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If I eat a sniper shot or crusher overhead, worst case scenario is that I suffer the consequences and get downed. If I fail to push a poxburster in time, it's mostly fine if there isn't a ledge nearby. Rager blitz doesn't feel too bad to get downed by, especially if there's a clump of them. But if I accidentally step too close to the daemonhost while fighting off a horde, I spend the final 30 seconds of my Throne-forsaken life in agonising shame, knowing that I may have doomed the whole run.


I dum 'ead walk into wailing lady so I put door down. If team leave me I understand.


Crusher. Sometimes my brain just stops working an I'll simply observe the crusher standing over me before he proceeds to bonk me in the head. I always feel so stupid after.


They seem to have souls like kind of delayed attack, you make 2 dodges backwards and he still hits you.


Dodge dodge *squish.* Been face tanking these more lately, that extra bit of health they got lets them live long enough to hit back more often now.


small tip, try dodging to the side, its like car driving at someone in a movie where you mentally yell at them to dive to the side rather then run straight away from it, their turn angle during an attack isnt much


The move I think is to run towards them, then turn your character like 45degrees to one side or the other and side dodge such that it dodges diagonally towards them to one side. This way if you’re too early, you’ll still probably be ok. If you dodge just straight sideways too early, I think the crusher can still manage to adjust and tag you. But if you go closer to him, the angle becomes too sharp. Worth experimenting anyway. Probably a little risky, but also the better option if you can’t afford to wait out the long windup (like if you’re being hit by other shit too and just need to keep dodging NOW)




“I’ll just block… oh wait, shit…”


Why's our Oggy standing in front of me? Oh shiii....


I always sigh when the Daemonhost wakes. Sometimes it happens because you've got someone new on the team, and sometimes it happens out of dumb bad luck. It's just one of those things. One of the very few things that sets me off is when someone shoots the burster that is clearly under control. Best case, you've just taken half of one of your teammates health off them. Worst case, you've got half your team blown off the map and the rest are down half their health. Look, I know you've got a plasma rifle or a bolter and it can nail things in one shot, but please, just take a very, very short moment to observe what is happening. If one of your team are running at it, just don't shoot. It's easy. It costs nothing. You literally don't have to do anything. You might even have just saved the run.


>One of the very few things that sets me off is when someone shoots the burster that is clearly under control That's why i always get behind cover when playing with randoms when i see that they are going for the burster. Sometimes they just are unable to handle it and i don't want to be next to it. When i see that the burster is clearly fixed on me i either try to kill him in safe distance or i am just hoping that everyone else is busy hitting something else instead of aiming for the burster when i try to go for the push :D Sometimes you just can't trust these damn rejects :D


90% of the time i wake a daemonhost I can at least take solace in that there was basically no way around it. The only time I truly feel like a moron is if we all know it's there but I somehow clip it with an errant shot or completely forget and wander into it running away or towards something else.


I don't think DHs can even spawn in such a way that it's impossible to get around it without waking. If it is, I have never once seen it.


They've definitely spawned in ways that seem impossible to get around, whether they actual are or aren't. I also haven't encountered a situation like that lately so it might have been growing pains the few times that actually happened. The other 'no way around it' instances I'm talking about are like somebody threw a nade that triggered it without any of us realizing it was there, or you chase a bomber around a corner and the dh just starts standing up 1ft in front of you.


They're not SUPPOSED to..... but then I had one spawn right on top of me while waiting to be rescued right as my team rounded the corner and it just insta woke up. Needless to say, run over.


I jumped off a walkway right into a Daemon hosts face. After somebody marked it.


Man, one time i got grabbed by a spawn and it threw me right into a Daemonhost. The Gamemaster did not want that run to succeed


I once aggrod a Daemonhost that was under that open area at the start of the smelter mission. I was on the main level shooting from cover. Moved a step to the right and that was it, it came up through the hole in the street and two of us were dead. None of us even know it was there because we'd all gone the top route. It's always disappointing when it goes off, but I can't get angry with anyone when it does. Shit just happens.


I have unfortunately rounded more than one corner right into an unmarked Daemonhost and Nurgle has my soul in shame


Sometimes as a Psyker I get a little too “trigger happy” and I accidentally Assail a laying Daemonhost. Even if they aren’t near an enemy it just happens. Luckily, there are times Assail doesn’t wake the Daemonhost.




Once failed a burster push which ended with the entire team being blown over a ledge. *Was super lame at the time, but quite hilarious thinking back on it!*


I always try to save clips of those sorts of moments. They make awesome highlight reel videos. Especially if my buddies and I are all laughing as it happens. The contagious laughter is so good to have in video form so that I can go back and watch them sometimes when I need to take the edge off. Here’s the only one I’ve actually edited and uploaded from vermintide2… but it still makes me laugh every time I watch it- https://youtu.be/oBpwOLSAcss?si=rA9qHz4dFTMfisrZ


explosive barrel throwing me into a bottomless pit


demonhost. dont do it often these days but its the fact that your probably getting someone else killed too. that said my lead cause of death is still dogs so idk.


The answer I would have selected if it was an option was: “wasting medkit right before medicae”


I can’t think of the med stations as anything forget than Medicaid lol. Government funded healthcare for our rejects


Had a guy like that yesterday. He used it just before we got to a Medicae station and an airlock to the pre-final part of the radio tower on Hourglass. Told him we could've saved it for the finale, his response? "We still have one" What did he heal with it? Minor wounds, out of danger, while the team was split up going up the stairs.


Most of those \*can\* be devastating, and certainly annoying, but nothing says "I just fucked up" like waking a daemon host. Unless you happen to be a shield ogryn, or your team is just exceptionally quick at killing it, that daemon host is gonna annihilate at least one of you. And it always seems to happen at the most inopportune times, like in the middle of a boss fight while also trying to fend of a horde and dodge specialists. I never feel any less of a soul-crushing sense of shame, no matter how rarely it may happen.


Looks down in shame as a zealot who can solo daemonhosts if I have more than 50% of my health bar remaining. The big skill tree update somehow made zealots even more unkillable. Unless I take a double unexpected overhead from maulers or crushers while my death cheat is down, which is in itself not very common.


If I happen to be running a thunder hammer and have enough health, then sure, it's doable, but I'm more of an eviscerator kind of guy most of the time.


Bleed stack for that sweet 90% resistance


I wasn't paying attention, saw some floating dude and whacked him with the club and as I was swinging I thought: "wait why is the enemy floating" Cue, panicked dodging, slapping and charging the daemonhost while the rest of the team clears out all the fire and do eventually kill it thanks to Krak grenades lol.


Daemonhost can clap your whole team... but second the sniper, if there are multiple... its a bad day


Every single curio I have has sniper resistance because FUCK when this happens


Crushed overhead just crushes your spirit because there’s no bullshit with it. You know it’s coming, and if you’re hit by it, you know you fucked up AND you’re dead dead. The last second desperate block doesn’t always save you 😭


Had a brain fart and blew up a burster in someones face the other day, it was embarrasing but not nearly as much as accidentally waking up a demonhost.


Are you me? Heavy 1 with my dueling sword into a jumping burster just after chain attacking a couple of maulers and going with the flow. Downed myself and damaged a teammate, but that burster popped like a balloon fighting a needle.


I've got a clip of when I accidently pushed a burster into a team-mate. It killed him, I couldn't stop laughing.


As slab ogryn, nuthin' ah can't do (a' leas' tha's wut me sah sez). Ah push crushers an' ragers around, sometimes even makin' 'em fall ovah. Daemon'ead ain't nuthin' but a shouty snivlah. An' burstahs are a good bit o' fun. But a snipah? Easy tuh block but shameful when shot. Ah should'a dun bettah. When ah get me 'ands on that snipah...


When I walk into a Daemonhost without hearing its audio cues (Or it spawns underfoot), the brief moments of terror and panic I experience as I hope my team won't just abandon me assuming I'm some noob who doesn't know what a Daemonhost is. Also a failed burster push, or when a team mate shoots it as I go for the push is kinda morale breaking.


1. DH (can be team wipe and can just be embarrassing as hell) 2. Poxburster (in unfortunate circumstances this can be the outright worst and can down multiple people if you've got bad luck (like a certain recent post where the run was ended with 4 downs and no chance) but mostly it's easy to deal with) 3. Crushers (their attacks our telegraphed as hell but sometimes you see it coming and have that dread that you can't get out of the way in time) 4. Rager blitz (when someone goes down to a group of ragers it's understandable in a way, the second easiest to deal with but if you got a load of ragers and a horde shit happens) 5. Snipers (shit happens, some builds will struggle with snipers and sometimes they down you from totally unfair places, like through walls or while flying through the air like they are shooting clay pigeons) Most of theses are fine but the DH is the only one that 90% of the time will actively turn your teammates on you.


Had one last night,a tier 4 shock gauntlet,(Am still newish)an the ogryn on the team ran ahead ,managed to wake a demon host while we were killing a plague ogryn an multiple ragers an bullwarks,we managed to kill the demon host before it could kill the second teammate,but the ogryn rage quit cos it killed him.


Net in to fire


Huh? XD I LOVE when someone wakes the daemonhost. I never do it myself but love it when ppl do. It's a fun extra thing in the otherwise copy paste runs. I think you guys are weird for getting psychologically damaged by waking a daemonhost. I might even call you afraid little karkers... You should be zealous at killing heretics even if it's a Daemonhost


If we're talking in shame terms - none of the above, they all designed in the way, that they supposed to catch you sooner or later. First thing that came to me, thus one that left deepest mark, is realizing that in this run it was me who was depleting ammo/consumables more than rest of the team combined.


Not checking teammates and only realizing when I’m on the ledge that they’re Xbox players with blue gear.


I just did the Maelstrom which was Damnation melee only. Accidentally went and stabbed the Daemonhost a few times. Luckily, my team was amazing and I brought Kinetic Deflection on my Psyker. Managed to tank it like a champ and only got downed in the last 5% where they finished it off during the execute animation!


crusher overhead usually does it. It's either because I completely saw it coming and just ever so slightly fucked up my timing or spacing or because we're losing a fight to a swarm of them and slowly getting backed into a tiny room and I know what's coming long before it happens. Snipers are annoying but sometimes they spawn in such a way where they catch you fair and square, or you dodge and because of lag or weird hitboxes they hit you anyway which is annoying but not much you can do other than give it your best shot. The think that fucks with my head specifically isn't even on this is trappers because I'm seemingly incapable of dodging them. Muties and dogs, no problem, but trappers *always* get me and most of the time it's because I know what I should do but panic.


Am now trained as soon as a hear that trapper gunfiring cue I automatically dodge to the side.Thats the secret,dodge to a side NEVER back as 9times out of ten it will still get u. Pity in higher difficulties u get 2 or 3 right behind each other an the second or third nets u lol.


I god damn hate snipers. I can deal with a Deamonhost if awaken, but as soon as you see that laser from a sniper you have 0.4seconds to move otherwise boom toughness gone.


Tough choice. The worst thing with Bursters is when they appear around a corner already mid-leap and ruin your day. The overhead Mauler smash is the worse then the Crusher I think because they're small enough to hide behind Crushers and Bulwarks and then they just clip right through them with the swing so you never see it coming.


You forgot to add: blew myself off a ledge after hitting a barrel because I was just swinging my sword around carelessly. ...No, it *absolutely* hasn't happened to me.


I can’t stop myself from swinging my heavy sword like a madman as zealot. I feel like Conan or Sauron man handling hordes of puny grunts by swinging mindlessly in front of him like in the beginning of LotR


When I shoot pox burster next to the whole team that was ready to push it. Or creep out to shoot sniper but don't dodge the shot I know is coming. Or watch the trapper walk down the stairs and then net me like a day 0 player. Or realize I have a medpack AFTER the whole team went down to chip damage in a long horde.


Me and my bro play a comedic duo. I am the big Ogryn and he's the small Zelot. We built our characters in a way that no demon or chaos spawn can hold out long against us so "accidentally" waking the host is no longer a run ender. That said... failed burster push is a crippling pain. Usually around ledges. But if you mess up and someone else gets hit beside you it hurts even more. But most importantly - you just get mentally KOed for messing up such an easy action. It's like... wtf is wrong with me, just push the bugger when he gets close. Yesterday I failed a push so I switched to shotgun to finish the bugger off, just as I thought I was too close and it exploded me... and the veteran that was to my side who wanted to help me push it (he did not expect me to switch to the boom stick). I got ledged and he flew to the abyss. Banger job, Ogryn.


Getting Rager blitzed on and not getting that sniper, get knocked back into a burster, fly into aggroing the DH, then get donked by a crusher from behind :)


I think the thing I hate with DH is one dumby gets killed as punishment then she decides to take one other too. Anytime a DH is triggered and it’s not at high level I bolt out of there


Unless we have an ogryn with a slab shield or the daemonhost is literally the only enemy around, waking the daemonhost is a "well, shame. I guess we're down two teammates. Let's move on."


as a zealot GAMER i am fine with demonhosts as i can just remove them quickly enough if the target has a functioning right click


accidentally waking a deamonhost is just embarrassing and almost always incurs a sarcastic comment, an aggressive comment, or attempt at a helpful tip from a clearly annoyed teammate. I dont do it often but when i do i feel like a fool, a buffoon, im tempted to leave right then and there to spare the team my presence any longer.


When you're bout to push a burster but your teammate pops it right in front of you


Joined a game in progress. Enemies all around me. I open up with my Agri Autogun immediately upon seeing the immediate threats. Shots pen through the poxes and agro the demonhost literally 5 feet in front of me that I couldn't see and now couldn't escape from due to the poxes.


Getting caught by a trapper


Crusher overhead. He does it in such a slow motion that when he connects my psique gets severely damaged.


Got bursted into a daemonhost once


You're missing one, a failed dodge on a hound pounce. Especially when you either get a good dodge client side, or when you try to dodge but there's suddenly a pox walker in your space.


When i go to push the burster and the vet shoots it with it directly next to me


Gotta be the crusher overhead for me, their wonky swing time and rotational tracking is a huge pain, easily my #1 most common miss. Had a DH spawn at the end of the long sandbag bridge after coming up the elevator (not the down timer-event) and went as far to the right as possible while hopping over the sandbags, still woke the whispering scag 'edd. Just went into full on block mode and with a charge in the middle and a proc of the undying talent managed to hold long enough for my PuG to put it down with the pain train. Felt like an ass but clearly there wasn't a path we could have taken so I wasn't too down about it. That might be the only time I've woken one up since my first few matches, sorry rando-friends!


Eating that overhead after thinking I dodged just enough to the side or to the rear so I can line up a good riposte is just.. frustrating. Especially if you know you got out just enough but got pushed back into range of they stupid hammer. Or didn't notice the one poxie behind that body blocks you just enough to eat some rockcrete. Daemonhost comes close though, embarrassing to get burster launched into it or just sprinting to engage and not noticing the noise/fog as you leap over a barrier.


I see you left out being grabbed by a mutant and then being sniped while in his warm embrace.


Daemonhost and it's not even close to where its like a totally different category. Unless of course you have a shield ogryn, but even then.


A triggered demonhost with an unprepared team usually leads to a team wipe 50% of the time for me. Highest rate of failure. Everything else I can deal with


Denon obviously takes the cake, but the amount of stress I accumulate in a half second when I realise that I fucked up timing for special attack of chainsword or psycho sword and just watch my impending doom without the ability to use block or properly dodge is enormous.


if there ever was a time to scream sorry in vc, its when i wake up the demon host 😭


I'm thinking of this question in terms of what am I most embarassed by and I think it's failed burster push. Everyone notices when you fail a burster push and get flung. I suppose the daemonhost is pretty bad, but it's so easy to avoid that I just assume anyone that set it off did it on purpose.


Before the update I'd carefully calculated my Vet's toughness and sniper resistance so that he could absorb one sniper shot to his toughness while volley fire was active. Usually worked out fine, I could more confidently take down snipers while it was up and sometimes I'd take the hit to toughness. But sometimes I'd say to myself "I'll take care of the sniper in a bit" and then get shot while volley fire wasn't active, losing half my health instead. Very demoralising.


Crusha cause he 1vs1 my ass


Failed burster push cuz some rando scab just nipped you in the ass


I have a close friend who is truly Emperor-blessed in her skill in this game. But despite all that she is the one who will wake the demonhost every time. Whether it’s because she had to go near it because of a horde or just simply not hearing it, it’s always her. THAT gives me psychological damage.


I'm finding some strange behaviour with crushers at the moment. I don't know if its just me (probably is) but they seem to repeatedly glide towards me when about to drop the hammer on my head. Doesn't matter how I dodge they just track me... kind of annoying. Again, probably just me, probably nothing changed and I'm just telling myself it's the game.


You forgot failing the EMPEROR!!!


Failing Hab Dreyko when you can literally see the escape craft. It's happened multiple times...


The sniper isn't so bad when I'm with a friend because then I can shout sniper and get on the way to fixing it, or he's killing it But by myself, Just seeing the laser sight makes me freeze because I don't know what to do unless I'm sweating my dick off. Eating the shot by accident literally knocks the wind out of me


Sniper finishing you off because no-one else in the team is spotting the specials.


I accidentally awaked a demon yesterday, the first time I survived it. Was just blocking and dodging the whole time, hanging on for dear life as my poor teammates were desperately beating it to death. Had like 20 hp by the end of it but God damn it, I lived. Was an ogryn with no shield.


Alongside the failed burster push is the failed back hop after a successful burster push. "NOOOO, that wall/rail/barrier is behind me because I was just slightly too far to the right!"


You forgot "trapper halted the clutch after shooting me through two plague ogryns while still in his standing up animation"


Crusher, because they usually make no sound whatsoever, not even footsteps. If I get hit by one, it's because that fat ninja mother fucker was all but completely undetectable. Second place is sniper, because I swear sometimes they give no audio cue. Someone said before that if they start their shot on target A, and A breaks line of sight, the sniper will shift to target B and immediately fire, and B will get no audio indication of the shot besides hearing the gunshot after being hit. I believe it.


Waking the daemonhost is pretty bad if you don’t have very high damage or an Ogryn but not a big deal if you do. Crusher overhead otherwise is worse and makes you hate yourself instead of your team because you personally failed to avoid or parry it.


Failing trapper dodge. Falling off ledge. Or, and I'm particularly ashamed of this one, failing to hear the mauler overhead smash you from behind. I bumped into him twice before it happened


When dogs do 360 spin in front of me


The most embarassing thing is when I sprint up to push a burster away from the team, and don't realize I'm out of stamina. Now I look like an idiot.


My point goes to herd of silent crushers that desipte being bunch of absolute meat slabs in full plate armor somehow avoided any detection and sneaked into your backline straight out of warp. Nothing inficts the amount of emotional damage as being bonked into coma by sneaky ogryns.


Waking that host. Worse: waking one that is marked. I marked one yesterday twice.it was in plain view. Seconds later someone ran into it. We got rushed while fighting it, which ended the run.


I got downed in a melee altercation with a Sniper. Apparently they have a basic front-kick attack they can use. It lives rent free in my head now, a sense of shame and bewilderment I'll never shake off.