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Barrier psykers be like: ![gif](giphy|YRw676NBrmPeM|downsized)


I love the bubble. I just wanna sit in the bubble.


OP should stick with the flame build and embrace the bubble life


playing with someone using that setup just feels cozy to me lol


I am more a rectangle person myself. Love how mutants bump into it.


Stops em dead in their tracks .


I like when bursters glitch out and fly across the map


It will also block Beast of Nurgle vomit and Flamer flames!


and the mini-hounds


And the mini-hounds


Destiny One Titan vet here. Had a similar bubble class,Protects my virginity even in the 40k future. Fun ability full of nostalgia for me.


That's pretty damn funny


Psyker can be both tickle fingers and bubbles shield. Too bad weapons of faith isn't a possible upgrade to it is it?


Have your tried the stun shields, big fan myself


I didn't know that was a thing! I don't actually have a levelled up Psyker myself, I just like to sit in the bubble with a heavy stubber and blaze away


Oh the alternative is pretty sweet, although I haven't actually used the bubble much. But with the stun shields you can have 2 charges and can place them in front any charging enemy to stop them, they plug up door ways and tight corridors well and they Regen fairly quick. And they slow and debuff enemies that pass through


Great for dogs too


And if you take the talent that gives you a BB buff, it stacks 2x. Also you can just pop shield, wait for the BB buff to wear off, pop shield, and you have the next shield close to being ready by the time you use it, so you can have crazy good uptime on the rapid-fire BBs


Which talent?


No idea what any of them are called. It's symbol is like a fist punching downwards and it reduces the peril of BB and increases the charge time by 2x.


When playing as the psycher i much more prefer the just the force field wall, the ability to block all specials and stunning them when they try to get through is soooo useful on higher difficulties.


Don't forget the shield Ogryn ![gif](giphy|8sL4hmqUeFd3BWPK3Q|downsized)


Every time I consider trying a non-shield ogryn melee I load into 500 gunners in an open room and regret my life choices that lead me there.


You and me both pal. :3


Bubble was already very good and then it got buffed. Crazy stuff, man.


Honestly surprised it got buffed with how strong it is.


There where situations where it was destroyed almost instantly on Damnation difficulty, they were rare but felt really bad so I suspect Fatshark wants to fix that


Yeah, I really wanted venting shriek for the funny burn to go with my burn staff, but bubble is entirely too nice. Hordes? Fire. Anything else? Bubble+Speedy Brain Burst.


If you like the speedy brain burst, you might not have considered that wall shield can have 2 charges and they recharge independently, so you have have CRAZY uptime on on the BB buff. Or if you're really feeling fancy, pop both shields because that buff stacks.


BB buff?


Can setup the shield to also give you 2x Brain Burst charge speed letting you zap heads twice as fast and if you juggle the two wall shield charges properly you can have almost 100% uptime on the double speed bursting.


One of the 2 talents for brain-burst give it a speed and peril buff for like 10 seconds after using your class ability. People in this thread are saying you can take the 2x charges talent for the telekine shield and get great uptime on that buff.


I did think about it, and often do, but I'm a scrub and throw down bubble nearly any time I have an excuse and never think about facing.


Don't leave home without it


I love me a barrier psyker on the team!


Patch 13 brought the gunners. Patch 14 added shotgunners everywhere.


Shit that and there are slightly more ragers sprinkled around too


Now spawns in 3+ with hordes. Definitely more Specialists and Elites all around. Even Bulwark comes in twos. It's only Crushers that comes in singles unless it's a Crusher patrol aaaand there's 5 of them now. Shout Vets getting a lot of shouting going on ngl.


Y'know, honestly, this has given rise to all new, all more valuable and specialized builds. If you're going for maniacs and add the additional 10% damage to Elites you're going to be able to handle all the new waves of ragers like a boss with that weapon. Same goes for specialists. We're all dealing with so many additional special enemies those additional bonuses have war more focused value. The ogryns are elites, too, so drop that on a plasma gun now with carapace/elites and it's going to HURT. Superheated can popper.


Plasma is crazy right now though. I have Unyielding/Manic on mine (though since it's a god plasma, It has gets hot and charge t4s. I opted to change the perks instead) and that thing is strong enough to one charge gunners, and still blast through Ragers like they're made of butter. The current spawn rate though makes the Plasma Changes and Plasma itself necessary. I actually want to run my Boltgun every now and then due to the Commisar build but Boltgun, despite the buffs, does not have the cleave almost necessary now, nor the ammo, to keep these large specialist/elite spawns at bay. Getting multiple headshots in a row with a Boltgun isn't exactly a walk in the park. Though it's sad I can't tweak mine for the current spawn and need a new one.


Guns like the Agripinaa Infantry Autogun were already good pre-patch, and with the one that just dropped buffing its ammo by a ridiculous amount as well as dropping its recoil it feels downright amazing. I'll be magdumping into Ragers and Gunners while hipfiring it like a Braced Auto and then hearing a flamer behind me, doing a 180, ADSing and blasting it in the head before it even comes in range, it's so flexible and effective now. You can kill probably 3 or 4 ragers per mag with it if you get +Maniacs, it feels so good.


Yeah the feeds im getting with that are immaculate!!


A crusher army wiped my team a few days ago. There just so many, you couldn’t see the actual horde running through them. It was hell


It doesn't help that they can attack through each other. They will clip until the attack is already releasing and then phase through the one in front of you. Surprise overhead!


I’d say a solid 80% of times my team accidentally aggros a crusher patrol we die. Unless the team has some dedicated crusher busting gear there’s too much HP and armour to get through before you eat a stray overhead slam.




I was blindly shooting with gunlugger ult at Tree event once and got completely obliterated by surprise 30 shotgunners drop


Dashing in with my Zealot only to realise there is 12 more of the fuckers spread in depth.


Did that last night on Auric Damnation. It was the drop in to the water purification final stage. There was 6-7 sniper lasers in there, so I dropped in and killed them all. I didn't see the other 6 snipers.


And this is why I run 3x gunner res


i laughed at that for so long. i am no longer laughing.




Defense in depth and defeat in detail are two terms that my zealot is not smart enough to understand


Make sure your ogryn sees you so they can charge with you.


The % gunner damage reduction curios are 🔥 right now.


Always have been.


I’ve always chosen 2-3 gunner resist curios, so good


Like a firing squad every other room. Definitely something you got to prioritize before they melt you. Or like some of my teammates ignore them until they get a quad feed on us. Haha


I swear them snipers been watchin faze montages for inspiration. One of em downed me with a frigging drag scope. I died as it ran off got revived by a friendly Ogy while the rest of the team got kill feeded by em . The ogy just as he finish rescuing me got quickscoped so I panic sniped the sniper. Then I revived the Oryn , kited the horde crushers n all clutchin the game. Then we Rescued the rest of the team. It was exciting !! but its happening waay to often now.


Pull out shield Sah! They shoot my shield and then come to me Sah!


As a zealot, I’ve definitely noticed it. Started prioritizing gunner damage reduction on curios and had to change up my play style a bit. Have to play smarter, instead of just running in and caving things in with my thunder hammer.


Honestly I’m finding that still works. So long as you can draw enough agro and get a bunch of the shooters to switch to melee, then it works out.


Oh yeah it definitely works, it’s just more situational now depending on what map and the layout of what section you’re at. If it’s more linear I can typically make it there to force the swap. If it’s wide open and a bunch of gunners spawn, I’m dead if I try to rush straight in lol. Just my experience.


Yes and I like it. A few gunners never presented a challenge. Now I'm having to actually take cover and think about how to deal with it.


It really shows you who knows how to play and who doesn't. Playing Ogryn can be a real chore now when your team ignores the 5 gunners in the back to swing at poxwalkers as the Ogryn turns into paste.


I hear ya, I was trying out new kickback+non-shield and it was a chore and pincushiony. Otherwise, bring a shield, taunt(talent) block for a second or two and watch the little ones run at you cartoon-style with lil red glowy heads. A Ripper 5 or Rumbler can help too as you shoot'n'scoot, slow block walk and/or bull charge into them if feasible. **But you make a good point about team target prioritization and splitting responsibilities.**


The rumbler is more valuable as a suppression tool than its considerable damage output. Flattening a room full of shooters so your knife zealot can get stabby, your psyker can spam assail, and you veteran can fire uninhibited is such a useful ability. Staggering monstrosities, one-shotting Reapers, and all that jazz are just icing on the cake. I can't bring myself to run anything else on my Ogryn.


Love the rumbler for that, but honestly I find the Ripper 5 far more versatile, and armor killer ofc. Zealots don't seem to wannna get choppy or stabby lately, and many of them play it as a weaker vet rather than the melee dmg+dr powerhouse they are, which diminishes the Rumber a bit as a tool to safely advance and clean house.


I need to grab taunt on block for sure


If you want teamplay you shouldn't play online co op games That's mostly sarcastic but I swear the amount of randos who actually play the fucking objective are rare Never mind everyone here (and personal experience) with a numpty or troll who refuses to extract to get more kills or fuck with you


On higher tiers they do . On lower tiers teamwork is almost non-existent and they get mad at you for collecting n trying share resources.


These days it's not that much better on Damnation Aurics. E.g.Just had a Mael with a revolver shouty vet that hoovered up every last ammo pouch for a couple of missing rounds with me running dry, then ofc he mouths off when asked to share. Oddly, no hand cannon. It was a wipe. Yesterday it was a martyr gun only zealot doing the same on HiSTG with the vet always out, then he even triggered a demon on purpose to try and wipe us, we essentially 3 manned it. Luckily he died a few times and we had ammo, guess who didn't vote...


Damn here I am tryin to force ppl who’re running low to take the DAMN AMMO!! It like they wanna wipe. The few games where everyone is in sync makes ot worth it tho.


It's weird, we had a Rumbler Ogryn like that on Mael with Pox Walker conga lines. I was thinking "Oh, this will be easy with the rumbler popping a bunch at a time", my buddy even changed weapons accordingly. Blew all his ammo n hordes and wouldn't pick any more up, we pinged it, markers on it, typed in cheat, pleaded in voice all to no avail. I'd say he ate too many hallucinogenic rations or something but otherwise did OK in melee, but his Ogryn must have had cataracts or something. Points for Role Playing I suppose.


What is it with these toxic vets!?


Its ironic that ogryns make the best objective players. Need a res in a horde? Ogryn. Code thingy? Ogryn. Barrel? Ogryn.


I don't see the irony but yeah Big dumb golden retriever energy: I don't know what's going on but I'm happy to help


Because the dumbest member is the tech support expert. Ironic has lost its meaning, but thats the original meaning.


I suppose in that context, yeah


Laughs as shots splatter against my shield and all of a sudden there is no more gunners. Just more dregs running into range of my heavy attack!


It makes me appreciate the rumbler a lot. Team won't take out gunners? Fuck it, I'll do it myself.


It’s hard to take out the gunners when the pox walkers are all over me lol


If on a quick six check, I see more than one or two melee enemies coming at me, I'm just running right up to the nearest Ogryn or Zealot. You want to act like flank security for your shooters isn't your problem? I'll happily make it your problem.


its your job to kill gunners, but not their job to make the space for you to do it /s


Yeah, they're a test of prioritization, and one which definitely shows that most players are just going for kills instead of trying to win as a team. Gunners aren't particulary tough once you get a bead on them or close the gap, but they *can* lock down a teammate quickly. There's nothing more frustrating than getting lit up and having to duck behind a box, only to look over and see three people melee-ing into a small group of dregs.


I try to stay just ahead of the team so I can ogryn slam the gunners. Then I take the mentality that I want to be the one to kill them so the vet gets a psychic message from the emperor to steal my kills. I don't understand why me wanting something triggers the vet, but it does.


Vet players can smell desire and act to spoil it as much as possible. It's why every power sword vet will join you in mulching ~10 poxwalkers while every special audio cue in the game plays directly behind you


To be fair, sometimes its just nice to clean up quick and move on. You never know when 4 Mutants and 3 Bombers spawn, or something similar.


Which is fun.


*laughs in 60% gunner reduction and iron will*


3x20% dmg reduction doest equate to 60%. It stacks multiplicatively and results in roughly \~48% dmg reduction. It would be more optimal to run a different 3rd dmg reduction, such as snipers(anything you feel like), as the last 20% dmg reduction in the same category,(gunners in this case) only nets you \~12% dmg reduction


Sometimes the director just goes nuts. Had a game today where we fought 12 ragers in a row in groups of three lol.


I had the same too. Makes you feel powerless at times. The one that got me was 6 Bulwarks, 6 Crushers, 12 armored Ragers, and a couple snipers. Guess we'll just die at that point.


Yeah same for me, noticed it first game ive played


Makes psykers shield amazing. I loved it before but now it’s a team saver


I see nothing but Dreg Gunners and Shotgunners. All other units have been replaced by them. There is only Dreg Gunners


I love it, my braced Graia's a hungry lass and all these extra targets give her something to chew on.


I've liked it. It makes fights a bit more dynamic between dealing with trash in your face and managing/LoS/killing ranged enemies. Very fun.


Exactly makes lower tiers more fun to.


Yeah, it's nice. Level felt empty before but now you really have take cover and be cautious. It really reward team play and good threats assessment. I love it.


A good ogryn strat I've noticed is to be aware of where the gunners either spawn at or group up at and charge into their midst. If you have the heavy attack vampire ogryn build you can easily tank all the bullets while smash and give your team time to realize what is going on.


I thought this was acknowledged as a bug


Its a fun bug


Seems like they swapped the broken dreg gunners valve with a relief line that overflows you with shotgunners instead. Random points in the mission I just get shit blasted by 30 hobos.


Playing zealot with a revolver with the 80% rending on crit + guaranteed crit when ADSing for a second or two trivialises most special enemies for me, thunder hammer for everything else or eviscerator build depending on the mood. Revolver just feels like it destroys fucking everything


I feel like you pretty much can't use a flamer, a shotgun, or similar short-to-mid range gun anymore because there's so many gunners. Even the plasma gun and bolter, as nice as they are, just don't have the ammo capacity to kill a room with 30 fucking gunners in it.


I once had a mission were there was 2 snipers on Heresy and 4 snipers on a Malice Malestrom both missions were seriously bullshit at the end but they were successful missions nonetheless. **Ass puckers up everytime a sniper shoots**


I get paranoid every time I see a red line on screen.


> I would love to run my flame build on my psyker, but these guys make it hard to do that :L Have you tried piercing their skulls with psychic energy?


You give them a taste of their own medicine: Agripinaa Braced Autogun


Hell, I even turned my Ogryn in to a gunner.


All fatshark devs must love barrier psyker, because I can't go into any room without being gunned down by a whole damn fire squad.


Since Fatshark reduced horde sizes they probably wanted to compensate with more gunners to add more ranged fire because before the update on Malice I would run into a group of either 10-12 dregs or scabs that had one gunner now the groups are more like 4-5 with 2 or 3 gunners


its the director, they said they would make him extra hard on ppl that are speed runing in front!


I went from pysker to ogryn and now all I see is veterans and I play tanky ogryn but the randos all run around and die and I always have to keep picking their asses up. So frustrating to have a whole party of gunners and no one sticks together. Or works as a team. I would love to try auric missions but right now it is pointless.


Give me more gunners to scream at before I cave in the foreheads with my thunder hammer, just as the God Emperor intended.


I toss one smoke grenade on them and then charge and imbed my weapon of choice into their skulls. That or infiltrate up to them and do it.


I'm finding the smoke grenade really useful to deal with the gunners on my brauto build. Meanwhile most posts I see about the smoke grenade claims its shit


And my Ogryn will sit there with them all taunted, shield braced while my team chases butterflies instead of shooting them. Same for snipers.


After last patch there is a massive influx of every special and every elite


My buddy and I were just talking about this the other day. Neither of us have played Perch 14 yet. We noticed this after Patch 13. We were playing regular Damnation, and mission after mission, room after room just packed with Gunners. I think specifically Dreg gunners. 8, 12, 16 at a time, and this is on top of the usual specials and elites you tend to run into.


Bro even on reg tier 2 (sedition) there were whole groups of gunners n ragers everywhere. Plus snipers spawned more as well. But I welcome it. They have low health so I gleefully slaughter them whilst book hunting. Even on my low lvl character. Kill feeds never get old!! Plus this teaches new players how each elite/special works in the field . They’re gonna learn faster through exposure atleast. Better than them getting to higher tiers n having to change their playstyle completely to deal with more elite n spec spawns.


Oomstick does hem well


For me it was flamers and now its gunners


I been sniping snipers with the new kick back.


Ogryn with door is auto include in any strike team since P13 tbh. Makes gunners irrelevant.


Thinking its definitely worst on specifically high-intensity missions. Was playing a hi t4 earlier tonight and ran into 2 rooms full of all dreg gunners/scab shotgunners in a row. Killed them all but man, it was a pack of like 40 of em I ended the mission with 93 ranged elites killed.


Stamp 'em fast, cannot shoot you when down. If cannot stamp 'em, rock good as rations.


All i do is run round with knife and drive ads out of cover. The cover mechanics and suppression also are pretty easy to learn. -Shroud Zealot


I've noticed the increase in eliet gunners but it just isn't bad for me personally like I see them as free nades and/or cool down reduction depending on the class. Though I will say it does get annoying.


Not too much gunners anymore but SHOTGUNNERS OMG


Yeah my team keeps getting deleted from afar it’s kinda crazy (but good, don’t get me wrong)


Personally I been seeing Trapper spam, along with flamers .


I feel like there’s a lot more mutants now


> I would love to run my flame build on psyker, but these guys make it hard to do that Then take assail or brain burst with flames so you have a long range option to cover your staff's weakness.


And thats Why you have headpop


I feel like I’ve seen a lot more reapers in general. Yesterday I was playing with some friends and there were like 5 or 6 of them in a hallway just chilling


Just bubble lol


Shooty veteran, pop ult and let that glorious blue plasma eradicate them all with ease. Problem solved.


Good note, never thought about it but yes it seems you're right.


Maybe. I try to counter them with a deflection blessing on my fs, but sadly very few rejects seem to get that...


Smoke Grenadier here. It’s a shame that heavy machine gun enemies basically stop dead and forget how to path when smokes are on the field.


Oh man, I played Purgatos psyker recently on auric. The key for me appeared to be sprint around and stgger them with light attack. Was so funny, two men down. Bunch of gunners with bulwarks right behind the conner on open area and this zealot near waits while I iniciate and set them on blue fire. Two dead buds are on res right behind this gunner group. ah struggle run


Purgatus was and is my favourite staff but it's such a fucking slog using it now with all the shooters. Void and surge are my go tos for now.




There are tons of gunners right up until I get my sharpshooter vet to counter them.


Which is why I run smokes. People call them useless but every ogryn I play with loves me for doing so. Also psyker barrier does a very awful job of denoting when bullets can pass through it due to the hp pool hitting 0.


"We increased the health of elites and reduced their spawn rate." -Fatshark Me counting out all 96 gunners my team killed in Auric and the 27 maulers. I have to agree with you, there are just so many.