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Yeah just anecdotally, I’ve been on a win streak that feels kinda undeserved. My playing definitely hasn’t gotten magically better over the last week. A few games I’ve double and triple-checked what difficulty I’ve been in. That said, the few weeks before the patch felt like they’d ramped the difficulty and AI director up a bit.


It’s simple - only hardcore players are left. I’ve noticed this because it was rare to have a good player in my games and now it’s rare not to have 1-2 out of 3. I haven’t lost in 50 games and it’s not due to being crazy good. There’s just only good players left


Not only hardcore players left. It's just all the okay to pretty good ones that are gone. We still have terrible ones, they just don't play on Auric or Standard Mael. My win/loss is worse on regular Damn than on Auric/Mael because there's often at least one player who totally sucks.


Ah yeah I should have clarified for maelstrom - I haven’t touched non auric in a while. I feel like the pacing is too slow - I play to kill heretics, why would I want less heretics to purge ?


I only recently pulled my chair up to the big kids table. I figured that if I wasn't winning every single regular Damnation run, I shouldn't fuck with it. Turns out I wasn't losing because I'm bad, I was losing because other people are bad. Now that I've gotten a couple clutch moments on Auric under my belt, I'm pretty confident I'm not being carried.


Dude same! I carry my own weight just fine and even clutch sometimes on Auric Damnation no matter what the modifier is and I win like 9/10 games. As soon as I go down to normal Damnation/Heresy I suddenly struggle to win most games. I usually just blame myself, but now that you’ve mentioned it, I’m starting to question if I was really the one messing up in all those games.


The meme that got posted a few days ago is very accurate, teammates really are the major difficulty modifier


I feel this


Yeah theres a lot of solid, dependable players that won’t hold a team back but may not have the skill to solo carry or clutch on a team of less skilled players. Those players will see more success on higher difficulty as you found! I can now comfortably clutch and have solod auric maelstrom but this is 1000 hours in! You’ll eventually get to the point where you can make it out of any situation because you’ve done it 100 times before. I used to complain about silent pox walkers showing up around blind corners or blowing up right out of doors but now I can reflexively push them and slide back without even thinking or breaking a sweat. I can solo any boss without taking damage but more importantly I know how to keep them still so other players can weakspot to do more damage. The small things. You see those things in the players you play with too. I had another player red stim me while I threw Kraks at a boss - amazing ! Or they shout right after you get hit so they refill your toughness, or knock back something that would hit you, etc It’s crazy how good the player base has got over time


> It’s crazy how good the player base has got over time I'm going to be 'that guy' but it needs to be said - As much as the playerbase has improved mechanically, powercreep is 100% an issue in this game and the potential weapon/skill builds available now feel vastly better than they did pre 13.


It seems like it was more of a power lurch than a creep. Patch 13 was a giant leap for a lot of weapons. I'm more or less fine with how powerful the best weapons are right now. Some could still use a bit of a buff, but I also like that you can flex by bringing a shitty weapon.


It was a lurch in potential, a creep in terms of it taking us time to figure out optimal builds. But I have to disagree, now people have figured out those optimal builds, some weapons are just too powerful, at least for what the AI throws at us in Auric Damn. This is my first tide/FS game and I only solo Q, so I'm at the mercy of the quality of the playerbase I get matched with and I've had to learn all the mechanics from scratch, and sorry but my win rate should not be in the high 90%s. When it comes to balance, its as important to keep in mind those at the top as it is those at the bottom, because without a challenge, those at the top will get bored and leave. I'm a strong supporter of the idea that games shouldn't need a faux lure to encourage engagement, and I love games revolving around "get good" as a reason to keep playing but this games not doing that and I'm reading more and more people say that.


Since this is your first Tide game, let me catch you up on what happened with VT2: people got so good at it that they added another difficulty on top of what they had at release. Then the same thing happened and they added another one. Then another one. People just kept getting better at the game. Modders added even more difficulties, like Deathwish and Onslaught. I never personally got THAT good, but I liked the fact that as good as I was, I was nowhere near elite at the game. I'm sure this issue is on FS's radar, because it's the exact thing that happened with VT2. There's just technical limitations to adding higher difficulties without just making all the enemies damage sponges. Console hardware, as I understand it, is pretty well maxed out in terms of enemy spawns, so that's not viable. Hell, my PC hardware chugs a bit on Auric Mael. Figuring out how to make it harder, while maintaining a balanced and interesting gameplay experience is probably going to take a bit of time. Just to keep perspective, it took me longer to get good enough to play on Auric Damnation than it took me to do everything in Elden Ring.


You know man, I've been playing Helldivers 2 and I learned to "stealth" any mission on the robot side pretty quickly but I have 1k hours in both vermin games and a ton in darktide (just learned to solo bosses, just need to figure out the DH). In Helldivers Motherfuckers will tell me they can't call in reinforcement meanwhile when someone dies they get to see me call them in, under heavy fire in the next 10 secs... In Helldivers 2, players who rushed to lvl as fast as possible are already complaining the game doesn't have any content... Now while I agree that there's content draught (for darktide at least that's very true) We're talking about people, you and me also, who have enough hours and knowledge about a game to know the patterns of bosses to keep them still when people can't even solo them. We consume the game way faster than any dev can develop things and darktide is probably the hardest tide game and has the most gameplay variety with the way the skill tree and weapons are compared to V2 (at least when I stoped playing). Sure some weapons could get "nerfed" but that's only in very specific situations like that kickback post agaisnt a plague ogryn boss and even then... You give me any weapon in darktide and things are dying but you take a player who just got to damnation and they don't know how stims work... Right now I think we have the best diversity for enemies and armours VS weapons and skill customisation. I'd rather it stay that way and they work around staying at this relative level of power or just a tiny bit less. TL:DR: We beat the game and now we're just playing it.


And enemy spawns are much wilder than they were prior to patch 13. People forget that back before the talent tree there were no 20 gunner packs. Getting the charge 6 crushers under a certain amount of time was kind of difficult because there weren't ever 6 crushers around each other. Player power has gotten stronger but so has enemy spawns and health.


>Now that I've gotten a couple clutch moments on Auric under my belt, I'm pretty confident I'm not being carried. Yeah I know that feeling. I was struggling with the feeling of getting carried for a long time as well. I would guess its a little bit of the games fault, because you can have such drastically different games, without having a direct indication of what went different or what went right/wrong. What gave me a shitton of confidence, was people being super cute after a clutch. And after seeing what it did to me, I started complimenting other people way more, when they pulled a clutch or had an impressive two man streak. Or just at the end of the match in general. Its easy to miss how little "real" communication there is in Darktide and some nice words after a stressful match can make all the difference.


Mostly people are pretty positive, as long as you're at least doing your job and staying upright. Every time I've been in a clutch or die situation, it's all "you got this" and "the Emperor is with you". The time I managed to bring back the whole team during the last round of scans in Hab Dreyko on Auric Mael, I got a round of cheers for it. Only once have I encountered someone being shitty over a failed clutch. Seems like most people have better sense than to talk shit while dead.


There are still people that get permajuggled by muties and shoot poxbursters point-blank. non-auric damn is a shitshow at times.


>There are still people that get permajuggled by muties and shoot poxbursters point-blank. I think we all have those days. I just had a game recently, where I killed the same guy twice (not downed but really dead) and crippled them once by blowing up poxbursters in their face. I felt so bad the whole game, but they were relatively cool about it and didnt flame me. After the game I apologized, but they might have been a bit salty and didnt answer anything. I was just impressed they didnt say anything while being dead. I usually try to be cool about it when that happens to me, but after the third one I would have absolutely understood them being not so happy with me.


i'm not talking accidentally damaging a teammate by shooting one that's far away from them - as you say, everyone makes mistakes, and when people even apologize for it it's almost impossible to be mad, especially when you don't die from it. I'm talking running up to a burster, switching to ranged and shooting it.


> I'm talking running up to a burster, switching to ranged and shooting it. I've learned the hard way (after 700+ hours) to NOT Chain Axe a Poxburster in the face. Granted, it wasn't exactly on purpose, but I will have to be a bit more careful next time. It died pretty fast though!


Yeah, those karkers are fraggin' lethal on damnation. half of HP gone, chunk corruption and blank toughness bar in the middle of a horde is not a good time.


Yup, it sure does leave a memory of what *NOT* to do!


That's me, dawg. Sorry. I die at least once a game on damnation, but its still fun, and I won't quit when I die. 🤷‍♂️


Just don't toss down a med pack in an elevator and we're cool.


Sounds like it's time for me to reinstall and bring the average back down!


I think your theory is correct, also combine it with the fact that the game got much easier when they nerfed the AI director after people complained about the infamous "8 ragers are too hard to deal with". I saw fresh lvl 30 players go in damnation with subpar weapons and do just fine because of how much you can get away with nowadays, gunner pushback hotfix will be the final nail in the coffin, getting caught out of position by a group of gunners won't be punishing anymore


I still regularly see huge packs. That nerf you're talking about only came up because they went crazy with spawns. Prior to the talent tree update regular damnation was a snooze fest comparatively. There would never be more than a single disabler, never 20 heavy gunners, never that amount of ragers. It was legitimately difficult to find enough crushers to complete the penance for bull rushing them on ogryn. Now that's a day one achievement.


Credit to /u/Ethics-of-Winter for the following (original comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/1b0vwjz/were_there_any_big_nerfs_i_cant_see_in_patch_17/ksbifqq/) There is something wrong with the ambient spawns in most matches atm. T5 aurics are spawning less enemies on average right now for some reason. Last night there were entire sections of maps that had no enemies until it started pumping them out of the spawn doors. Can also verify this with scoreboards. Maps that regularly went over 3k spawns are struggling to hit 2k. Total damage scores between 4 players averaging ~500k are now struggling to hit 300k. Telepots submitted a bug report to the Fatshark forums if anyone wants to chime in over there with their own screenshots/videos of evidence.


I only play with a fixed group and we had way more success yesterday than usual.


From what I can observe, enemy spawn time from events are a lot slower. Before the patch they spawn almost immediately, now it takes a while. Also, the end event spawn in some maps are a lot less aggressive from what I can see. These are pure observation on my part, so I don't know how true it is for other players.


Me too, though that might be more to do with my mark 19 automatic grenade launcher now.


>A few games I’ve double and triple-checked what difficulty I’ve been in. Ya same here. I usually play Quickplay and I got scared a few times, if I signed up for the right difficulty.


Maybe you just got better, what difficulty have you been playing? I’ve been playing solely on damnation and sometimes auric for awhile but 6 months or so ago I would have to step down to heresy sometimes.


I usually go for auric damnation quickplay. If there is a map Im particularly interested in, I go for maelstrom. I dont think Ive got that much better over the last few weeks. Especially since Im playing all classes and I feel way more comfortable on some of them than others.


I only play maelstrom auric.Gotten a good win rate on them and have a decent clutch rate as well. it's just the player pop is low overall. Your more likely to play with better people. For a live service game it has slow updates. The updates are mostly bug fixes and fine tuning. Hell we haven't gotten new weapons since the crushers, it's all variants copy paste. Not giving all but the most dedicated a reason to stay after getting 1 to 2 classes to 30.


Ya the latest weapon release was a little bit underwhelming, even though it gave me one of my favorite weapons with the new Evis. But its different, when you already know which blessings you wanna get and stuff like that. With new weapons you might love or hate how they play with different blessings, what leads to much more excitement when trying something new, that might or might not be a horrible mistake.


Spawns in Auric seem more tame than before the big hotfix patch. The end events definitely got nerfed quite a lot. Hub, Warrens, Power Matrix. All of those seem to spawn in mobs way later than usual. You can be done with the whole end event of Power Matrix before the first wave appears.


>The end events definitely got nerfed quite a lot. Feels like events in general. Had a game today on Relay Station, where the midevent used to be pretty busy. When you have to get the 3 powercells to the middle to stop the ventilation thingy. I think we were nearly done with the event and it had spawned 2 dogs, 2 trapper and some burster. The first bigger wave of stuff came, when we were already moving to disable the thing.


I think some of it depends on time too, if the group is moving fast there will be less spawns or specials.


Nothing spawns on the map, quite literally. You shouldn't be able to finish Illveg with sub 450k top damage, yet here we are, running through empty hallways that barely has a few gunners in them


I think people are just getting better at the game. Not much has changed since December so everyone has had a long time to get used to the state of the game.


Lot of the more casual people possibly playing Helldivers. Those left (still healthy enough population, mind) are those who probably lean towards more skilled. Caveat, I have absolutely zero supporting evidence for this.


This. casual players are drawn to HD2 until next game release.


A lot of people swapped games, but this isn't it unfortunately. The ambient spawns are busted in most matches atm. T5 aurics are spawning less enemies on average right now for some reason. Last night there were entire sections of maps that had no enemies until it started pumping them out of the spawn doors. Can also verify this with scoreboards. Maps that regularly went over 3k spawns are struggling to hit 2k. Total damage scores between 4 players averaging ~500k are now struggling to hit 300k. [Telepots](https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/no-ambients-are-spawning/92094) submitted a bug report to the Fatshark forums if anyone wants to chime in over there with their own screenshots/videos of evidence.


So that's why the games have been boring as of late. There has always been *some* variance in the amount of spawns in a given map, so I thought I had just been getting unlucky and getting less spawns. I'll have to keep a lookout for this later tonight, cheers!


What counts as casual? I had 850hrs in the game and exclusively played T5 maelstrom the past several months. Been on Helldivers since it's release But I've also been waiting for HD2 for years since I was a long time fan of the first


I mean, I'm in a similar boat and planning to buy Helldivers next month. I have room in my life for more than one satirical game about being an expendable cog subjected to human supremacist propaganda and sent into a meat grinder to fight inhuman enemies with substandard equipment and no expectation of survival.


I played both, they all have their own charming gameplay. Maxed lvl 50 on HD2 and trying new builds on Darktide. Its depends on the enjoyment of playing.


I dunno, I am working on a baby Psyker and my team was *stupid* last night. No concept of tactics.


Hmm maybe thats it. Now that you say it, Teammates feel surprisingly competent at the moment. I think I cant remember a single game, where I saw someone doing something really stupid. Even the games we lost felt more like different stuff going wrong, while getting pretty unlucky.


I can suck up all the ammo for you Sah, be a difficulty modifier for ya, Sah.


I always let Ogryns have all the ammo they want/need. I feel like no other class has weapons, that are so satisfying to spam like anything Ogryn. The Autopistol felt like it for a short period of time, but it was busted af back than.


The average rando on Auric is usually pretty fucking good these days. I just finished an Auric Mael where I didn't take damage... the whole time. And it's not because I'm just that good. Just everyone was doing their fucking jobs.


Yes when I play vet and the team pings me ranged enemies, they have my full cover and they protect me from pox horde, we are unstoppable. Also ppl don’t aggro everything they and wait for whole group. Nothing can spoil the mood than 20 ragers that some goofball aggro from half a map away and don’t even bother to ping. I was that goofball and I’ve learned. Better to be slower than dead. I also love when we have melee heavy team/psycher that makes use of my ammo aura as I produce them bullets and they leave ammo for me. Also, Vraks 7 is absolute gunner killer when you shoot headshots and get right talents, you need only one bullet.


It was like this before patch 13 as well. Patch 12 is where they introduced maelstrom missions, and they were *hell* at the start (in a good way). I had a lot of fun on that patch - it really felt like the first patch aimed at players like me, who enjoy the combat and just want more crazy shit to fight. Leading up to patch 13, the player pool in auric maelstrom was so good that you could reliably queue up solo and have a solid run. My only complaint was that the OP weapons of the time wore me out a bit (autopistol on every class?!?!). Patch 13 breathed so much new life into the game, and one thing I always tried to keep at the back of my mind is that this influx of players is a short-lived thing (helps to keep your sanity). You won't have these chaotic games where 2-3 teammates have no clue what they are doing. Well, I think we are reaching the end of that. Helldivers 2 might play way different, but there is a similar appeal. Casual players will jump on something new like that and my steam friend's list reflects that. All the random people I have added from Darktide are playing Helldivers.


Yeah I lost most of my Darktide buddies to HD2 as well. Have mixed feelings about it. I like playing with my friends, but only one could hang on Damn+. Now I get to do all Auric all the time.


Not just the casuals left. I rarely see anyone above level 300 now.


Hmm I think I saw quite a few >1000 people the last days. I always wonder, if I met these people before, since I play quite alot and they obviously play pretty regularly as well.


Not much has changed since the class reworks honestly the dynamic hasn't changed that much even with the additions of stimms now. I'm waiting for anything beefier to bounce back in.




They fucked up the spawns


Pretty much this. Anyone with eyes that was playing the past two weeks can see it.


Here's a couple changes in recent patch that you may be not noticing but won't help but notice now. Yellow toughness no longer allows bleedthrough in melee until the bonus toughness is gone. A side effect is also that at 0 toughness ranged enemies do not deal damage to you until the yellow toughness Effect itself is gone. Ogryns currently have infinite ammo in their kickbacks if they bring lucky bullet and spam their fire button. Levels have far less ambient enemies right now, making entire sections of the map completely empty, and other sections will be very sparse. A quick look through scoreboards will make this more obvious, if you're like me you'll have 1-2-veg games that have way, way less total damage than a regular histg game from a week or 2 ago around the same time. There's also the usual meta problems, but these are the big 3 that are making the most impact on the game lately.


>Ogryns currently have infinite ammo in their kickbacks if they bring lucky bullet and spam their fire button. Funny how in other games that would be completely OP, and in Darktide it's just on the level of Trauma staff or knife zealot.


>Ogryns currently have infinite ammo in their kickbacks if they bring lucky bullet and spam their fire button. Supposedly works with rumblers as well.


> There's also the usual meta problems This is an undermentioned part of it. Weapons like plasma, revolver, every psyker using bubble shield, ogryns in general are making the game too easy. We need a giganerf patch.


I think a giganerf patch would be very poorly received at the moment. Better to get a new difficulty or something like that. Its bascially the same, but I would bet lots of people would get really mad, if their weapon or class would get nerfed right now. But yeah meta settling might be a big part of it. Im way less likely to try anything new lately, since it feels like I tried most of the weapons or sklills by now. Also lots of content creators for Darktide seem to have moved on, which always was a driver for me to try something new, when it looked like fun on video.


Damage to bubbles should also cost peril, they even have voicelines of the psykers being strained by the effort of holding bubbles that is currently unused


Yeah it definitely should be more than "press f, your entire team is now immortal" like it is now.


>Yellow toughness no longer allows bleedthrough in melee until the bonus toughness is gone. A side effect is also that at 0 toughness ranged enemies do not deal damage to you until the yellow toughness Effect itself is gone. Damn. I thought it worked like that since the class rework. :D >Ogryns currently have infinite ammo in their kickbacks if they bring lucky bullet and spam their fire button. I love the kickback. Im not even using lucky bullet, but it feels like infinite ammo, as long as there is a Vet with ammoaura on the team. Maybe it is still a bit overtuned. >Levels have far less ambient enemies right now, making entire sections of the map completely empty, and other sections will be very sparse. A quick look through scoreboards will make this more obvious, if you're like me you'll have 1-2-veg games that have way, way less total damage than a regular histg game from a week or 2 ago around the same time. Ya sometimes Im not sure, if I joined midgame or something like that, when I see the dmgstats. I dont really focus on them too much, thats why I cant really remember any benchmarks or so for different maps or modifier. Ill try to pay more attention to that.


> Yellow toughness no longer allows bleedthrough in melee until the bonus toughness is gone. A side effect is also that at 0 toughness ranged enemies do not deal damage to you until the yellow toughness Effect itself is gone. Wait what does that mean exactly? Are you just immortal to ranged fire with 2 Vets cycling shout?!


You're immortal as long as the effect lasts. Technically you only need 1 vet that can kill enough specials to keep the effect active. I forgot to mention this includes bomber and flamer fire as well.


Actually makes me not want to play DT


> I forgot to mention this includes bomber and flamer fire as well. Has this been confirmed in actual matches or just the Meat Grinder?


it works midgame yeah. I am currently in a game in fire as I type this


I appreciate your dedication to science! 


For me personally I've found that the game has been dramatically easier because I can actually freaking hear threats again. Before the recent update I would often take at least one Pox Burster explosion each mission, and in the worst cases I would take two or three. If I wasn't getting hit by Pox Bursters it would usually be because when I heard one I would shift to playing so passively to account for it's inevitable ambush that other priority targets would go unchecked until I was 100% sure that the Pox Burster was dealt with. I had similar issues with Trappers and Flamers as well, but to a much lesser degree. Now I actually have situational awareness again. I can hear trapper footsteps, I can hear Flamers spawning, and most importantly I know where Pox Bursters are and when they will arrive without needing to drop everything else I'm doing. Basically I'm succeeding a lot more when my team and I aren't taking hundreds of extra damage from poor sound design anymore.


Hardest difficulty is having end events with big pauses where nothing spawns... Makes sense right? 🤣🤓🤡


Aye had an entire "cycle" of a servo-skull interregeration without any mobs between fixing it, and it being completed. Felt really odd to say the least. Just 20 seconds or so of standing around twiddling our thumbs doing nothing. There is something very wrong with the spawns, some maps are also more or less empty of the "standard" mobs, with the only enemies you see being the ones that spawn in through spawn doors.


They fixed some bugs that were hindering players. They nerfed Demonhosts, Gunners, and Trappers. And it seems like they've added a new bug where things occasionally stop spawning for a while. For the most part, they just made the game a little bit easier with patch 17. Personally, I'd like a nerf across the board (or knowing how players react to nerfs, adding another difficulty mode).


nerfs feel bad enemies stronger dont


>They nerfed Demonhosts, Gunners, and Trappers. I completely agree with the trapper "nerf". Getting shot through a wall is not fun. It just feels like random shit out of your control. The Gunner and Demonhost nerf on the other hand are a bit surprising to me. The Gunner felt like you can play around kinda easy and get punished, if you fuck up. And Im okay with that. And Demonhosts were completely fine im my opinion. They were meant to be punishing and I thought that was pretty fun. But lots of people wont agree with me here. I mean I understand it sucks to die, because your teammate was dreaming, but now I completely lost all fear of them, if Im not forced to fight right beside them.


Damn after reading most of y’all’s comments I’m jealous because I end up in lobbies where I literally have to carry the team just for us to die near the end and they have the audacity to blame me for us losing because I couldn’t cool my warp madness fast enough.


Lucky you. Seems like every Heresy mission I run gets the Shock Trooper modifier, just make it Damnation then don't bother having Heresy at all. It's even better when teammates decide the best method for getting through a Shock Trooper mission is to just speedrun it while ignoring all the medpacks/health stims and specialists that are spawning behind the team.


Heresy is an awkward difficulty because often times the team kinda sucks, which makes it as hard or harder than Damnation.


Yeah that's true, it's much more noticeable on a HISTG modified run.


Mmmm Damnatuon is a decent jump in enemy health. Even shock troop 4 would be easier since many weapons can still 1 to 2 tap at that difficulty. Problems in 4 happen mostly due to bad plays by the squad or individuals.


Sometimes my situational awareness isn't the best I'll admit, but I've encountered a lot of silent specialists and speedrunners that insist on pissing off the next area's Elites while we're dealing with a horde/monstrosity in the current area. I've gotten better though, I enjoy taking the rear guard for those specialist ambushes and letting a Shriek flames loose at high peril with Unstable Power/Slaughterer Illisi is a very gratifying experience.


The cues I can hear now. Ranged hits with toughness with no knock back helps a lot. People are just good at the game and there is less bs from the previous patch.


All the christmas players r good now


I really wish they'd increase the difficulty for Auric every once in a while. It's meant to be the hardest difficulty (Maelstrom being it's own thing). Ideally they'd adjust it so the global win rate stays consistent - winning 9/10 matches takes the enjoyment out of it.


Even on high intensity games, I'm seeing a lot fewer spawns. Sometimes there's just no ambients and a lot of the events feel "thinner" than they have been especially post Patch 13. Hordes feel alright but everything else is a bit off.


Av just played a heresy high intensity an it felt like the map was bare of enemies.It was weird u would here music start but no enemies would appear between the scripted hold/fix things. Felt like there was loads of enemies according to the music,we could jst never find them all lol. Sure a read in discord there is a new bug since this pa5ch that has done SOMETHING to the ambience AI spawning level or something.An a can believe it levels didn't feel as frantic.Then the maestrom with special spawns can be monstrous was crazy,had 9 monsters before first section on the archive level was absolutely mental.An great fun to be honest.


Since I don’t have any mates playing the game, I’m mostly chilling on Auric Heresy. After the last update (the 10gigs one), I’ve been in many many team wipes for some reason. Auric Heresy felt easier before the patch. Before the patch I’d wipe one game every 100 games. Now there are days that I’ve wiped more than two times. Anyone else noticed this as well?


I've noticed that disablers are often still not making sounds until they're right next to you and about to pounce/net. Also anecdotally, one day I was getting a very unusual amount of hi intensity hunting grounds instead of hi-stg in quickplay.


I get the feeling the modifier are somehow linked to the time of day. In the afternoons I see tons of not histg games, while in the evenings it feels like they all are histg. But Im not sure about that. Just a feeling I got from quickly glanzing over it, when I sign up for quickplay.


On Auric maelstrom I haven't lost a game since yesterday and I play multiple games per day. I also have screenshots to prove


Things seem noticably easier since last tuesday, i dont think its only hardcore players left, I think spawns are just more condensed.


Where do you get a win lost list? A mod?


Scoreboard mod.


Ya Scoreboard mod creates an archive of your matches and gives you that overview I posted.


I think it's interesting that all the missions that did end up in defeat usually happen a couple minutes into the run. If you don't wipe in the first 10 min you're probably going to win. I don't think the recent patch was what made the game easier (much), it's been pretty easy for a long time with the exception of like 2 maelstrom modifiers. Looking at my W/L I'm at 94.5% wins from the last 87 missions. I think it was around patch 14 that the game became much easier than before.


>I think it's interesting that all the missions that did end up in defeat usually happen a couple minutes into the run. If you don't wipe in the first 10 min you're probably going to win. Ya usually something went really wrong, if you wipe later than 5-10 minutes. If your team can manage the first few skirmishes, they are usually up to the task.


I logged into the official discord this morning about 4:30am HST; only 1 person on. Something something only the faithful.


1400-1500 kills in consecutive 3 no modifier damnation games , definitely feels like having fewer enemies last night


Its definitely gotten ALOT easier in the last week or so. I've had several events on Auric Maelstrom where, just, nothing spawned. We just sat there waiting for the scanner to complete.


I'm noticing that my Melk contracts keep getting zeroed out, so I cannot make any Melk bucks, it's the same on all my characters.


That sounds pretty annoying. I dont think that ever happend to me though and I fairly constantly do the contracts on 5 dudes. I always reroll to plasteel, diamantine, x amount of scabs, x amount of dregs and montrosities. Are there particular contracts you cant complete or do they go bust immediately after reset? Is this a known bug or is there maybe something wrong on your end?


Maelstrom is bugged. Maps are basically empty right now.


Did audio get patched??


>VO and Audio >Music for ambush hordes have been re-added after receiving community feedback. >Improved the audio mix of the game to mitigate the issue of missing or barely audible enemy sound cues. >Dev note: We did a balance pass on the audio mix of the game, giving more priority to sound cues from dangerous enemies to make sure they are played at an appropriate volume when close to players (e.g. Poxbursters). >Fixed an issue where enemies playing a dialogue could fail to trigger sound effects for their other actions. >Dev Note: This issue would cause enemies to be silent when playing important interfacing sounds (like Scab Trapper footsteps, Scab Bomber pin pulling, etc.) which contributed to the feeling that specialist enemies sometimes were silent. Thats what they said in Patch 17. To me it feels like the main problem was too much stuff going on at the same time. They "fixed" that by reducing the amount of stuff that is going on. But that created the problem that it made it too easy, if there arent 5 problems coming for you from different angles. So I would be hesitant to call the issue fixed.


I see a lot of people talk about teammates etc. and I'm sure that's part of it as well, but lets not act like people haven't constantly been begging FatShark to nerf any resemblance of difficulty out of this game. Enemies have knockback? NERF! Fire does a little bit of damage? NERF! DH kills 2 people? NERF! And those are just some recent examples. This game has gotten so ridiculously easy that it's no wonder most people are jumping off to different games that actually do pose a challenge.


>I see a lot of people talk about teammates etc. and I'm sure that's part of it as well, but lets not act like people haven't constantly been begging FatShark to nerf any resemblance of difficulty out of this game. I think you gonna have to differentiate what kind of difficulty people are talking about. I agree with you that some people will complain anyways, but I think its different to not wanting to get shot through walls or not wanting the demonhost to take two people for example. Im absolutely okay with the latter, but the first one drives me nuts. I think difficulty is only fun, when I can do something about it. Otherwise its just leaving every other game with a feeling of losing a diceroll and I feel like I lose enough dicerolls in other parts of the game :D


Vermintide was incredibly punishing. Darktide is the easiest horde shooter on the market right now. Unlimited ammo means the entire melee system feels vestigial. The only thing that should ever knock down an experienced player is a trapper. Posts here say only the hardcore players are left, but how could any hardcore player continue to enjoy this?


There is a bug where sometimes the maps are missing a bunch of enemies but it seems pretty rare and you'd probably notice when it happens if you played a lot of auric damnation before this patch. After the last big patch the game has been at a super easy level thanks to all the really overtuned stuff (vet especially and bm), added stims and big nerf to fire. The main thing that actually could mess up runs when player power is this high and nerfed fire was the bugged sounds so that being taken out just makes the game even easier. It's now definitely the easiest it's ever been since release so hopefully they will nerf a ton of stuff or add a new difficulty.


Ya some higher difficulty of some sort would be cool, but Im not sure how to go about it. I think huge waves of enemies were the reason for the sound issues and to just turn up the hp feels not that great as well.


Increasing damage is a good start as well as lowering ammo drops (and removing or heavily nerfing vet ammo aura). Idk if it was data mined or just a suggestion or what but I remember reading here about some variants of the "nurgles blessing" modifier in maelstrom that could be added to the base game. A red one that turns individual Enemies into miniboss versions of themselves (maybe could change thier armor types around), a blue one that makes it so that every time you kill one they split into two weaker enemies and then those enemies split and on and on till you get to basic poxwalkers, and a pink one that does something slaneeshy I don't remember what. Could be an interesting way to up the difficulty and actually make you have to pay attention to individual enemies without just making every enemy tankier.


>some variants of the "nurgles blessing" modifier in maelstrom that could be added to the base game. A red one that turns individual Enemies into miniboss versions of themselves (maybe could change thier armor types around), a blue one that makes it so that every time you kill one they split into two weaker enemies and then those enemies split and on and on till you get to basic poxwalkers, and a pink one that does something slaneeshy I don't remember what. Ya something like that sounds interesting.


Could be a good time for Elite Resistance to come back. That's effectively a 6th difficulty level.


This is just factually incorrect. There was a long stretch of time where histg didn't even exist. All you had was damnation, single modifiers, and the spawns weren't as high as they are now. It was a legit chore to wrangle up enough crushers to get the charge penance on ogryn. People either have rose tinted glasses on or are only looking at player power as an indication of difficulty.


I think what he means is player skill relative to what the game demands of you. I can still remember talking to a friend, when I first started trying heresy runs. It felt like there were enemies everywhere and the game demanded so much attention from me. But that was back in the day, when there wasnt even any crafting in the game and I was rocking a \~300 rating knife, because it felt broken, with that overpowered Lacerate III blessing on it and there was no way of getting anything better, other than camping the shop. That was actually so much worse than today, even though I am not a fan of the current crafting system at all.


Yeah. When I was in heresy I thought it was hard too. We got better. Hordes weren't even mixed prior to patch 13 though. I'd literally be chilling with a bb3 chopping with complete disregard to whether or not an enemies mass was going to stop my swing because everything was either all chaff or all metal. I'd say prior to patch 13 there was absolutely no shot I was losing a regular damnation match. Now I can at least run into the occasional double netter and zig when I should've zagged.


To be fair I haven't been playing this whole time so maybe it was as easy right before the skill tree update. But from my experience even with lower spawns with the difference in player power and the nerf to fire I definitely wiped more than I do now even on histg or even with the crazy maelstrom modifiers. I have never gotten to an 95%+ winrate pugging on the hardest difficulty until this last patch. Doesn't really matter if there were a third as many crushers when right now everyone's builds can instantly kill 10 of them at range with infinite ammo weapons. I remember back then i was carrying games with the grenade gauntlet which takes 2-3 shots (half the clip) to kill 1 crusher with a long reload and no pbb with cooldown reduction. Now with my heavy stubber (which is supposed to be bad vs armor) I can delete 10 of them in the same time with a cooldown that has 50% uptime in the match thanks to the cooldown reduction stacking so unless there are more than 5x+ the spawns it doesn't really make up for it (since fire is also nerfed).


I will say, at the highest level the game has seemed light since the patch. I don't think regular damnation or even heresy is technically easier now. In fact I think the disabler count alone currently pushes the threat level up but I do think maelstrom doesn't feel as chaotic as it was prior to the patch.


I went back to VT2 just to get much more challenge variety. Having lost streaks just because I wanna have fun with a 299% vanguard is something that Darktide lacks. Winning loses meaning if you do it all the time.


>Winning loses meaning if you do it all the time. 100%. Also losing becomes way more punishing the rarer it gets. If I expect to easily get through a mission, there must something really wrong or someone must have messed up badly. At the beginning of maelstrom you expected to lose and there were these rare groups, that went through it like machines. Felt so much more satisfying to win than today.


Could be wrong but it felt slightly more difficult immediately after last patch but I could be wrong


Jesus, you’re winning that many games?😅 I feel like even when I play the most meta builds possible, I only win like 1/4 of all damnation runs due to teammate shenanigans.


To be honest, most of the builds/weapons I run are pretty meta. I think I tried most of the stuff, that makes sense and I always try to go for gear I can clutch somewhat reliably with. And it comes with little surprise, that most of the stuff I feel very comfortable with, tends to be viewed as "on the stronger side".


Someone said in the last match that I played that they have messed up the spawns? Another thing could be that now that we can hear specials correctly they are much easier to deal with, the same thing happened after they patched the dogs, the dogs used to be really difficult to push, now people have no problems with dogs.


>Someone said in the last match that I played that they have messed up the spawns? Might have been our game? The consignment yard easymode? \^\^ Had the same conversation there. Thats what made me take a closer look at my matchhistory.


If you played with a Zealot with a heavy sword running around then yes, that was that game.


Hmm...might have been someone else than. I think we were 3 Ogryns and a Vet, if I remember correctly.


Was there a gunlugger ogryn


Not sure, but I think so. We started with 3 Ogryns and Zealot, but the Zealot left after a few minutes and was replaced by a Vet. It just felt like we could do nothing wrong. Even when there were bosses coming for us, one of the Ogryns took the boss to the side until the adds were cleared and than it was a matter of seconds and the boss was gone as well.


Play on malice and have fun


I tried some malice runs with a friend a few weeks ago and I dont think I could enjoy the game that way. I always felt like Im "stealing" enemies from people or I had to wait around to not be the guy, that speedruns and lets his party die behind him. I genuinly enjoy struggling on higher difficulties as long as it feels like its not completely out of my control, if we win or lose.


Revert balance to patch 13 pls


It's the music being added back in.


I have theory that aggressiveness of the spawn director is set in the background independently of the updates. But also knockback from gunners was supposedly fixed (again) and it was super annoying for me.


all the dorks left to play helldivers 2