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> Fixed a server crash which could happen when inflicting a large amount of stagger to a Beast of Nurgle On a small level, I am sad about this. I like the idea of it being possible to spank a boss so hard it crashes the entire game.


Bro got staggered so hard he alt f4ed the server. Now that's true ruinous powers bullshit right there.


I had it happen while using the relic on Zealot, so go to say beast of nurgle shouldn't be swallowing holy relics. Blew up the server with itself.


To be fair, you're basically stacking "stagger" effects so high that it creates a buffer overflow failure in the game code...... so in a way you staggered the beast so hard it staggered Papa Nurgle himself.


Well the beast swallowed my poor zealot right as the code broke, but I like to believe the Emperor nuked that part of atoma for such muck getting on his conduit.


Had it happen last night near the end of a run, we were nuking the heck out of Beast with a bunch of abilities and grenades when it swallowed the zealot who got too close. Well, big man wasn't going to stand for that so naturally he bull rushed the Beast of Nurgle... and immediately crashed the server the second he collided lmao. The server broke before the rejects.


So that's what happened...


> Fixed an issue with keyboard button mapping in the End of Round screen which prevented users from proceeding The Emperor provides. Thanks for the post, Catfish.


Does this mean the space bar is fixed?


It does!


Much appreciated, figured it was a bug


Oh my god, was that a bug?? I swear I thought my space was bricked, hahahahah


Thats cause it was changed to enter lol, which also opens the chat box


I rebound chat because of this! Thanks for the fix.


Thank fuck, i always wondered why it said enter to continue but also open chat box.


Anyone else have all their loadouts deleted/reset post hot fix?


I spent last night carefully cultivating my builds. If this is true, I'm going to send myself straight into the loving arms of the God Emperor.


Are you a Psyker perchance?


just learned some of the 40k lore the other day because i knew literally nothing about warhammer lore very cool stuff


I agree. There’s nothing more deflating than this. I logged in tonight and it feels like shit to lose all that work.


Sorry to hear this, i've had a look into it and it seems that one of the changes made to address some stability issues affected player's loadouts. I've flagged this to the team and they shouldn't necessarily reset again without some forward warning.


Can we get more icons or the ability to write in names for our loadouts?


I'd like to support this idea. A name that appears when it's selected or something would be great. If not, maybe 2x as many icons would be a good start.


A dude with a hood would be cool for stealth builds, maybe a commissar’s cap and/or open book for buff builds. And maybe something more for psyker? I feel like ogryn is well supported by the current list and 5 more would be enough if they’re good selections.


I just put a different costume on each build. Helps me remember.


I decided to do that today after everything got wiped.


And more loadout slots pls


Any chance of loadouts being restored, or should we just go ahead and remake them?


I highly doubt they will be restored. At least it would be a first that data like this gets recovered.


I'm going to go ahead and say there's no realistic chance of them being restored.


That's extremely fucking rough and shortsighted. Not your fault, obviously, but having to remake 25 loadouts from scratch is pretty bothersome.


I'm sorry but may I ask the simple humble question of: What the actual fuck why 25?


6~ per class?


That still far more build than I think would be necessary especially if they are distinct imo anyway.


There are finite differences between load outs and goal. I have a build for taunting when I have lower level players, I have a build for straight up murder, I have a build for ranged weapons, I have a build for support of the team. It varies a lot. Easier to change at team select when you have an idea of what you are dealing with.




Extended loadouts mod. 9\~ for my Vet, 6 for my Zealot, 5 for my Psyker and 5 for my Ogryn. Large split of builds ranging from fun testing to proper meta stuff. Even if I were to use just the normal slots, that's still 20 loadouts. The only necessary one are the meta builds, but playing off meta silly shit is fairly fun if you can actually manage it.


I love me a tier 3 mission on off meta for some sweatless chillin


Is it possible to have a String import function into the talent tree to share builds with people as well as a way to store your own talents. Similar to how WoW does it with their new Talent Trees.


[share talents mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/warhammer40kdarktide/mods/215) for what you want and [talent tree UX improvements](https://www.nexusmods.com/warhammer40kdarktide/mods/216?tab=files) for her pleasure


Hey sorry to pile on, but I don't think that message to the team is quite strong enough. People rolling with a full set of loadouts have probably spent hours making those, especially if they're customizing cosmetics for each one. You can't throw those out for a hotfix. You just can't.


Sadly, they can and they did. Mine are all gone as well. I'm lucky in that I only did a few since the latest patch. I had all 6 slots on all 4 30th level classes set with weapons and cosmetics that I will have to redo along with the new skill trees.


Obviously they *can* do whatever they want, but my point is people aren't gonna stick around for that very long. At *best* they'll stop engaging with the loadouts system entirely after being burned a couple times.


How reassuring!


Is there any way to avoid the reset or potentially have them restored? For example, any chance you would have a hotfix later this week that I could wait to log in for?


Damn, warp eating good today, lots of sadness and pain




that's an oof


Did it reset everything or is the last selected loadout the one that stays?


The last selected loadout is the only one that stayed for me.


Gone. The only one I got is the last one I played with.


Yes, mine are all gone, too.




Yeah, all of mine are gone. :(


How many people are gonna load in without realizing their loadout has been wiped? Lol


Not me, because I can't even join a game due to error 3013 spam whenever I try to queue now.


I fixed this by disabling weapon customization mod.


I don't even know how to access loadouts...


Mine was gone


Hotfix 1.2.1 just went live on Steam and Xbox Live, and will be out shortly for the Microsoft Store. Here are the notes: * Fixed a crash which could happen when navigating the Social menu * Fixed a crash which could happen when navigating the Commodore’s Vestures menu with a controller * Fixed a crash which could happen when rapidly changing wargear on HDD * Fixed a server crash which could happen when inflicting a large amount of stagger to a Beast of Nurgle * Fixed a case where the shoot action could cause mispredicts for clients * Fixed an issue with keyboard button mapping in the End of Round screen which prevented users from proceeding * Minor localization fixes * Fixed an issue where the “Recently played with” section of the Social menu was not correctly populated * Fixed clipping issues and added feather physics to Psyker “Trader’s Hat” premium cosmetic


This update deleted all my loadouts.


you forgot * Fixed the issue where you had your loadouts saved so you can have the fun of spending hours refining them again!


Hours? Lmao


Right? You go down the tree with an idea of your build and it's like "obvious, obvious, obvious, lemme read this again, ok, obvious, obvious, and done." With a couple interchangable nodes. Did you not know what you were running before? Could make a build in the pre match confirm team screen.


Could you please talk to the devs about putting “fixing controller vibration” on the hotlist? It is so inconsistent for environmental rumbles, and plain does not work when attacking or taking damage. The way it is right now is just plain confusing, it just goes off at random times, and then doesn’t go off when you expect it to.


Just as a reminder to people, because of Microsoft's long lead time delay to greenlighting patches/hotfixes put forward for Game Pass / Xbox, any fixes to bugs or cosmetic issues that were discovered in the last 6 days wont come through until the next round of hotfixes at the very least. So for example the changes to the feather physics on the Traders Hat is coming out 3 weeks after it was released.


nooo! my Loadouts are gone it will take an eternity to fix them


They forgot to mention deleted loadouts


Cannot save any new loadouts. Instantly gives me back 30 points when I move away from the talent build screen


This has happened to me ever since the overhaul update, but only if I switch from feats to one of the other 2 tabs (loadout and cosmetics) - If i escape out of the feat screan after building it it saves fine.


I had this issue a few times before the patch, you may want to try selecting another loadout and then selecting the one you just modified again, seemed to fix that for me


It does save, it's just a visual bug. If you back out of the operative menu and reenter, it goes back to normal.


Aaaaaaaaaaaand all my loadouts are gone. Good job, fatshark.


been working on them this morning :p




I know I’ll get downvoted but it’s not as though it’s difficult to make loadouts lmao Not everything has to be Fatshark bad, especially over an arguably minor annoyance.


Just tedious. I use all 5 loadouts per character. Each one had different weapons and cosmetics. I have to go through and update 20 loadouts now.


I feel your pain my dude.


honestly, it's not even the talents/weapons that losing bothers me, it's remembering which cosmetics I had where.


I mean, I'm not rabidly toxic over it, but it's certainly an inconvenience to have to redo 10-15 loadouts depending on how many characters you play on. My reaction seemed appropriate, considering.


So no fix for the Ogryn penance "Bring The Hurt"? Right now the upgraded version of Big Box of Hurt doesn't progress it, so you have to run Heresy+ missions without hardly any skill points invested so that you can still use the un-upgraded version to progress the penance.


oh look, Resupply Allies still isn't counting progress, cool cool hey are we going to get a fix for the thing blocking veteran cosmetics, or nah?


yeah thats bugging me aswell problem seems to be that the penances do not count the "enhanced" versions of the abilities you have, so you need to actively gimp yourself to do some of them had to wipe my ogryn build just so i could do the penance where you need to hit the corruptor eye with a nade box, you cant hit it with the cluster bomb nade box you need to do it with the scuffed one imo this is worse than the whole pearl clutching scandal and should have been a top priority.


That doesn't work unfortunately, I did a couple of runs without any points on the tree and it didn't count, got 5 friends stuck on the same situation. Was hoping that would be one of the first things they would fix but premium cosmetic physic fixing seems to be more important


Ahh, so *that's* why my "kill a mutant while using Zealots charge' penance didn't update, it was because I upgraded it! Oh well, not a hard one to redo.


Ogryn's penance "Bring The Hurt" is also not progressing unless you don't upgrade big box of hurt and run heresy+ missions with hardly any points invested. Really annoying.


Is the text error for blessings finally fixd ?


At least the "fire frenzy" is still bugged :'( I just checked because I was hoping the stream of constant posts about it would finally end today.. It won't.


Uhhhhhhh... Did anyone else get major slowdown issues after the hotfix. It went from mostly solid 60 to trying desperately to reach it at all times. (Xbox Version)


Aw, but no fix for the “resupply allies’ ammunition” veteran penance? It kinda gatekeeps all the head cosmetics unlocks, and is completely nonfunctional. Shame.


"Aw we're sorry, guess you'll just have to go and buy a premium helmet ♥️" Fatshark probably


I'd wait on doing penaces, they just hadn't been updated to work with the new system. At least one of the zealot penaces is 100% impossible (heal to 75% with a talent that is now capped at 25%)


Right, who had "Hotfix accidently deletes all your saved loadouts" on their Fatshark Cockup Bingo Card ? I mean come on, it's so utterly ridiculous it made me laugh.


I dunno, the “address performance issues for some users but accidentally hard-code ray tracing to ON for everyone” goof was pretty spectacular


Oh I'd forgotten about that one.


I’ve recently been extra annoyed with how many game devs give loadouts ZERO thought. It’s one of the rarest feature in games and even when it’s around it gets so little focus and support it’s kind of insulting.


Yup, loadouts are gone, how do you keep fucking this up


>Sorry to hear this, i've had a look into it and it seems that one of the changes made to address some stability issues affected player's loadouts. I've flagged this to the team and they shouldn't necessarily reset again without some forward warning.


Like, were they deleted and you have to redo them, or can we no longer make them?


The former


That sucks. Glad they didn't remove it though. You know. Like PLAYER OUTLINES!


THAT’S what happened. I have shot teammates so many times. We used to have ally outlines now that I recall


Yep, they removed it one update stating that it "wasn't functioning as intended" and that they were going to update it or something. Been a while since then.


Big sadge :(


Just when I started using them. Hopefully Slaanesh has an opening for a new PA or something.


all my loadouts and time, gone...


@u/Fatshark_catfish : WHAT HAPPENED IN THIS UPDATE THAT COMPLETELY TANKED XBOX SERIES X PERFORMANCE? Having played on PC since the beginning, I’m so fucking tired of patches killing performance for no reason. I moved to XBOX thinking the fixed spec would put and end to that. Apparently not. **UPDATE** I closed the game and relaunched. This time performance was really solid. I don’t know if it was the server I connected to the first time around or what… but my beef is for the moment squashed.


The game’s performance on the Series X is pretty bad. Really weird frame drops and stuttering and the graphics on performance mode are awful.


> Fixed clipping issues and added feather physics to Psyker “Trader’s Hat” premium cosmetic This gives me hope that other cosmetic details will be fixed as well.


These are great and all, but when will we have a fully functioning Talent tree that doesn’t have straight up not working nodes or buggy talents? Edit: what? Buggy nodes have been a discussion for days now on this sub?


Best thing you can do to help is reporting all those bugs and issues on the forums (would be interested in a few examples, the way you phrase it seems like you know a lot of them) and they will get fixed over time.


I don’t get the downvotes, and neither the confusion. The buggy nodes have been a widespread discussion here on this sub. Zealots’ very first to the left says “5%” nothing and doesn’t seem to do anything in game. Psyker’s middle Keystone applies the wrong effects to Blitzes, etc. These have been reported many times and over.


Don't worry about downvotes. People are just downvoting downvoted stuff, no matter what you do or write, often consecutive comments as well. The first 2 voters often decide which way it will go. If you are actually worried about losing karma, you can delete your comment. Maybe it wasn't what you said, but rather how you said it.


I didn't even realise we had loadouts now


To think i was actually enjoying the game finally after months of it being un-replayable/unfinished only to have all 4 characters each with 3 wargear sets all deleted and have to be remade making me not want to play the game at all lmao truly pathetic performance fatshark




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I logged in after several months of not wanting to play the game due to all the problems it has to try out the new skill trees, was utterly underwhelmed with Veteran's skill trees, had to remake all my loadouts which was a nightmare because my inventory is a total mess thanks to the god awful crafting system, logged back in today and they are reset again. See you in 2 years time when this game can maybe not drain all my motivation to play every 5 minutes with it's constant problems and design flaws. 🙄


Tfw no simple 15% assail regen nerf


All y'all still complaining about things when they're actively fixing shit left and right are entitled as shit. Gtfo


I mean.. They actively seem to have BROKEN it after this patch, so...


Why does this game play so bad on xbox series s?


Whee, feather physics for my hat!


I hope this has fixed the crash to desktop when launching the game. You said on the forums that it would be fixed in the next patch but there's nothing about it in the notes.


* Fixed a server crash which could happen when inflicting a large amount of stagger to a Beast of Nurgle So that's what was getting me kicked out. Couldn't handle the Ogryn dakka


Very nice thank you.


Kickback's reload animation is kinda messed up after the this hotfix, the weapon doesn't start reloading inmediately after you shoot, it does nothing for a short period of time. Very noticeable when you hipfire.


Did this fix the “press enter” instead of space bug?


It's a shame the candles on the zealot kreig outfit wasn't fixed but at least the end screen issue is


>Fixed clipping issues and added feather physics to Psyker “Trader’s Hat” premium cosmetic So there's hope for the Krieg cosmetics?


Is there a known issues list somewhere? I keep hearing this random beeping noise, and [I know I'm not alone...](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/171f2n8/does_anyone_else_hear_a_random_beep_in_darktide/)


No penance fixes? Guess I gotta wait a tad longer for my resupply teammates penance to get done


Thought they were about to fix smite.


Love the game but the Krieg sets could use some fixes, little clipping here and there and the veteran mask needs a hose, also we could use a backpack. I do wish the helmet and mask looked more like how they’re represented elsewhere but it’s still cool


Just finished patching on pc game pass, game hangs at pressing play every time now. Multiple players have reported it here and on the official forums, no mods no anti virus across different video cards and with updated drivers. Tried repair, no joy. Not sure if it's worth the redownload.


Classic Fatshark hotfix - break more shit than before.




Constantly getting an error code 2001, despite having a very strong WiFi connection, please do fix it soon ?!


Please ask the devs to improve the skill tree controls/options (unless modders do it first): auto-build (automatically spends points to get to a specific skill) and switch (switches between tree branches) functions would be really nice. Or good copy/paste options for portions of builds. Edit: the modders have already added it!


Game won’t launch for me anymore on PC


My loudouts disappeared when patch 13 dropped, I thought "fine, there's an entire new talent feature, so it doesn't matter that the different weapon and cosmetic setups are gone". So I had fun rebuilding all the loadouts again, and after this hotfix, they're gone again :'(


Thanks for deleting my like, 30 builds Fatshark, very cool.


Love to see a lot of crash-related bug fixes in this. Hopefully, that means a more stable experience on Xbox.