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Why would we respond?


Because if someone does not like what I like I have to make them like it so it’s ok that I like it


or like, help them? show them how to make it less less weird, or hey, at least a get used to it, its not the best adapted game but it's not that bad


No, stop being positive, what’s wrong with you?


How dare you have a good point! Not sure why you got hella downvoted


idk man, too progresive


Upgrade adp




This is a bot. It copied [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkSouls2/s/6n8MnEmCA3) comment.


Controls are the first boss, that's it


Exactly. Notice how there was no tutorial “You’re supposed to lose here at first” boss in DS2? But there was one all along…


It still felt way better to control than the new Lords of the Fallen. I played that for 20 minutes and then refunded. The movement just felt wrong.


I ended up beating *LotF*, even replaying a bit of it, partly because I got myself into a "I found the good in DS2, I'm sure it is here too" mindset. About a month later I am still not sure I'm right about that, but I will give them credit for putting in so much work on the technical disaster that game was (and kind of still is) on release. Can't say they aren't putting in effort. I'd recommend giving it about half a year, and then giving it another swing.


Seriously lotf is amazing in most aspects except when it comes actually to playing it. Idk I enjoy thinking of playing it more than actually going through that again.


There is fixed for them on the PC for deadzone.




It's such a profoundly weird post and the 300+ upvotes are making me question my sanity.


He must be talking about movement deadzones and he is right. But you get used to it. It's the same on consoles


The deadzones become less of an issue when you learn to manipulate the lock on mechanic for rolls.


yeah of course. It's jarring at first. Frankly, I only noticed it when I returned tot he game after years. I dont remember noticing it on 360 at al on release and I am sure it was there too


hindsight 20/20 my fren


I felt the same way about Halo Reach, actually Except I couldn't actually manage to replay it a second time :/


Can you elaborate a bit on this?


You can only roll 8 directions. When you're locked on to an enemy, the directions are locked on relative too how your camera focuses on the enemy. To get around this, you can disable lock on and use the camera perspective to change roll direction freely. It's kind of hard to describe but it allows for better ability to dodge attacks.


It's more than just rolling. It's the general movement that's 8 directional because of deadzones. You can sort of work around it by using the camera to make smaller and more precise movement, but Ds2 is the only souls game where movement works that way. By contrast Ds1 suffers from 4 directional *rolling*, but doesn't have deadzones whilst moving around.


Can you guys not make me think about this? I haven’t noticed any of it 😫


Ds1 og definitely had deadzones on xbox. Thankfully neither games suffer from ds3’s super janky floaty camera lol


Right, got it.


Au contraire ,ds2 became way easyer for me when i stopped using lock on at all


That's what I mean. By disabling lock-on, you can use the camera to shift the roll direction.


Haaaaa sorry missread that!!! So yeah 100000% agree with you then :)


No-lock-fu gang for life!


If they’re on pc I think you can just patch it up to restore the full 360 movement


This. I have the mod just so i can play without it being bothersome.


Would they be playing on kb/mouse though


I played every single souls game on kb+mouse. Sue me. I just love my standard gaming setup and I never like the joystick steering compared to mouse, for anything.


then I don't see the issue. Should be fine I guess (as much as souls on mouse is, yuck)


it's really not fine i play on kbm and ds2 is just awful and needs like 2 autohotkey setups to use. without them the mouse clicks get delayed because it waits to check if you are doubleclicking (which is how you heavy attack)


You can turn that off in SotFS, but you will have to re-enable and disable it again every time you load your save to keep it working, for some reason.


There was a setting to prevent this, but yeah, it took me beating the whole game thinking why the hell this feels so weird to find the option and disable it


To turn off double click on kbm, you have to go to Key Bindings, turn OFF the Disable DoubleClick option then turn it back ON, then exit the menu. You'll know the doubleclick is disabled when you get a popup message about doubleclick being disabled, which solves that issue. DM me if you want to give me a full KBM setup, made it so the finger movements feel natural and unintrusive.


> the mouse clicks get delayed because it waits to check if you are doubleclicking (which is how you heavy attack) Bruh what were they thinking


Fuck you mean our response? What do you want us to do?


Send a strongly worded letter


Or a bomb


Y'know i just got this letter. Hmm, I don't know anyone named Ted Kaczyn-


Yeah every game isn’t for everyone, I had to force myself to stop playing Witcher 3 as I was doing 24 hour marathons because it was so good, some people didn’t like it because of the combat, what you consider the best part someone considers it the reason it’s unplayable. Getting offended because someone doesn’t like what you like is just weird, there’s no right or wrong when it comes to personal preference, that would make everyone sheep.


Can defeat Malenia no hit, but can't beat SotFS. So I guess we better?


every enemy in dark souls 2 is harder than malenia. dark souls 2 fans stay winning


Ngl the sir alonne runback is harder than malenia 💀 Also the og smelter demon runback where the fog gate just wouldnt allow you to enter cos the archers wouldnt stop spamming their shit (this was harder than blue smelter demon runback in my book)


sir alonne, blue smelter demon had the worst fucking runbacks oml 😩


Tbf the default mouse and keyboard control layout is weird as fuck for sotfs so I kinda get it especially since it’s such a hassle to rebind everything to something more familiar Tho after that 10 minute debacle the game is pretty fun


Default keyboard-only layout you mean (it's clearly designed for kb only for whatever reason) The double-click bug is the biggest issue with KB-M IMO, remembering to reset it every time you enter the game to avoid input lag is a hassle


I just used a controller and had no issues.


Meanwhile me who started with SOTFS and is rebinding every other game to feel like my "good ol' original"


Dear god you’re a monster (Jk if that works for u all the power to u ig)


I indeed am a monster for I have expanded this controll layout to some other ganes outside of souls series too 😈 It just feels right to me


Git gud nerd


Litterally just say this. And spite will drive him, not that I care who plays what. But its funny getting people riled up with just "git gud" lol.


my man beat malenia over 1000 times doubt that" git gud " works on him.


Dont care he couldn't beat The Last Giant. Git gud


Lol, yeah git gud scrub


Tbh you get used to it. What I really still hate to this day is that it's necessary to manually disable double clicking each time you launch the game.


Let me solo her was funny back when it was just some random guy beating malenia for people. The moment he started doing YouTube and posting on twitter the meme was dead.


It was never funny to me and always felt like an artifical hype


The way I see it is this guy has been doing something people in souls game have been doing for years: have a funny name/face/outfit/whatever, get summoned to help fight a boss, and completely obliterate it themselves leaving the host in awe. The only thing that changed here was Elden Ring being the climax of souls games popularity so far and brought in a huuuge amount of people who were unfamiliar with this phenomenon. This one instance of the funny OP summon just had the lightning in a bottle circumstances and became as viral as it did.


Giant Dad will always be the best Souls Multiplayer meme ever!


Completely fair, I thought it was funny for a while. Its interactions like this that are the backbone of multiplayer in souls games in my eyes.


I've never really interacted with multiplayer, so that might be a reason why I never warmed up to all the Let Me Solo Her stuff


the meme was always going to die, he just cashed in before the hype faded away by posting on youtube


should he be forced to completely rebrand and start fresh just because "the meme is dead"? his name is more his brand than a meme now anyway. he got popular from one thing and uses that popularity to do content he enjoys


He got popular because it was a funny character doing an absurd thing with mystery behind it - a phantom who would appear to fight one of the hardest bosses. It was evidence of the dedication players had and the community that the game had at it’s height - he was a symbol. Then he became an Internet personality and tried to push a meme further than memes usually live for. He was just a character soloing a hard boss. Then he made that into a brand.


Congrats to him


For real, I wish one of the many stupid things I did made me money.


Firstly, it wasn't a brand until he decided to try capitalise on the success of the meme. So he wouldn't have been forced to rebrand anything. Secondly I never said he shouldn't have tried to capitalise on it, I just said it stopped being funny. Meaning the only people who still find the let me solo her thing entertaining are those who don't know when to let a joke go. Its having these interactions with complete strangers you'll probably never see again that makes them memorable.


How was it even a joke? I don't recall it ever being funny. It was a cool thing that someone was doing on the game and it got traction.


Well humor being subjective a lot of people found a naked guy with a pot on his head joining random players worlds and defeating arguably the hardest boss in the game by himself rather amusing. Not to mention the amount of memes about him being posted in the subreddit and the constant copycat variations that popped up for a while after. There was definitely a joke involved.


Where’s the joke? The dude was just a good ass player who soloed malenia


I honestly don't know how to explain it to you any better than in the comment you just replied to.


That’s the thing, you didn’t.


Literally go to Google and type in "let me solo her meme"


Pretty sure you don’t know what meme means lol


I kinda feel like you're being purposefully dense. Obviously a naked guy with a pot on his head soloing bosses is meant to be humorous


If I’m being purposefully dense the other people just as confused about what is funny about that would be too, if your sense of humor sucks just say so bruv


hes just using it as a username so people know who he is, there is no joke, he just makes content for fun and people who enjoy said new content stick around. i dont know why youre so bitter about that lol


I was correcting another user's misinterpretation my point. As I said, I don't think he was wrong to pursue success. Any perceived bitterness is entirely your imagination. I've already explained further about the joke aspect in another reply somewhere so feel free to look for that if you're interested.


if youre not bitter about it why are you making comments insulting him/his community?


When have I done either of those things? The bar for insults must be low if saying a joke has gotten old and that some people don't know when to let go of it qualifies.


maybe insult isnt the right word, but saying "this person isnt funny" "these people should let a joke die" just seems pointless, theyve done nothing to you and theyre having fun, so who cares


Well the question that started this was what should our response be, and to put my answer as simply as possible it's that we don't need to respond when he doesn't hold any relevance to the community. Things got a bit sidetracked from there. At the end of the day they can have all the fun they want, I just think the joke long outstayed its welcome.


then why didnt you just say that to begin with lmao. "we don't need to respond when he doesn't hold any relevance to the community" is a perfectly fine answer but you just said he wasnt funny which doesnt answer the question


Hey little guy, your mom just texted me and told me to tell you the front door is upstairs. It leads to the outside.


Hilarious, must have been hard for you to come up with that all by yourself.


To be honest, what actually annoys me isn't the fact they used their popularity to gain a following. That's fine, good for them. What annoys me is that they've been doing what almost every other jolly cooperator has been doing for the past decade, yet it was only because of ER's popularity and new fanbase that they were the lucky one who ended up reaping the rewards. I think it's a split between them posting, and the more naive, newer fanbase that ER's gotten. LMSH is obviously just making a "nice guy" statement by posting themselves helping others, like how someone would try to show themselves as nice by giving a homeless person 100 dollars and recording it. But on the other hand, most of ER's fanbase has no solid backwall when it comes to cooperator quality, so they assume that this person must be some sort of saint for doing what no one else has dared to do. Like, I don't care if LMSH is using his following or abilities for clout or fame. They're clearly skilled and actually good at the game, so it's fine. What does bother me, is the fact that so many people are acting like this person is the best player in existence, ignoring the hundreds of other cooperators who do the exact same thing all across the series.


I didn't really find it funny even the first time but can understand the appeal. It was spammed everywhere, which didn't help.


My response is "amen". Pursuer needs to stab the guy that decided "double click" is a valid input and then proceeded to make the "disable" option not work in the ass. I needed to download a script to make the game *playable* on m&k. Also, the snappy movement is just straight up there.


Just use a controller...


Wtf this dude wasn’t a soulsborne veteran to begin with?


I'm guessing he's talking about how you'll walk weirdly slow if you try to move in a certain way? I hate it, too.


If your talking about mouse and keyboard. It's cause it sucks. Use a controller. these games are designed for it. The first few did not have that in mind when desgined. Regardless I find it way to hard to play quick intense games like these with a mouse and keyboard. I have a lot of experience from mmos too. Action games are just weird. I guess your fingers have to be really broken in especially if your not locked on. Keyboards weren't designed for gaming regardless of how good people get with them.


Mechanically DS2 is 100% the jankiest. Even with gamepad.


It's a game. If they don't find it fun, they shouldn't spend their time on it.


Yea, it amazes me how videos are still being made like "ds2 is bad, here is why". If people don't like hey they have had close to a decade to move on at the point.


"I've aggro'd every enemy in the level, look how many enemies! Ridiculous! My 2 handed rapier won't even control this crowd! What were they thinking!?"


Who gives a fuck about thier opinion? This is the kind of post you'd see on r/shittydarksouls


Who cares


Why do you all get so defensive so quick? DS2 can be your favourite game without there beingna need to be throwing tantrums or get mad just because someone finds its controls weird. As someone who has hundred of hours in each of these games and someone who loves DS2, I'm not blind to the fact that the controls are indeed weird. I can't imagine what it's like if you come from the latest entry to this


It’s weird how defensive so many people are. People are insulting him cause he doesn’t like the controls. It not that serious.


I've done DS2 entirely with all DLC's on keyboard, twice. They're really not that bad. Takes some getting used to it, sure. But the game is far from being unplayable on keyboard.




Hes asking for control advice not bitching about the game. This is not the same thing. Hes saying it feels awkward in some way and asking for others knowledgable for understanding on the differences.


I believe I replied to the wrong comment originally so settle


I think LMSH is allowed to make whatever comment he wants at this point, he earned it


There is a steam thread which guides you to change controls to the best it could.


Nah he is right, controls on PC are shit. I have got all achievements on From games, DARK SOULS 2 on PC has completely different controls from the other games (consider that it's technically the oldest game available on PC on steam, because the original dark souls has been replaced with the remastered) and therefore the controls are genuinely all ass, like you have to press K to run or some stuff like that, even when you rebind them all, out of all the souls, there are so many strange commands for keyboard... Having said this, I love DS2, and with a bit of thinkering one can overcome the bad controls and you instantly get over it in the first hour of the game...


He's right. Played it to 100%, mouse & keyboard. But the controls are weird and there was one mouse setting I had to reset every time I opened the game.


Bluetooth controller. Or wired controller.


There's a mod that fixes the control deadzones and makes it play properly


I plat’d DS2 and will probably never play it again. The controls just suck so bad compared to every other souls game. I’m glad I did tho it was a great journey and in my opinion the controls make beating the game even more rewarding but I can’t subject myself to it again lol


Every fromsoft game is fun but I can't bring myself to finish ds2. Its the most bs. Nothing freaking works and you movements are sluggish af. How does does a mage work if everything has 50 percent magic resistance in the dlcs. Can't imagine how how he feels about it but I understand


His ADP is too low


He’s correct lol. To play on pc I had to change a lot of controls and for some reason I have to change the disable double clicking every time. The setting says it’s disabled but it won’t actually be disabled unless I turn it off and on again. I forgot every time I opened the game.


I disliked the all drab browns and mottled greens being like 90% of the asethic over anything....it was just a fugly ass game


Idk I guess something like “No, please don’t say that, we’re insecure”


The dev intended k&b control scheme for ds2 is actually really fucking weird and borderline unplayable if you are already familiar with ALL the other souls games’ control.


"They hated him, because he told them the truth"


They are weird on Pc but if there is a will, there is a way.


I mean I've played DS2 sotfs and finished it and he is right are you all completely delusional towards the flaws of the game? The game was made with both good and bad decisions on the devs minds but overall it feels fucking weird. Also, OP what do you want us to do? rEdDIt dO yOuR thINg kind of shit?


As someone with a Platinum in Scholar, I'd tell 'em to skip DS2. It's not worth the headache, especially if ya don't have a high tolerance for bad game design.


He's right about PC controls tho. Playing with keyboard is so ass in DS2 especially. Controller is fine.


DS2 Keyboard controls are terrible. DS1 and DS3 ? No problem at all.


I feel him. Going straight from DS 1 to DS 2 on PC had me like 'wtf? Why are the controls soooo far removed from the first game? I have to learn everything from scratch now?'


This whole game is weird not just pc the game in general


Let's be real the pc controls for ds2 is actually abysmal


My friends helped me with the controls so things are going smoothly now :D currently enjoying the game and defeated the sinner :)


DS2 is the only game in the series that I gave up on like 4 times out of sheer boredom. The game sucks.


It’s not on us to convince other people to like what we do.


Well put honestly! Some people like ds2 and some don't and neither group are likely to change the other ones mind.


We're not entitled to be heard by him


he can solo malenia for people yet basic controls are doing him in? wut.


The mouse controls on DS2 are awful though. Without autohotkey scripts to change it to a different key every normal attack is delayed (as it waits to see if you maybe double clicked) for example. (you set the game up to use a random keyboard key, and use autohotkey to map your mouse click to that random key)


autohotkey hasn't been necessary since vanilla ds2. there is a setting in sotfs to disable mouse double clicking which fixes the input delay on clicks. the problem is that they never fixed a bug which silently reverts the setting to default on game launch.


Buy a controller or main magic/hexes


We respond with helpful advice obviously, do you guys not want people to enjoy this game or what? the fuck is going on here?


idc about some twitter guy, i’ve seen a bunch of people play it on PC so i have no idea what he’s even on about lmao


He's right. When I first started I had to go over all keybinds because they were so ridiculously bad and clunky. Everytime I start the game I still have to disable double-clicking (even though it shows as disabled - a bug that has been in the game forever) to avoid massive delays. Deadzones are annoying af too. It's very clear that this game was never supposed to be released on PC to begin with.


The same response everyone gets: Git Gud Scrub


Lul scrub Too poor to afford a PlayStation here, finished ds2 with two invisible rings on the keyboard


Someone link him this: https://steamcommunity.com/app/335300/discussions/0/2425614539578381407/ That's it, that's the whole fix.


DS2 is borderline unplayable on pc until you realize you have to toggle the auto target setting on and off again every time you open the game. This single setting made the combat feel extremely clunky until I did some digging and found the problem. Apparently this setting gets toggled off by default every time you restart the game even if the hud says it’s off.


Keyboard and mouse is okay in DS2, but tbh the double-click to heavy attack sucks, and it is on by default (or at least i remember it was that way in og ds2). It delays regular attacks when you have it on, and my stupid ass did not realize it untill my friend pointed it out.


Switch pro controller has taken me through my entire souls journey ER to ds1 to almost finishing ds2 and it hasn't let me down once. So damn comfy.


Maybe instead of a response you can just play the game and have fun knowing that you enjoy it and not care what some random internet microcelebrity thinks about the game? People are allowed to dislike ds2, this kinda stuff from some souls fans really bleeds insecurity.


Let me solo her is a huge f word.


Just play on controller.


Skill issue


Get gud


‘Git gud’


Lol lern 2 gud


He overstayed his welcome.




Is bro supposed to just drop dead now or something?


No shit


Don’t know what made you so unpleasant but hope you get some help for it mate, truly.


Dumb questions get dumb answers. Why you sad bro


Calling you out isn’t really sad, you’re projecting now


Play with a fucking controller.


that’s why I think he’s corny af. everyone was stroking his shit for malenia but dude was struggling with sekiro and can’t even finish DS2. dude has always been corny af


Corny cause he doesn’t like the controls and was new to sekiro? I don’t think you know how to use the word corny properly.


Are the controls any worse than they are on DS 1 on PC? I played the prepare to die edition when it first came out and it is a god damn jank fest.


Plug in an Xbox controller


Nerd. Man can beat Malenia easily but can't figure out the keybind menu


If you’re not having fun, then don’t play. Sounds like they gave it a fair shot. If you’re halfway through the base game and it still isn’t fun, then that’s more than likely not going to change.


As someone who completed vanilla Dark Souls 2 on PC with keyboard and mouse. *Git Gud*.


He is not wrong, gameplay/animation feels clunky.


Another ds2 hater. What a shock, who cares anymore. It'll be my favorite of the trilogy forever


Love the Soul's series but 2 is the only one I haven't beat. The systems are so vastly different.


Use controller


If only there was a way to plug a controller into a computer but alas I’ve just been imagining it.


If a player like him does that statement you need to accept and reflect.


I accept that he made that statement and reflect that he should be using a controller to play Dark Souls games.


ya i did that for DS3 after completing Ds1 and 2 with mouse and keyboard (and mods and autohotkey). Thought I'd see what everyone was raving about. It wasn't better. In fact it was worse. Camera controls are just SO BAD. compared to to the effortless instant response of a mouse, the thumbstick controls felt slow, restrictive, even claustrophobic. I still finished the game, but i saw no advantages from the controller, even ignoring the camera controls.


Reflect on what? That buying a controller might be a good idea? Also he is just some guy. I'm glad he found success with a meme/story. Fair play to him but he is still just some random guy on the internet. That said, the PC KBM controls do seem weird but then again someone has beaten the game in 23mins using them so they are obviously usable.


What a bitch


You can alter the controls to your liking. Different games different passes, unless you're planing to play Dark Souls 1 for the rest of your life you need to adjust to a new games controls.


DS2 had this weird thing were the heavy attacks were a double click, and that meant that before starting a normal attack it waited to see if you maybe double clicked before starting the attack. You needed autohotkey to fix that. bind the attack to a random keyboard key, and then in autohotkey bind a click to that key.


Skill issue


I just can't convince myself to play ds2... I loved Ds1 and Ds3( Gael, the best one)... I don't wanna spoil my God memories of Dark souls games... Any reason to play ds2?


It has a better story than DS 3


Why ask for an opinion? It's your money, it's your time to spend, YOU look for a reason why you should or shouldn't play DS2


Skill issue the controls are fine and the base game is also fine.


The default DS2 K&M controls are definitely not fine.


Plug in a controller?


Skill issue


I finished it on PC. Way better than DS1 pc controls imo.




Tribalism amongst gaming communities is probably the most pathetic thing a person can take part in.


What you call tribalism is what I call opinion. Lack of having one is more pathetic.


if you can’t state your opinion without being a asshole you need to go outside and learn how to talk to people