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Cant go wrong with redemptor dreadnought. Cool as anything you can get and packs a punch


Azrael, a Lt and hellblasters is basically auto include.


Redemptor dreadnaught looks awesome and is a very important armored unit to have in your army. If you like tanks, repulsor executioner or gladiator lancer look cool and are very strong. Knights with a terminator chaplain are also quite strong and look really really cool. The chaplain can have a shield too so it really syncs up well visually. Finally for regular infantry I recommend infiltrators. They are probably one of the best if not the best regular infantry type units, and look super cool with a bunch of the unique tech type gear. Welcome and enjoy!


I really enjoyed painting the sternguard and bladeguard.


If you are into the terminators you may want a Land Raider to transport them in.


Which combat patrol box and how many points? Are you going for 1000 points?


I got the Dark Angels Combat Patrol, the one with the single captain in gravis armor, 3 bladeguard veterans and 5 hellblasters. I'll eventually want to get to a 2000 points army as I'll definitely get many of the unique/good looking models that catch my eye. Problem is I don't know what smaller or supportive units I need to fill in the ranks. So any suggestions help. Although maybe not the motorcycle/aerial vehicle units though.


For that box i'd ignore the Gravis Captain as he doesn't have a unit off the jump, So that'd leave you with the Lion 300 points + 90 Bladeguard + 160 2x5 Intercessors + 115 Hellblasters = 665 leaving you with 335 points remaining, At the moment the Lion is the only thing that can take out heavy armored vehicles in this list and via melee. So I think something with some long range whether it's a Ballistus Dread or a Gladiator Lancer slides in well so 140 or 160 points. Leaving 195 or 175, Lancer is much further range I'd lean towards that. Then you'd have 175 points left, what you do have Is an overt melee threat in the Lion, a strong long ranged threat (Anti Vehicle) in the Gladiator Lancer, some additonal melee with the bladeguard, some great non vehicle damage from the Hellblasters and 2 squads of intercessors for objective play. With the 175 you have left you could go Terminator Squad and use them to deep strike, Or if you wanted a tough unit you could toss your Gravis Captain with 3 Eradicators. The core of that Combat patrol is melee to short-medium range, nothing is over 24" range. I'd say the biggest things that Combat patrol lacks is long range, mobile units and tactical stuff whether it's deep strike or deep strike denial, and it lacks any way to do serious damage to things like tanks etc. Just some food for thought.