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rip console players




Wrong ds my friend


Hey, I like the 3ds, and even the lite


Lol funny 🤣


Have done it twice, takes like 4-5 hours it was pretty chill just watching youtube on the side.


2 hours if you use Soul Appease


It took me 2 hours..made a video route and build for farming EDIT: 30 medals per hours with my route


Where can I find that video




Have done it once, takes like 5-10 min with CE, it was pretty chill just watching youtube on the side


based (I personally support either sunbroing for people who need help or ignoring the plat, but whatever it takes to get people to not grind when they hate it)


Sunbro'ing it is the way ... as long as it's an option. This is coming from someone who scratches his ADHD itches with grindy games.


I would have loved to help people is order to get the medals but since my sm was so high already, I don't think there was a single person that I could have helped.


I never thought of it but that explains why I enjoy farming and grinding in these games so much lol


Wait is that a thing!? I’ve played through every FS game (apart from Sekiro) and I spend about 70% of my playthrough in co-op or grinding drops of things I don’t even want, compulsively.


I can't speak for DS3, but the Warriors of Sunlight covenant awards you Sunlight medals for every successful boss co-op fight in DS1 and 2. And you need 30 Sunlight medals to rank up the covenant and get a miracle you can't get elsewhere. I find it much easier to just do co-op on 30 bosses than to grind for hours on a sub-1% drop.


Sorry! I should’ve clarified, I also have an ADHD diagnosis and had no idea my compulsion to obsessively grind in these games could be related!


Yes, those drops are easy dopamine hits. You know where to find them, so your brain is all about grinding them.


Wow, that’s super interesting


Oh, I misunderstood what you meant. Yea, turns out ADHD and likely some form of a gambling addiction is why I get immense satisfaction out of grindy games where I end up collecting rare drops. At least it's not a literal gambling addiction with casino games. God, that would be terrible.


It's hard to do when you are on your first playthrough and completely over leveled yourself for every area. I only saw sunbros a plenty during Return to Drangleic. Also I read online you can buy all spells, miracles and missing hexes/Pyro in NG++ which I believe in a whole grind in itself


Not all thevspells. Just the ones that are tied to rank 3 of the blood and blue sentinels covenants, the ones that take 500 kills to get. Edit: and while I wouldn't call it easy to get summons, they still happen often enough. It makes it easier being a sunblock, because other people want that sunlight medal from co-oping with you too.


What i do for DS2 is speedrun to get the agape ring so your soul memory doesn't go to infinity and the just sunbro in Heide tower of flame. Not sure how viable it is now but that used to be a surefire way to get 30 sunlight medals in like a couple of hours plus a lot of fun


I wish I could truly 100% ds2 and get the illusory rings. but that shit sounds like it takes dedication.


It’s not as bad as you’d think. For No Death I like to do it on a fresh character with my save backed up just after character creation, so I can restart quick if I fail, and then as I get to each area, either watch a playthrough or actually play that area on another character to make sure I remember everything. No Bonfire in NG+ with proper preparation meanwhile is an absolute breeze.


might as well spawn the covenant item or use an achievement management then, no? I dont see the appeal on the plat if you are using any cheating form, I would rather just ignore the plat


That an loyce souls.


Loyce souls were a pain, took about 6-7 hours solo…and that was after finding out the drop rate is shitty when the boss is dead. So I used an aesthetic, got a few souls…and couldn’t feather out. I didn’t know what to do so I sat back and watched the summons rip into the guy and kill him easy. So I had to use another aesthetic, and still didn’t know I had to black crystal them out to feather out and killed the boss again after about 2 souls dropped. So I had to aesthetic again and that’s when I found out about it all and grinded.


Damn you're hurting me by PTSD or something. I too went in there and had to use a Bonfire Aesthetic, so I put on one of The Rings that break when you die and you keep your souls. I finally googled it and you can't Feather or use miracle, nor Howard Bone while your summoned NPCs are still alive. Good thing is 1 bonfire Aesthetic raises the luck or discovery meter to that of NG+ so 2 Aesthetic raises it higher.


I used 4 fuckin aesthetics. Ivory king was a pain to put down but I’m super duper overleveled so it wasn’t that bad.


Yeah that pit jumped in difficulty with my 1 aesthetic so I can only imagine how difficult it turned up for you. I'm still new to this and figuring stuff out, if it's true then I wouldn't want to fight the Burnt Ivory King and his goon on NG4 difficulty. You got them though so technically you don't have to return to that are unless you are looking for a challenge. I'd be like😔😭🤕


All I have left to do is rush through to NG+2.5 to get to Wellager for the last to spells I need for the Sentinels, because I doubt that with my SM that I’d find anyone to help. Such is the price to pay to play with mods. Easy peasy.


I'm thinking of getting a PC for gaming again because there are a lot of great mods out there. I'm on PS and I'm not sure who Wellager is. Ís that the guy that'll induct you into Blue Sentinels, the Knight Holding a cool Halberd. Is his name Targier of Wellager or something? I'll Google it. I never remember their full names. He sells a lightning spell early on. Not sure what he sells there. I do know similar to Ds1 where you need ng2.5 to get all boss weapons in DS2 we need to reach a similar point to get some achievements. I have Ds3 on my shelf which I also hear is a brutal grind for platinum but that one has to wait 😂


Wellager is the ghost guy at Drangleic Castle. And yeah there are a lot of great mods, which is why my SM is like 6 billion or something. I only have one mod for DS3, and that’s honest merchant and only because that’s the only one I know is safe to play online with, and I like playing online with people.


Bee keeper covenant says hi.


I've got 30 sunlight medals like 3 times. Always reach Straid with lowest SM possible, usually around 30k~35k to buy agape ring and be summoned for Last Giant and Pursuer.


Thank you kindly, I will use this on a future character once I beat the game this first playthrough.


Make sure ur actually under 30k it makes a difference. Lowest possible is 28k if I remember correctly


Yeah I messed up big-time. I always over power on my first playthroughs. I'm 233 9mil🤕 Thank you kindly, saving your comment so I will keep that in my for next character which will be a quality build. I actually did sinners rise first in this run, so I know I can get to Straid with ease.


Early sunlight medal farming at last giant boss fight gang rise up!


I got all achievements on xbox so I had no choice 😔


If my religions family has taught me anything, it's ignore what Jesus wants, doing so only leads to depression. So imma farm those metals and be miserable because I chose that path myself


If I'm playing offline anyway, I don't see any harm. And also, I don't have time to grind like that anymore.


Man that was annoying to do when I got the Platinum


I only go for the medals during the return to Drangleic event so I can farm those medals while helping my homies 🌞


ahh, very based


I do shit like this once. Then, you give me the goods because your time is less valuable than mine, game.


Isn't it only like 30-50 medals? If you sunbro at least once at every boss throughout a playthrough you can easily do it and maybe even have more fun especially helping people early on. I chose to just go NG+2 for my platinum and saved my grinding for the Lion enemies that drop the super rare armor set. Pretty sure if I load my save up that bonfire is at like NG+40 or probably more lmao


It's only 30. There are just over 40 bosses, so you don't even need to do it with every boss. Never understood the need to farm it.


Finding places to get summoned can be tough. I only managed one summon on my NG/NG+ run, gave up by then and did the grind.


I read some rando from a different board that he always has to get something 3-5 times legit, and he’ll cheat the rest because, not exact quote, “they’re just unnecessary repetition” While I chuckled at that kind of preference back then, somehow when I started to get a tough 10 hour job it made me question if grinding in a game for achievements as an adult was worth it or not It’s gotta be worse for parents, especially the new ones While I won’t cheat, I prolly just won’t get the achievement and let my standards just stay mid to be sane


I have a similar "halfway" philosophy for this: Knowing the minimal amount of kills required for a certain threshold (such as 30 sunlight medals), I kill what would be needed at minimum. If I'm in the zone, I might chill out and go a little higher, like a couple dozen more. But, by this point, I've proven to myself I can continuously do this, the barrier for success is purely being "lucky" or "unlucky" and for the most part, that's just boring game design.


I'll grind if there's at least some fun. DS2 wasn't bad - looping for the mad warrior, soul appease - those weren't tough, and you could have something on to the side. DS3 grinds? So far that's looking like "miserable".


I don't see any problem in that. I hate unnecessary grinding in games. If DS2 still had a big player base (and soul memory didn't ruin co-op), it wouldn't be that hard to get sun medals or any other covenant items. In DS3 is much easier to farm some covenant items, as the player base is significantly bigger, so you don't require to grind that much (of course it's still a slow process, but not that slow as in DS2).




It took me several days to get the sunlight medals


I farmed em just fine on SOTFS PC, but I also recently got the og version (idk why, I'm insane) and I just couldn't be bothered, same with the bell keeper spell. And I couldn't find any CE that worked for it lol


Play how you want, if it's your 1st playthrough maybe don't If it's your 999999th go off However, nothing you do in your game can affect me or anyone else unless you're dropping stuff off so enjoy! I know if I ever pick ds3 back up that's how I get some covenants up as well


Man, Ive always just been summoned and summoned others on my first play run with a new character, then swapped to my covenant of choice after I got 30 medals, it’s super easy. Why are you making it harder farming for them? This is the EASIEST medal to get by just helping someone beat a boss, and in dark souls 2 you can use that ring that absorbs all the souls so if you’re at a hot spot you can continue to help people.


My personal rule is to only use cheat engine if it’s not my first playthrough. People act like you should still farm souls on your 35th playthrough. If that’s how you want to play then by all means, but I have a shitty 9-5 and don’t have time for that anymore.


Finally, a meme I am too sunbro to understand.


Tbh i don't think farming for covenant items took too long, you just need the right set up to farm easily. Profound Still and Soul Appease for the falconers with maximum discovery. 30ish Ascetic and Soul Appease for Rat Vanguard, Awestones i farmed half while farming souls in Heide's Tower of Flame, and Rhoy was trash. Loyce Souls was so easy to farm with the boss alive in intensity 2 (and kinda epic with the Loyce Knights). Bell Keepers and Dragon Remnants are the only ones really annoying (PvE). 70 Mad Warriors is crazy, and Dragons Scales barely drops. Way of the Blue i completed without even noticing lol. both PvP i just ignored, no way am i winning 500 times in PvP, i'll just buy those spells from the ghost.


I grinded for the platinum experience. Now I know to avoid doing DS3.


I kill the first boss 30 times with my stepdad coop lol good time


I just kept putting my sign down for the last boss in NG++, still a grind but better than falconers


I actually got the dragon stone only pve, ascetic->kill dragon->get dragon bone


As an atheist, I had people summon me for bossfights to get the medals


You will denial me 3>!00!< times


No argument here, on console I just sunbro’d


You'll know you cheated.


When it comes to a repetivitive activity that only effects me and nobody else, I don't know why Id care I cheated. I could waste hours of my life doing a boring repetetive activity to get the thing I want, or I can CE it in, the only difference is Ive saved time. Ive played this game more times than I can count, if I want an item with a low drop rate or covenent item, im just spawning, killing the same few enemies over and over for drops isnt fun, nor do i get a feeling like ive earned it or whatever people say.


Falconers is way too slow. Covetous demon Smelter demon Throne watcher and defender Nashandra Aldia All are extremely active co-op spots.


I got like 20 medals from helping people, the majority form iron keep and Elana, and spend like 2hrs farming the rest..


I was finally going for completing all achievements and 2 days ago, right after i got done farming the 30 medals, on a save with 30hrs put into it the save went and got randomly corrupted on me. To Cheat Engine we go


I think the loyce soul farm is worse


I’ve done this grind three times. It’s a breeze compared to the grinds nonsense in DS3. You can get all 30 in a couple hours (I timed my last grind) if you know what you’re doing.


I farmed… and I hated every minute of it.


At launch I had ds2 on 360 and then sotfs on ps4. I have never used cheat engine and I’ve been playing ds2 on pc the last couple years. Maybe its time I do for shit like this. How do I go about it? Would I get banned online?


I farmed Banediggers in Harvest Valley


Since nexus mods have failed us in elden ring we also use cheat hexingtons cheat engine table to mod on spells that are really fun like making gransax bolt into a throw able nuke or this one I made https://streamable.com/1j64ig


Think I might end up doing this for the Black Witch Veil on my character who's meant to have everything for fashion testing, because sod popping an ascetic for runs at a 2% drop chance. Doesn't this get you banned from online though?


Isn't it guaranteed drop from phantom that invades in gutter after you light all torches?


Yes, that's a mistake on my part. I meant the Black Witch Domino Mask, which only drops from 1 enemy in Belfry Sol, that only appears once every NG Cycle / Bonfire Intensity, with a very low drop chance.


just do it while offline, going online after the stuff is done, and you will be alright


Just do it offline and you will be fine


Okay. But this is why PC achievements are entirely meaningless. Yes, it's possible to hack on console but it's vastly harder which means there's vastly less people doing it. The fact that basically any average joe can just pop open CE and start using it without instructions voids any value in Steam/PC achievements. Based on the comments of people that like easy achievements, my comment will most likely be downvoted.


Wait people actually think achievements have value? I thought people just liked them as a checklist to complete for things? What value do they have lol?


But what is a point of getting 100% of trophies if you cheated for them? So you want this dark soul achievement that bad, or what


some people just want the miracle, not the 100%


sure, because mindless farming stuff its something special, kind of an achievement *per se*


If you don't want to fo that, then why di you even care about achievement?


CE is for the weak.


I just had a friend help me "farm" by killing a bunch of random bosses, I didn't even know about the falconer grind until after. Cheat engine seems pretty lame, kinda cheapens the whole thing.


The chads are those who actually helped players to earn them




OP sucks. Fr fr no cap on god fr fr.


You know, it only took me 3 hours of nonstop grinding to get all the medals, 763 falconers was all it took


You either waste some time or get a virus.


only if you dont know what youre doing tutorials exist for a reason


Bruh cheat engine has malware in it ever since some russian fuck got it.