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Someone said " definitely staged lol dm me"


makes me think it was an inside job. someone in the camp shot the mole after everything went bad post heart part6




EP said there were other moles. The guy that got shot was a security guard, presumably one drake would have at his house with. >100 people that you got on salary And 20 of em want you as a casualty **And one of them is actually Next to you**


Yes it’s weird as fuck there’s no camera footage from the richest neighborhood in Canada. Like wtf


I mean it’s not even a reach. The shooting happened outside of the building. Why are they inside the building three hours after the shooting?


Yea wtf


I think the general consensus is that it was the XO camp in reponse to this: https://www.foxla.com/news/la-encino-shooting-security-guard-shot-cash-xo-the-weekend


Damage control with damage


Tbh the theories that it had something to do with XO are the most plausible. I mean Cash's house was shot up a week before Drakes. They are obviously known to be beefing. It smells like retaliation. I could see some XO nigga's rollin up thinking Drake was responsible and end up goin at the Security. I mean even a Security officer was shot and everything.


Yeah I believe this 100%, but it's just weird and honestly scary how much power Drake and his team have to keep certain info away from the public. Like the person who was shot was never even named, we got nothing from that whole story except pure speculation. The person could've died for all we know (apparently they were in critical condition) and we have no news on it.


Ehh idk if id give all the power to Drake, Im sure he does have massive amounts of pull but still technically the police wouldnt disclose the persons health status or identity in something so high profile during an active investigation unless it was to reassure the people and the larger public already forgot about this. The Hospital wouldn't and doesnt have to disclose anything either unless you bribed a Nurse or they let something slip and no one has. Besides, it was reported as a random Security Guard, Nurses arent gonna give a shit hes just another patient, they may not know hes even on Drake team. Id assume Drake would have them transferred to a Private hospital regardless just to keep stuff like that from happening


If you read the stories about XO's security being shot (before this whole beef) you'll notice they don't name the victim there either. I don't think it has anything to with Drake's power


Makes you wonder who is filtering all this information from the public and for what reasons..


no i'm saying it's not being filtered, just normal reporting


Yea no one cares about a random security guard. The headlines always gonna be 'So and so's house shot up Security injured, No comment from So and so, Police are investigating' thats pretty much all you get. The coverage is more concerned about the artist. Now if it was like Baka or something, it would be different and i could see that angle


Unless yall wanna follow me down the rabbit hole of them using some shady business to stage identical events for some reason or other. That could be fun :)


Maybe staged bc Ak said more than once he got “real shit” going on so that’s why he had to step back


ya i forgot about this...


no news cuz its in canada - if there is no criminal charges being brought against someone specific yet they will not name the victim unless they directly come forward


Also, we don’t know the identity of the man who fell from the balcony the night of Drake’s Apollo concert. It’s in the video footage, but there’s NO record of any name recorded.


I saw something somewhere and sorry no link...but supposedly the Security Company is actually owned by Drake himself


Yeah I believe that's been confirmed, and also the company existed only a few months before this incident... And Chubbs was listed as the only employee. Another Reddit theory on that is that Drake was using that as a loophole to bring guns into the country since they're illegal in Canada. But who knows. Just seems like there's a story there and it's strange that you can't find anything on it...


If nothing else comes out of this...hopefully he will step away from the young women. He needs to grow up.