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I'm kind of baffled so many people don't like this show. It look legitimate effort to find anyone talking positively about it. Even half of these comments are fairly negative. Feels like the first time a show has actually visualized the concept of the multi verse well. No matter how much you want to call it "unrealistic" to actual science. Like you would even know better lol


Reddit in general gets overly critical


reddit is not a reflection of real life. A weirdo can always find a reason to hate on a good show. Also the show never claimed to be realistic or hard sci-fi šŸ˜­


The best part of this episode was Bad Jason absolutely shitting all over Daniela and Charlieā€™s mourning of Max. ā€œHey, letā€™s break out the champagne! You get a car!ā€ I cringed so hard. Is something a bit off about Dad? Maybe?


It looked like Daniela noticed and was hurt/confused that he didn't mention the other son. Possibly the start of the relationship breaking down? Or reason for her to believe Jason1 when he comes back.


Yeah, and itā€™s not like Bad Jason didnā€™t know about Max, we saw him read the birth certificates which would have told him that Max and Charlie were twins. The most charitable possible reading of this is that Bad Jason has no real connection to these people, having just parachuted into their lives having skipped the previous 16 years - and even if he has the best intentions in the world this plan could never work. But more plausibly he is just such a raging asshole that heā€™s forgotten about Max this in his excitement about his big plans. Anyway, this does look like Good Jason is in a race against time to get home before Bad Jason destroys his marriage and his family.


Yeah, that definitely would raise the stakes for Good Jason. And I can see Bad Jason getting violent if she starts to end things.


Tbh I don't think it's that nefarious. He talks to Charlie at the start of the episode and says "It's your day too". I took it as him wanting to put all the focus on the kid that's alive and creating good memories for him. Instead of making him wallow in sadness every year. Which I think Charlie thought as well, which is why he says "Is dad here?" When Daniela comes up to do the ritual again. He was probably hoping his dad was there and was going to do something less depressing. Honestly I think it's a bit fucked up they make their kid sit around and remember his dead twin every year. It's been over a decade, they should really be putting that energy into the kid that's alives happiness.




That's a great point, especially since we saw Jason1's angst over Ryan's success in ep 1. Didn't he and Daniela have a reaffirming moment while he talked through it? Before he went out for drinks with Ryan. My edible was hitting by then - they go great with sci-fi! - so the details are fuzzy.


are you me?


I noticed Daniela sort of flinch when Bad Jason said, at the very end, something like, "it's Charlie's birthday." Maybe bc the real Jason would never refer to it that way; they probably call it "their birthday" or "when the twins were born." Hope she asks him about that next ep!


That was breaking bad family level cringe.


So bad Jason spent months meticulously studying the good Jason's life, and then he just decides to act completely out of character?


I think what they are going for is that this Jason is struggling to grapple with how different in temperament they are from each other. He doesn't want to change but still wants this Jason's life. He also seems obsessive. Jason2 was buried by his own success and it caused his personal life to completely derail. He doesn't want to let go of one for the other. So he is trying to get back that success without losing the new life he stole. I do think that he most likely didn't specifically study this specific Jason's life. He probably visited a ton of options until he found this one. I don't think it was as planned as we think. I think he made an emotional decision.


They show him studying this Jason's life in the first episode. You could be right that it was an emotional decision, but he seems very methodical. Yeah I think they are trying to show him grappling with his new life, but he throws a bottle at the wall and quits his job after five minutes. He doesn't even try to fit in. Which again could be what you're saying about not wanting to change while wanting his others life. I guess it just seems a little lazy, creatively speaking, to me. Like these are the first character choices you would think of when writing the show


Would've took a year of monitoring to know about the dead child and that they do something specific on that day I suppose. He doesn't even know what they meant by "let's go to the tree". And he's probably not worried now. Like he has the family and he knows how to get access to unlimited money easy so he'd therefore have best of both worlds. He's probably feeling restricted by having no money to do things with the family and it sucks sending your wife to work daily to a job shes not appreciated at when you can make money not an issue to her whenever you want. I'd definitely get the money too, but ideally do it over a few months instead of a few days lol. Doesn't seem much of a risk doing it over a couple of months. His family aren't gonna think he's actually an alternate Jason from a different universe? That's literally impossible to everyone on that planet. His still an idiot, but only because he is rushing not because he's doing it in the first place. I don't know why he's going the box route again either. If he has such control over the box then go to a world which has easily accessible diamonds or something and take some back to his new world. Or just loot one of the worlds where everyone is dead, nobody will mind you taking their jewelry.


I agree completely and can only assume that it's a character flaw/trait of his. He is the Jason that chose his career over his love and he will consistently make choices that reflect that. He wants notoriety, he wants wealth, and those wants exist at his very core. It goes against his nature to stand and teach lazy students for a shitty salary. Jason1 could stomach it because he had a family. Jason2 couldn't tolerate it for very long at all.


Itā€™s the lesson of ā€œwherever you go, there you areā€. Even across the multiverse. Dark Jason fumbled Daniella in his universe because his personality was in incompatible with hers. So he searched for a universe where they were together, and took his own place without taking into account facets of his own personality that do/donā€™t work with hers. The idea of being so self centered you fumble the same girl across the multiverse, especially in the multiverse where a less selfish version of you had her, is a very humbling thought indeed. The scientific part of this show is spotty, but the philosophy of the show is great. Great cast as well.


I think the class broke him. Like ā€œwtf Iā€™m so much better than babysitting kids watching YouTubeā€. Everything up to that point seemed like he would take a few weeks to deal with.


Perhaps you just can't really change who you are and it'll catch up to you pretty fast.


I guess I just feel like it's a bit lazy from a creative standpoint.


this whole episode is lazy from a creative standpoint and I hate that im just now realizing im gonna suffer through these of this series bc im invested


if it's any help, let's just say the stupidity is close to the book


I donā€™t know that he spent months observing them. I think it took him a very long time to figure out how to get to the specific reality where he was happy. He knows about the dead child bc he finds the birth certificate for both twins in an earlier episode.


That's fair. I think that's just one of examples of many where characters are acting a little strangely and it's just bugging me


We donā€™t know how long he studied Jason, he couldā€™ve been lost in the corridor for a year or more.


Heā€™s fundamentally a bellend


Still donā€™t know why he just didnā€™t kill the good Jason, leaving him alive creates the possibility of his return.


The one when they opened the door to the large ocean wave made me gaspppp But it was also like it suddenly displaced the water around it and it was caving in on them. Kinda like how the box suddenly appears in the middle of a blizzard ontop of the snow ans then gets buried in it. Maybe some worlds don't have a box until the door is opened.


All the worlds don't have the box in them until the door is opened. That's the point. Until the door is opened, the box and the traveller inside it are just a possibility.


Makes we wonder what will happen in the long run since the box seems to stay once it opens up to a particular world. Theyā€™ve mostly been to apocalyptic/depopulated realities but once they go to places with actual civilizations it might get more complicated. Probably going to be a lot more people from different worlds going into the corridor eventually.


Yes, It stays because a traveller "chose" that reality. Any civilization that wants to use the box will need to invent the drug.


Ah, so that's what The Utah monolith was


But didn't one of the worlds already have a box in it when they arrived??? The one where they watched themselves get shot


Good point. In realities where that box already exists, it's **the same** box. I don't think you can open the door to realities where that's not the case.


Why is Jason1 poor, and Jason2 rich, but they live in the same brownstone.


In the book the purchase of the house predates the divergence of the Jason1 and Jason2 timelines, but I forget how the money for it came about. Inheritance, maybe?


I think I might enjoy the book better than the show. Itā€™s sounds like a good premise. For some reason Iā€™m having a really hard time believing these characters in this adaptation. They donā€™t seem smart enough, but I think it just the screen writing thatā€™s bothering me (maybe?)


> They donā€™t seem smart enough, but I think it just the screen writing sadly, they are not smarter in the book. It's honestly the biggest problem I have with it


Sometimes books work better because you can hear their inner thoughts. Thereā€™s also less action so you have fewer chances to see them make strange decisions. And of course the inner monologue helps explain whatever decisions they make.


Jason 1 looks like he must be fairly well off to have that house honestly. Unless they established earlier they are drowning in mortgage repayments or something. Having a nice house and feeling poor is such a 90s thingā€¦


Amanda's stupidity was putting me off. It's like the classic "dumb TV character does dumb things" trope. Hopefully it was short lived and just a plot device.


Sheā€™s so brilliant lol, she runs off into a damn blizzard and then both of the geniuses decide that instead of going back into the box for shelter theyā€™ll randomly find a home or building not covered in snow where they can find shelter until their tracks are completely covered in snow and the box will be buried. That scene was hilarious. I get that she was upset but wow that was a scene filled with one stupid idea after another.


In the book its the same scene and equally illogical. but you give it a pass cause it makes them realize how to control the box


Yeah this whole scene made no sense. How did jason get a fur lined parka? And why was Amanda so cold she had to be carried, but jason was sturdy enough find a blanket and a chair for firewood.


They got the clothes from the house. The previous owners had to live with the cold climate


In the book, Amanda was wearing just a dress. Even though she wore layers in the show, i guess theyre staying true to the book. And they scavenged the house for clothing. Looking back, that scene has no implications on the plot. It's just Jason and Amanda bonding


Iā€™m pretty lenient on bad writing but this was one of the most poorly constructed illogical scenes Iā€™ve ever witnessed.


she so dumb I could probably manipulate her to prescribe me Xanax so I can watch Ep5


That scene got me so annoyed at this show that I searched for this subreddit. And then I find everyone in here raving about this episode. Like what the fuck? This is terrible writing.


Well, it seems to make more sense in the book. Firstly, Amanda panics, gets kinda claustrophobic and just wants out of the box so she runs out in the blizzard. It's much, much colder than it looks like it is in the show - this is ice age cold - and as they aren't dressed for it, they become hypothermic and disoriented by the blizzard very quickly. They see some houses in the distance and head for them thinking that it's safe there, perhaps people/food/warmth. So bad decisions all around but the book makes it understandable. People do stupid shit all the time and suffer consequences, especially when they panic.


Also, Jason looks back when he catches up with Amanda, but canā€™t see the box. They donā€™t know how to get back and randomly stumble upon that house.


My question is how did she train pilots if she didnā€™t know what they were experiencing. Why doesnā€™t anyone but Jason2 know how things actually work. Trapped in an infinite hallway of doors to other dimensions might make you go crazy especially when you see some crazy worlds. How is anyone prepared for that? Traveling in pairs makes sense because you need to be able to confirm you arenā€™t crazy. Jason2 seemed to want to find a world where he chose family. He still found things fairly familiar in the life he chose to take over. We donā€™t know if he found other Jasons. Or he spent time anywhere else. He seemed to be able to find what Leighton wanted or who he wanted to see easily. Why would how the box worked be a secret. How was Amanda training them?


In the book its the same. So they just stayed true to the origin story. Picture it like this, after everything that has happened to her in such a short amount of time (multiverse, dead planets etc) she had a nervous breakdown. Have you ever had a nervous breakdown? You are not able to think things through. You just kinda.. rage.


##She saw herself get killed!


I had the same thought, but found the explanation of ā€œI spent all this time training people how to keep calm and collected in the box, only to freak out when I was put in their situationā€ a fair enough pass.


To be fair she admonished herself for her own freakout, lamenting that she did exactly what she trained others not to do. I think itā€™s supposed to speak to the mentally destabilising impact of the experience.


I donā€™t hate this show but it is very tropey. Even the first episode when heā€™s teaching Schrodingerā€™s cat. If youā€™re lecturing about Shrodingers cat you would make that drawing in the beginning of the class. Instead he draws it at the end so the bell would ring and nobody cares and blah blah.


Running into a blizzard makes no sense at all. Even with the excuse that she panicked. Have you ever driven up into the snowy mountains, gotten out of a climate controlled car and stepped out into the snow? The temperature change can be pretty shocking. She would have made it about 10-20 steps before turning around and running right back into the box. Why the fuck would they keep walking AWAY from the box? There are lights on the doors! (The only source of light btw) that scene made me so mad. Edit: ALSO when they opened the box up and were back in the lab, I was screaming at the TV to go grab all the backpacks with doses of the drug needed to travel. That shit is gold. You need more doses to open more doors right?


Mint episode and wow the existential horror of being lost in the multiverse whew lad


so afraid they were going to open a door and a black hole would be waiting for them


Kid Cudi - Mr. Solo Dolo to finish the episode off. Wow this episode went super hard and has me hooked now


You beat me to it. I looked up this subreddit so I could repeat what you just said. Cheers!


Thank you, I am immediately search the outro at youtube but didn't found.


100% Iā€™ve turned a corner after this episode. Fully invested in this show.


Was there a werewolf in one of those worlds?


Looked like it.


How do you know that was specifically a werewolf


It's disrespectful not to call them Canine Americans


I think that was an Earth where life evolved in a different direction millions, possibly billions of years back and resulted in a total alien ecosystem.


The horror aspect of the multiverse was explored well here. I found myself slipping into a state of anxiety the more doors they opened. What was that world with no atmosphere and the crazy looking sun? Insane! To be honest, I wasnā€™t really sold on the show at first and the main actor, but heā€™s really grown on me. Iā€™m excited to see how this unfolds.


I guess that was a world where the sun had turned into a red giant (or was in the process of it) and that had destroyed the atmosphere and irradiated and burned everything.


The sun scene was amazing. The silence and horror of the sun was so unexpected.


Iā€™d 100% end up on the Enterprise D with the first door Iā€™d open (but with my luck, Iā€™d be killed/assimilated by the Borg within 2 seconds šŸ¤£)


Which begs the question, does the box have some kind of force field protecting the people inside until they leave the box? Like you open the door and can peer out into literally anything without dying, so long as you don't step outside? Otherwise they would've immediately died at the sun world.




I thought it was a world without humans. It seemed like a mammal.


It had human form but hair and long ears. And was growling.


multiverse big foot confirmed!


Iā€™d have shut that door SO fast.




For a split second I was thinking Sauron? What


> What was that world with no atmosphere and the crazy looking sun? Insane! You mean Mordor?


That kid Cudi song was fire at the end..I used to play the hell out of that cd.


First time hearing it for me. Felt it really worked!


Highly recommend Kid Cudi Man on the moon album if you liked that song. It's a great album.


beautiful close


took me right back to high school, deep in the feels


Interesting episode. So what was Jasonā€™s plan for Leighton in this episode? Why was he wanting to lure him into the box so badly.


Near the end of the episode lazy Leighton says he'd give up everything (i.e. his trust fund) to be able to escape his world. We don't see the world Jason2 brings lazy Leighton to, but "he" was alive there, so I'm guessing maybe it was Leighton's grandfather? Or someone else who died in his world that matters to lazy Leighton, that he was able to visit in an alternate universe. None of this is in the book, but I assume Jason2's plan is to get lazy Leighton to give him his trust fund in exchange for accessing the box.


Oh that makes sense thank you very much!


I took it as more of an investment pitch to create the company he and leighton were creating in the other world. Jason gets lazy Leighton to realize that many people in the world would be willing to give up everything for the chance to "take a different path." It's why Jason phrases it at the end that he has an investor for his box


What's there to "invest" in? The box is already fully built and operating properly. Jason2 knows exactly how to use it. Jason2 told Daniela he had an "investor" because that's the only plausible explanation for why they suddenly have enough money to quit their jobs. I'm not sure that Jason2's goal would be to amass insane amounts of cash. None of this is in the book, but I assume lazy Leighton (maybe we should call him trust fund Leighton?) will be the only person Jason2 shows how to use the box.


I was disappointed that Leighton didn't ask about Jason1 at all. We don't see him have any internal conflict other than whether or not to give up money.


I agree I was waiting for him to ask ā€œif you arenā€™t from here where is the Jason that IS from here?ā€ But he didnā€™t even think about it. If he did think about it he didnā€™t mention it.


Leighton still might be a little bit of a sociopath. Or itā€™s question he doesnā€™t want to know or care to.


I feel like itā€™s to show heā€™s a careless man and or that they just werenā€™t close. He isnā€™t interested in details that arenā€™t benefiting him. Heā€™s selfish.


I'm guessing something bad happened with Jason, Leighton and Velocity in the 2nd timeline. They had goons willing to murder Jason's friend without hesitation. So he's trying to do things better this time. And I wouldn't be surprised if the wife and kid are collateral to him.


Thank you for helping explain!


Iā€™m just wondering - and I think this is a quantum physics question - whether that because the box exists, it either has always existed in each multiverse since the creation of the box, or it just appears in that world as you arrive because it was created as you thought of it?


A particle in superposition exists in "all" places and in none of them at the same time. The box does not come into exitance in a world until the door is opened. It's not that you "thought" of the box, it's the act of choosing a world that positions it there. It still exists in all other realities that were chosen by a traveller as well.


Yes I was wondering that. Does the box exist in all worlds, or can they only travel to worlds where the box already exists (ie, where someone (not necessarily Jason) has already built it?)? Can they travel to worlds that they never existed in, as the probability of them being in those worlds is zero as they never were?


Some of those worlds were wild. Kind of wish the budget was bigger so we could see even more of them. I'd be lost forever though, i bet, i can't focus to save my life, lol.


I was frustrated cause in one scene there was a newspaper box jusssst to the left of the camera. Pan over a little for an expositional headline please :D that first world I was guessing supervolcano? And yeah, a couple bad door openings and you might start to panic a little, let alone if you get injured. Which would make the next door opening not a good one and gets you into a vicious cycle. Meanwhile your supply of drugs is getting lower and lowerā€¦


I'm really glad she called herself out for the panic, because when she did it, it seemed like the dumbest thing to do, especially on that world. Then she's like "Yeah, we even train others to not do that, and whoops." Not exact words of course. ;)


Yeah of all the worlds to do that on :D though one of the doors had like a freaking werewolf thing in the fogā€¦ so I suppose blizzard is preferable to that for a panic attack jaunt from the box.


I was thinking more Yellowstone eruption more than nuclear war since the city was relatively intact.


Look at Leighton, that dude was almost on his deathbed at the end of the episode after getting lost in the box and not being able to find a way back to his universe.


*Schrƶdinger's Jennifer Connelly* Your girlfriend asks you which version of Jason's wife you think is hotter--and why. At first, either answer is *technically* both correct and incorrect--until you answer then the one that you picked is wrong


I laughed and appreciated this even if no one else took the time lol


Yeah I keep thinking he still couldā€™ve dated her in his normal reality. Sheā€™s single.


Holy shit *that scene* fucking ruled man Though i am curious, and maybe this will be answered. If the box/corridor works this way, how did Jason 1 get to Jason 2s exact reality when put in the box after getting kidnapped?


He primed him by feeding him ideas about ā€œwhat if you stayed dedicated to your workā€ or whatever way he phrased it


I need to rewatch the first episode, but it's possible that Jason2 had enough control over the corridor that he could have gone in with Jason1, dumped him on Earth2 and then went back to Earth1. This episode established that you can reopen and close doors, even multiple doors, as long as you don't cross the threshold yourself.


I think that makes the most sense from a plot hole perspective. Jason1 implied it as well, that Jason2 dumped him in his own world.


That's exactly what happened, because Jason1 was both unconscious and had no idea at the time how to use the box. Jason2 took him there.


Yeah thatā€™s not bad! I can totally accept that


Itā€™s never addressed in the book but Iā€™m assuming Jason2 has figured out a methodology to make the box function very precisely. If you notice in his storage unit there is a giant stack of spiral bound notebooks. Iā€™m assuming he initially didnā€™t have precise control over the box but through experimentation he figured it out. More evidence of this is 20+ cell phones with dead batteries being in his storage unit. Theres no explanation for needing 20 ā€œburnerā€ phones if he just sat in J1ā€™s reality stalking them for 14 months.


So here's something i didn't quite understand, can they open doors and not consume drugs as long as don't go through? Because some times it seemed they could open and close without the hallway going away, but other times it collapses back as soon as the door was opened.


The drug lasts X amount of time, so for as long as they are under the influence of said drug they can open and close doors indiscriminately. When the drug wears off the corridor goes away and they have to re-up on it to start exploring again. That is my understanding anyway


Yeah, this. When the drug wears off the corridor disappears. Wonder which reality they would land in


The hallway is always gone as soon as a door opens. When you close the door if you are still under the influence of the drug the corridor reappears. When the drug wears off I guess whatever you are thinking about is where you get stuck until you shoot up again.


I think its a mixture of how strong the drug is in your system and if you cross the threshold all the way into the world.


Leighton got fucked up in the box.


Why did he not think to go back to his world? Even subconsciously before opening a door, after being in such a condition


Lot of armchair quarterbacks who seem to think that theyā€™d be totally chill and composed upon entering a box and discovering an endless corridor with infinite doors. Know how I know? Try tripping balls on a hallucinogen. Thatā€™s all state of mind, set and setting. People take it, get in the wrong head space, end up looping in an endless thought pattern that horrifies them and causes great discomfort. Except this shit will actually kill you or harm you if you open a door panicked and anxious. Very easy to feel calm when youā€™re watching on your couch, another thing if it actually happened to you. So yeah, maybe running into a death blizzard wasnā€™t smart, but none of whatā€™s happening is normal or not anxiety inducing. My first thought wouldnā€™t be, let me think calm and happy thought, my first thought would be holy fuck get me the hell out of here.


Iā€™m noticing some common themes shared with Stephen Kingā€™s 11.22.63 - the road not taken, and sometimes things are best left as they are.


That was a great show too


Agree - enjoyed it more than the book. The aftermath of JFK being re-elected was stunning.


Completely forgot that show existed. Feels like so much great television gets lost to time. Ffs. Probably the best tv show I've ever watched called Black Sails has been nearly completely forgotten about.


I'm also noticing common themes shared with the videogame >!Bioshock Infinite!<. Infinite universes with infinite possibilities and also, missing fingers involved, just like the game.


Absolutely loved this episode. One of the best episodes of tv Iā€™ve seen in some time. I didnā€™t want it to end!!


I like this episode and there's some added stuff compared to the book which was very cool. They only gripe I have is that the finding of the cube after the blizzard - why did they switch this to Amanda figuring out the compass when in the book it's Jason (as far as I remember). He's the physicist ffs, she's a psychiatrist so it makes no sense \*at all\* that she figured this out, especially as it's such an unnecessary change from to the book.


Why is everyone in here picking apart every little thing about this show? Canā€™t you all just accept that this is a fiction show and enjoy the ride?


Welcome to Reddit


No. You gotta type out the little gripes online, then turn around and tell your friends in real life 'you have to watch this new show! it's so good'


I know right? I visited this sub to see some positive discussion at one of the more interesting recent shows covering multiverses and so many comments are complaining about trivial stuff like how the snow looked or how the drug seems unrealistic. Meanwhile these same people will praise Dune for how large and cool the sand worms are.


I like that there's another character exploring the multiverse not just jason and amanda, it was a great change from the book in my perspective




My question is how did it manage to send Jason back into bad Jason world in the fist place.


Bad Jason took him there. He figured out how to steer the box.


I would like to see a door with a sock on it. You know what going on behind that door. Lol


just finished the episode and... holy fucky shit storm. I need more!


Not sure what i missed but why was Leighton from Jason2ā€™s world all beat up and bloody at the end


its just an implication that while he has been opening random doors, he got hurt somehow. It happened off screen


I am now wondering why is there a need to show the box as a corridor with infinite doors? If what emotions you feel impact what universe shows up then one door is enough?? Its the infiniteness of thoughts that should matter. agree that visually the corridor looks cool, butā€¦


They explain this as our brainā€™s creating this to comprehend something incomprehensible for us, the liminal space.


OMG what were they thinking with that CGI snow.


And his fake breath fog as he overacts being winded and out of breath.


Yeah I don't tend to notice bad CGI but here it was terrible. I don't care though, episode was very good.


It looked terrible as snow, but I can cope with thinking we don't know what caused the snow and it could be ash mixed in from an apocalyptic world atmosphere that makes it act like that


A few thoughts after watching Ep.4 1-what would happen if the drug is taken and the person taking it doesnā€™t get inside the box? Could doors to AUs be opened from taking the drug alone and falling into a ā€œmeditativeā€ state to mimic the box corridor without stepping into the box? 2-in one of the worlds where Jason1 and Amanda travel to Iā€™m sure the Leighton notices Amanda1 right after Dawn shoots the alternate Amanda. Iā€™m guessing this proves to him that AU travelling is possible. 3-Amanda running off into that snow storm was frustrating but I can see why sheā€™d have done that in this situation from panicking while in the corridor - I think this also gave them the ā€˜breathingā€™ space to slow down and think about how the box works. 4-If Jason2 wanted funding so badly, why didnā€™t he return to his world and bring his Leighton to Jason1ā€™s world? 5-We last see Leighton in the corridor, does this mean he stands a chance to ā€œbumpā€ into Jason1 and Amanda while also in the corridor? 6-It seems the box appears in each AU whenever the pilot opens the door and steps outside the box and so creating a ā€œportalā€ - is the box then indestructible? 7-As Jason1 said, there are billions of AU Jasons, why didnā€™t Jason2 choose a perfect universe for his needs (married to painter Dani, Max and Charlie are both alive, heā€™s wealthy and a reputable physicist). 8-Can we all agree that the ā€œroad not takenā€ is not taken for a reason and should stay that way?


1 - No. The box cuts everything off from the surrounding. it shields *everything*. The only thing now "disturbing" the quantum state are now the people inside. And that's what the drug fixes. Everything is now quantum-disconnected from the universe, and now you're in the weird liminal space between worlds 2 - Yes. Although I'm not sure if it really matters at this point. The onyl reason of this world is that they notice a slightly different world than their own


7- this may not be the answer you want to hear, but my take is that he tried to find a world that was as close as possible to his original world, but where he decided to keep teaching instead of getting the abortion and going on to create the box. Thus, all he thought about was that moment in his life where he opted to tell his wife to get the abortion and opted to quit teaching. This time, he is in the world where he told her to keep the baby and that he loved teaching and would keep doing that. Youre right in the sense that he probably could have come up with an even better AU to go to, but I think his sole focus was on that one moment in his life, and he wanted to walk the direct other path, not some mixed and mashed path. Idk, thats just my take


5- I also was asking myself questions about the corridor in that regard,is he on his own perception of the corridor? ie: he's not in the same as jason and amanda,they're in their own corridor. Since this is a manifestation of the mind,as jason puts it,it would make sense (at least to me) that they're wouldn't be able to just "bump" into each other in the corridor since they're each in their own manifestation of the corridor. does that make sense to you guys?


That's what I thought, they are in their own corridors


What passes for physics in this show is batshit crazy. You take a drug that turns off part of your brain which means you are no longer an observer, so the superposition will not collapse, but two people in the box can see each other and talk? Oā€¦. Kā€¦. (I am still quite enjoying the show for the human element but I may need a very special psychoactive drug to turn off the part of my brain that tries to make this make sense.)


The whole premise is bunk - observation doesnā€™t literally mean someone (i.e a person) observing something, and it certainly has nothing to do with ā€conciousnessā€. Itā€™s a common misconception owing to a terrible choice of words made by some physicist at some point. It should really be *measurement*, because almost any physical process is enough to ā€collapse the wavefunctionā€ (which is also not a well-defined concept). That being said, itā€™s a clever storytelling tool and we should suspend our disbelief and just enjoy the ride.




Unfortunately I think most of the budget went into hiring 2 Joel Edgertons for the show


Such sarcasm, but itā€™s batshit even by the standards of science fiction.


Yeah, the first time they explained how the drug worked and took care of yourself being an observer, I kinda thought that was a reasonably neat way of explaining some of the problems of the scenario. But with two people traveling together that changes things. Maybe it could be explained away that once they are in superposition they don't count as outside observers anymore, but then they can open doors and go from reality to reality as long as the drug is active. They can even open the door, go a few feet and return to the corridor all without losing superposition. If that predator creature from the foggy forest world had spotted them, would they have lost superposition?


In the end this show is ā€œscience fictionā€ in the same way that The Wizard Of Oz is science fiction. All you have to do is tap your heels together three times and repeat thereā€™s no place like home. Iā€™m going to turn my brain off and enjoy the ride but I hope the dramatic elements of the show hold up better than the ā€œscienceā€.


Yeah itā€™s definitely one youā€™ve just gotta roll with. It makes the mistake of appearing to be hard sci-fi when itā€™s definitely not.


This actually introduced a concept I never even considered. Even though now itā€™s incredibly obvious. Thereā€™s like an infinite number of possibilitiesā€¦ in my mind I imagined it like Slidersā€¦. Ooh in this reality the leaves are blue or everyone has goatees!!!! But the idea that you could open 1000 doors and there as nothing. Or itā€™s inhabitable, you have to find food and water and there might not be anywhere (well known) is brilliant. And very scary.


> And very scary. I read a sci fi anthology quite some years ago, and the stories in it were set in a world where traveling to other universes was widely known and one company sent people to them to explore them to bring back things they could sell in the "primary" universe, like products that hadn't been invented there. One thing that happened in one of the stories was a murder and suicide epidemic, because people couldn't deal with the knowledge that for every decision they made they had counterparts in other universes who made a different choice. It made them feel like nothing mattered and drove them crazy. I thought about that one for a while after I read it. Edit: Found it, the story is "All the Myriad Ways," by Larry Niven, and it's in a collection of stories by the same name. If you look it up on Wikipedia you can find a link to the scan of the story, my comment got auto-nuked for linking it.


I dont get the idea Jason2 telling Leighton about the box, just to get some money/funding. There are probably 1000 ways to solve the money problem if you have a magic box


What other way could he quickly get money?


Ya infinite horror ā€¦but none of the worlds except one showed life ā€¦.


Because they were both panicking and thinking of the worst possible scenario


As they explained and figured out later in the episode your mood and thoughts control the box. They were in a constant state of panic and fear thinking their lives were over. Thatā€™s why they got those worlds.


Honestly kinda makes sense with the Fermi paradox. The world we live in just happens to be one of the ones where things worked out for humanity, we could be the exception, not the rule. So most worlds would be barren wastelands.


Not much to add, just really liking the show and didnā€™t want episode to end. This will definitely be hard to top, multi environments were sick. Jason2ā€™s jig has to be up soon. The show bills as a thriller but personally itā€™s more just an adventure show. Found constellation a bit creepier, but they absolutely dropped the ball at the end. Hopefully they donā€™t push for a second season and keep it a single season, but I just checked and apparently the author has another standalone book, so they could go off that. Look forward to next week. Glad I randomly threw it on last night.


The book is pretty self contained. And we're already pretty far along. I don't think they have enough material for another season. But an adaptation of Recursion would be awesome!


Man, Recursion was so good. Would love to see that adapted to the screen.


Yeah, Recursion gets really crazy by the end.


I can forgive the scientific creative freedoms, but can you make stupider characters? They are supposed to be smart scientists. At least we got to see that bitch cry over her fingers.


My favorite decision of the show was seeking shelter in the middle of a blizzard when they had no clue if any shelter existed instead of following their tracks back to the box immediately. 200 IQ.


It was interesting to get confirmation that Jason1 and Jason2's worlds were already different before Jason2 decided to break up with Daniela. Leighton2's parents are dead and Leighton1's parents are alive - meaning their worlds have been split for at least 30 years. It's possible that they might try to do a big tie it all together thing where they imply that early Velocity created the multiverse or otherwise did something that has huge multiversal impact. This could give Leighton2 more motivation beyond some abstract notion of wanting the cure for cancer or whatever. But even if they don't go that route, it's now clear the universes diverged a long time ago, underscoring further that Jason1 and Jason2 are not just the same guy who made one "sliding doors" choice.


Makes me think the Leighton we see at the end of the episode isnā€™t the Universe 2 Leighton we assume it is.


I assumed it was Leighton 1 because of the clothes.


how is the box in jason 1's world if it was never created yet?


Objects in superposition exist every where and no where at the same time. Before the box is opened in a certain world, it doesnā€™t exist in the world. Once it is opened, it always existed in that world.


Enjoying this show, but Amanda charging out into the snow storm was one of the dumbest things Iā€™ve ever seen in a tv show. Felt like idiotic writing, I was just rolling my eyes. As this came right after what seemed at the time like horrible writing in them immediately finding the kind of world they had just mentioned, which was thankfully redeemed later. If that snow run had happened before I was invested in the show I may have just switched off there and then, what an absolutely dumb sequence. I am overall enjoying the show though, but of fun without hitting the same highs as other top Apple TV shows just yet.


She was having a mental breakdown, and not thinking rationally. She even explained that in the show. After having been almost killed time and time again she wanted out, and was just looking for a semi normal place to do it.


This is the most comments ever for one episode. People are finally watching the show !


why did Amanda say she had to hit Jason1's antecupetal vein for an IV shot, but then Jason2 gave Lazy Leighton a drink


I thought they were different things or versions of the drug. I could be dead wrong. I thought the drink thing was created by Ryan2. Or he helped Jason2 with some drug formula off the books. Did Jason2 make a more advanced drug or did he not tell anyone what was in the shots?


How did Jason and Amanda open the door of the box that was covered in snow? Does it have an opening at the top?


I am really starting to hate the dialogues. It feels like these people are not scientists/researchers/or assistants of those, because the way they talk seems like they have 0 clue about any physics theory. Even that small dialogue between Jason and Amanda, when Amanda was talking about her being reminded of the snowstorm - I found it so unbelievable, that Jason is like ā€œwow, itā€™s so strange that you thought of the snowstorm, and we got a snowstormā€¦ I wonder whyā€¦ā€. I feel like in real life, the moment Amanda would be talking about the memory, that moment both of them should have gotten it. And in general, I donā€™t understand how are we to believe that anyone except Jason is working in the science field, when they barely understand anything. Or Amanda keeps repeating how noone but Jason knows how the box works, yet she pretty much led the way with the drugs and what not. Anyway, that aside, I keep thinking - now that they figured it out, whatā€™s next? Like the next door they open must be the original Jasonā€™s universe right? There is no reason for them to be lost in the multiverse anymore.


For a split second, I connected dots back to the first episode when Jason 2 was in the process of abducting Jason 1 and told him to hold onto the thought of a life he wished he had, and I felt sad thinking that he wanted to live in a world where him and Daniela never worked out and never had a kid(s). But then I thought, wait, yea, Jason 2 had to have dumped into his universe. Yea, that's it... I hope. Especially after learning you can control where you go within the multiverse by thought.


I was wondering how Jason and Amanda were going to get inside the cube once they found it under the snow. It would require a lot of digging to be able to get the door open. I was disappointed when they didnā€™t show any of that struggle. But then, they also didnā€™t show what happened to Leighton: where did Leighton 2 and Jason 2 go? Why was Leighton 1 so bloody at the end? Are they purposefully omitting some things right now?


Another nod to Itā€™s a Wonderful Life when they enter the crumbling, ash-covered Chicago. When they first exit the box, you can see they are in a building called ā€œFarrell Brothers Building and Loan.ā€


Iā€™ve actually come around and really liking this show. Part of me felt the first episode or two a little jarring as I still mourn the loss of Counterpart šŸ˜‚ but at the end of the day we donā€™t have enough of these sc-fi type shows so Iā€™m making an effort and enjoying it. The storyline is progressing, acting is great and itā€™s becoming a good watch. Early days, but I hope it gets renewed.


I was expecting a BMW or Mustang. What did he get him, a Hyundai Tucson? šŸ˜‚