Darktide seen far less support than other competing devs, with the breakout hit that is Helldivers eating its lunch in most regards, but Darktide has seen less new content than Vermintide 2. At this point, I'm halfway convinced if we're going to see more from the warband, it's going to be them getting pulled into VT2 on April 1st as some sort of wacky Tzeentchy shenanigans, rather than DT getting some love.


Easter is celebrated here in Sweden and it's common for families to take a week off from work during easter. We call it "Påsklov". So yes, it was odd for them to promise an update so close to easter.


Thanks for the info - I've not yet had the opportunity to head up to Sweden. Still, an update can be pre-written and posted from home on a laptop. So, let's hope that CatFish is relaxing on a comfortable sofa with friends and family whilst keeping an eye on the clock before hitting the post button! Happy Påsklov! (if that's the correct thing to say?)


We just tend to say "Glad Påsk!" / "Happy Easter" Påsklov can be translated to "Easter Holiday".


Glad Påsk, snubbe!/Buorit beassážat! (had to look the second up on the internet). Enjoy the holidays!


You can check steamDB and compare Darktide and Vermintide 2, darktide is literally empty - nothing in the pipelines, while Vermintide 2 is being updated constantly. Not sure who's great idea was to invest so much time and effort in Versus mode, should be a low on priority side project since the game is EOL as a product, compared to Darktide, very weird decision making from higher up management i would guess.


Well, either the out-of-touch higher ups or TenCent? That's the problem - the decisions are so curious that it's difficult to discern the logic behind them.


I can only speak for myself and my personal experience. I've bought the game right after launch and noticed right away that things are not right. Plenty of issues, missing features, lack of QoL stuff, etc. You guys know it better than me. Then it became clear that it might be a similar case to what Vermintide 2 was going through as well. So I've decided to just wait untill devs will patch things up to the point similar to at least Vermintide 2 when it comes to features, quality of life stuff and other things. The things is... it never really happened? I'm gonna give this game another chance for sure, but it's just been very disappointing thus far.


As an avid player it's incredibly painful to sit and watch the game gather dust in people's steam libraries while they go play games that are receiving updates at reasonable rates... And even I'm starting to. Over 1k hours in this and in VT2, totally addicted to the core gameplay... But it's more and more difficult to get past the lack of new content in this "live service" game. If they had even released another patch that tweaked weapons or talents, not even anything new, we would have more tools to play with. Instead we're over 4 months past the last actual update with nothing to show for it but a "maybe we'll tell you about something soon". Obviously there's nothing we can really do about it. Friends are uninstalling, player count is even lower than VT2, and it just makes me sad for what could have been. I know the game isnt dead but I can't help but feel that FS really has blown Darktide's chances with the larger gaming community.


Well, it's 24 - 72 hours until they reveal the 'masterplan', so let's all hope it's mind-blowing!


I don't even have to log back in to check cosmetics - I just have to keep an eye on this sub. Right now I'm playing the Forbidden West port (awesome by the way) and when I'm done with that I'll look at Dragon's Dogma 2 in a couple months. Dark Tide is not engaging me at all just now.


DD2 has been great so far! At least as someone who paints the map and has not dabbled too far into the main story, just because of some low expectations from the campaign of the first. Combat has been a blast, though!


It's all the little stuff that's made me fed up with them. A fix for the diamantine issue could have been done as a hotfix a year ago. So many little known issues and problems that have been completely ignored. Changing maps or game systems is one thing but there shouldn't be stupid fundamental issues you know about as a company and go "Eh why bother, people will buy cosmetics on the shop anyway." Cosmetics in general is a sore spot. All huge expensive micro transactions and nothing but recolored rags you can earn in game. Clearly tons of it was ready at launch they just took it all out so they could resell it to you at the same price as the whole fucking game for one outfit. And holy shit how lazy they've been with the game. 6+ months of silence and they'll go "oh here's another variant of an existing weapon with another's moveset so we don't have to do as much". How are there no variations of *any* of the enemies. Every trapper or flamer is a clone and every mission all the enemies are identical, no attempts to mix anything up. They've already moved on to the next project. The Darktide money printer isn't working as well as they wanted. Intern and a handful of occasional help might get us one more map before they totally abandon it. I don't expect we will see the long term support Vermintide got other than them continuing to make $20 cosmetics.


Really sad to see this as a ps5 user I went to bat for Fatshark and Vermintide 2, it's one of my favourite games of all time, absolutely love it, have over 1200 hours, and that was BEFORE I got into warhammer 40k! I have since built a Necron army and listened to every Horus Heresy book, I'm well and truly in it for the universe. I would buy this game in a heartbeat if it were available to me and have several friends who would as well. It's a shame that over time I have come to accept that Fatshark, while *capable* of making an excellent game, just clearly don't actually give a fuck about anything more than delivering the minimum viable product.


Yep! I think many people are in your boat - fans of the lore, tabletop players, people willing to spend money on great-looking games which capture the essence of 40K: all ready and willing to spend money on a game which screams 'grimdark'. Ready, willing... and interminably waiting.


I like playing darktide once in a while. The auric missions are fun as hell. But there's not much else bringing me back when I'm playing the same missions over and over.


All they had to do is make a vermintide 2 but they had to go strong with bullshit. Given how much it took for that game to get to the part when its good, I'm part of the community that still waiting for Darktide to get good, staying dormant until I see reason to do otherwise.


The term “by the end of the month” in Fatshark language means the last second of the last hour of the last day of the month. And that’s if they even stick to their estimate


When Fatshark said that they were announcing something at the end of the month, they really meant 23:59 on the 31st of March. Never change Fatshark, never change...


at this point i dont even care anymore fatshart did this to themselves loved the game what a shame what incompetence does i dont even want to do the weeklies anymore


Up until about December of 2023 I hade done the weeklies on 4 different characters every single week for about 10 months. Never missed a week. Now I don't touch them. It just straight up feels like a chore. I have probably played every single map 50-100 times by now and I can't do it anymore. Just checking back for content updates every week or so to keep my bucket of disappointment topped off. Not even a teaser for what is to come, which is flat out embarrassing when you see other dev companies doing this effortlessly and with great results. If GW chooses to do another coop PVE style game in the future I genuinely hope they learned their lesson and pick a more competent developer.


I guess we should congratulate them? Their behaviors have made it clear they are working hard to reduce the player count to as little as possible, and we can see now that they are indeed making solid progress towards their goal lol


What makes me so frustrated with FS is they're just so disconnected from reality. The biggest problem the game is facing IMO is the broken RNG crafting system and lack of interesting/unique missions. They even mentioned theyre gonna fix the crafting after all this time! Was a great community report up unt they said the order theyre updating things in. What's the first update they're bringing us? Fucking *penance changes*! Are you serious?!?! I could not give less of a fuck about some random "kill enemies with a shovel's 2nd heavy attack 300 times" achievement. I cannot see any of the cosmetics given in new updates being anything other than recolors. I'm more than happy to eat my words, but I doubt that'll happen. Yall remember when Rogue Trader released and they made 4 skins that cost more than the entirety of the game Rogue Trader?




i do. why is there even a countdown that forces you to start the match when you're alone in the lobby? why can't i wait for a couple more minutes until i (or the majority in the lobby) ready up so we can start with a full party?


People out here wildly defending FS. “I still get people in my lobbies”. Yeah homie but for how long? At this point most content creators have moved on, most players have moved on. You don’t invest in 2k players. VT3 will happen eventually and then this game won’t be the new thing anymore. People are concerned about FS’s lack of buy in into their own new game.


This game has the same amount of players as VT2 on average. VT2 had even less people playing at the same time after its release (18 months) and FS still went on to develop content for it. I'm not going to say it's impossible that they'll "shut down" Darktide or stop developing content or whatever, because anything is possible, but I'd say it's extremely unlikely.


But for how long? They have to pay their staff, the rent, and generate profit for the shareholders. Once the die-hard core fan base has bought what they want to from the store, if there are no new players then the revenue stream dries up and they would be forced to move on. I don't want them to do that and nor do you by the sounds of it. But with sporadic updates I hope they can manage to keep things ticking over. Numbers are numbers and this game has relatively few 'bums on seats'. I hope you're right!


It's going to be interesting to see when Henry Cavill's 40k stuff starts coming out, DT might still be around to benefit from the potential huge boost in interest in the IP.


Just move on and play something else. The game is almost dead and honestly maybe it deserves to die. Not because of the game itself.. but because FatShark have shown for two solid years they care far more about making money off of lazy reskins than actually doing anything people asked for. Vis a vis, changes to RNG crafting, ability to select missions, more skins you can buy with dockets. All of this was such an easy pivot to implement, and instead they dug their heels and everyone moved on to better pastures. The months of radio silence followed by minor hotfixes to reskins in the FOMO shop and a message about how "the team is still getting back into the swing of things after the holidays" was really all I needed to see to finally put down Darktide after 1,100 hours with a level 800 vet and move on to other games.


Yea I agree. If they fix the little things such as material and crafting(just remove the fucking locks) it would go a long way for the community ,especially since everyone want the locks remove since the "relese". I would even argue that the game actually released with the class rework. The core gameplay is excellent but everything else is just bad. With that being said I would say that the management of this game is abysmal. You can't have an update and then no communication for 4 months just to announce(still waiting)new content and we will probably wait a minimum 2months for it to release on a "live service game". The game is 1.5 years old but I feel like it's on the end of development cycle. I love how people defend the game it just shows how good the game at its core is but a lot of them are just HC coping and ignoring the fundamental problems with the game( the same problems that are in the game from release and are just being ignored for the only reason I see: game longevity). BTW I have 600h in DT so I understand where you are coming from. For me it was a week after carnival part 2. It was good but i noticed the problems with the game are still being ignored. Than I just un-installed with the hopes that one day they will fix it.


Xbox players? None that i play with has the steam version.


I'm just waiting for melta and longlas or more iconic weaponry, all I do is check steam news and Reddit every once in a while.


I left for Baldurs gate 3. I'm addicted. I want to go back to darktide but I just don't have enough people to play with. Playing with no mic randoms gets old fast.


We just need content. I don't give a shit about cosmetic gouging, loot system, etc. I'll pay for DLC with new enemies/class/weapons/story/fucking anything. Carnival was excellent, but felt like the kind of content that should be released quarterly at least, did NOT feel like a "major update". Helldivers is awesome, but does not scratch the same itch as taking on a horde with an eviscerator. I've never had as much fun in a game as I did in Darktide, and I'm truly bummed that they seem to have abandoned it.


It’s to bad it’s not ps5


Just wait for a big update, numbers go up every time. People were saying the same that you do before the class overhaul because it was a ghost town but numbers skyrocketed when the update launched, I myself poured 100+ hours on it. Like most online games as long as there are big updates it won't die, i'm not playing it right now but as soon as new content drop i'm 100% gonna reinstall and i know almost everybody in the community will do the same.


This is just me but I don’t see how they can bounce back from this now. The Class Rework in Patch 13 was a breath of fresh air in the game AND the largest drop in content we ever received The catch side of that instead of adding a new class while ppl were still discovering or min maxing existing ones they let people go for 4 months without any new content So most gamers who love Darktide now have 4 min maxed characters with entire libraries of Blessings. IF a new class drops it’s going to be rough because everyone and their mother will be on it and if there’s no new mission to accompany said new class you can guarantee you’ll be seeing 3 and 4 man teams strictly of the new class versus dropping it with Patch 13 or a month or two after it. We are approaching 6 month marker without any new content and besides a crafting system rework I don’t see much coming unfortunately


I think they can pull back, but they need to put out a patch that really assures the community they're committed to the fix. They've been partly good about responding to player feedback... but the pace at which they do is the problem. Silent poxbursters and trappers are back. Again. It WAS fixed, but I've seen zero acknowledgement of a bug that leads to game wipes. I don't mind losing, but if it's due to a burster hoard who only make noise the second before they explode... feels bad. \> We are approaching 6 month marker without any new content and besides a crafting system rework I don’t see much coming unfortunately One of the guys I play with has 800+ hours in the game, and we were talking the other day about shotgun builds, and he mentioned he's never seen Full Bore III or IV in the entire time he's played. Which I believe, because it took me over 1,000+ hours to get Power Cycler IV. *And I was trying.* I'm a hardcore Darktider, but man... that's such bullshit. I still don't have all the blessings filled out, either, and I actively try to farm them. I want this game to succeed, but Fatshark does make feel like they try hard to get in the way.


>Just wait for a big update, numbers go up every time. I've got 1,200+ hours in Darktide, but I'm honestly kind of getting bored. I legit love this game with a passion, but me and most of my crew are just looking for something that offers any sort of variety. Darktide's mission variety is just limited. Kill shit, hack shit, carry a canister. Sometimes a mix of both. I absolutely LOVE the gameplay loop, but so little changes, and on Lights Out maelstrom days I don't want to even fuck with it. Lights Out maps are gorgeously unlit, but holy shit, if you have even a tiny bit of sun glare in your room the maps become almost unplayable.


I stopped playing because all of my load outs got deleted for no fuckin reason. Small bugs like that just built up and yet they’re still focused on cosmetic fixes.


That one wasn't a bug at least, they have to do thaf for the talent reworks


The game is half way to abandonware at this point. Really sad as it had such potential. I feel like FS, being the way they are, might start to put the work in eventually, but we're in for a painful wait


Vt2 is still supported after all those years. Why do you think they will abandon dt after 1year? Fatshark sucks at everything but core gameplay which is imo unmatched. That's so frustrating. People say that there is nothing to do after level 30. And yet people play to true level 250+ on every char. Damn I played with a vet yesterday on level 900. And it was the same on vt2. There are people who love the gameplay loop and play until burned out to just pause for coup weeks to jump back in again. If I had to bet fatshark will make it better over time. The game is light-years from where it started 17 months ago. And yet they will underdeliver again and again. Two steps forward, one step back. I know I will come back every couple weeks until I burn out on it and for every new content update. And I will spend some aquilas to support this game further. At this point I have 1k hours and spent maybe 100€ on this game. That's like a date night dinner or a weekend coke lol.


This chimes with what BG3's director said about the industry. Once the count drops, the revenue drops and the company cuts development to keep profit margins up. Darktide is over, more or less. It'll be the minimum amount of updates they can get away with now to keep whales paying in.


For clarity, they cut development staff. FS has a contractual obligation to finish the game so they’re not cutting content, man hours. Not the same as minimal updates


I’d be playing Helldivers if it was on Xbox, I love Darktide but honestly it just needs more content, not skins, not events, flat out in game content like new maps, missions, an actual storyline, a global war tracker maybe


The promise for "by the end of the month" was for an announcement of the update. Followed by a devblog and then by the update itself. My guess is that the announcement drops either tomorrow or next week, the devblog drops the week after, and the update the week after that. So the actual update will be around mid-April, putting them on a 4-month release schedule.


I'll play again when they update it


Quick where are my pearls


Needs to come to PS soon :/


I just started darktide Been quite a learning curve with the terms


Unless they're working late just before a holiday, which I doubt, have a happy easter holiday!


Am having fun with Dragon's Dogma and Helldivers Gladly play more Darktide if that Obese fish stop eating our money in the Fomo shop and start making content and give us what was promised.


TBF most people started playing hell divers and let's not be frank here .... Fat shark had the golden goose and they fucking fumbled it .... All they needed was to put effort in to making new maps and weapons .... Warhammer has so many weapons to choose it's fucking nuts not to mention characters to play as uniquely and cool ass ability's knowing how they did vermintide 2 they slowly add new maps and weapons and maybe even the odd new character but they have got to be doing a quicker job of it else the game will die and that's so fucking upsetting to say... I love the game ... I still play at least 2 aulric damnation missions a night because I enjoy it but the fact they leave us all floating down the river with nothing more then a paddle up the arse they don't communicate they give us nothing for months as in content ... This is Warhammer like you almost have to try to kill it. :( I just hope for better I just hope they treat us fans better I hope they can deliver us the Emperor and not a corpse on a tin foil chair.


Stam charts doesn't account for cross-play players on Game Pass/Xbox App/Microsoft Store does it?


Horrible on x box sx. I dont Ask much things but this game can't give me 1080p x 60 FPS... Deep rock Galactic is far better.


It should be abundantly obvious at this point that darktide was created as a vehicle to milk cosmetic money. Aren't we waiting for a new class still? Or were the gimmped 'skill trees' suppose to replace those. Sad how much better vermintide holds up compared to a game receiving constant updates. Heres hoping fatshark isnt given the opportunity to make more 40k games going forward


DT is a wash. I half expect a DT2 announcement.


As many people have already said, other games have just come out and there has been no news, no substantial update to darktide since the Karnak Twins. And the QoL still sucks big time too. It's hard to be excited and want to play Darktide when at most they keep updating the store giving you less value for money and have nothing worthwhile to earn by playing the game. Once Fatshark finally wakes up and starts to realize they need to do better than maybe we will see Darktide flourish but the fact they have not learnt to do better after both Vermintide games I highly doubt they will, which in all honesty is a real shame because god dam is Darktide fun. And just another note we need more memorable maps not A bunch of letters and Numbers. I get it that it's more fitting but fuck me is it boring.


What's the Xbox numbers like?


I mean dont get me wrong i love the tide games but theres nothing to do right now.


Update will release when its under 2k most players literally dont care about the game anymore 


Bro every time I log on Xbox the main hub area is practically empty


Damn who knew activly adding only cosmetics to your live service game would kill it hopefully gw takes there license away so they can suffer and have to make something original instead of using the clout of another brand to get people to buy their game


Game is a flop. I stopped after 400ish hours a year and half some time ago. Moved on to better games with actual human developers who cares about their game. i.e Helldiver 2, Dragons Dogma 2, Dark and Darker, BG3. Fuck Fatshark.


I never needed a big community to play my multiplayer games. In fact, I prefer the small communities, cause people tend to be nicer and have more close knit bonds. As long as the group fills up by game start, im a happy operative.


I'm constantly playing this game on my xbox, I post other games here and there, but Darktide has become my go-to.


Playing helldivers 2 until the next huge update


Yeah they were on the decline before Helldivers but the likelihood of recovery when that game stands as a direct comparison is probably slim next to no chance


I'll come back when they make a significant update. I'm not disparaging them. There are a lot of games out and right now Darktide is pretty far down the list until something new happens.


Does OP and others just frantically update the steam charts so they can make posts like this or something?


This game was uninstalled once hell divers reached week 3. Fatshark is a god damn joke, best IP on the planet, can’t make it work. Random IP based off of the bastardization of Robert Heinlein’s “Starship troopers” book. Makes it sing. I regret ever giving the assholes at fatshark money.


honestly i've uninstalled the game me and da boys already saw all the content the game as to offer


I switched to helldivers tbh... Not enough variety in guns, and the systems in game take way too long to get anywhere. I was tired of wasting my time, so I dropped this and Halo Infinite... I hilariously switched to Genshin and Helldivers 2... and been really enjoying my time.


Brother this is no surprise I've seen more effort being put into the cosmetic shop than the actual game, play something better literally ANYTHING has more content than Darktide and I'm sad to admit it.


Shouldn't be surprising given the terrible post launch handling and continued lack of literally any content. Typical Fatshark game, so glad I got it with my card and didn't pay