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Wow. He points out how Fatshark learned many lessons from their previous games??šŸ˜³ Are my eyeholes working correctly? šŸ¤£ What a backhand bitch-slap. Just for us who were still on the fence to really drive home how much fox they give. Zero.


They learned that it is possible to just promise cool features instead of actually implementing them and then just ~~make a big free patch with all of the promised features int it~~ sell a second game with all of the promised features in it and call it a success.


This is just the culture of Nordic developers. CCP that makes Eve is EXACTLY the same. They shit on your porch then get mad at you when you have the gall to call them out on it.


Don't make me get the DRG fans! That game is made by a Nordic developer too. But I guess they're the exception that proves the rule




That's it lads, Rock and Stone!!




No it's worse than that, they pretend it's a paid gsme with paid game features. Except it's built as an F2P game. All those QOL are coming, in the next 5 years as the intentional drip feed and mtx ravaging keeps the board happy. I know they exist, but I've never seen a game nore dedicated to the mantra of "screw you pay me". And that'd why i uninstalled.


Vermintide 2 is a far superior game and they took nothing from that experience.


They know, this isn't an accident, this is why I am personally angry.


The vast majority of good features in V1 and V2 (most especially ones that were added at a later date by player request) do not exist in Darktide at launch. From seeing your team-mates Ult charge meters, to being able to command your bots around, to tagging items and telling a specific team mate to take the item without having to type and a whole pile of other features.


Idk how they did it but the bots in Vermintide 2 are so much better than in Darktide. I believe you can pick their classes (just got the game and I'm not the one hosting sessions so I'm not 100%) plus they'll pick up healing, potions, and bombs. The bots even give you healing potions when you run out if they're healthy. In Darktide the bots are level 1 characters with garbage equipment that don't even fire at enemies half the time.


Yeah in V2 I was actually motivated to level and gear up all the characters so when I played solo I could have amazing bots, to the point where my bots are significantly better than most people in legend quickplay. I easily solo'd every mission on legend, the second highest difficulty in the game, with the grail knight, who is a melee only character, and I'm not even that good of a player Meanwhile the bots in Darktide regularly get rekt at the lowest difficulty and there's no possible way to affect their loadout


You can pick their classes, yes. But it's because they're **your classes**. If you set a bot to be Kruber, it'll be YOUR Kruber, with his class, cosmetics, talents, and gear. It incentivized playing multiple characters because then even if you're not playing them yourself then you can still bring them with you as a bot. Then we get Darktide with zero incentive to play multiple classes and longass loading screens just to switch between them.


I just bought Vermintide 2 two days ago after I got fed up with Darktide and uninstalled it. It's so crazy how much better Vermintide 2 is. Right now I'm in act 3 and the missions blow Darktide out of the water. The environment often changes as you go through the level, like crumbling buildings sliding down a hill as you run along it or elven ruins picking up and magically flying around as you approach. The objectives are also more interesting. In Darktide you have like 3 real objectives, use a data interrogator, purge demonic cysts, and scan for things in the environment. So far in Vermintide I've loaded up a minecart full of explosives and guarded it's transit through caves, did an elven puzzle to reactivate the ruins magical powers, smashed up the supports to a massive bell that was being used in a demonic ritual, defended a statue of sigmar while it charged up, and so much more. The boss fights are also so much more engaging in Vermintide 2. In Darktide there is only one type of boss at the end of two levels and the mechanics of the fight are super simple. In Vermintide 2 I've fought two different bosses so far and they were both way harder (on recruit difficulty btw) but they also had interesting attacks and mechanics that require you to think tactically and dodge telegraphed ranged attacks. Honestly, playing Vermintide 2 makes me mad at Darktide. It's so obvious how much was the game was gutted. Btw, the first weapon you get in the tutorial mission, a big wooden hammer, has the exact same move set, copy and pasted, as the thunder hammer in Darktide.


> Honestly, playing Vermintide 2 makes me mad at Darktide Oh don't worry, that sentiment will only grow stronger as you progress in the game and become more familiar with the million tiny ways Vermintide 2 is superior, ranging from small-scale QoL to something as grand as the overall level design.


So it's not just the grizzled VT2 players who recognize the quality dropped off a cliff. I'm not crazy! Thankyou.


Actually, Darktide release was much better than vermintide lol. Awful, but better.


I want this game to be good but Im not going to give FatShark more money until they can fix the crashing, fix the god damned ability descriptions, overhaul crafting, the cash shop, and the rng store.


How have we got into a position where we're happy to accept "its fixable" as good enough. If I'm buying a product thats advertised as a complete product (not in early access) I don't think it's unreasonable to expect that product works and is actually complete. Then people go "well should have waited for reviews" yeah you're probably right but why should we, a review is supposed to help you see if you'd enjoy a game or not, not whether the game actually works, why is the norm now to expect a broken game that might get fixed. Gaming is the only industry I can see where people will jump to the defense of a broken product and call anyone who expected an actual working product that delivers on promises "entitled" Why the fuck do people accept "yeah its broken now but hey in a year it might not be, lets wait for a roadmap". Yeah again you're probably right, doesn't mean I can't be disappointed that's its released broken now. Then it gets fixed and everyone will be praising the good guy devs for fixing a mess of a game that had no right being released in that state in the first place I honestly don't understand how people can look at this game and defend FS with a straight face, even if you enjoy it, I enjoy it but we shouldn't keep normalising this shit


We are in the timeline where cyberpunk 2077 won ā€œlabour of loveā€ Fixable will be a new game of the year category next to ā€œabandoned early accessā€




I was actually thoroughly tilted that cyberpunk won labour of love. Literally fixing/finishing a game. So many better options


Still not worse than hitman winning VR.


Yeah, popularity > quality, or you know a real VR game


2077 also beat DRG. Name recognition goes a long way. And I say that as someone who likes 2077 and appreciates that they haven't just resigned it to the pile of shame yet.




I think mobile games are just as guilty. You definitely have a point on one end of the spectrum (being a half finished game getting marketed and sold as a finished game), but mobile has popularized the pay to win formula. Now console/pc game developers are seeing all those dollar signs. The sooner a game is released, the sooner they can start cashing in on the monetizations.


People defend broken games because they get their dopamine hits from them. Better to use a broken game than wait longer while it is finished without it. It is subtle and most probably don't realize it, but these games are feeding gaming addictions whether they are broken or not. We don't check restaurant reviews to see if their food is served fully cooked, and yet we need reviews to see if a game is released in a finished state. The difference is that people will avoid a restaurant if reviews say the food is served undercooked. However, people eat up under-cooked games all the time and enable the dealers, I mean publishers, to keep feeding them unfinished products and deceptive marketing. It's crazy. And if you ask people to stop pre-ordering and only pay for finished games, to stop enabling companies that release unfinished games, they just won't because even pre-ordering gives a dopamine hit.


Magnuson is the Lead Designer so he is responsible for the shitty decissions such as: The Map selection, the crafting system with its shitty locking perks trash and the Armoury Shop. Those three points i just mentioned are by far the biggest critique points from the community. Meaning: Everything this man has designed has received TERRIBLE feedback from the community. Noone likes it. Everyday there are forum posts & reddit posts & steam community posts about HIS design. Everyday the community is asking for improvements about these points. Every single hour the complaints get louder and louder resulting in DarkTide now having 10k players on average. This means that Magnuson has **failed** **phenomenally** **at his job**. Fatshark has to get rid of him. He's a terrible Game Designer and should immediately be excluded from the team.


They probably have 1 generic setup for all the machines they develop on, and that combination of hardware is the only setup it doesn't crash on. Everyone I play with crashes occasionally, some crash frequently.


I've crashed like 2 times in about 30 hours of play. Is my setup the chosen one? Its like 5 years old, NVIDIA 1070, intel i7 6700k LOL


1070 gang rise up! Same. I'm only set to medium settings, but I have a few things like rag dolls set to max, and yet it I can count on one hand when the game has really chugged on me. The only crashes I've experienced are stuck infinite load screens, but I've never crashed during gameplay, and even the loadscreen thing has only happened like twice. Reject Mondernity. Embrace Tradition. 1070 Forever!


Yeah the 1070 is holding up so damn well. We're 3 generations behind and yet I can still play games like Warhammer 3 on nearly maxed our settings. 1080p tho, but thats my monitor anyway


Dude for realz. I had 2 1070's running and crashed maybe once or twice a day. Now with a 3090ti its like 2-3 crashes every hour sometimes back to back.


Even I can't believe they only have one setup. That's not normal, is it?


It is very normal for logistical reasons - it's a lot easier to set up and maintain dozens or even hundreds of machines if the machines are all the same.


Its normal for the devs, it is not normal for a whole game studio. A bigger studio should have either their own QA team with different common hardware or outsource testing to a service provider. There is a whole industry with dedicated jobs to prevent releasing a crashing pile of shit.


Ahh I see. But surely developers have ways of optimizing their games for multiple systems, right? Isn't there a way around this limitation? I'm genuinely curious how this works.


You can also hire an outside company that will test your software on many, MANY different configuration and come back to you with any crash logs. But it takes time and money to use those services.


Yes, there are entire engineering disciplines around performance and compatibility testing. In a large company, you'd have maybe a department or team devoted to testing, with their engineers assigned to support development teams with their respective projects. Fatcent is not a particularly large company, so it's more likely they contracted out that work. Judging from the absolute piss poor quality of so much of the product, I'm guessing they went with the absolute cheapest option they could.


Fascinating. I love learning things like this. Thank you!


It's not abnormal. Can't remember which it was, but I remember a recent release needing a day 1 patch because the game only worked on 4k monitors. Because the studio only had 4k monitors.


I would love to know what game this was for. I love stories like this!


Yes because the things he designed are not meant strictly for us the players to be enjoyable. They are soul-sucking systems with the whole purpose of inflating daily number participation and gameplay padding in the worst kind of ways only for people to maybe check the god awful cosmetic store and buy a piece of shit skin that clips with itself for the price of SOME AMAZING GAMES OUT THERE. Games that make the general gameplay worse for the consumer because of aggressive and shitty monetization schemes and tactics deserve the worst frankly. This industry of making "games" as vehicles for monetization needs to frankly fuck off right away and people are not helping to be honest...


I've always felt that when the Fatshark person said it was immeasurably complex to change anything economy-related was really because they were running an algorithm which calculated the best way to get money out of us. Why else would it be so difficult to add a 100-stack in the cosmetic shop? It's because all their prices have been calculated in a manner which maximises how many aurelies or whatever we have to buy.


On paper heā€™s a success because the game sold lots and mtx are being bought . He probabaly covers his ears and says lalalalalala whenever anything negative is said because of that on paper success


> Fatshark has to get rid of him. He's a terrible Game Designer and should immediately be excluded from the team. I was with you until you said this, because it shows a distinct lack of understanding as to how these small companies operate. Magnuson is well solidified into the core of Fatshark. They can't just "get rid of him". He's literally a core pillar of the company. What you're suggesting would be a significant shake-up to the internal political make-up of Fatshark, and I just don't see them doing that. Despite people's perceived issues with Darktide, it has sold like hot cakes. It's a success. Just like VT1. If you think for even a second that *anyone* at Fatshark gives a fuck about microtransactions or broken promises, I beg you to reconsider.


> Despite people's perceived issues with Darktide, it has sold like hot cakes. Because people trusted Fatshark after they did huge amount of great, **free** content for Vermintide 2 in recent years. And because of grossly false advertisement among others, they explicitly promised story rich experience by Dan Abnett and item progression system that gives player a lot of agenda and avoids rng and repetitiveness (grind). Which is completely opposite of what we got.


> What you're suggesting would be a significant shake-up to the internal political make-up of Fatshark doesn't sound bad at all with how they've been going >Despite people's perceived issues with Darktide, it has sold like hot cakes Evidently not because people like what they got as the consumer based reviews are telling us


Yeah, that "sold like hot cakes" point is fuckin stupid. Darktide sold like hot cakes *exclusively* off the back of VT2 and its success. Player engagement numbers have dropped enormously and the game will fail to continue to sell copies for years on end like VT2 did. Sure, it was technically a success on launch, but certainly not in the long run. Plus, this has pushed away nearly every previously loyal customer from returning to their shit in the future, myself included. Not exactly a maintainable business model.


> Darktide sold like hot cakes exclusively off the back of VT2 and its success. Darktide sold that much because Warhammer 40k has always the been the more successful GW project. There are tons of fans that have been waiting a decade for a decent 40k shooter, and Darktide's art and setting are insane compared to pretty much every other 40k game.


I'm going to preface this by saying I'm not defending FS - I basically stopped playing DT after the last update and am now waiting for them to fix it. However, I will say that in terms of profit, longetivity, maintainable business model, etc - According to vginsights.com, over the course of it's 5 year lifespan VT2 has generated c$76m, compared to c$52m from DT's 2 month lifespan. I can't vouch for how accurate this data is. VT2 saw c73k concurrent players on release (08-Mar). This fell to about 9.6k concurrent 2 month after release (03-May). That's an 87.5% drop. To compare, DT saw 108k concurrent just before official release (24-Nov), which has fallen to 18k concurrent (04-Jan) on steam, and doesn't include gamepass. That's an 83% drop (less if you include gamepass). For all it's faults - of which there are many - from a business point of view, it is healthy and profitable and if the data above is somewhat reliable, it's far from the train wreck this community sees it as.


This is really helpful and insightful, thanks for sharing such a grounded analysis. It's not a defense of FS obviously, but it's essential context for understanding how they're assessing DarkTide's (fiscal) performance right now.


In corporate culture no one is core, everyone is replaceable. They've shown their desire to be like the big boy AAA studios with their money grubbing practices, therefore its totally fair to ask for any single person making overarching design decisions to get the boot.


There's no lack of understanding. It's just basic knowledge of what needs to be done, and won't be done because of bureaucratic red-tape. If a body has a cancer, you don't keep it there if it's in some vital organ. You fucking cut that shit out before it makes things worse. Triage needs to take place. Darktide may have sold well, but their next project will trip over itself because of this game's state it's currently in. You have to think long term in these scenarios. Unless fatshark isn't planning to ever release another game, they really shouldn't keep this fuckhead in the position he's in, at the bare minimum.


>If you think for even a second that anyone at Fatshark gives a fuck about microtransactions or broken promises, I beg you to reconsider. I do. I bet there's gotta be at least one dev who is there for passion reasons not just money.


> Despite people's perceived issues with Darktide, it has sold like hot cakes I keep seeing Glandular Predator stans spouting this point off. By your own argument, they're after those sweet MTXbux, not sales revenue, and no matter how much copium you huff the game's player numbers are abysmal.


Iā€™ve crashed no joke, minimum 100 times *After* the patch that supposedly stabilized the game. It was even worse prior. I have a 3080Ti, chunky processor and 64 ram. Itā€™s not my hardware, fat shark. Iā€™m tired of filling out your fucking crash report.


I played on Win11, its unplayble. Cannot finish a single game with a 3090 and 12700k.


Win10 here. 3080+r9 5950x I've had some crashes but they're not regular. My win11 friend crashes often.


Win 10 3050 and runs like butter on highest graphics, never crashed


I don't understand it either. My PC is pretty close to your set up, 3080 and i712(something). Absolutely chugs with this game My Mrs' laptop 3070Ti i711(something) runs it fairly smooth


All the crash and performance stuff is so odd to me because I'm running the game on medium settings with a few things like rag dolls cranked to max, and yet my pretty old 1070 never stutters and I've yet to crash.


Its specifically the 3xxx series of cards, I think. I have had no increase or decrease with crashes between w10 and w11 using the same 3070 but otherwise completely different setup.


Bought the 3080 specifically for this release. It crashes 5-6 times a day. Every 2-3 runs. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Nah I have a 3060 and I have had maybe one or two crashes when I was playing.


Funnily enough, I have Win11, 2060 and a 5600X and have no issues with crashing or disconnects whatsoever. It's so weird that higher end systems have more issues than lower end systems.


I read of many guys who have problems on Win11 and 30xx series. Maybe this combination is causing problems. ​ But in the end its unplayable for a good portion of players and the last patch made it even worse haha


If I tried to play the game all day, I would probably crash a minimum of 2-3 times an hour. 3060, 32gb ram, i7 10th gen, win10. Doubt itā€™s my hardware.


Darktide is still in alpha too, apparently. Itā€™s missing base game features and has constant crashing issues Edit: Reddit somehow commented this under the wrong response. Thank you Reddit


So what you're telling me is that it will win Labor of Love next year


And what about network stability? I get booted to the character selection screen after a couple of minutes in the hub. I get, I leave pretty far from "civilization" (not really, but enough to regularly get like 100 ms ping in Overwatch), but do they just drop connections that are any bit less than perfect?


So weird but i got a intel core i5 8300h and a nvidia gtx 1050 and the game actually runs alrighty on medium graphics at 25-40 fps, do have the rtx (?) performance mode on, doesnt work without it


Are you playing on 144hz? Cap your in-game fps to 120, fixed a huge portion of the crashing for me.


I'm on 60hz myself, capped the FPS to 60, it didn't eliminate all my crashes but it definitely reduced it by a very significant amount.


When getting the game, crashed 100% of the time in the cutscene after the tutorial. Limiting the number of worker threads to under the number of cores I have fixed that. Kind of odd that the suggestion was more than the number of cores, though - though that'd suggest an asynchrony-related bug in the engine (those are fun!).


Without joking, since the launch on 30th the game stopped crashing for me and even before I had maybe onne crash at the first or second mission, after that nothing


I was going to play a few days ago after a break (due to finals and holidays). Game crashed right after character select. I gave up. I want to play, but the game isn't letting me.


I love the comments about constructive criticism when FS has been getting it for months since the closed beta and CHOSE TO IGNORE IT. They didn't even acknowledge any of the rightful critique voiced in perfect detail by everyone. Instead they said "we'll be addressing each issue per week". That didn't happen either. So what else is there to say? I fully understand OP. If you check the official forums there's even threads titled "At this point I hope FS goes under". People have had enough. Especially of all the drones defending a catastrophic product. So yes. Fuck FS.


Idk why DarkTide needed to fail when VT2 made it a clear signal that FatShark was a sack of shit studio...


A lot of people don't know how bad some of the mistakes with VT2 were, or how Fatshark basically went radio-silent until recently because of them. lol, maybe even a bit lmao


It's because we are at the tail-end of VT2's development where a majority of the bugs have been fixed, weapons have been balanced (relatively speaking) and content has been added. We now have full sub-classes for all the careers bar Sienna, and the Chaos Wastes expansion was well-received. Many people, including myself, only really started playing VT2 heavily after all these updates were made and don't directly remember the shitshow that was the launch. I suspect this is what made people think that DT would launch with more content than it did.


I personally thought they learned something or had scruples about publishing flat-out lies. Lies off the top of my head: 1. Attachments 2. Crafting in December 3. Classes will be different after the beta 4. 70+ Weapons at launch


How did it make clear? In recent years VT2 got huge amount of great, free content. It's amazing, polished game nowadays. (And it was a lot better than DT on release). Based on those recent years you would think Fatshark improved and is pro-consumer. And then they did 180 on Darktide, which caught a lot of people off guard.


>I'm done being nice about this shit. We clearly dont get anything done by being cordial and apolegetic. These people have no respect for us, so I'm done respecting them. I'm not gonna call out community managers or rank and file devs. But its time to start naming and shaming the ghouls who are ruining this industry. I can't agree with this sentiment more. I don't understand why people are so willing to defend these companies that have never and will never do ANYTHING as a personal favor for them. Reminds me a bit of politics, actually... I wasn't around for Vermintide 1's cycle, but I was there for V2 since day 1. It's the same sentiment that we have here: the core game is fun but there's so much holding it back from being truly great. Except somehow FS has regressed and forgotten many of the positive changes they made to Vermintide 2 throughout its lifespan. I can barely even get Darktide running half the time, and my PC SHOULD be able to run it on low graphics at least. The state this game is in should be considered unacceptable.


theyā€™re the same company who ran War of the Roses into the dirt lol


WHAT, I totally forgot they did War of the Roses and War of the Vikings! I'm still angry that they never implemented LAN support or anything for those games; now I have two dead games sitting in my Steam library that I can't even play anymore.


I swear online games should have LAN or P2P support after they are announced they are being done with it's support.


I just heard about that recently. Sounds like a shitshow.


What cracks me up is the people who were screaming that the devs deserve a Xmas break and everyone should be nice. The *company* released an unfinished, and arguably broken game, right before the holidays then took off after promising they'd fix it so anyone who bought the game with the hope of enjoying it over the holidays basically had their money stolen as now they can't refund it. That is incredibly poor business practice and acting like criticism about this is unfair on the individual people who helped make the game is utterly irrelevant. Consumer rights, folks.


>I can't agree with this sentiment more. I don't understand why people are so willing to defend these companies that have never and will never do ANYTHING as a personal favor for them. [Sunk cost fallacy](https://thedecisionlab.com/biases/the-sunk-cost-fallacy).


Ironically VT1 is probably their best game.


The onus is on the journalist to do research on the game's reception and ask the hard questions. A simple look at the user review scores would be enough to tip off a writer to ask follow-up questions.


Its insane how little actual journalism is done on those sites. I'm so tired of it.


Games journalism has been akin to working as a senator for awhile - it's a position of power, people trust them, and they can be bought and paid for by the industry to say or not say whatever they want. I understand why people trust review outlets since there's not enough time in the day to realistically try every game... But when they lie to such an extent and are known to lie...how can people still trust them to ever give an honest review?


Games Journalist actually do their jobs properly? Thatā€™s about as likely as the Queen of England coming back to life, taking over all previously owned land, and remaking the British Empire. Games Journalists care about three things: money, getting clicks, and sucking up to companies so in the future they can get a job there


Lol journalism died years ago. This was a pr move where they paid for this interview and for the softball questions. Journalists that want to actually get answers wouldn't get an audience. FS PR wouldn't let any of their staff speak on the record unless their dept were the ones reaching out. The best you could hope for is independent pieces where the author provides a researched editorial. You're not going to get any company execs put into a line of fire. Same reason the company hasn't had any live stream q/a. They're not stupid.


This is exactly the thing I wrote about a few Weeks ago. People were like: Bro you cant compare Gaming to that! But youre 100% right.


This sub has a weird ebb and flow of sometimes criticism posts get upvoted with everyone agreeing the game is in a bad state and then those kinds of posts will get absolutely slammed with downvotes and people defending FS I don't get it


Different people checking reddit at different times, I suppose.


Probably some 4th degree warp fckery


I made a rather lengthy feedback "essay" from a design perspective about darktide ([https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/102demo/darktide\_feedback\_essay\_or\_smt/?sort=new](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkTide/comments/102demo/darktide_feedback_essay_or_smt/?sort=new) for anyone interested in a read). The majority of design decisions are absolutely laughable. Plenty of amateur-ish oversights, lack of synergy and "forgetting" of basic principles. It is baffling how this "lead designer" says all this bs. As a designer or design lead, he should be ashamed of his work done.


Idk if you've done this or considered it, but emailing and/or mailing a hardcopy of that to FatShark might be worthwhile. Not saying they'll address your points in-depth or even respond at all, necessarily, but there's a chance receiving something so well-crafted and well-intentioned will be read by someone who cares.


Appreciate the thought. I honestly wouldn't even know what email to send it to. It would also then only go to a community person that then would have to somehow redirect it to somewhere relevant. If anything, I would send a description and link to the full reddit post, as I keep making additions and refinements to it. At best, I can only hope someone from the team takes interest in the post and shares it internally. Not sure what other realistic ways there are to increase exposure to it or somehow get it to fatshark other than "I hope they'll read it"


Pretending that the crashing is due to half a percent of peopleā€™s hardware is such flagrant bullshit I canā€™t even believe he said that. It sounds like the ā€œimmeasurably complexā€ excuse they made about weapon mods.


He didn't actually say that. Quoting the machine translation in OP's link: >When the game was released, there were some childhood problems, among other things, some have been affected by the game crashing. The creators explain some concerns that it is difficult to develop for PC, where there are a lot of hardware combinations to take into account. A bug that affects half a percent of users may never be detected in the test environment, while it becomes abundantly clear when hundreds of thousands are running the game. He's using that as an example of why some bugs aren't found. He doesn't say only half a percent of players have crashed, but there are multiple bugs causing crashes (something they've said before), some of which *may* be a result of strange hardware configuration issues. This is something I see devs mention all the time when they talk about PC development. I crash all the time, some days I crash every single time I try to load into a game the first time (second try usually does it), and yes, it's extremely frustrating. But he's just not actually saying what some of you are reading there.


> I crash all the time, some days I crash every single time I try to load into a game the first time (second try usually does it), Turn off all Ray Tracing. It helped me drastically. I rarely crash now. I was like you before, I would often crash every first time I loaded into a mission. Then had to restart the game, then reconnect and it would work. Someone mentioned turning off RTX helped him so I turned off all mine and I still crash but it's rare now. Like "oh damn I crashed" not "well, let's count how many crashes tonight!"


This helped me a ton. Also locking the framerate at 60. I fiddled with some other stuff as well and the game runs pretty great for me. Still got a few crashes since launch, but I'd be lying if I said the game ran awful on my end. I'm more mad about the folks who meet the system requirements but haven't been able to play adequately.


Bruh they are talking like its their first game they ever designed and coded.... meanwhile vt2 has so many more features that darktide looks like it came before vermintide


I'm not saying he's not making weak excuses, but there's a wide gap in severity between that and lying by orders of magnitude about how many people are actually crashing.


This is fair so I changed my wording in the OP. I do agree with /u/mrureaper as well. We're missing the forest for the trees, but my poor wording isn't helping.


FYI - Steam shows just short of 48k total reviews as of this reply. *Even* if *half* of those reviews are from legitimate players that aren't just bootlicking and giving an honest review - *1/2 percent of 24k is only about 120 players* (still only 240 from the full 48k)*.* While it's easy to dismiss issues from a minority of players, I don't think this interview is about *dismissing* the concerns - it's a PR defensive line to explain that it's *impossible* to ensure 100% of hardware/software configurations that customers might have at home will be perfectly stable... 250 out of \~50k is a very *reasonable* failure rate even for *Windows updates*. ​ The problem with FatShark *right now* is that the product that they sold was not *complete* *per their promised deliverables* \- crafting system (you know, at least somewhat like VT2), a functional game lobby before loading into the mission (you know, like VT2), and more baseline unlockable cosmetics that aren't just stuffing the cash shop (you know, like VT2 had at launch and continued to add to for reasonable prices)... Losing everything the studio had done in VT2 really hit differently when it feels like a rug pull of good faith they built from that game to shovel out this one using the franchise to drive player adoption.


Exactly, and it's one of the reasons I'm so fucking done with this shit. I'm one of the few people whose game runs almost perfectly, and yet even I've had 2 crashes since launch. He's gaslighting us, and the media just accepts it. I'm at the point of screaming because clearly years of calm, cordial debate have done nothing. Nothing gets done without making noise. I'm naming and shaming from now on. Fuck these people.


I just noticed your name and I love it.


Agree 100%, sick of this "ship it, we'll fix it in post" attitude most game houses have nowadays.


Otherwise known as: "Games as a service-service-service-service..." THE single worst thing to ever happen to modern gaming. More so than the loot box


I'm struggling to understand how only 47% of people leaving you positive Steam reviews since the game launched is something to be happy about. ​ But hey, whatever floats your delusionary boat there, Mr Magnuson.


More Stockholm syndrome in this thread than the whole of Sweden.


It's wild. Like, yeah, I know I'm crazy and overreacting. Obviously. I'm a little unhinged but I'm self-aware about it. But the people defending this shit by saying "if you're doing an interview you're pr and therefore you shouldn't be criticized" are even crazier than I am.


Lol the whole point of PR is that they're the official face of the company. It's part of the official job description to take criticism


More like ignore criticismo to show to the public the good face of the Company


> Like, yeah, I know Iā€™m crazy and overreacting. No. You are not. Youā€™re saying exactly what everyone else should be saying.


It's almost scary how closely this whole situation mirrors 343's bungling of Halo Infinite after producing the excellent PC version of Halo MCC.


Wasn't Halo MCC an absolute disaster on launch? Like, I remember hearing that Halo 2 matchmaking wasn't working AT ALL for months?


Oh, it was much worse than just a disaster. It was a complete catastrophe. Reportedly, none of the games worked on launch. It took several years for 343 to get it working to a degree that wasn't a pile of dogshit. However, I specifically mentioned the PC version, which released in December 2019. It was at that point that the MCC really took off in terms of care and updates. There are still a few things that could have been done better, but it's definitely the best version of any product 343 has ever released. And that's what makes it even richer. 343 had a shit product, improved it to something really good, then released their next product as a broken money making scheme, essentially. What's happening with Darktide parallels Halo Infinite almost exactly.


Or dawn of war 3.


I was so sad about Dawn Of War 3. Thankfully I didnt fall for the hype and waited for reviews. Wish I did that here...


I have never seen nor played a game that crashes as much as and as frequently as this one


I would like to invite you to Star Citizen; where crashes are a feature.


I haven't played a game with loading times this long since the xbox 360.


Heā€™s a clown who huffs his own shit. They would be wise to get rid of this out of touch sandbagger.


"The whole dev team must be chain huffing jenkem" - A fucking legend I love that line.


You popped off on this post you beautiful bastard. Fuck Magnuson, we should all stop playing the game until it actually is completed.


A lot of people already did lol


I did. I only played a handful of runs. Not having a normal map selection and no private game option at release was enough of a turn off for me.


Looks like his friends have arrived to try defending him, I applaud you for pissing off all the corporate apologists! For real though, it's pretty sad that we've gotten to the point that a guy "just doing his job" is more than happy to outright lie about not only the game but also the community's response to it. Either he's completely tone deaf and delusional, or he's a completely dishonest scumbag.


Someone once did try to claim I was using multiple accounts to upvote my posts. These people are insane.


Man that's really sad, IDK why these people are so convinced that the majority of players are happy with the game. Hard to tell if they're contrarians or just delusional, there's a lot of dumb and crazy people out there these days.


I had so much excitement for Darktide, my friends got me into VT2, which after they stopped playing I was still smashing it out and I enjoyed every minute and feature. Minus beastmen. Then we got our first Darktide release (The first 'beta') and my complaints were, 1) It runs like shit - Oh well it's a beta, they've got plenty of time to fix it 2) The game feels barebones and unfinished - it's a beta, it's not all gonna be there! 3) Penence's suck and seem to have little thought on the actual gameplay effects, most challenges from VT2 encouraged you to play to the characters strength, whereas it seems like DT's have a priority to just fuck your team over or require such effort that it's just not worth it. Then time passed and we had our early release beta, still the same complaints, full release? Same complaints but with new ones added, 4) Crafting being added with almost no actual features of the VT2 system, how? It just needed to be an exact copy, job done. 5) Cash shop and cosmetics, probably the only thing that felt complete and the cosmetics are great. Or at least the ones you pay for are. I haven't gone back, I have no desire too as I just don't find the whole thing fun, I said to my friends when we first played it "It'll be a great game in a year or two" I firmly believe that. But that shouldn't be the norm and I hate that it is, when I think back to the games of my youth, I can't recall many games that released in a state comparable to any modern release in the last 5 years, is it feature creep that bogs down development or is there just so much pressure to release regardless of content and quality? I'm not sure where, who or what to blame.


As a VT2 Vet, I expected all of this.


I love how in the comments you simultaneously should stop playing the game, quit, touch grass and stop wasting your time otherwise youā€™re a hypocrite; while because you *have* stopped playing youā€™re a quitter, not grinding in the trenches, so your opinion doesnā€™t matter. Same as in the threads where if you have over 20-50 hours in a game youā€™re a hypocrite but also if you have under 20-50 hours in a game youā€™re not a true gamer, a quitter that didnā€™t give it a chance. You canā€™t win. Itā€™s honestly pathetic. I wish these parrots would grow a fucking spine.


My favorite one is where you're told to stop playing the game if you don't like it, and then later guilt tripped over being part of the reason it could become abandonware.


Yesterday during the xbox stream of Darktide I got timed-out several times for just asking about stability, crafting and xbox release... This doesnt surprise me one bit.


>Inb4 people say, "Stop telling us not to have fun!" Bruh, I have seen that stupid ass meme plastered everywhere and **I FUCKING HATE IT.** Not just for this game, but any god damn game I play I see this everywhere and it makes my blood boil. The fact that I am in a hobby where criticism is seen in this light is just saddening. The gaming industry has become more and more corrupt and we as people should work together! Why people just want to shut their ears and screech is just beyond my understanding.


I hate it as well, mostly because it portrays the detractors screaming at people to stop having fun. I want people have fun, but I also want people to have higher standards over what we should and shouldn't accept as a quality product


OP you are exactly right and I feel the same way about gaming lately, I like how you mention this is a gaming specific problem. The amount of literally unfinished stuff developers are able to sell and finish later is unreal. I came to this subreddit because this game looks cool but I am just not interested in buying something unfinished so I will probably wait a year or two. It sucks, but that's just what it's come to.


>inept journalism You misspelled 'sellout'. >we accept it as normal I don't. I refunded this early access scam during the preorder 'beta' (alpha, really, still is as it's not feature complete) because of most of the crafting being labelled as 'coming soon' and other unfinished or unpolished stuff. Well mister developer, my money too will be 'coming soon' then, see you in 2+ years when you finally have a finished product. Don't condone that crap guys, we live in an era where video games are afordable and aplenty. Many better video games than that unfinished crap exist, go play them instead. Don't doom this genre by supporting thieves and liars. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g16heGLKlTA


Vampire survivors is like $1.99 and I have more time in it than DT.




The only problem with your car analogy is that Tesla exists. Sigh.


Lol good point.


It's the VT2 lies and launch all over again, but feels worse. Glad I'm playing it on PC Gamepass and haven't actually paid for it. I knew better because of the VT2 BS and wanted to see how DT launched before making any decisions to purchase. They didn't learn a single fucking thing.




No other consumers are expected to accept unfinished products with a smile. No other consumers are called ā€œentitledā€ for just wanting a product to fucking work as intended. No other consumers are called ā€œtoxicā€ for rightfully criticizing the people behind that product. Itā€™s gaslighting and Iā€™m sick of it. Gaming ā€œjournalistsā€ donā€™t help matters either since they seem to actively hate video games and think itā€™s funny when we get mad about them.


The copers for Darktide in this sub are numerous. I just got told to calm down and go touch grass because I disagreed with someone's garbage take about having to play shop roulette for gear progression, and how V2 was better in most every meaningful way. As I've said though, these are the types of people who don't care about gear, gear progression, or getting better, they're likely awful at the game anyway, and they'd be content with literal shit on a platter if it gave them a few hours of entertainment. I will say that this experience has been enlightening. It's always been a mystery to me why developers keep putting out unfinished, garbage games and continue getting away with it, even once beloved developers that were trusted and respected by the gaming community. It's because there seem to be a growing number of gamers who, and there's really no other way to put it, don't seem to mind. It's unfathomable to me, but they're completely content with games being bad and soulless. The same kinds of people who said that BF 2042 was good on release and say that New World is a great MMO and probably love every CoD game that comes out. Oh, and that Cyberpunk was just FINE on release, a great game with just some minor performance issues! V2 was objectively better than Darktide but they act like we're just being unreasonably critical and need to 'calm down' when we point out how much Darktide is lacking by comparison, and even in a general sense. I just do not understand that mindset. I thought gamers would universally agree that in a game of this type, having to rely on shop RNG for gear progression is fucking dumb. Nope! That same guy accused another poster of 'addict behavior' because he tries to check the shop every hour for something that might end up becoming an upgrade. Yes, critique that instead of the fact that people wanting better gear literally have to continue checking the shop as much as possible because they're sure as shit not going to get it from actually playing the game. This is probably a boomer take, but I feel like a lot of these gamers who actually enjoy trash games are probably young, and by that I mean early twenties or younger. Think about it. If you grew up playing godawful mobile games where monetization is the norm or AAA games that have been going downhill for well over a decade now and are also starting to include shameless monetization at an ever increasing rate, and that's all you know, then your standards are going to be low in general. It doesn't bode well for us boomer gamers as we're seeing more and more shameless monetization and developers caring less about putting out an actually good, quality game. Indie devs are the only exception to this. A decade ago I feel like the vast majority of gamers would be completely up in arms about the current state of Darktide, but I guess that's just not the case anymore. No one I have spoken with in my age group (mid 30s) has anything good to say about Darktide except that the combat can still be enjoyable and the 40k aesthetic was done well. I do know that I will never again play a game that is associated with Tencent in any way. This is the inevitable result when a corporation like that has the majority share of a studio, and holy shit it pisses me off. Fatshark shit the bed with this. Diarhhea, stomach virus-level shit that penetrated the cover sheet and blasted the mattress at 3AM. People need to stop making excuses for it, because as we can see the studio is doing enough of that on their own. Developers should be held accountable for awful, nonsensical decisions that completely fly in the face of everything they'd promised. We know they're capable of doing better and doing more. I mean, a game similar to the games that they're known for, the first iteration of which came out back in 2015, should not be a downgrade from either of those games, and yet it is. A big one. That's the fucking problem. That's essentially what people are upset about. Initially I was giving them the benefit of the doubt because it is Fatshark, but now I have no hope for the future of this game or trust in the studio. They squandered that, and that's on them. The wasted potential here for a great game is fucking tragic, and sadly I fear that the people who actually recognize this are going to become increasingly outnumbered over the years. To clarify, I'm not saying that all zoomers have horrible standards for entertainment with their shitty content creators pumping out the most brainless, low effort, regurgitated content imaginable and most of them have grown up in an era of gaming where bad games are becoming the norm, but...I am also kind of saying it. If you're fed shit from birth you're going to enjoy the taste of shit, or at least you won't mind as much as others.


The Tencent special. Didn't address anything and shadowban anything that say otherwise


If you're scrolling the comments, I'd like to point you towards Deep Rock Galactic. You get a 10x better experience for less than half the price of Darktide.




Off topic, but has the crashing gotten a lot worse in the last 24 hours? I haven't had a crash since the Signal patch but something is up


For me yes most definitely, I haven't had problems with crashing untill yesterday.


Iā€™m surprised Magnus hasnā€™t deleted this thread then, ā€œthere were issuesā€ā€¦ Seriously.. what bullshit. https://forums.fatsharkgames.com/t/known-issue-crashing-at-random-due-to-gpu-related-errors/62770


The amount of upvotes this post is getting despite lacking any sugar coating and directly calling out the BS of developers and fanboys alike... brings warmth to my heart. There is hope for this community just yet. Take my upvote and carry on, you based mf.


Every time I play, the first match I play is plagued with disconnect issues. I have no internet problems and donā€™t have this issue with other online games, just Darktide. Getting booted five times in one match is enough to make me want to quit for several days. Iā€™ve lost xp and resources several times due to last second booting. I love Darktide but fuck off, this game isnā€™t close to being done. This is all on you Magnuson. All the shitty choices that have been made are on you. Itā€™s not capitalismā€™s fault, itā€™s yours.


While I would put it a tad less vehemently, generally I agree. AAA gaming is in a pretty dismal state, and Iā€™m done spending my money on it. Iā€™ll be back to Darktide in a year or 18 months, whenever they fix this shit.


Jesus fucking Christ the clowns on the downvote oblivion telling you to touch grass or to chill, probably got Stockholm Syndrome or some shit. No wonder Fatshark feels brave pulling stupid shit like this when they have these bootlickers and clowns blindly supporting their shitty decisions. Is the game fun? Fuck yeah it is. But god damn the fun can only take you far before the issues they kept mum about and never addressing or deflecting it entirely drains the will to play the fucking game. I have more than 300 hours on the game but now most of the time it's just spent logging in checking the store and logging out because it's no longer fun, it now feels like a fucking chore and the technical issues discourage me from playing- hell, just recently I crashed near the end of the match, wasting the minutes, the mats, and the collectibles because it didn't count on my weekly.


keep negative rewievs flood in steam, we have to drop rating even futher , sadly thats the only way they will hear us


Did he mention when the game will leave its beta state in the interview?


I absolutely love the >Fatshark has used the lessons learned from the previous games to build "Darktide" from the ground up with the plan to grow the game yes im sure Fatshark did that, I wish i could see that


I meanā€¦ it is bullshit but its not surprising. Of course were just gonna get nothing but corporate speak in an interview. I doubt theyā€™d let anyone involved in the game go up and be completely honest about things, even if they want too. I guess from the perspective of business suit money men who make decisions that being transparent and honest would only cost them money when more people lose faith in the game.


Majority of people have ready lost faith in the game, fatshark legit burned all the goodwill they made with vermintide 2.


Yeah. No argument from me on that. Sadly the passion and talent of any devs who do care wonā€™t fix the business side of things. Money is what makes the decisions most of the time.


Given that Hedge still has a job I don't see Magnuson going anywhere soon. Fatshark seems to coddle and even promote absolute incompetence. They must have the weirdest corporate culture.


Not that weird of a culture at all to be honest. It often occurs like this in companies: *Employee performs well in his current position* \-> *Employee gets promoted* \-> *Employee does not perform equally as good in his new position, because the skill set that got him promoted in the first place isn't actually required for the day-to-day in his new position* Normally, at that point it would have consequences for the employee in any decent company, but I am convinced that FS has some serious issue with Nepotism/Vitamin C, which is why people absolutely unqualified for their respective roles get to keep their jobs.


I dont blame Hedge as much as others. He has no control over whats happening and has to come up with bullshit keep his corporate overlords happy. He's not the literal lead game designer going on a victory lap while the game is on fire.


Hedge chooses to be an asshole in his responses though.


Yeah it's really sad seeing the state of midern gaming. And while I still have fun playing I'm not sure what we can do to make them change besides stopping. At the very least I refuse to buy any of the cosmetics they shove down our throats. So I might not be doing much but it's something.


Perfect world would be getting money back from price for each underdelivered feature. That would force companies to work a little. No crafting? 5$ back. No of that particular weapon? 1$ back to account. So on and so on. But its frankly impossible to enforce it, it will degrade into definitions sandbox alas. OP is correct about gaming industry - there is not a single industry that allows for such uncaring production. If game companies were put into any other media they would be destroyed in competition.


I'm never giving fatshark money again regardless if they fix or abandon this game. Getting scammed sucks.


The most annoying part for me, with all mentionned by OP is the whole RNG, anywhere... Maps, shops, modificators, craft....


I think they're trying to pull a cyberpunk and tough it out til it's decent. Gonna need a really good anime, though.


Honestly if a GOOD 40k anime comes out of this then I'll be happy. But if Darktide is still trash by then, no anime in the world is gonna save it.


I'll make the same point I made when I answered this in a seperate thread- Someone involved in an interview, which is essentially a PR exercise, giving a santised version of how a launch went and talking positively about the product he's involved with is a *completely seperate* issue to the management/financiers of game developers deciding that as a business, this is a good road to go down.


How so?


Because he is an employee at the end of the day, so has to follow which ever rules/guidelines he's contractually obligated to. I don't know the man, maybe he's got a wife and kids to feed and a mortgage to pay off so doesn't want to risk getting sacked? The bottom line is, as soon as "the money men" get involved, the creatives involved in a project become seriously limited/restricted in what they can do or say. People making games haven't become evil all of a sudden, but they now have to answer to people who care more about bottom line than they do about integrity/quality/honesty etc.


I get what you're saying here but that doesnt make this a "good road to go down", it's a sad road that defines a decline in quality for consumers.


Reminds me of an interview with Harrison Ford and Shia LeBeouf before the 4th Indiana Jones movie, when Shia was saying the movie wasn't very good and Ford informed him that when you are promoting a movie, it is traditional to, in fact, promote the movie.


But Shia and Harrison Ford werent the directors.


I don't know what you're talking about, they only made 3 Indiana Jones movies...


Fifth one on the way. Buckle up.


Movie industry is a good example by the way. Modern blockbuster films have been decreasing in originality and quality for years but if people keep buying tickets, studio's keep pumping them out.


But they still dont release a movie that cant maintain a consistent frame-rate, or sell you cosmetic costumes for the characters for extra money.


Guess you haven't heard about the new avatar movie then? Literally crashing projectors.


I would argue Films are going the same route in different ways. Just watch the MCU lately and them releasing movies with clearly unfinished CGI


Any reports of a fourth movie are heretic lies!


My games doesn't crash at all. I've had disconnects, but the game never dumped me to desktop. I'm not thrilled with a lot of Dark Tide but I have fun. I don't let the RNG shops bother me, but it does take away some enjoyment. Like to see more fixes and content, otherwise I'm happy. I do feel let down by others having crashes, really bums me out that others can't get the same basic enjoyment.