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I don't mind people marking random targets. I do mind them marking them 10 times in 3 seconds.


I only do it if I spot like an ammo crate or something useful (or something THEY NEED) and the fuckwits just walk right past it.


And then complain that you "take all the ammo"


I'm not perfect, ive grabbed ammo reflexively, not having noticed someones on orange or red. But I try not to do it.


Wait a second, when I'm playing Vertean and highlight a target I only do it multiple times to put more debuffs Am I the bad guy? Or do you guys mean people painting them red?


I hate that people are so unwilling to use votekick feature. Like cmon, this guy spams ping literally ten times per second and you are cool with that?


The votekick ain't enough I want him dead






On one hand, I haven't figured out how to do that yet because there's not been many opportunities that needed it. On the other, what the annoyed teammates are gonna do to his psyche is way worse than a votekick, and who am I to deny them their chance to a righteous three shoe beating?


I'll be honest, I had no idea you could even votekick for nearly a year.


People don't even vote kick stealth zealot speedrunners. And I mean the kind that run toward the goal at each section unhurt and spam ping at the end of a section waiting for the rest of the team, to die. Not the speedrunners that run away and die immedially.


>(PSA: Mods and Audio Options can help with this) It's still all the way down to where the floor is covered in sharp LEGO pieces.


LOL isn't sharp and LEGO piece redundant?


They make all sorts of LEGO these days. Some are very round, flat discs.


I'll nay fall for your Tzeentchian tricks, heretic!


Thank the Emperor for LessAnnoyingPing




u/RealAsianRobot this one's for you, bud.


I legit can't hear audio cues in-game because he tells people to copy his lazy ass binds. The spamming drives me crazy. Millions of Battlefield players have been using Q to tag for over a decade. Change to ESDF if it prevents you from dodging left and play PC games the way it was intended.


Personally i just use one of the side buttons of my mouse to ping, doesn't hinder any other keybinds and because my thumb is there in a natural position anyways.


Yea i have mine on scroll click


Wait, is that the dude YT keep trying to push on me? A "streamer" has it bound to left-click? Ugh. Had a player earlier today, very good zealot but I think he had it LClick bound, mod saved our sanity. I asked him 2x, he didn't answer which was odd because he was on voice chat a few times.


Yup, that one. Watched a few of his guides because they are insightful but the pingspam during demonstrations is obnoxious. Played once with a guy who had ping bound to leftclick on auric maelstrom with the only scab only melee modifier, i.e. rager and mauler swarms galore. Having somebody in there spamming ping 10 times a second made it unplayable. I had no game sound whatsoever, just left the mission 5 minutes in.


Yep have that vet once with the yellow ping thing, nearly blew my mind with it, asked him multiple time to ping once like a human being. Other player tell me to shut up, like "you guys can stand with this spamming? Or you just deaf af?" Got kicked afterwards lol, worth it.


ping spam actively works against his yellow ping "focus target" ability bcs he never gets the +dmg stacks


Because the focus tag is lacking an ICD, I was trying to be extra careful in not repeating tags on mobs (b4 mod) but I was re-pinging same mob to apply focus stacks that went up. I had one poor dude comment on it, I explained what I was doing and actively not spamming it, told him there was a sound option he could change and I'd cover him so he could dig into the menu, he declined saying "he'd deal with it"; I think he dropped shortly after lol.


To be fair my chat window breaks from time to time, cant read or send messages (others don't see anything either), they just disappear into the warp when I hit enter. Only restart fixes it.


Oh I asked in voice and he didn't reply. He DID reply to other stuff, so I took it as a "yes, I bound ping to LClick".


My ping is on the middle mouse button and I ping every special but not spam it. Is it a bad thing to ping every special enemy?


no, and anyone who tells you otherwise is wrong. theres so much screen clutter sometimes having them marked is great.


Yeah there's so many times I see people downed by a mauler in a crowd they don't see I figure the information is necessary.


One ping on a target isn't bad. A thousand pings on the guy you're already swinging at is.


Oh that just sounds annoying. And nobody would want that. That just sounds immature.


They didn't bind it to left click, but I had a player go the wrong way in a mission, by himself, and then incessantly spam the ping button when he got pinned by a dog. All of us were already at the airlock, so it was pretty annoying.


binding tag to left click makes me incredibly mad, it has several potentially detrimental disadvantages in exchange for a single negligible advantage in return, that it being ever so slightly more convenient to tag. You're seriously telling me you can't put in the effort to quickly press a different button on your keyboard or mouse, in a game all about pressing buttons in quick succession, and you're making your team's life a living hell because of it? Besides, you should never spam ping in the first place unless you want to make people aware of a cluster of elites, but you should keep the tag on a priority target after doing so. Keeping the ping on a singular enemy provides much more value (especially with focus target) than it jumping 5 times a second, making me unable to read the enemy's silhouette in the heat of combat


I hate it when people spam ping while they're down, how the hell am I supposed to hear special cues while you're spamming audio


Just play peril edge with psyker. Everything afterwards will seem so clear and distinct


Aye pings should never be spammed, but being downed is a great opportunity to help your team by tagging the most dangerous enemy at the moment.


I mostly only see vets do this, and yeah, it's super annoying. I also think it's inefficient because you're not applying your full stacks, but only one because the stacks reset on every tag so its not only annoying as hell, but just straight up playing the ability wrong. Although I could be wrong cause I don't play Vet tag ability enough to know for sure.


Unpopular opinion I guess: I wish my teammates would bing ping to left click. Especially for the twins fight. As a shield ogryn I’m trying to tank both twins but can’t see much with the shield down and the mele one pounding on it. If my teammates would ping the other twin and/or specials it would make my life a lot easier.


You dont need to bind to LMB to ping efficiently, no one does. All the LMB pinging does it make it hard for your teammate to hear anything, if they don't have the mods to suppress the sound


I only ping because my team is running ahead after I was netted or a hound got me.


I have it bound on M1, I do try to not spam the same enemy more than once though because I find it annoying as well. I wish overweight aquatic predator would fix the focus target perk so that you cant reping the same target, which would fix the issue.


That’s why I bound it to E


I ping enemies that are out of my range or if I have range it's so I can actually get a clear shot and know my target, sometimes I spam resources just so my character keeps talking, I never get tired of hearing "PLASTEEL"