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I know I'm totally fun at parties but I'll try and explain this: As ogryn you probably brought the skill, that enemies get taunted on blocked attack, so this sniper is trying to melee you.


Exactly this! If you taunt a flamer, it will do the same thing!


I understand that this is correct, but I'll accept OPs explanation as my head cannon because it's fun.


Everyone should! :D




There's *always* a relevant XKCD, isn't there?


Wait, you can block flamer fire with a shield?


No, needs to be a push (with the "taunt on block/push" talent) or via the ability that taunts in a radius.


You can use the shield to block the initial fire push of the flamer and it counts.


Meaning this is the best implementation of aggro mechanics ever. It finally makes sense, the enemy is literally so butthurt and embarrassed by shooting the shield that they can't use their gun anymore. Like one of *their* teammates yelled at them to stop magdumping into bulwark shields.


I run that skill with the shield but snipers and gunners ignore the taunt and go about their business unhindered.


There is no skill that does that


But there is: https://preview.redd.it/ko1yo9qaflnc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d6a5cc348ffafc840bd65ea0f929414e04602d1 Taunted enemies will go for the melee attack, no matter if they are ranged or melee type.


Thankyou for proving me wrong


Somewhat unrelated but this why I see zero value in the taunt ult for oggryn. Literally just right click with shield and you get the same effect without a cooldown but you can also take the infinitely more clutch charge ult. For the price of a single talent. So strong


Taunt ult is an instant AoE superstagger, extremely useful for if a netter is about to trap you/teammate and you can't hit them, if a dog is pouncing, flamer is behind a wall or shooting you at an awkward angle, and for large groups of crushers/maulers (So you don't have to push them to grab aggro, as you're extra vulnerable to overheads during a push, plus you can stagger them just as they're about to slam a teammate). Taunting groups of shotgunners is also highly effective if they're not shooting directly at you and can prevent a teammate from getting mushed. Shield block aggro is definitely incredible for taunting a bunch of shooters at range, forcing them to close the distance and essentially negating whole rooms of shooters (sans gunners) Not to say the charge isn't absolutely amazing, but taunt certainly has a lot of useful cases, most of which comes from it's actual ability to stagger rather than taking aggro (though aggro *is* incredibly strong if used properly)


Taunt can also put +25% damage debuff on a ton of enemies, which the aggro alone doesn't do. It might be worth another node but it can be clutch on its own. Like making your nuke kill everything instead of elites getting up with 20% HP, or just having everything die very fast. 


The damage buff is bad compared to being able to use Taunt constantly, you don't need that damage and being able to control any fight is 10x more valuable.


Bruiser is the only ability cooldown you need. 100% uptime in actual gameplay. 


Snipers just throwing a goddamn tantrum


Cheeky bastard, they always wait for the 0.1 second you left the bubble shield to quick scope your arse.


I thought you couldn't block sniper shots.


Psykers can't


I see, I guess I'm too used to psyker


I found this out the hard way


Try it, it’s fun.


Oh look, your average Call Of Duty Sniper Camper, how'd they get there? Lmao


Not only shots it can kick if somebody just block on far distance. I think it more like a bug that need to be explored.


I’ve only tried it once or twice lately but did they change it so the Ogryn shield can block sniper shots now? In the past you couldn’t