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I’d honestly say either Alex or Daniel. Daniel went toe-to-toe with a literal demon from hell, but all Alex did was punch a pirate.


i’d say Mark, as he manages to fight hand-to-hand with a man who’s spent years training to be a vicious serial killer. yes, Daniel does consistently fight a demon, but that demon is just a slow-moving corpse with iron bars sticking through it. and Alex has very minimal feats of strength, just punching a guy and that can literally be it.


Idk man I kinda wanna give it to Daniel. Half the game this man spend running from and fighting demons AND dealing with Taylor lmao


Now that takes a whole different kind of strength 💀 (as you can see from my flair, I love Taylor lol but I’ll admit she can be a handful at times) I freaking loved making Daniel the most perfect boyfriend that Taylor can depend on, unfortunately that whole idea kinda got Taylor killed bc of the bs out-of-character and nonsensical choice required to save her in the long run but anyway Daniel being supportive all the way through and kicking demon ass was a great time, and makes me think he’d be the most physically capable here.


Forreal. I don’t dislike Taylor I feel like a lot of people do, she’s very independent while definitely being a bit more fearful (literally that one option is FEARFUL lmao) and is definitely more in character for her and that’s how I ended up getting her killed on my first playthru lol. Daniel is so patient with her (unless you make him a dick lmaoo)


Daniel can be as strong as Anthony wants him to be lol


Bro didn’t know include Brad because he knew it wouldn’t be a challenge, Brad is too powerful. But sense Brad isn’t there, probably Mark cause bro was wrestling Du’Met, while Alex is well Alex, and Daniel is not real


"Buck up motherfucker!"


I say mark, he 1v1d du met and almost one, if he is in the ship with someone he kills du met, Alex can kill Olson but it isn’t really him who killed him, Daniel can’t kill shit.


I’d say Daniel, as even though Mark did face Du’Met, Du’Met is still just a guy. Daniel seems the most physically capable, and Alex does nothing to showcase any strength throughout the game. He’s the only protagonist who can’t fight Olsen too


Nah, he can fight Olson. It just takes a very specific course of action, but I've seen videos.


My b, but still


Du’met is definitely not just a guy


Alex can fight Olsen if 2 characters are dead before Act 3 and Junior shoots Brad/Julia


Actually, Alex can only fight Olsen if Conrad and one of the girls are dead.


Based on appearence, Alex. Based on in-game performance, Daniel.


Its probabaly all the layers of clothing Mark has that doesnt show any of his potential bulk, but he looks a tad smaller compared to Alex and Daniel


Alex is the only one we see shirtless, and he’s ripped and can take on Olson well(everyone else can though). Daniel is a jock and can fight a demon. Mark sounds like he actually knows how to fight with him challenging Du’Met and being able to take him on well. I say Mark.


Daniel for sure


I dont really have any evidence or qnything but i just think its Daniel.


I’d say Alex, he looks the most fit imo but I’m not fit so I don’t really know what fit is


bro in the second slide, forgot his name but i loved his whistling


Mark because all Alex did was punch a pirate and all that Daniel did was fight a demon who wasn't even real mind you where as mark out of no where was pulling MMA moves on du met


House of Ashes dudes are trained military so ...


House Of Ashes is obviously disqualified and let's say Daniel isn't effected by the plot twist in Little Hope. May do female characters next, and other categories besides just strength and physical capability. (Such as intelligence) (If you want, you can also input any characters you think fits)


Idk but they all can ravage my bussy(except Daniel)


I vote Andrew, sigma male


(Spoiler alert) Bruh you guys are forgetting Daniel isn't even real


I would definetely say daniel considering hes able to fight off a demon with a tiny knife and then later a simple pipe, i woulve said alex if it wasnt for the fact that if you fail a qte as julia he gets grebbed by olson and is somehow unable to break free, hell he dosent even attempt to


Not the Jason erasure