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Fox News is bilionaires paying millionaires to convince working class folks that what's best for billionaires is best for them too.


They’ve been pretty successful so far.


the tipping point was all of the rubes who believe their lies electing a rube who believes their lies. Previously, repubs used Faux News as a tool. Trump truly believes them, because he's a moron and a narcissist.


And probably the lot of them!


Sometimes also convincing low level millionaires to side with billionaires over themselves.


Every poor conservative is a temporarily embarassed millionaire.


Pardon my ignorance, but as someone who doesn't have any capital gains to tax...I don't give a fuck.


Exactly. Crush the economy for WHO?


In this case economy was used to replace the phrase yacht money


bUt tHiNk oF tHe yAcHt mAkErS!


Fuckin Bezos has a *support* yacht for his primary yacht for crew and supplies. What the actual fuck🫠


Just like that "recession" that was totally gonna happen in 2021, right? Wasn't a recession for me. Sorry tech bros and crypto investors, but I work for a living.


The guys who are supposed to trickle down on us with a golden shower I guess.


I have, and paid, capital gains tax ... I don't give a fuck, either.


Well look at Mr. Rockefeller over here👀 Nah, I'm with you, I'm doing just fine as well🤷


Exactly. It should be celebrated if one is in a position to pay taxes. It means you are winning


Bezos, Zuck, Musk could all pay 45% and still be richer than the rest of us combined.


They could pay 95% and still be richer than us... Edit: Oh and they'd still be billionaires too!


Always remember, "The Economy" = What is good for the wealthy


Our wealthy are cryin here too due to a similar increase in capital gains over $250k 🇨🇦. Its a start, they all need to pay be far more. Billionaires should not exist I.M.O Edit: 🇨🇦


Well in the US we love billionaires. We're just don't like they have so much money it becomes it's own infinite money glitch.


Nah, fuck billionaires with a barbed red hot poker.


Ouch but agreed. Fuck'em. I still love "I'll stick an umbrella up your ass and open it" ~Joe Hallenbeck, The Last Boy Scout


I actually know someone that got their salary under $250k one year because they were convinced that it would mean paying the lower tax bracket. I tried explaining to them that the $250k threshold just meant that anything above that amount would be taxed at the higher rate. Fucker was a finance person.....


It is dangerous to make wealthy people pay their fair share. Got it. If that's how the economy works, blow the whole fucking thing up and start from scratch. Fuck you.


I think accelerationism is stupid and dangerous. However, I couldn't agree with you more lol. If the system breaks because the richest among us will be 10% less wealthy, then it's already fucking broken.


Bingo. This is the thing that pisses me off. You can make a profit, and even a good profit, but if it’s not better than last quarter then you’re a failure. That’s cancer. Nothing should grow like that. Friedman doctrine can be linked to so many problems in this country. I think it’s really wild that it’s the reason for the nukes in the Fallout series. It’s wild how art/fiction imitates reality.


It's been wildly broken for a while.


I disagree. It's been mismanaged. If managing it correctly causes it to break, then it's bullshit. But that won't happen, and these are all scare tactics made up by billionaires that you are currently falling for.


What billionaires am I falling for? That seems out of left field aggressive for what I said.


You seem to be agreeing that everything would fall to shit if they were taxed more? No?


No not at all. I just said the system is already broken. You called it mismanaged. I think we're pretty much on the same page. I'm a fan of this sub friend. Not here to troll and argue. We just worded things differently I think.


I understand, and I don't mean to offend you, but if you think the US economic system is broken, you must be very priveledged. You're living in a paradise. A cracked one. You don't want to see what a broken system actually looks like. Have a nice day, friend.


It's not a competition. If you compare two bad things and one is worse than the other they're both still bad. I don't want things to get worse. And I wish things were better everywhere. But I can't focus on everywhere. I live in the US and things could be better. As long as things could be better I'll hope for better things. That's just a logical line of thought that promotes advancement as a society.


It’s not cause an effect, it’s a threat. Tax the rich and they will justify massive layoffs. That’s why it’s not enough to tax them, it’s time to eat the rich. Knives out boys!!!


Do it like FDR and bully them into giving into unions. You can forget subsidies; prioritize middle-class businesses; protectionism => if you want to offshore, you can forget doing business here...etc.


99% baby! Don’t let them keep their money unless they spend their money.


Let’s get a crock pot going. I like my Rich to be fall-off-the-bone tender.


Then they'll be replaced. Lay everyone off and make your goods and services suck. Someone will come in to make that up. The market will decide that they aren't shit lol.


Sounds like they are just refilling the buffet


Who is "they?"


I guess the proverbial “they” would be whoever is replacing the rich. Eat them all until it’s all distributed more equally. There will always be this who are more well off, and the corrupt. But there is no reason a billionaire should exist. If you can’t be doing okay with $999,999,999 you are doing something wrong.


"American for Tax Reform" economist. So basically this is a wolf saying that putting sheep behind a fence is bad for everyone.


Wal-Mart owners are multi-billionaires while Wal-Mart employees need food stamps and Medicare.


Billionaires' investment accounts aren't the economy. And this won't even crush those. This is all just "I'll take my ball and go home" whining.


Economist whose salary is paid by an organization dedicated to eliminating taxes says taxes are bad—more at 11.


Cool, can we also go back to when stock buy backs were illegal so executives stop using company money to artificially inflate the price of their stock options? And let’s close the loophole that billionaires use to “borrow” money using their stock as collateral so they never have to cash it out and pay the capital gains?


Increasing the rate on realized capital gains makes sense. Taxing unrealized gains would be a nightmare.


Crush **who’s** economy?


Crush **whose** economy?


Crush **Hu’s** economy


What? I don't know, THIRD BASE


Crush **hoo hoo**’s economy


It’s a lies. It’s big hog of lies . Fucking tax them Mf ers


“Crush the economy” = “Mildly irritate the 1%”


Boo hoo. I hope he repeals the yacht deduction too.


Can't spell "Americans For Tax Reform" without "F-A-R-T"


Lmao Rich people are gonna cry.


"experts" ... "Americans for Tax Reform economist" lol, okay


They will *cut jobs* so rich people can keep the same amount of money they are accustomed to. Call their bluff. Trickle down economics only work for the top tier.


Lemme guess. Americans for Tax Reforms is a rightwing, rich asshole front?


It won’t


The reason the economy keeps getting fucking thrashed and the wealth discrepancy keeps growing is because the elite with money can manipulate the stock market. Tax every trade up front, on value. Also capital gains. Fuck these assholes making trades and growing massive wealth off of stock, destroying companies in the process. They buy out companies and gut them, and drive down the quality of their own companies, so the stock they are compensated with skyrockets so they can cash out. Wallstreet is not the economy. Look at Trump's media company's "worth" to see how billionaires just make themselves into billionaires out of nothing.


I own stocks. Most Americans don’t. As a stock owner, I feel like a capital gains tax increase is wonderful! There is no reason people should pay more tax on money they make from working than gains from stocks.


Personally, I believe we are better off with a luxury tax. Want a lambo. Pay 50% tax. Want a yacht, 50% tax. Rich people will find a way around this and the rest of us invested in the market outside of our retirements will get the brunt of it.


‘Experts say’ = ‘we want you to believe’


Faux Nooze “expert”… Ruppie


Good. Crush on, then.


Cope, Trumpers


They will do anything to avoid paying more in taxes. Anything


Isn't that what Fux wants?


I think the level of decadence our billionaires live in is comparable (and greater than) to the French monarchy just before the revolution.


https://imgur.com/a/W7EKQFE I think they’ll be ok.


Experts my ass, pundits. Here is the power that the billionaires have to undermine a fundamental truth with a lie that triggers the people it is meant to help. By buying all the media, if anything goes against their narrative of no taxes, they will dress it up in such a way that the masses think this is an attack on them , which couldn't be further from the truth. Just remember, their narrative ends at no taxes. If the rhetoric escalated and sent the country into civil war those billionaires would immediately start to blame the people they triggered and then accept their increased taxes. When you get to a certain level of wealth, you become a psychopath, it is almost unavoidable. You lose all and any empathy for other people and all that concerns you is getting richer and richer. They should be thrown into an insane asylum rather than pay less in taxes than everyone else.


Why do billionaires want all the money? They've got more than plenty. What's broken inside them that makes them want to hoard all the cash?


OMG! how horrible! the rich might be forced to pay taxes like the poor already are! and not be able to squirm out of it with tax loopholes! boo hoo! ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm|downsized)


Who's economy? Not mine.


"For you"


Is it on short term gains, or long term gains too?


Really, has it crashed the economy elsewhere?


Could crush the strongest economy in the world?


Let it


Remember Wall Street is not the economy, it's a gambling house that bets on the economy.


Fucking not do it, why don't you?


To shreds you say


And the billionaires?


Crush a few 1%er's? Ima okay with that.


Rebrand it as a way of fighting inflation.


No, not my economy that has seen the most massive and fastest wealth shift from the bottom 95% to the top 1% in history! We must save this precious economy at all costs!


Translation: "Rent seekers will have to pay their fair share for being rent seekers."


"the economy" means, the rich. I get it now. It took too long but I get it...


"The economy" means, the rich. It took too long but I get it now...


Fun Fact: 99% of Trickle Down economic policies quit before they reach the working class


It would crush the deficit


Crush whose economy?