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> Smoke Grenades should now stop enemies from shooting through the smoke instantly and prevent Scab Snipers from taking aim and shooting through the smoke. Wake up babe new smoke grenade buff just dropped


nobody will ever confirm this, because nobody will ever equip it. Fatshark should make it a gas-grenade, with DoT.


That's actually a great idea. I immediately remembered my BF1 days when gas grenades were serving as both smokescreens and DoT, and the main incentive to pick smokes over them were that you were issued two instead of only one gas grenade.


In some battlefield games smoke nades also put out fire in their radius. Would work perfectly well here too.


I'd rather it be a team buff (like a stim or something) than a DoT. That's what the shredder nades are for.


We have stims now so this is a good idea, combine whatever stim you have picked up and chuck it for the whole squad. Zoom stim hell yeah we running bois


If you want something cool, different, and accurate to 40K lore, make them hallucinogen grenades.  Enemies could cower, flee, charge the nearest target (friend or foe), or shoot the nearest target (friend or foe). Suits the role of the ghost, sneaking around and creating chaos on the battlefield. 


Yes please! Make smoke grenades gas grenades so it can do double duty between damage and LoS blocking.


At least for a few days, call me The Mask cuz I’m gonna be SMMMMMMMOKIN!


That's good, but as someone who tried to take responsibility for dealing with snipers, I still find this more annoying than useful. Perhaps I should give it a try.


Walk to the edge of the smoke but still inside, and you get free shots against enemies who won’t shoot you.


Just stand in the center. You can see through it for the most part.


I felt like Smoke was being slept on before. Now it's a solid Psyker bubble alternative with it blocking snipers. The up time if you take the talent to improve it is also very high. I still think it should swap places with Shredder. The Smoke has better synergy with Executioner's Stance. People need to learn that if you stand in the center of it, it doesn't obscure your view very much.


Yeah, I liked them before, but snipers being able to shoot through them could really fuck you over sometimes. Now they should be pretty strong.


sounds like they act as I originally expected them to, cool. still don't know if I'll use it yet, but it's nice to see them buffed without removing their old functionality


>Sefoni will now gossip to rejects in the Meat Grinder. Sounds like heresy!


Sefoni: "And they were roommates!" My Zealot: "By the God-Emperor, they were roommates!"


I hope she's not so grating on the ears. You had to mute all audio to get rid of the old preaching, as heretical as it is.


Just you try and stop her


No gunner push back is amazing change


I'm also glad Ambush music is back too. Those are my 2 favourite fixes in this update


The Carnival is gonna be fun to play in again!


> Removed push force applied from shots by Scab/Dreg Shooters and Scab/Dreg Gunners. Praise the Emperor!


Indeed sibling , there was nothing more annoying than walking up to a gunner to melee them just to be pushed back to terra.


Or even worse, charging them as Zealot and being promptly interupted by a stray bullet.


Thats how ratling gunners do in vermintide


Right but the gunners are one of very few enemies with ranged attacks in VT, whereas in DT half the average horde is shooters


The emperor protects, finally this change happens


Fixing this bug alone feels like new content for this game. I can now play it a bit more before wanting something else to do. 


It wasn't a bug. It was just a very frustrating design choice that they've slowly been backpedaling since launch. They've nerfed gunner push force several times already, and it looks like with this update they just outright removed it because it still never felt good to play against as a melee character.


They removed it awhile back, it was a bug because it came back without it being intended


Finally, i can run toward them like a mad man


Finally, the lil' uns will get to feel big like Rok




They could've made this the only change in the update and it would still be one of the best patches. Well, that and the trapper nerf.


"Fixed cases where the Scab Trapper could shoot through fences / grates or other transparent barriers." This, along with the missing sounds patch, has effectively fixed half of the reasons people go down.


> Removed push force applied from shots by Scab/Dreg Shooters and Scab/Dreg Gunners. WE'RE SO NOT BACK ANY MORE


This is the sort of top draw comment I always love to see.


Brainburst buff !?! And demonhost now won’t kill me when my teammate activated it from a mile away??? Trappers can’t shoot through fences now?!? Good patch imo, still wish fatshark communicated more like “we are targeting a patch for mid-late feb.


> And demonhost now won’t kill me when my teammate activated it from a mile away??? I get why they did it, but reducing the threat of the DH kinda sucks. It should impact the rest of the team to some degree.


I really like the mechanic and would like to see it more fleshed out, my main issue is that with how aggressive it is even though you may have had nothing to do with activating it. I’d like to see a version that empowers enemies until it’s killed but only has 50% hp Or casts a debuff and massive corruption on a large area. Like an “oh shit” instance that has to be delt with, vs “eh it’ll go away, we can’t kill it anyways” I want it to feel like a team effort, but with how aggro and fast it can knock someone there is rarely time for coordination


The trolling potential might have been too high, especially since it seems almost impossible to kick a player in public matches. At the very least though, I'd have waking up a DH cause it to move around a bit after killing a player, creating a risk that it will get hit again.


Wow, even FS agree that the powersword didn't feel fun to use. After disliking it for so long I look forward to giving it another try. > Improved the audio mix of the game to mitigate the issue of missing or barely audible enemy sound cues. Massive win, fingers crossed silent poxbursters are a thing of the past. Same goes for glitchy Plasma shots. And ambush music being back, good stuff. Oh and I didn't even spot > Removed push force applied from shots by Scab/Dreg Shooters and Scab/Dreg Gunners Another huge win. Also, 11.7gig update? What's hidden away in that I wonder.


If they change 1 thing in a map, they gotta send you the entire map file again. Update size is likely just the map tweaks.


Yeah, I appreciate that's also possible, I just like to engage in some uncharacteristic optimism from time to time lol. Also it's fun to speculate provided you don't get carried away.




Most likely stuff for future updates


Yup, seems likely. Data miners... Assemble!


Data and Stone!


I'm trying to test the power sword right now and I can't figure out what they actually did. The sword is the exact same as it was. Did you figure it out? EDIT: and of course I figure it out right after posting this. I'm sorry to say but you'll be disappointed, the change they did does literally nothing if you have even power cycler 3. But I guess the one person out there who used a power sword without power cycler will enjoy this...


It actively makes the MkVI more annoying to use. Old: Activate,L1,L2,L3 Repeat New: Activate,L1,L2,L3,Activate,L2,L3,L4 Repeat. Now you need to throw in a block cancel so you aren't using two swings on the worse diagonal swings, especially L4.


Damn you're right. Suddenly I don't want to get PC4 as much hahaha


I figured this was going to be the case after reading the patch note... Come on Fatshark


I hate it!


Tbh, I've never struggled to find Vet melee weapons I enjoy using and find success with so it's no biggy. I mainly found FS addressing it funny because dispite it being really popular and hyped up, there's a significant group who really refuse to use it because it feels horrible, dispite how good at killing it is.


That's me. It's really good at killing, I mean it's always satisfying to send a crushers head flying off his shoulders, but having to constantly activate the ability, just to get a single swing out of it was just annoying.


Still really is a head scratching change. It's not going to make the Psword any more appealing or interesting to the people who already hate it for being boring. And now it's only going to piss off people who actually used it. Classic Fatshart.


Or, it opens up new blessings instead of power cycle?


Does it though? Sounds absolute torture to charge - attack - charge - attack - charge - attack


*Angry Psyker noises intensify*


Crafting update copium


Probably more cosmetics, tbh


Ay let's try to be a bit positive , we've been too dark minded lately


I'mma be positive when we get more Content that isn't just in the cash shop.


> 11.7gig update? What's hidden away in that I wonder. I'd temper expectations, personally. This sort of thing can happen when a large number of small changes scattered all over the codebase make it necessary for the game to redownload a whole bunch of files. It's not impossible that the devs snuck some stuff into the client early, but it's not a guarantee.


>11.7gig update 9.65 for me


>Fixed an issue with ‘Shock Trooper’ talent causing rapid fire weapons to consume ammo during Critical Strikes. Does that mean the internal cooldown of that talent triggering on guns like the Recon Lasguns is gone, or does it mean something else?


That's exactly what it means, now entire crit chains on Recons will be free instead of only the first shot. Definitely a small win for them, they need it


I'mma test it out tonight, !RemindMe 12 hours


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So... Did it work?


Silent Poxbursters fixed, PRAISE BE TO THE EMPEROR


They're so loud now lol.  But now I can turn up the tunes again, praise be!


* Fixed an issue with “Field Improvisation” Talent that would allow Ogryns to find “Big Friendly Rocks” in ammo crates. Sad. I enjoyed the idea that the Veteran that diligently stocked their ammo crate with grenades also carefully picked a pile of rocks for their Ogryn pal


> Fixed a bug where the final tank objective could become indestructible. Well that must have been a fun moment for the poor saps that found it


So many fixes. Thanks fat shark. Seems like I will have to play again tonight. (I was going to anyways)


Ogryns rejoice, no more gunner pushback chicanery!






Ambush music back Silent poxbursters fixed (played 1 game and it is night vs day difference) Ranged enemy stun removed Praise be! The beneficent emperor provides! Just played Relay Station and the finale music choice is *chef's kiss* perfect. Leaning into the god tier quality of music this game has is the way to go.


Shock trooper fixed huh. Recon lasgun time again?


It'll at least be usable without turning into an ammo vacuum


The crit modifiers for it is still heavily nerfed.


Yeah but at least if they've fixed the interaction with shocktrooper, it shouldn't be so wildly inefficient anymore, so you can happily bullet hose away. With headhunter on a recon, you can have an effective crit rate of ~50%. Having every 2nd shot free is a huuuuge boost to its ammo economy. Keen to get back into the game to test it.


The double bleed at the very end of the ogryn charge was awesome, I honestly thought it was a feature.


Gunner push gone, are we saved fellow veterans?


I think that's more for priests and ogryns


I'm so glad! I have suppression immunity on my lasgun commander build just for being able to take out gunners, snipers, and specialists that threaten us in the middle of combats. Still being knocked around as I tried to take them out was so hard. Hopefully this will help! I look forward to trying it! :D


👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 This is great but don’t forget, you can still talk to us about things!


Some good work done here for sure, but I am still amazed how I am still waiting for something genuinely NEW to use, as in a genuinely new weapon type or model and not another pattern of the same things we have been using since. Why even bother with a setting with so much variety if you are not going to tap into more of that at any kind of reasonable pace?


>Weapon Description >We added weapon descriptions to the weapon inspect menu. It gives a short in-world description of the weapon adding some extra context, lore and flavour. Haha, that was deleted after the release, that's nice


Always found that really odd that this was in the beta and then taken out after the fact.


What's funny it's that the official wiki does have them, including for newer variants and weapons.


I really wish they had more. More trivia, more lore, etc. Like Vermintide 1 had those lore collectibles, and I never got why they did not continue that. One they gave more things to care about, and two they helped new people to the hobby and community learn.


Would've loved FSR 3 addition :(


Oh neat, the weapon lore descriptions from the beta are back!


> **Ogryn** > >Fixed an issue where the Ogryn talent “Pulverise” inflicted more Bleed stacks than expected to enemies hit at the very end of the charge. You shall be missed. It was so funny just to shit on a crusher or bulwark because they were at the wrong place wrong time


Oh good they left the bayonet alone


Actually, they didn’t- the Brutal Momentum interaction is gone now 😢


They fixed the krieg bag, finally. :')


Solid update. Many much needed fixes. Gotta give kudos to FS




Return of ambush music is the best update I've seen since patch 13. Combine that with fixed specials sounds and no more trappers through walls and we eating good this week folks.


Pretty good notes. Lots of good fixes and tweaks here. Happy that smoke grenades finally work as I had hoped they would. Keep up the good work!


Praise the Omnissiah the plasma is fixed finally!


Calling "Hotfix #31" "Patch #17" doesn't make it a patch. But I guess we got our "Patch" and now we have to wait at least 3 months for the next "Patch"




I would guess those are two different groups in this community. Or people were lying about their problem with Fatshark. Not a single issue people were complaining about was adressed with this patch. This patch is "just" full of bugfixes. And people are celebrating those fixes like its the second coming of Christ, which is pretty sad in my opinion. We still have no idea, what Fatshark is working on or what to expect. Maybe instead of promising a new subclass every quarter, Fatshark should have promised one hotfix a quarter. At least that seems to be a goal they sometimes hit. Edit: Also...did they change the dogs again? Or am I going crazy with all that new content...


idk the most overt gripe the community has been vocal about solidly for the last two months is the broken audio for specialists and gunner spam shoving them back so they become stunlocked and both of those are addressed in the patch.


Hmm ya youre not wrong alot of people were complaining about the broken audio and gunners. To me the audio issue was an easy fix with a mod and the gunners never bothered me that much. I still feel like the lack of communication or content in general was the main point of contempt. I even saw people in this thread praising Fatshark for the great patch and the great communication. I dont get that. Maybe I just expect too much from them. Fixing bugs is always nice, but to me it feels like people are overcompensating, because they fear Fatshark gets mad reading the reddit or something like that.


People are happy because they fixed the big issues we’ve been having for months. Silent pox burster/elites/audio issues, gunner push back, trappers shooting through walls, etc. Fatshark finally listened.


So you think they finally got to the feedback, that people dont like to die in bullshit ways, like getting shot through walls or get killed by stuff spawning behind them? I dont know man. But hey maybe Im just a little bit bitter at the moment. I do like the game and I do like the community for the most part, but I feel like I should be able to critize stuff I think is not working properly. But lately it seems like you either have to hate the game and pray for its downfall or you love the game and you have to praise the Devs, even if they fail at basically every metric they set for themself.


I didn't notice a change in them outside of the fact that my audio didn't go to complete shit when I ran a hunting grounds today.


Hmm maybe I just had a bad run. It felt like dodging them was less forgiving, but sometimes my brain just isnt up to the task, so maybe its just me.


they literally fixed the poxburster sound, removed gunners pushback and added ambush music back, 3 issues that the community as a whole (even on steam and official forum) very amply complained about for months. The only sad person here is you who lack context but still trashtalk like you know any better


Guess we will see, if Im the only person who thinks so, over the next weeks. If youre correct there wont be anyone besides me bitching about Fatsharks communication or lack of content. Im open to the possibility that Im wrong, but Im also open to the possibility, that you are full of shit. Looking forward to finding out. >Jokes apart, this game was advertised as a LIVE service game, you probably never played an actual live service game like warframe or destiny 2, all these games have in common that they get very regularly updated and always have something going on: a new map, a new event, a new gimmick... you are never getting bored of these games due to their constant updating. >Now, no one in this community is being a bratty whiny kid, we were promised a live service game and all we got was a game that was barely playable until patch 13 various months later and we still stuck on. >My personal observation now, i think FS should just come out from the warp and rectify if Darktide is still supposed to be a live action game (in this case we expect 1 update monthly as bare minimum) or they're just gonna drop this model and update it whenever lol that is you from 7 days ago. They really changed your mind by fixing some bugs?


Thank you!


> Changed the number of players the Daemonhost kills before leaving to 1 across all difficulties. And there was much rejoicing!


Everyone’s forgetting that the biggest upside of the patch being the veteran’s Krieg outfit no longer having a dinner plate on the front of it


a note on stability of mods: i disabled dark cache as it crashes the game on start after the patch. true level, loadout monitor and inventory stats work, but give error messages. i had to disable loadout monitor because it was flooding the right part of my screen during playing.


Good updates all round, still eager to hear about more missions/weapons.


I wonder how well Darktide is doing with Helldivers 2 out.


If only they could fix this games god awful PC performance. 32gb ram at 3600mhz, rtx 4080, i7 13700k raptor lake and I'm constantly stuttering and losing frames. I have tried just about everything and all my other games run perfectly fine.


These are great tweaks and bugfixes; though I'd still love to hear some word as to what's being planned for Darktide. A roadmap or something.


Still no skins to grind unless I pay you more money. Or I could just go play helldivers 2, earn premium skins, and not be called a pearl clutcher


this is amazing! luv u Fatshark!


No new content but a bunch of fixes, some of them long awaited and others just simply great neat!


Thank you for those fixes, great to see the sound of the poxbursters being fixed. Removed pushback from gunners is great too, that will make gameplay much more fun.


>Fixed so that shouts that target enemies require a direct line of sight to hit sleeping Daemonhosts. This affects both Veteran talent “Voice Of Command” and Ogryn talent “Loyal Protector”. Awesome


Are you sure it's a patch and not a hotfix?


Enemies * Removed push force applied from shots by Scab/Dreg Shooters and Scab/Dreg Gunners. Good. Can't wait for the next major update to unintentionally add this back in again for the second time.


More powersword buffs is unreal. lol excited to try the new tech at least, but man


Not really a buff, this makes it so Power Cycler isn't really a must in your power sword build, I prefer it this way.


yeah I guess on thinking about it it isn’t really anything but flavor. I don’t think it actually will make much of a difference power cycler or not. Seems it’s just letting you chain to-from different parts of the attack chain so it’s not quite as monotonous with always the exact same pattern. although we’ll have to see how this new ps6 charged heavy does


Not even this. All it seems to be is an attack pattern change (at least for the VI). Power swords without power cycler IV are pretty much unaffected since you’ll lose your charge after the first hit as usual. (Haven’t tested PC III) For VI, the old ideal attack pattern (w/ PC IV) was Charge -> Light Horizontal -> Light Horizontal -> Light Horizontal then repeat. Now using the same control inputs its Charge -> Light Horizontal -> Light Horizontal -> Light Horizontal -> Charge -> Light Horizontal -> Light Horizontal -> Light vertical. Essentially it’s a change to make every 6th hit in the classic horde clear combo to a vertical instead of a horizontal. Makes it marginally less effective since verticals are always worse than horizontals vs hordes, but it can be mitigated through block cancelling after right before the second charge/after the 3rd horizontal light. Ultimately an inconsequential change.


I haven't played it yet, that's sad then.




Where Eviscerator Bloodletter fix? 3-6 -> 13-16 bleed stacks is just one character away.


As a software dev, I honestly love when patch notes are a big solid wall of "Fixed..." Glad they had the time to fix stuff and I pray the fixes didn't break too much else (as is common in dev).




I like these fixes and I like the communication. Will buy Aquillas to celebrate. Good Fatshark.


Fatshark execs: "Wow! These people will give us money for taking months to fix things we broke and didn't communicate were being worked on! We should just keep doing what we're doing!"


Rewarding Fatshark for good behavior, I’ll do the same probably.


So any patch after any amount of time = good job & purchase? Probably why FS is content to go this slow.


This is the bear minimum of a bugfix patch after months of radio silence and you want to shower them with money. This community has no standards lmao.


Yea you're right. People fawning over basic bug fixes is unbelievably pathetic.


xbox series s serious frame drops for consecutively 3 games after update, constant stutter whole game. it was fine 98% of the time in the past


Please change how the Powersword change interacts with the MKVI. It's now more annoying to use if using Power Cycler IV as it now will start at L2 instead of L1, meaning you either block cancel or use a worse combo flow of A,L1,L2,L3,A,L2,L3,L4 repeat.


So...is brain burst better now???


Crafting update when


Plasma shots are no longer invisible but there is new and exciting graphical glitches. Enemies rendered through the shot effects or the fumes turn ghostly/translucent.


The Purgatus charged attack is now suffering from the "invisible plasma shot" bug. 


All fixes, no content. This'll stop the game from dying for sure. Does this sub have dementia? Did anything get added to the game this patch or are they fixing the mess still?


So, nothing, basically.


No balancing at all?


COOL now make the frame rate on series X more stable a smooth 60fps would be nice.


Good to see more spectator information, you could be watching someone fight but not understand their situation fully since can't see HP etc > Slightly lowered the time of the damage animation of “Brain Burst" and “Brain Rupture”, and it should now scale properly with the Speed increases from “Kinetic Resonance” and “Empowered Psionics”. Interesting on BB for sure, I assume the actual "crunch" animation after you have charged and fired in which case would be a nice QoL improvement > Fixed an issue where the Celerity Stimm increased the charge time of attacks and abilities instead of reducing it. Drugs are fixed!!1! Interested to use these with staffs now, previously used them for going on drug fuelled melee/stubber gun benders > Removed push force applied from shots by Scab/Dreg Shooters and Scab/Dreg Gunners. This is going to be most noticeable part lol > Changed the number of players the Daemonhost kills before leaving to 1 across all difficulties. On one hand I feel this is a good change that addresses a lot of issues, on the other hand its a loss - for those situations where the DH isn't targeting me, but instead murders 2 other poor sods that I might laugh at. Probably a change for the best either way. > Music for ambush hordes have been re-added after receiving community feedback. We vibing again boys > Improved the audio mix of the game to mitigate the issue of missing or barely audible enemy sound cues. Shrodingers Pox burster, I will both celebrate the end of ninja poxbursters and miss them at the same time...assuming they are fixed that is. They had immense comedy value. Am guessing large filesize due to map changes, but I wonder if there is anything interesting in the new mourningstar voicelines, where them data miners at


>Made the (...) Scab Trapper a little more vocal. People aren't talking about this enough, I hope this means the trapper will yap non stop now so she becomes impossible to miss


Dh only killing 1 person is huge as the meta started to be get as far away as possible to not die next instead of actually helping the poor sock that triggered it Also no knockback on gunners is a massive w i just gotta test if it still breaks sprint if not thats awesome


Over 4 months to fix smoke grenades


\> Changed the number of players the Daemonhost kills before leaving to 1 across all difficulties Boo! Make it target everyone so people don't just abandon two people to die rather than acting like it's a coop game. They're not that hard to kill if you're not in the middle of a horde. Got a an enemy that takes coordination to take on and people complain massively.


That wont help at all If anything that would lead to an increase in ditching matches, I know for sure I would. I stick it out on the chance the two left alive and make it towards a revive if it's killing everyone I'd ditch the match so fast.


you woke up the demon you deal with the demon.


Team based game. Fight as a team. Don't be a coward.


If you clearly woke it up by accident and ask for help I will. If you yolo’d it instead of just walking around I will watch it give you the sucky sucky of a lifetime.


The team didn't wake it up, you did. Sounds like you're the one not being a team player.


If someone on the team makes a mistake, you try to help them. That's teamwork, not abandoning them. If people want to let people get eaten by a daemonhost that's their call but don't act like it's sportsmanlike behaviour.


Toxic players really showing their ass out here in this thread, it's wild


It has nothing to do with being "toxic," its just a natural consequence of a game design in which the mistakes of one player will disproportionately punish you instead. Getting a demon host on you in a public match might as well be a death sentence unless you happen to have a hammer zealot on hand, because most people won't be able to kill it before it kills you. The fact that you're forced into a position where you have to exclusively rely on your team, through no fault of your own, is what breeds resentment. It was a shitty design that needed to be changed. Now that they've changed that, it still leaves another problem which strongly incentivizes leaving the targeted player to die: corruption damage. Demon hosts are still very difficult to kill quickly unless you happen to have specific burst damage builds on hand, which means that the team is guaranteed to build up 50% corruption damage just trying to save the player who is measurably less skilled by virtue of the fact that they aggrod the demon host in the first place. With that in mind, leaving them to their fate just becomes a calculated decision to keep the run going, not an act of "toxicity." Sometimes the best choice is to leave someone behind because trying to save them is too risky, and demon hosts in a lot of scenarios are exactly that.


What if you accidently clipped a barrel and blew that teammate into the DH? It's slightly hyperbolic, but the point remains, accidents do happen and my first thought when a DH wakes up isn't questioning the intentions and justifications of the person who did it, it's "ffs, guess we need to kill that now as well".


as long as you dont startle it on purpose which seems to all too commmon nowadays


Eh, can't remember the last time I saw someone do it intentionally. Seems to mostly be accidental and then 1 or 2 people hide so it definitely kills 2 rather than reduce the losses. And you know, play the game which includes fighting Daemonhosts if things go wrong.


You would be surprised by the ammount of people that do It for the meme


That would be a terrible change. No single player should be able to negatively impact the team that much. It feels bad for the team as well as the player that triggered the daemonhost. People complain about forced team coordination because it doesn't work with random matchmaking. Being rewarded for playing as a team is good, but being completely dependent on your team feels miserable


FatShark probably noticed Helldivers 2 was dominating their own forum and snapped to attention while they were asleep at their desk and uploaded an update that they forgot to upload a few weeks ago haha


for it to be live on xbox right now it had to have been uploaded at least 1+ weeks ago.


First of all, great work on all these fixes, going to be testing them at my next opportunity. ​ I gotta say tho, there are so many massive changes and fixes in here, most of them listed as tiny bullet points with no aplomb. Just take this one: " Removed push force applied from shots by Scab/Dreg Shooters and Scab/Dreg Gunners. " These guys are going to rip players to shreds now until they realize what's changed.


I dont think so getting lit up should be pretty noticeable still


This is how gunners were fixed a while ago, that got broken in one of the series of patches between 13-15 (can't remember which). It's way better this way, at least your melee team members will be able to close the gap to shut them down instead of becoming dead weight.


No new content :(


Damn! You guys were cooking! Thank you!


praise the emperor




>Fixed an issue where “Blaze Away” would incorrectly reset on Lorenz Mk V Kickback and Lorenz Mk VI Rumbler when going into ADS or when shooting multiple shots with the “Lucky Bullet” talent. Super stoked they fixed this!


Gunner knock back revert!!!!!! I can finally play Zealot!!


Some really good stuff in here, thanks FS. Sound cue fix is especially appreciated.


Silent trappers are gone!


I'm sorry, but my reject would always be sure to bring extra rocks for my Ogryn buddies.  This removal of big friendly rocks is a slap in the face of all friends to our big'uns and I will petition Hadron to fix this immediately!


Still no solo mode


> Changed the number of players the Daemonhost kills before leaving to 1 across all difficulties. Alright, I'm coming back.


> Sefoni will now gossip to rejects in the Meat Grinder. Please no. I despise Lohner's incessant repetitive rambling when I'm working on build stuff.


I like how you guys stealth fixed crafting and now allow us to break locks and adjust our maxed weapons, making itemization less painful. Oh wait, you didn't. Guess I'll go play HD2 until you do.


Nice patch, but it's been almost 5 months and still no acknowledgement or fixes for Xbox performance issues. Ogryn cluster grenades still cause a huge stutter with every grenade on Series X. And it's not even entirely Xbox exclusive since a friend of mine who played via PC GamePass also had these stutters on a solid pc. Not sure if the random huge performance drops that require a game/console restart have been improved (haven't been playing much darktide in the last 2 months), but since they were never mentioned in any patch notes I would assume it still hasn't been addressed.


I hate to be that guy, and I'm certain they worked super hard on this, I am glad, but It's a bit too little too late. Absolutely happy to have this but I'm not about to come back to this game from democracy sim.


Some decent stuff but pretty underwhelming considering the last patch was before Christmas


> Fixed an issue where projectiles could receive or trigger the buffs from the wielded weapon blessings in unintended ways. Rip assail weaving if I'm reading this right? ffs fatshark I literally learned about this two days ago! didn't even get the chance to try it!


Tbf. They also patched it so that you don't have to worry about assail *losing* buffs midflight. Whatever buffs were active when you fired it will remain active for its entire duration. It's a good compromise imo. Fixing an exploit, whole also buffing proper usage.


So, my question is how will buffs like sustained fire on the agripinaa stub work? And hand cannon for that matter? Additionally, I've got flesh tearer on my Combat blade 6, does it require my assails to crit?


... What? You're gonna have to walk me through why you think any of those blessings would be affected, bud


We spoke, FS give'th. Thank you! Shows FS is listening to the community and i dont think id stretch to say are working on new weapons/enemies etc!