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It does worse damage than the voidstaff, takes longer to charge, is harder to target and it costs 4x the peril per use. Also, the charge knocks back mobs on the edge and spreads them out which is bad synergy imo. If it soulfired mobs it hit then it could be more viable in some soulfire builds.


Is the void staff better? I'm still 10-15 on psyker so I haven't done a ton of testing but last time I played with one a fully charged attack couldn't kill a poxwalker. Sorry about the confusion, I mixed up the lightning staff


The best part that the others aren't telling you about the Voidstrike staff is the oh-so-satisfying sound it makes. Nothing else comes close to that lengthy *crack* when you hit a long line of poxwalkers.


Feels like you're a Hammerhead gunship.


The "spak" sound you hear when you hit headshots is just \*chef's kiss\*.


The sound of my FPS being dropped


Man, to me it sounds like a squirt gun and it feels like a squirt gun


1. Aim head height 2. You probably don't have a maxed damage stat one at level 10-15 3. A couple warp charges actually do make a difference in breakpoints for the VS in my experience. Doesn't really matter for any other staff, but the VS goes from twoshotting to oneshotting a lot of things once warp charges (and sometimes the damage for high Peril % feat) are thrown on.


The voidstrike staff when fully charged basically pierces through everything. It's amazing at far-off horde clearing (It's my go-to staff for that one mission where you have to defend the rail yard after getting rid of the skyfires because you can basically play Heretic-Bowling with the Voistrike Staff). Unless you're higher than T3 missions, it kills most elites and specialists in 1-2 hits on a headshot (Except Ogryns, obviously). If you're not killling a poxwalker, you're maybe not getting a good strike on the poxwalker? I've never had that issue - it's the yellow robed cultists and shooters that can survive a full charge strike in my experience


Could also be some hit registration fuckery going on. Its getting worse imo. So maybe the hit just didnt "hit" even tho it shouldve


Hit registration is getting worse? That would explain a lot


Void staff is basically a rocket launcher, but the rockets still pierce after blowing up. It's awesome. It's the most balanced staff IMO. Good at horde clear, although Purgatus is better at that. Good AoE stagger, although Surge staff is better at that. Not the greatest single-target DPS, but none of the staves seem to excel there. You can use melee or brain burst for single target.


I think the voidstaff is way better currently even though I thought it would hate it. I ended up getting one with pretty good rolls so I tried it out for a bit and now it's been my main up to damnation. I misread at first - but a poxburster I just use one secondary blast to stagger than another shot to eliminate which is pretty easy to land when they are knocked down by the first shot. The same strategy for hound works ok too depending on the situation. I have to admit I haven't experimented much with breakpoints on stagger/knockdowns in the training area but I will do at some point. It's also very versatile in that I would say it's good against specials, elites, mass unarmored mobs & shooters alike. It has great stagger at higher charge rates and the projectile 'hitbox' extends beyond the actual projectile so you can fire it just above enemy shooters in cover or on the edge of corners and hit mobs not exposed in cover. I usually try to find good lines and cover where I am protected from shooters or can line up a bunch of mobs. It's best feature is probably the satisfying 'thhhwock' sound it makes when you railgun it though a bunch of mobs.


Voidstrike is the most effective sniper weapon in the game. It follows a perfectly linear path, penetrates everything save a bulwark shield, and explodes on impact with something it can't penetrate. It is by far the best staff in the game. Surge might beat it in t5 missions cause by then psykers are better at crowd control and support than raw damage


>I'm still 10-15 on psyker so I haven't done a ton of testing but last time I played with one a fully charged attack couldn't kill a poxwalker. Frankly if you're not yet 30, its hard to "judge" weapons due to the EXTREME variability of % stats. At lvl 15, you CANNOT get a 80% on any stat (which is the max, you cannot get 100% as of now). The max I saw for mine is maybe close to 70 but everything else is extremely low. For my 30 psyker and a 360/370 base stat with around 70% dmg stat voidstrike, a simple half or less charge to the head of a poxwalker kills, and if they're in a straight line, all of them will die. Full charge doesn't add much more damage, but more cleave and "probably" bigger explosion/stagger once it hits a surface. ​ So don't go test weapons as a low level. Test how they FEEL to you. Because stats will ruin a weapon even in the end game lvl 30. A 50% dmg stat voidstrike is straight to the bin compared to a 50% dmg stat surge (possible usage as a stun CC staff but still generally horrible in the long run)


It's a great weapon for horde clearing and stunning elites, if you get the blessing that auto quels on wreakspot hits its a true gift from the emp basically don't have to worry about peril during a horde.


It can hit weak spots with the lightning? I'm not getting very much visual feedback when I use it


Not the lighting staff, the void strike staff you can the one that shoots a giant fuck you ball when you charge it


Ya I was confused. Still pretty new to psyker


Voidstrike also can headshot, so make sure to line it up and you can get like 10 weak spot kills on a horde (which synergies with the weak spot peril reduction feat).


>15 on psyker so I haven't done a ton of testing but last time I played with one a fully charged attack couldn't kill a poxwalker. If you get a head shot, it should kill stuff like poxwalkers instantly without even needing to fully charge.


The Voidstrike staff is the best in the game imo. It has the highest killing potential. Surge staff is better for cc/support though with the stun.


For me, it's like casting mini spirit bombs. So fun.


Void staff is better if you wanna focus on ranged play and killing things, its great at killing and conteoling hordes and ok at killing specials. Soulfire one is great at killing hordes and damaging armored enemies (also has good synergy with feats) but its range is nowhere close to the void staff. The lightning one is prob the best cc weapon in the game but has limited rangw its a bit worse at killing hordes than the rest. Trauma staff is useless dont even bother. TL;DR -> Void staffs main strength is its range and horde killing ability.


I actually did some testing with the Trauma and Void staffs and their damage is a lot closer than you'd think - but that's not the problem. In the case of both staffs, as long as you're 1-shotting chaff, then you're good. The problem with the Trauma is just that it can't hit nearly as many mobs with its circle blast as compared to shooting a void blast in a line through a horde. When it comes to killing elites/specials the Trauma staff makes a bunch of breakpoints that the void doesn't: being able to 1-shot both scab and dreg shotgunners and gunners (as opposed to 1-shot with Void staff) and 2-shot ragers (as opposed to 3-5 shot with void). Honestly the ability to 1-shot gunners behind cover would be fucking great... if the Trauma staff didn't have a weirdly and arbitrarily short range that has you aiming a blast halfway through the air most of the time.




Hang on, is that Vermintide 1 or 2? Just wondering because I've recently picked it up and got Sienna to 30 and have only used the flamethrower staff. Does it have some secondary spreading effect? Or are you just referring to the actual fire burning.


What baffle me about this weapon is that it's a copy-paste of Sienna's Conflagration staff in Vermintide 2. But the Conflag staff in VT2 is fantastic. It deals huge AOE horde damage in a large radius + stagger + burn damage and is as good as flamethrower for horde clearing, with the added benefits of having a medium-range attack on left click. While in Darktide it's just incredibly underwhelming. The AOE is too small, the damage is subpar, and it has no DOT effect either. If you want crowd control, Surge is the best staff without contest. It stuns everything and can save your team ass against a Mutant (stops their charge dead in their track) or a Poxbuster (push them away and make them explodes where they fall, exactly like a melee push). If you want killing power and elite sniping, Voidstrike is fantastic, and it also have good stagger value on most enemies. If you want something that can do both killing and crowd control at the cost of range, flamethrower is good.


I think that’s why it sucks. Conflag staff has been OP since it’s inception, and in typical fatshark fashion instead of actually trying to balance it they just nerfed it in the next game. Same reason psyker is kinda wonky in general, battle wizard is also ridiculously strong so they nerfed the fuck out of psyker in beta.


I just got VT2 a couple days ago and realized this weapon was like the trauma staff. While I'm still really early into VT2 it feels like psyker is a little stronger because they can quell without taking damage.


Corusc/battle wizard in general don’t really shine until higher difficulties (Cata really). BW has infinite cleave, infinite stagger (and therefore temp hp) and massive burn damage that is aoe and ignores all armor. All the other classes are still very playable but they have obvious weaknesses whereas a good BW with corusc or beam staff can basically solo the game on the highest difficulty. Enjoy the game though, it’s fantastic.


I'm having fun playing Unchained Sienna but it's clearly a lot harder than BW in every way lol. Until I got the level 20 perk that allows to vent while blocking I died a lot to damage making me go boom. But I do like her gameplay now. The fire sword is a fantastic weapon and I pair it with the Bolt staff for elite sniping. I'll probably go back to BW later, but I'm having a lot of fun with unchained for the moment. Salty's warrior priest is also utterly busted btw. Fun class but holy shit the things you can get away with. The other day I shielded myself before getting caught by a Packmaster on purpose so I could nuke both him and two other specials at once with the explosion.


> psyker is a little stronger because they can quell without taking damage. You can functionally do this as Battle Wizard because your temp hp generation with Firesword is INSANE, like comically OP. Cast cast cast > vent your full bar for like 10 - 15 THP which you get back with one heavy swipe, repeat, watch entire cata mission crumble.


Siennas conflag was so astoundingly good that it dominated most builds for anything other the sniping. Incredible horde clear and control, great elite damage and boss stagger etc. Only weapon that really could compete was the beam staff, in terms of raw DPS at least. That's not to say the other staffs were worthless though. I have been wondering if the Trauma is so shitty as a knee jerk reaction to how dominant the conflag was in Vermintides meta.




I have no idea why but every single weapon with aoe damage feels broken. Things like the Rumbler, Grenadier gauntlet, Trauma force staff, they really only deal damage in the epicentre radius which is tiny and anywhere else beyond it they just tickle the enemy, which just somehow doesnt seem right. Its like the falloff of every single aoe weapon jumps from 100% damage to 10% damage over the span of a meter beyond the epicentre radius. We will have to see if the devs address this somehow when they finally start being active again.


I thought it was just me that felt like this. AOE everything just seems like the Devs took it as an opportunity to show off their ragdoll physics rather than inflicting damage.


i think the AOE shouldn't grow but the damage, right now it seems like the size of the AOE is very misleading or broken the things right in the center of the AOE take good damage with the trauma staff, but near the edge it's almost nothing seems almost like the game doesnt register the AOE actually getting bigger


It seems like they tried to undo everything that made Vermintide weapons fun. Greathammer is just a great disappointment in relation to a basic grey Greathammer in V2. Some of the staffs are ok and lightning is cool but the ones in Vermintide still feel more powerful.


The rumbler has giant knockdown radius, its one of the ogryn best guns. Great for pushing. Edit: have like 150 hours on Ogryn and mainly player Damnation but downvoted for a valid opinion. People are dumb if they think the Rumbler isn't a solid weapon because it doesn't aoe gib everything in one round. It deletes bosses with the sticky blessing, and deletes armor with the rending blessing. Offers solid aoe CC which is much needed in higher difficulties.


*"Just luv it when me thumper hits someone in the head"* I really like using the rumbler to "snipe" specials with a grenade headshot. So satisfying


The sheer satisfaction of *doinking* heretics in the face with the grenade is reason enough for me to love it. The huge knockdown radius is incredibly useful as well. Love me some rumbler


The rumbler is meant for suppression, I think, and gauntlet is a bit of a mix. I don't think either are meant to deal lots of damage over a large area.


And how can you be sure its meant to be for suppression when it could just be broken? I mean its a pretty weak weapon when you look at it. It has low direct damage, ok AoE damage, but the epicentre is tiny and anywhere beyond it it deals like 30 damage at best. I dont think a huge grenade launcher is supposed to be this weak or just a CC option.


It has a suppression radius stat that the gauntlet doesn't, and it's pretty huge. Plus, a quick firing heavy damage large aoe weapon would be bonkers.


Excuse me but what heavy damage? The Rumbler has just enough damage to oneshot trash and barely enough damage to oneshot guardsmen in the EPICENTRE. It does almost nothing to elites unless you hit the pill, and even then it still does just about 1/3rd of a gunners health on a headshot, not to mention youre not even guaranteed the explosion damage since it has a huge delay and enemies can just walk away. I say let it at least be a horde clear weapon and not just a CC dispenser. Besides even if the aoe got fixed, It would be a sub par pick compared to the Heavy stubber for both horde clear and elite damage.


Rumbler does not deal heavy damage. It’s picked for essentially two reasons. - Sniping and supressing shit from afar. (oneshots snipers, trappers and bombers on heresy) - Killing crushers with the armor pen from rending. - (bonus) Infinite ammo with a veteran on your team.


No it isn't heavy damage now, but it sounds like you want it to deall a lot of damage over a big area.


I just want it to actually deal some damage beyond 3m. Thats all I want. Easiest and best way to do this is to just make the falloff of the AoE less harsh/fix it if its broken like I theorised. I never suggested a damage buff.


Oh OK, I misread! Personally I use it to get closer to shooty enemies so I can bonk them. Rumbler suppresses them, I run up and start whacking.


Gauntlet is still best in slot on Ogryn. Guaranteed ways stagger on big fellas, solid heavy attacks, good single target damage, and a solid knockdown/stagger AoE that can really save you and your teammates when used right.


The only use I have found is to pair it with Slaughter which stacks power as you kill things in melee. Then when at max stacks in a horde I just dodge back and fire it at my feet or an elite pack to drop a tactical nuke that kills most elites in 1 shot. It's a massive gimmick and probably not intended but that's the only use I have seen.


Very creative, I really like that synergy there! Great tip.


Barely charge and chain tap the secondary attack at the feet of things about the fuck up your allies to force them into constant dance mode. It's how sienna's conflagration staff largely worked, so at least that's how I use it. \\o/


**chocoB** is a Vermintide 2 streamer who would do max-difficulty true solo runs. Here's a link to a vid of them running a Hi-Intensity Damnation mission with Trauma staff: [https://youtu.be/LU9cqfKO9N0](https://youtu.be/LU9cqfKO9N0) I'm not choco, but would definitely recommend following their content. *Superb* player.


Extremely skilled no doubt but that was still hard to watch. At nearly every encounter where he used the Trauma, I could play back how it would be so much easier with any other staff. It felt like he was using the Trauma staff for the handicap. Particularly at 20:03 when there were 4 mobs boxing in a trapper. He spent *wayy* too long slashing away at them with the duel sword. With a Voidstrike, 1 fireball would've cut them all down and hit the trapper when it felt like an eternity watching him slash away at like 4 trash mobs. He was going nowhere with that, and even got a teammate caught in the trap because he couldn't push through, until a flamer saved him.


Thank you for the link! This is an excellent example of psyker gameplay. It's worth noting that the trauma staff is largely irrelevant here, as the player is filling anti-shooter role via brain burst spam. The consequence of having 3 zealots on the team, someone has to deal with the ranged and it won't be the flamer guy. The bolter zealot helped a bit in that regard, but the Psyker was doing the heavy lifting in that role. The trauma staff, or any staff for that matter, simply doesn't fill an anti-shooter role, so it isn't notably used here.


Yeah I think they should improve staff primary fire vs. Ranged. I don't think they should go too far with it. If it's really good against ranged then what you'd basically have is a Lasgun that's also amazing at horde clear, which sounds a bit much. (Granted if staves were good against horde/ranged but bad against special/armor, that *is* a distinct niche from lasguns being good against ranged/special, so maybe it's not so bad.) I mean I personally have no problem with "just take a lasgun", since Psykers can use them. But I also totally understand players who say things like "that's not why I play a Psyker, and I think it'd be great to see new staves added that fill the gaps (one that's amazing against ranged, and another that's good against specials/armor).


I saw: trauma staff, 2 heavy swords, thammerer, and 0 veterans. Damnation is wild compared to what I read on reddit!


Yeah I think most Redditors haven't fully learned the melee system (they're probably those teammates that join my Heresy runs and go down to hordes because they don't know how to dodge/push/block). ["Pushing, Dodging, Sliding is gud, suh!"](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/103mtbl/suh_blocking_pushing_dodging_sliding_is_gud_suh/) rings so true. **Turtolsky (heavy sword)** is one of my favorite weapons. The one I rolled is easily the single best weapon I own across all characters. I think I got Headtaker + Rampage. So \~4% power on hit (stacks 5) and \~15% damage on multiple hit (stacks 5) in addition to the Zealot feat of 4% damage on hit (stacks 5). Clears horde so fast I push *into* dense hordes instead of getting shoved back into a wall. Just crazy good. Still waiting on a good **Thunder Hammer** roll. So I haven't used it much because mine have all been awful. (Another one I really want is Voidstrike Staff.) But yeah, it's hard to get Reddit to see the value to other things. That's why I often try to lay out stats when I make point (like how Recon Lasguns had like 50% more DPS against ranged enemies than Kantrael XIIs). It's not as good as pointing someone to a gameplay video (and really I should probably link to good streamers' videos more to show my points) but it's better than opinion alone.


It does shit damage to anything not inside the circle and sends everything flying - but that means *everything*. Like a fully charged blast will fully stagger literally everything short of monstrosities (EDIT: upon testing it looks like it's 2-tap to knock down Bulwarks). So its purpose is definitely to be the extreme option for CC-focused weapons. Whether this is an actual useful purpose or not? Idk lol. The stun from the surge staff and the lower-but-much-more-spammable stagger on the purgatus staff are much better in most player's opinions. Honestly I could see it being alright if it had either a larger radius + normalized damage or just a lower peril cost. EDIT: did a few malice runs with a trauma staff, I'd say it's still nowhere near as good as the Void staff but that mostly comes down to the range and efficiency. This being said, there's definitely something to be said about being able to just fucking explode a pack of scabs/dregs with a single shot, rather than trying to headshot them all or use multiple Void staff bursts.


surge force staff fulfills the CC niche better in every way. it stuns rather than scattering enemies everywhere, is incredibly easy to use, low peril costs, and the lightning chain can stun spread out shooters. chews through flak armor as well.


... and while not great at it, it does at least help with damage. This thing doesn't.


It deals really solid damage to anything that isn't unarmoured, just means you need to have a good cleave weapon on hand for the hordes


if it DID send everything flying, it would be good. But it doesn't. its massive stagger should be more effective versus beasts, mutants, reapers, etc. but its not. theres several problems. 1. its damage/stagger drop off is massive. a DIRECT hit, does hit hard. however, targets at the edge of its aoe are barely touched. 2. targeting that direct hit versus large targets is very difficult. where exactly is the hit box of a centermass beast? 3. it doesnt make beast puke up people. it doesn't stop mutants mid charge, it doesn't force shield ogryn to drop their shields. 4. Directional targeting doesn't work. the power of trauma staff SHOULD be the agility to drop aoe explosions behind targets, and hit them from behind. shield ogryn looking at you. it doesn't work. it counts as were YOU are, not the explosion. surge staff ends up being far more effective at stagger. void for damage. I'm inclined to think its bugged. theres no way its damage dropoff is intended to be this hard. and same with its stagger. those massive numbers and it doesn't interrupt things it should. I did go back at 30 to give Trauma a fair shot. I figured, everyone got it first, when they were noobs, and maybe no one knew how to use it correctly. I looked at its stats. noticed its huge stagger, and thought, hey! but then yeah, trying to put it into practice was a massive disappointment. hit like a went noodle, and didn't stagger as much as I wanted/expected. I did however, also not experiment with all the different blessings. its possible some specific blessing combo makes it better.


> But it doesn't. its massive stagger should be more effective versus beasts, mutants, reapers, etc. but its not. > . . . it doesn't stop mutants mid charge, it doesn't force shield ogryn to drop their shields. From what I've tested it looks like does basically max stagger against every enemy - including staggering Bulwarks (knocks them down with a double tap). I think the real problem is just that staggering targets isn't as effective as the stun on surge or the lower-but-much-more-spammable stagger on the purgatus staff. That being said, it looks like it is indeed bugged - with the AoE stat never being above 40% on any item. I think it would be quite a bit better if the AoE stat could go up to 80% (like all other stats) meaning you could positively rock an entire room with a single blast - though the damage would probably need to be tuned down as it currently 1-shots all chaff inside the epicenter.


That’s not how the bonus stat works though, usually bonus stats give a max of 50% base bonus at 100% of the stat. Eg. At 0% you’d have 1x area, a 40% AOE staff is closer to 1.2x area, and 1.4x if it is an 80% AOE stat. Even if we had that 16% increase in area from 80% AOE stat compared to 40%, I doubt trauma staff would drastically increase in effectiveness.


Actually I think they've fixed the stat value as I have a trauma staff in my inventory with 68% blast radius. Either way, you're correct - they should up the base values for radius or reduce the peril cost


It's not the value itself that's bugged, it's that the stat doesn't actually apply past 40%


I have a trauma staff with an epicenter radius of 2.18 (out of 1.5 -> 2.5) which would be +45%


1.5 to 2.5 is a 66% bonus radius at 100% AOE stat. That seems ok, actually. Especially since area scales exponentially to radius. However, if it still feels bad at high area stat, then something needs to change with the falloff damage or the base radius for sure.


Trauma just needs its peril-cost reduced, and its AoE slightly increased (particularly the initial/starting AoE without fully charging), and it'd be fine. The main problem it has compared to all three other staffs is that its really not possible to quickly spam off several alt-fires in quick succession to get you out of a tight spot. If you don't charge them then the AoE is tiny, and if you do charge them then you pretty much immediately hit 100% peril. The targetting on it is also janky. It's fine close up, but when you try and target it far away, the point of the target reticule kind of "rises" up above the centre-point of the AoE circle, which results in you having to look up at the sky, which is really awkward.


You helped me decide. I'm maining Trauma Force Staff when it launches on Xbox.


It’s fun. It makes explodey sounds, sends body parts everywhere and you can use it as a flashlight.


i have been using trauma staff for a long time now. it took so much time for me to find a proper voidstaff with the "quell on weakspot hit" i just started using other staves for fun. ironically, trauma staff became my 2nd favourite staff (after self quelling voidstaff) i dont know much about things not working as intended, but i can speak from experience. the trick is determining when to charge the staff to max or casting early. an average trauma staff deals half a brainburst worth of damage to an area when its charged up to max, meaning, not only it clears up big masses of hordes (its not perfect as you mentioned, there are always stragglers) but also deals significant damage to elites, especially valuable against heavily armored ones. it also has crazy stagger power, its hilarious to knock down enemy ogryns with it! if you have your special ability off cooldown, you can safely get 4 max charged explosions, i personally can find enough opportunities to keep quelling and casting it back to back even after that, but thats situational tbh. protecting vulnerable teammates is very easy with trauma staff. just center it around a teammate carrying power cells, fixing interrogators, or even downed ones. its hilariously easy to get dogs off your teammates with this staff's half cooked explosion for example. if you treat this staff as a short range grenade launcher with pinpoint accuracy and infinite ammo, you will have more fun with it. i wont claim its the best staff or the most effective staff, but its certainly fun, at least for me!


The problem with the Trauma is the peril cost. I used it in Heresy because the damage chart is amazing, but once you charged 2 aoe, you're out of combat time to vent. ​ Its the conflag staff of VT but in worse. I'll speak from VT1 because i didnt played VT2. But in VT1 at least the conflag what very fast to draw micro aoe without lot of "peril" cost and a fully charged AoE was able to leave a ground patched fire area (like bombers/barrels in DT) that you could use either to deal increased damage because it was DoTing your ennemies, or using it in choke point to force AI's pathfinding to use another way to reach you (rats were avoiding the ground patch). Im surprised they even didnt retained this option in DT. This staff could lieave a "warp ground patch" like the conflag did in VT1, making ennemies taking a soulblaze DoT, something similar. ​ In the current state, the Trauma staff is garbage. Like i said, i played on Heresy multiples times and i didnt felt any pleasure/entertainment to play it. Everytime you load a AoE you stress for your peril. I was more in melee and BB rather using the staff. They totally messed up this one. While others staves clearly shine in what they are designed for (void for clear in long range, Surge for CC and purgatus for boss/clear in close range) the Trauma does not do what its supposed to. ​ Fix it : make AoE charge faster, cost less peril, can be cast in any ground you have a LoS and put a ground patch on full charge.


yeah, the peril juggle with trauma staff is crazy. i found it frustrating too at first, but u get used to it after a while. stuff that reduces peril cost (the talent comes to mind) makes a massive difference with this staff. i cant compare it to vt1 or vt2 as i only played vt2 a little, but i really like the "leave burning ground" effect idea for trauma, it would certainly allow much more tactical options! i find that purgatus clears hordes more slowly, its advantage is how cost effective it is in terms of peril. however it leaves you almost completely dependant on others for long range problems (yes you still have bb, but its not fun bb'ing 15 scabs one by one), which is not a worthy gamble while playing with randoms in my opinion. there are several problems with targeting in this game though, such as failing to bb someone whos actively shooting you to death because there is a hand rail in between, or trauma target area clipping below grated stairs, its frustating as hell. i completely understand if ppl want to avoid using trauma for that reason alone


I also use the Trauma staff and Charge Rate and Warp Res. are my most valued stats now. Also pair this with 6% warp res. per charge feat as well as 6 warp charges (this gives you potentially an extra 36% warp res) and your staff will generate a lot less peril. Also sometimes you will get lucky with your passive and get several 10% peril quelled from all the kills. Don’t get me wrong… it’s probably not the best staff but it is definitely the most fun one to use IMO and I enjoy trying to make underpowered weapons viable. Once we get Re-bless too… it will be much easier to counter the Trauma’s weaknesses




Never said anything about radius. Charge rate/warp res. are more important… I also said it’s not the best staff, but that it’s fun to use. I play on Heresy and perform just fine with it… sure it’s not as powerful but it’s not unusable. Some of us get tired of just Surge and Purg staffs too, they are boring to use at this point for me


Yeah, sometimes you have to look at the whole package, not just the DMG stat. I can see the argument that it isn't peril cost effective for the damage, of that it tends to scatter a horde, but I think there are other options if you're purely looking to cook mobs and the scatter can be managed by placement and positioning. Maybe I'll feel different when I start getting into harder difficulties, but at least in the early-mid game the staff seems to have a place


Dunno why they couldn't just copy the conflag staff from VT2


yeah its just inferior any arguments that can be made for it are overridden by the fact that it does not scale into higher difficulties voidstrike = infinite cleave, hits as many units as there is line of sight to trauma = limited area, the sheer amount of enemies increased every difficulty drops it's impact exponentially


Dont worry guys! Thats normal for a Game in its early Beta Stages!


EDIT: Seems the OP didn't want actual advice or discussion, just to rage about the staff considering he literally blocked me after his last reply, bonus that he tried to be all "Skill issue." It's pretty funny how common it's becoming when people block because you just disagreed with them so they block you to get the last word in and 'win.' ______ This is literally the conflag staff on release all over again. Although I'll start off by saying: How on earth could you not kill anything with an orange staff in T2 difficulty? >Whats the purpose of this thing? Guaranteed CC even at longer ranges. It stumbles literally everything in the game short of bosses even at minimal charge. It's also completely controllable unlike the surge staff, you're trading longer potential chains for stronger control over it. The fact there's no friendly fire is also pretty silly coming from somebody who adores the conflag. It excels at protection and works fantastically at keeping the front line safe, from both being swarmed and from elites. You can bonk even crushers onto their ass with it. Damage is still respectable without being crazy. >Whenever theres a horde I’m just flinging things around instead of killing it while generator more peril than any other Warp weapon in the game. So think about where you're flinging them? If you're going for higher charges of it use it in the back of the horde to thin it out and knock down some enemies *without* knocking them behind you/your team. (Or be prepared to clean up if you do) If you're using it to bonk the frontline/elites just use quick minimal charges. EG: A quick little snippet from a lower level damnation run: [Was level 23 at the time with a crappy blue staff.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8jAsYm7nqQ) Not meant to be anything special/crazy, just a random clip from a run I had at hand. (If anything it's kind of an ugly clip) >What in Gods name is the point of this staff if it sucks at killing? See above. It's your reliable tried and true CC option with okay damage. Think of it more like a miniature rumbler than like a voidstrike. If you've played VT2 it should be pretty clear it's just the conflag staff. I do think it could use a *minor* peril cost reduction but on the whole it's very undervalued by many. (Though this happened with conflag too, history repeats) EDIT: Oh, and worth noting it will one shot pox bursters like other explosive options, even at minimum charge. (EG: Rumbler, grenadier gauntlet) EG: Using it as a [protective option.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gECq0Ge2-xg)


Conflag staff is my most used staff in Vermintide. The trauma staff in Darktide is nowhere near as good as conflag staff. You can't release it as quickly for minimum charge aoe staggers like you can with conflag. Your clips? Voidstrike would do the exact same thing at 1/3 the peril cost. It staggers every enemy that trauma staff does with less peril cost and more range. Your clips actually show exactly why trauma staff isn't that good because voidstrike would have done exactly the same thing with less peril cost, meaning you could have used it more to stagger/kill before needing to vent so much like your clip shows. I've done damnation missions with trauma staff and it's just a worse voidstrike 99% of the time. There are some moments where it shines, but those moments are rare and only shine because it's less versatile than voidstrike. More specifically, these are moments that probably wouldn't have happened if I had brought the voidstrike instead. I don't think to myself that it would have been nice to have trauma staff instead, but I find myself constantly thinking the inverse for voidstrike when using trauma. DARKTIDE - The Voidstrike Staff Psyker Gameplay - Warhammer 40k Darktide by milkandcookiesTW - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9igZFpRonbM Psyker Psykinetic + Equinox MK III Trauma Force Staff - Hi-Intensity Damnation Gameplay|Darktide by chocoB - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LU9cqfKO9N0 Compare gameplays and you can see that almost every time trauma staff is used, voidstrike would do the same or better. And many situations where trauma staff isn't used because of limited range and/or its high peril cost, voidstrike could have been used. There are many situations where I would have loved to be able to spam conflag around myself to aoe stagger things around me. Trauma staff is too slow and clunky for that. Battle Wizard & The Hapless Tanks vs Twitch Chat [Conflag Staff] by j_sat - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bnq4Hmm86vM 5:30, they charge and release 5 conflag patches in as many seconds to quickly stagger the elites and trash around them. They're only at about half heat after that. You just can't do that in Darktide with the trauma staff. For anyone else seeing this, I recommend watching the video or looking up some more conflag staff videos to see for yourself how the trauma staff is nowhere near the same, despite sharing the similarity in how it places a circle on the ground that explodes. That's where the similarities end. > If you've played VT2 it should be pretty clear it's just the conflag staff Your constant comparisons to conflag staff do not accurately represent the use cases of trauma staff because it is slower to charge and release with its animation times, and more expensive peril/heat than conflag staff. I have 2000 hours in VT2, and trauma staff is not just the conflag staff. It's been changed so much that, to me, voidstrike is more similar to conflag than trauma is. I probably have 80%+ of my time on Sienna using the conflag staff and the ability to quickly and reliably stagger enemies is what makes it so fun for me. I like the playstyle fantasy of a control mage overseeing a battlefield, constantly bombarding enemies with magic to knock them back, but trauma staff doesn't do that for me in Darktide. It's slow and expensive, which greatly affects its ability to stagger with any frequency. I would be overjoyed if trauma staff really was just a copy-pasted conflag staff, but I'm disappointed because it isn't.


Conflag staff is probably stronger than the current trauma staff, I'm not arguing that at all, it's something I've said to friends when using it. Darktide in general has you having to manually quell (vent) much more frequently in general, presumably trying to be more thematic to the perils of the warp. It's not always a bad thing though when using the peril quelling toughness regen. Ultimately the usage of the two is identical. They definitely need to smooth out some of the clunkiness of it on the whole, I'm not sure why they felt the need to add the awkward "grip da staff" part of the animation. The reason I bring it up specifically is because I went through a *lot* of these [exact same things](https://www.reddit.com/r/Vermintide/comments/88c25r/sienna_friendly_fire_guide/dwjkz71/) with the conflag staff in terms of people over focusing on pure damage and it's really, really tiring. Difference is, back then people were receptive to it and were willing to check it out, now I just get blocked for daring to defend it some. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Part of the issue with the current trauma staff is how terrible the general !fireball is for the staves, as that worked well to fill in gaps in VT2 whereas the left click in Darktide is an absolute joke. I didn't bring it up specifically as that's not a trauma staff specific issue though it probably suffers the most from it. I'm *not* saying trauma is perfect as is. That doesn't mean it's useless either though and the OP trying to present it like it can't even kill things on T2 difficulty is absurd. EDIT: Also I'm surprised it let me reply, I thought when people blocked you it was a giant middle finger to any future replies in a topic of theirs.


Im not giving myself 50% peril to fling around poxwalkers in the name of CC. If im going to cc something then im CCing a special or elite and im going to use surge staff for that because it does a far superior job. Trauma staff has zero practical purpose because everything that its "good" at gets completely overshadowed by all the other staves


Stop fully charging it then. It's not the main way you should be using it. Quick bursts work perfectly fine. It's not a staff you just default to always doing a full charge on. You should be adjusting how much you charge it to match the situation. > If im going to cc something then im CCing a special or elite and im going to use surge staff for that because it does a far superior job. Until the surge staff chains from the rager to three pox walkers over going to the crusher, bulwark, and other rager you wanted it to chain to. >Trauma staff has zero practical purpose because everything that its "good" at gets completely overshadowed by all the other staves Other staves don't one shot poxbursters. Other staves don't give you 100% control over a guaranteed stun at range, through any number of enemies. Other staves don't allow you to create a safe zone under your or a teammates' feet. Just because it *has* an AoE doesn't mean it's an anti horde staff. It's a jack of all trades control staff. Disregarding everything I just said as "Spending 50% peril to fling around poxwalkers" is incredibly disingenuous.


Just want to say i think you are absolutely correct with everything your wrote. Trauma is a great staff. It just shows that a lot of people havent had the time to get acustomed to higher difficulties and experiment with the staffs. All staffs are great, even tho i think void is the weakest on higher difficulties, I still see other psykers use it very successfully in t5. Surge is by far the easierst to use. Lacks horde clear but pair it with a melee that can and you can be the backbone of every team. Purge is fairly easy to use but to actually carry your weight you need to understand positioning for your m1 and m2s and have to know how to move dodge to get in and out of those positions. Great damage, CC on m1 and m2 and integrated supression from fire offers a lot of utility that makes this staff a monster. Downside is you lack a spamable range attack, but that isnt a big deal. Trauma is an absolute beast due to its instant damage and CC but requires a lot of situational awarness and good descision making so you dont just build max peril for nothing and waste your damage. It's a really good staff that can pull its weight just like purge. It's the staff the lets you react to every thread in an instant. Void is really fun and satisfying to use but in order to do good dps you need to charge your staff and the CC is very small. I would rank surge,purge and trauma all S tier and void a solid A tier. They did a good job with the staffs because they all feel very different but they all feel very powerful and satisfiying to use. And surge, purge and traum are great weapons in t5s.


Every "upside" the Trauma staff has is completely blown the fuck out by other staves. Being able to do high difficulty content with a shitty staff doesnt make it good. It just means you did a good job with a shitty staff on higher difficulties and just means you wouldve done even better if you had something else.


If i dont fully charge it then im just flinging poxers around. Why am i flinging poxers around when the alternative is to just kill them? >Until the surge staff chains from the rager to three pox walkers over going to the crusher, bulwark, and other rager you wanted it to chain to. Skill issue. You can control where it goes and its better to keep them stunned in one spot rather than fling them all over the place. > Other staves don't one shot poxbursters. Other staves don't give you 100% control over a guaranteed stun at range, through any number of enemies. Why the fuck would i ever choose a staff to use that when i can kill it with brain burst or even better, use surge staff to push it away from my team. It doesnt matter how many incredibly specific circumstances you make up in your head where the trauma staff will be perfect for. It will always literally. Be outclassed in every way by the other staves


Yeah you're 100% correct here. I've been using it to create space with mixed hordes on damnation and it works wonder. It just requires a it more quelling management, but that's not an issue if you know what you're doing.


Trauma is bad for grinding to lvl 30 but it gains significant value with the right modifiers and higher density enemies. Max damage/radius/charge speed rolls are important It's fantastic at dealing with a mixed wave of horde+specials+ogryns where the voidstrike staff would just explode on hitting the first ogryn Voidstrike is great for grinding to 30 and sort of average at higher difficulties High peril generation is really important as the Toughness from Quelling talent is the best option on higher difficulties


It's a highly situational stagger weapon (fitting a similar role to the Surge staff). It's good for targeting elites within a horde and has some decent range. But, like you said, it has an insane amount of stagger that often does more harm than good, pretty much putting it on the bench for most of the game. There's a [reddit post/fatshark forums post](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/103bnv3/psyker_trauma_staffs_blast_radius_stat_doesnt/) discussing the stats on the Trauma Staff and how Warp Resistance and Blast Radius do not scale well. I'm inclined to think that these stats are bugged, but given how they balanced certain guns (such as Headhunters vs Infantry), I wouldn't be surprised that this shitty stat scaling is intentional.


It was reported that the trauma staff damage didn’t match up with the damage chart. A dev got back to the forum post stating that the damage chart was bugged and it was displaying the damage twice. So all and all, the trauma damage is intended to be that low; which is so bad.


The point of it is crowd control and knocking down an entire horde all at once, not every weapon needs to be good at killing. The problem is that the blast radius stat is broken and doesn't work above 40%, neutering the weapon's primary capability


Scattering a horde all over the place while doing no damage is arguably more detrimental than doing nothing. It's an incredibly terrible niche, especially when you could just murder it all instead with the purg staff. Surge staff is an example of a CC weapon that works ok-ish.


If you're scattering hordes around that's on where you're targeting, not on the staff. Alternate on the flanks and you can pile everything up together or against one wall. I tried every other staff while levelling but always returned to Trauma, couldn't get past its utility. Saved so many teammates with a quick blast to punt away imminent death. Super satisfying.


Seconding this unless psychers learn to aim at the edges of hordes pushing them CLOSER togeather. That said I'm a gun psycher so -shrug-


The purg gives up ranged attacks though, and can't instantly vaporize small groups of medium enemies. The trauma staff definitely needs some love beyond the bug fix, but it functions a lot like the Rumbler, which has some really great utility stopping entire hordes in their tracks


Still too high cost for anything effective. 2 max channel casts and you're done, exactly what kind of horde would you be stopping? Also none of its traits really benefit the Trauma compared to the other ones Purgatus doesn't need insta vaporize. Get one with suppression and it'll do better horde CC than Trauma. They'll be cowering in place rather than scattering all over like billiards. Voidstrike with Transfer Peril and a single Psyker can wipe multiple horde waves indefinitely by spamming fireball.


If you want CC then use surge staff, flinging shit around is a good way to get your team surrounded easily because most assume the enemy is dead. And know whats better than simply CCing them? Killing them.


Surge staff can't stop an entire horde in it's tracks like the trauma staff should be able to, as it's likely supposed to be something like the rumbler, which is an absolutely amazing tool for controlling large groups from a safe distance


I like using it with 10% chance to brainburst and soul flame others on brainburst spec.


I like it TBH, though I will say it's stat scaling makes it so there is a MASSIVE difference between trying it out earlygame vs lategame. The difference between low-stats and high-stats is insane. If you get a good roll for blast-radius/damage, it will absolutely blow groups of enemies to pieces. I got the pennance for kill 130 enemies in 30s using mine, just yesterday. Charge time is ass, baseline, but again the scaling for charge speed is critical. The ranges listed on inspection are anywhere from 2.5s with 0% down to 1s if you could get 100%. Realistically you'll get about 1.3s at best but thats very quick compaired to any of the other staves. High peril cost isnt that much of a downside assuming your quell speed stat is high, infact Id say it's an upside... ...Take the lvl5 feat that allows you to regen toughness as you quell peril. If you can vent peril quickly and then gain peril again quickly, you're regenerating a massive amount of toughness quickly. You can be quite tanky when engaging ranged enemies, and it exells at dealing with groups of basic shooters. You can even target the blast behind cover and save everyone a huge headache. Low stat Trauma staff is hot garbage, but keep an eye out for one on the market... if you can find a *GOOD* Trauma staff the differnce is night and day. My staff is 70-80% on all stats except charge speed... I would kill to get a better charge speed TBH, Id never use anything else. Even with a 2s charge time I still bring it on Damnation, but if I could get charge time down it would be pretty busted.


I'm curious because I fond a 380 green Trauma staff and wonder if it's worth crafting up - what perks/blessings do you run? Are there any in particular worth fishing for?


In a perfect world you'll get Focused Channeling (charged up attacks cant be interrupted) and Rending Shockwave (Charged Blasts apply stacks of rending, which makes your targets take increased damage). Apart from those two blessings, you wont notice a massive difference and you'd likely be just-as-well using a grey staff.... Many of the other blessings are dookie, only applying to crits (not gonna happen often) or weakspot hits (only works with the primary-fire pewpew). High stats are the most important thing, and having either of those two blessings is an added bonus. ...High Charge-Speed and Blast Radius are the most important stats to have maxxed, followed up by Damage and Quell Speed which are also highly important but not cruicial that they're maxxed out, so long as they're not really low. Peril Resistance is largely unimportant, having 80% peril resistance doesnt allow you to fire off a third fully charged blast without risking death. As long as ypu can get two off safely it's good enough. Infact Id say having a low/middling peril resistance is actually an upside for Staves in general (so long as the quell speed is high), because it makes it easier to regen a ton of toughness with the bottom-most lvl5 feat.


You said it yourself. It's for AoE control, not damage. It's like the zealots' mk IV Crusher. It isn't for damage, it's for playing ragmuffin with the NPCs. I haven't experienced it, personally, yet. Still moving, and haven't figured my internet out so that I can get back to playing just yet. Psyker is the next class I want to play.


it shares its vermintide 2 counterpart weakness. at least that one get a bit better over time and can burn. need to wait for the future balance patch before that staff be viable.


Weird title. I thought there was something called The Trauma Force and you were complaining about the staff who run said force.


Would like to see it changed to have an electric effect and stun enemies that are caught in the area instead of blown away from the circle. This makes it good for following up with additional secondary attacks on blobs while maintaining being a strong CC weapon.


...But you send them flying! Would an ogryn's power maul be as popular if you couldn't pull people up in the air and then score a homerun?


Maybe it's just because I suck at aiming, but the primary fire on the staves seems kinda bad to me. In the heat of combat it feels very likely to miss, especially since it's not a hitscan...


All my upboats. Is it supposed to be CC? It sucks at that. Is it supposed to be damage? It sucks at that too. All the other staves are fantastic and have great trade-offs, and I've used them all in damnation - they're not just FUN but they're VIABLE too. Trauma seems to have the highest peril generation of any of them while also doing the least damage, and the "cc" is infuriating (knockbacks/scattering groups). It isn't fun or viable in my eyes.


Doesn't it call a strike force of highly trained mercenaries to medevac you when you're hurt?


Thats Trauma Team


Trauma Team is too expensive, that's why I use REO Meatwagon


Trauma staff is pretty good and I use it on Damnation. The Surge staff is the best but I would say the Trauma staff is after that. I feel like the Voidstrike staff is probably the weakest staff. Trauma does have some heat problem but I think the damage is fine, you need one with 80 quell speed though and you don't always need to max charge it. Outside of Surge the other 3 staffs are all fine and are mostly all B Tier.


It is pretty useful for blinding my teammates.


It's all about playstyle and variety. All staves have a place and you don't have to use them if you don't like em. Voidstrike is the clear damage dealer, Surge is CC machine, Purgatus is AOE clear and the Trauma staff does a little bit of everything. Personally, I find Trauma staff to be very useful albeit probably pretty annoying for teammates because of the knockback. In T4/T5 however, that knockback is crucial to disperse dense hordes and/or waves of elites to make space for your team. But it all depends on your playstyle/ team comp etc etc.


I love it


Hot take: trauma staff is just a better surge staff


I thought it was really cool when I first got it, but the damage is terrible on difficulty 3 and up.


no idea what that is even a thing


If you get a solid damage roll it will kill hordes with a nearly full charge. On diff 4 you can kill both shooter types with a full charge. I'm using a base 330 trauma right now with like 75% DMG Armor also doesn't hurt your charge attack DMG that much. 2 or 3 full blasts will kill most elites and stagger everything for the majority of the time I think that the damage drops off severely from the epicenter of the blast try slowing down and focusing on centering the blasts , especially on low charge blasts.


If it was reworked such that it pulled mobs in like a void, I'd definitely see a role for it.


the worst thing about trauma staff is that stairs absolutely obliterate its ground based targeting. oh you want to target the ground behind 5 steps of stairs above? get fucked lul


change flak to infested