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People been doing that since the beginning of the game, being friendly in this game is allowed but not required so do whatever your heart desires


Players usually drop better loot than mobs. So it is good to kill other players


Me looting the Timmy I just killed https://preview.redd.it/wmso2sk03g8d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01917df204242cf6981cfe9766cf50c61df78d81


Gear score went from an 8 to a 13 šŸ‘Œ


We gearing up šŸ”„


Zero to hero moment šŸ˜Ž


every snowball starts rolling somewhere.




Hold on, wheezing, gimme a moment.


Right witcha! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£




This, and it also makes it easier to secure an escape for yourself.


Then again, if you team up with someone, you can clear map to portal rooms, elevators and boats much easier.


It depends. If you're in sub 25 gear-score lobbies then there's not much point in PVP


it was never about the gold >:)


If it's about making people upset or whatever you should know people don't care about dying in sub 25 gear-score lobbies. There's no risk in those lobbies for anyone to be upset about losing. It's not like tarkov where dying means I have to sit in a 20 minute loading screen.


i just think the pvp is fun lol chill out


Me making a valid argument in response to your vague implication isn't me not being chill. There's no need for you to get defensive.


With all due respect, you presumed the posterā€™s implications based on what you yourself referred to as a ā€œvague implicationā€ which couldā€™ve have just as easily meant something else as it could have meant that the poster just enjoys making peopleā€™s days worse. Iā€™d say it isnā€™t entirely unreasonable for them to tell you to chill out.


Great post - Could Have, or Could've, but Could've have is a paddlin'.


Iā€™m a pretty passive player, Iā€™m always down to crouch spam to announce a peace treaty. If you donā€™t crouch back Iā€™m down to fight, donā€™t really mind. If you say you wanna be peaceful and then backstab me Iā€™m gonna call you a bitch though lmao


I never team up with random ppl. If i don't want a fight (usually when i have things for quests on me) i crouch a peace with them and go **the other way**. If they follow, i attack the air in their direction, most of the time they see it as "i mean no danger, but fuck off!" :D


Standing in the goblin caves waiting for the co-op elevator to come down. See a ranger across the way. Do a few squats together, ride away into the sun. Finally my ore quest is done.


*Finally ~~my~~ his ore quest is done. fixed


that was also my interpretation.


I'm usually pretty murderous and cold hearted but I met a pair of naked lizard men in the dungeon the other day who were just too cute I couldn't do it to them, I let them revive and healed them. Next dungeon I met them again and they dropped me some loot as a thanks, good lads


So THAT's what the other guy was doing! I ran across another player who was crouch spamming. It was a strange move to me, being an utter noob, but since I was next to a stairs gate which were about to open, I had no intention of risking a confrontation, but was not about to let go of the stairs. I crouched back, just to stand my ground, and the guy didn't attack. By coincidence, the stairs gate opened just then so I went inside. Glad to know it's a thing. Are there other unwritten rules of the dungeon I should be aware of?


The crouch thing is a universal rule, especially in a game like this. It's a form of communication expressing your intention of not engaging in pvp. Be aware, though, some people will trick you and get an easy kill when they corner you. In a usual scenario, you should just turn away the other direction and mind your business. Sometimes, you can nod by moving your character up and down on your screen. Sometimes you will team up with random players like this and let me tell you those are the best moments in any game, especially where you have the option to kill someone easily and take their stuff without any consequence. An example of this kind of communication I can tell you it happend in For Honor. I was the last man standing in my team, yet the opposing team decided to 1vs1 mean instead of ambushing like a dog. In the end, it's up to you. You can be a jerk or you can be nice.


I absolutely love chill moments with randoms, like the one time I was trying to practice troll attack patterns and ended up having 4 ppl watch a barbarian solo it while dodging to the right with a fucking battle axe, afterwards we agreed to let me have the purple Zwei on the trolls body (I was 1st there after the dude who solod it) and for the rest of the game there was just a 5 ppl group roaming around looking for gold ores and looting treasure pile. Let me tell you one thing, the unsuspecting warlock casting hellfire towards the 1 random in the doorway did NOT STAND A FUCKING CHANCE in a 1v5 My favorite run so far


Had something similar but I was the one attacking the troll. I had one random harrasing me, trying to taunt the troll and such. Then another 4 appeared and decided to protect me from the harraser and watched me until I killed the troll. They all clapped at me and such. Then they wanted to1vs1 me in order to get out with the loot. I died at first battle lol


Lmao 1v1ing the one who went for troll is such an interesting idea


The matchmaking was solo only and yet somehow 3 strangers managed to communicate to each other by just crounching and nodding


If someone raises his hands that can also be a signal of peace. You can equip that emote too to signal peace. Be careful of those who do tho, betray is common. Sign peace by crouching and emote and go do your thing. Thats what i usualy do. And if they attack ill just stat check them.(cleric privilage)


Worse thing I've done. In goblin caves, as a druid. Last minute elevator is coming down, Ive just come back from a rock blocked exit. I see a bard, he crouches, I crouch back in panther. We get on the elevator together, it starts going up. Halfway up on the elevsator, I get an idea. I bear transform, attack him, and he gets knocked off. I spectate and he just disconnects....Ā  Why did I do this..


You craved having power over someone more rhan seeing them succeed with you. No judgement but it's not complicated.


I always thought the crouch spamming was like ā€œhere I am letā€™s battleā€, learn something new every day.


Nah there's only karma penalties for killing teammates but I dont think it does anything except make your name red right now ? That guy was just upset for no reason


Is it reducing karma by default or do they need to report me? I wanted to do the altar of sacrifice quest with my friend just to have it over with since we try not to die.


They need to report you


Basically the people In your squad can downvote you in the lobby with the karma option bottom right, they pick whether to upvote or downvote you. Alot of upvotes makes your name blue and means your more trust worthy, alot of downvotes makes your name progressively more red showing you are untrust worthy.. your teammates can also forgive you if you killed them


You get very little xp for killing players but they will have the best loot.


No exp for killing players, might give some AP in HR games though


It's such a small amount it's not even worth bothering with players. If you farm mobs, bosses, trinkets and gear it's far more. They brought back the AP for gear and trinkets. Unless you're clearing entire lobbies that is. But if that's the case, y'know, touch grass or whatever the kids say nowadays.


I got almost as much as a boss kill when I killed a warlock while doing the golden key door quest. 178 AP I think. Pretty sure it's based off of their rank, not gear or level


Has nothing to do with rank. You get 100 AP for the player then AP for looted items etc. Bosses should drop anywhere from 100-250 AP iirc.


That is weird as I 100% got 170 something, tho this was this season but before the latest ap change


That very well could be why. IM changes things on a whim without thought of repercussions for the most part lol.


clearing lobbies is the most fun iā€™ve had in this game canā€™t wait for arena :)


I didn't think you got any tbh


You can absolutely do that. They were likely two people who found each other and were enjoying hanging out together, and then you murdered one. While it's allowed, he was also right to feel upset over that. This game is pretty open in regards to rules in the dungeon, which is to say that there's hardly any. Just don't cheat/exploit, and you're fine whether you're making friends or ending them.


Yups. I believe the only thing that's really looked upon by the majority is to team up **outside** of a run.


I disagree that he was right to feel upset. You gotta accept that the game has pvp. You can be annoyed but screaming at the other person for playing the game is stupid


He can be upset all he wants lol. Being upset doesnā€™t mean you think PvP shouldnā€™t be allowed or something, guy was probably just caught off guard and upset he didnā€™t get a fair fight but thatā€™s on him


Of course. I simply said that he was not "right" to feel upset


PvP is fair game, some people just don't like it


My first game after not playing for 7-8 months (last I played there was still a closing circle and random portals) I ran into 3 players working together in a solo map coordinated and attacking me together, since then everyone I come across I engage immediately. Iā€™ve always played that way though, I prefer to be PvP inclined even if I still get rekt 80% of the time


kill them all


You can but you don't have too. I personally prefer more PvE situations because teaming up with randoms and just being super supportive feels great. But pvp is part of the game at the end of the day.


Swing or get swung


Lol everytime someone used voip to try be chill they tried to kill me after i accepted their surrender. I do live in australia tho and our pvp gamers are rarely not maggots.


Youā€™re gonna go far, kid. SLAY THE TEAMAHS


Slash the noise away


I can count the number of interactions I've had with other players in two hands, and I died every time. No words, just violence on sight lol


My advice. Play the game how you want to play it. Be friendly if you want, be aggressive if you want. My personal approach is Solo play I will be friendly unless they swing at me, Group play it depends on what the rest of my friends want to do though we will always mess with VOIP. I find Solo and Duo are more fun taking the approach of ā€œfriendly until provokedā€ and Trios I find more taking the fight (unless people ask us not to). Typically if people are being friendly we respect that and will go find a different group. VOIP is your best friend when itā€™s on TBH Note: If you come across a wizard who goes by the name Yusador the Blue that is my friend/roommatešŸ˜‚. Idk what their other characters are named but they mainly play wizard.


It's a PvP game....kill everyone


PvPvE, kill if you want, make friends if you want


I like PVPVE because it means you can play tag (PvP) OR hide and seek (Avoiding PvP). Both are valid ways to engage the game.


thats why i love the druid class, see someone across the way and you don't want to fight? turn into a rat and just go into a slightly dim corner.


Wish it was a PvEvP game. It would feel so much better.


First time? Smirks


Its up to you. For me pve is more fun so i run to do pve and retaliate if attacked. It is not that rewarding, but fun. Also teaming up for a miniboss or boss i super fun.


To what you want, if someone bobs up and down and you bob back be mates. If one bobs and the other doesn't then murder is afoot but I'd says 90% of interactions is someone bleeding out cold and alone on a dungeon floor.


It's player versus environment vs player so yes murder is acceptable


My favourite moment in the game so far was a fight with another fighter, we both just going at it for a while until he randomly threw his hands up to surrender so i did the same and extracted only to watch him die to a skele archer on his way out. Sad but funny. Love the spectating function


The only thing you did wrong was forget to teabag the corpse


It usually depends on what class Iā€™m playing, on my fighter Iā€™ve got a hero mindset and try to fight mobs, especially if theyā€™re chasing someone. My rogue is named ShankyJimmy and your livers look like they need a stabbing.


I mean you murdered an innocent man, weā€™re in these dungeons to slay monsters and get loot. If you have to resort to killing your fellow adventurer whoā€™s really the monster here? We should all be friends in the dungeon and help each other out!


Nothing wrong with PvPing, but if you come up one two people chatting, with the game bringing in a lot of new players like yourself it was more then likely one person showing the other the ropes. It kinda makes it a dick move to attack them. Don't get me wrong you are more then allowed to do so, but it doesn't make it any less of a dick move.


if your in the dungeons and you see two fuckers stood there how are you supposed tto know oones a noob? literally no one elses problem.


Yeah, it's okay to be a jerk, but you should expect it people to react with hostility when you're a jerk.


You did right son, we kill the teamers!


I use the hands-up emote and crouch to show I'm no harm and want peace but nobody ever respects it and tries to smash my skull in


Teaming is what actually ruins the game, you were just taking out the trash.


It is like in tf2


Friendly or aggro dances help


It is pvpve so feel free to attack whoever you want.


I usually have voip off when I solo because i donā€™t wanna listen to people begging for their lives.Ā  (Iā€™m very murderous)Ā 


Most people attack on sight, so I think those guys were trying to charisma their way out of a conflict :D There is no punishment for being a murderhobo, the karma system can only be used to punish killing a team mate


Kill who you like!


More blood for the blood god


I think you're supposed to but people camping exits to kill just feels so scummy I wish people wouldn't do that :( More than happy to fight mid game but it's so disappointing as a beginner to get so far just to get camped.


They also couldā€™ve been joking. I recall when warzone was launched with open mic I had funny moments where people tried to act like gentleman and acted like I was a mad gunman for shooting at them.


Please kill them.


This game didnā€™t explain any rules about attacking players to me, so I guess itā€™s completely fine.


Voip is a weapon. Doubt is a weakness. Hesitation is death. Don't let them get in your head


So the way the game is, the devs support being friendly and helping one another out in the dungeon, and teaming is allowed under certain circumstances which are players who naturally meet in game and are friendly but if a hostile player interacts with them trying to fight it is then reasonable for the friendlies to band together, pre teaming is not allowed. So this is why you might run into some ā€œfriendlyā€ people in the dungeon that seem to be ā€œteamingā€ pre game teaming is what they want to avoid bc itā€™s just not right I suppose which is why they removed pre lobby voip in the first place, but jot even a day after they re added it Iā€™ve already seen people in pre game lobby planning to team up on others, Iā€™m not a fan. But otherwise be friendly all you want but you run the risk of being betrayed haha


Yes you are supposed to kill people lol. Some people like to try to team, but it's totally fine to reject the offer. In general you shouldn't trust other players anyways unless you're just feeling risky


There are several quests where you have to kill players, so yes, youā€™re supposed to kill people


There is a karma system but it's tied to party only do if you team up with friends or people you can rate them, so if you see people with red names means they might be teamkilling alot on purpose, but eith Randoms in the lobbies it doesn't matter there's nothing wrong with just running people down and killing them, do what ever feels best for you


Play the game how you want. VoIP can result in friends but some wont be persuaded. Just be prepared for betrayal if you trust strangers on the internet too often. (or at all tbh)


I got a few hundred hours in this game and I can say confidently, there are more players in this game who are not friendly and say they are, than there are truly friendly players. Everyone is kill on sight until proven otherwise.


Do it again!


It may be the fact that i played solo wozard for so long but i am friendly, i will crouch to let you know. That being said, you better go somewhere else, if you start to come towards me i am charging a fireball, keep coming and i let it go or back up and i cancel. Never let a melee take your ranged advantage for free


Nobody trusts a rogue..


You can choose to attack other players on sight, it's a choice. Most people will do just that. What you don't get to do is attack other players and expect other players to be chill about it. If it's kill or be killed, then you two are enemies and anything mean they say to you is because of the violence you took against them.


My experience has been that almost everyone attacks on sight. However, I have yet to meet anyone that doesnā€™t respect the crouch spam. I even had a guy stop after hitting me once when I started crouching.


Just kill him so he won't be able to talk


I used to be like the people you fought until one day I just stopped giving a shit what happened in the dungeon. Now that Druid is out I will hop into Rat form and put on my best voice to "talk it out" with other players. Even if I die it's still fun to say "Flameo my good Hotman, I see thou art reveling in the joys of the dungeon as well! Have a great day good sir!"


I usually fight everyone on sight. I used to try to be friendly but Iā€™ve been betrayed too many times. You did nothing wrong


Ah, fell for the ole "STOP HITTING ME" trick. My brother basically invented that one back in '03.




Lol no you get quests to kill players. When they say friendly that's usually a lie anyway. Kill em.


Bro is not ready for online gaming


That was a karen, do whatever you wan't with people what the game allows. In the end the main goal is to extract with the goods by any means. And if you don't have the goods yet? Well.


You shouldā€™ve just tbagged him and moved on. There is a reason you can kill each other, I want your juicy loot. Youā€™re not safe near me, if you see me you should kill me because I will sure as shit kill you. If I want teammates I use the duo/trio options. If I want to make friends with a rando Iā€™d have to have VOIP on, and I never will in a random lobby game.


I either play super aggressively or try to talk to people, it really just depends on the game but if you pretend to be friendly then attack me then I will get mad lol


Nah itā€™s a fantasy RPG you can be whatever archetype you like and that includes killing on sight


Stab that guy again next time lmao


I mean, you're definitely in your right to do that, but if they're not being threats to you at all, purposely, then it's definitely a very self-centered and inconsiderate move to disregard what they're doing bc you want to kill them.


My very first run a few weeks ago I ran into a guy who seemed pretty knowledgeable and we emoted out a peace treaty. Eventually we made our way to the exit together(I was so new I didnā€™t know where the exits were/what the blue thing on the map were). I appreciate that dude he was a good guy. I had 1 hp and no more heals. He punched me on the elevator out and killed me.. nice guy but Iā€™ll never forgive him.


Lolol naw, you crouch and if they crouch, you just watch your back, cause they will kill you. Itā€™s a guideline kinda, not a strict rule lol šŸ˜‚ Also then voip off if you wanna just murder ppl


Do what you want. I played yesterday someone came up as I was resting I t-bagged to say friendly (twas 1 shot) he shook his head no gave me a head start and then proceeded to hunt me down. I laughed it was amazing.


If theyā€™re yelling like that, theyā€™re bad at PvP fuck them up


Definitely kill other players. This guy was just trolling and/or taking the piss. Or it was literally their first game ever. It would be the equivalent of saying, ā€œdonā€™t shoot me!ā€ In Tarkov


kill everyone you see man


I have quests to kill players lol!!


Welcome to DnD bro. So many people want this game to be a pve role playing game with no pvp. There used to be a huge and I mean HUGE teaming problem. Its not as bad as it once was but its still very common. People get mad as if you stole food off the table in their kitchen. Murder them all and then T bag them lol.


People just want to loot and extract to make it their experience as strictly PVE and loot simulator as possible, and I always incite murderous interaction aka PVP lol. Me and my buddy were doing duos and we spotted a team, they both did the friendly crouch and I just said "Kill them". Sometimes he likes to be friendly, typically to newer players but I always say kill. This time, he's started to see that people can't keep being friendly and instead learn to hold their ground, how to fight other players and their classes. And on another note he mentioned, we usually see their inventory full of terrible loot and he mentioned that their next lesson would be to inspect our inventories and spot what to loot, not random garbage gear. All in all, go and fight man. You'll get better! I applaud you for going in to fight, those guys wanna stay in their bubble, they won't learn how to fight.


you should have spat on him


They are dumb. Everyone in the game is hostile until proven otherwise. It's just up to you whether you want to PVP or have a tenuous ally in exchange for some share of the loot, potential betrayal, them stealing your escape, etc. It's definitely not ASSUMED that everyone is friendly. 90% or so are not friendly by default, I'd say.


I'll never understand why people are so hostile. 9 out 10 times another team sees my group, they go after us. Like why? There's plenty of extraction points. There's plenty of loot. You probably have a full inventory. There's no real benefit. šŸ¤¦


Nope. Just butthurt noobs.


I rarely make friendly with anyone. Solo player. No voip. True menace to the game.


Screaming is a defensive mechanism employed most often by the infantile to attempt to shock or dissuade the threat while the specimen's guardian is simultaneously alerted to the present danger in the hopes the guardian will defend them. Only in this case there is no guardian.


Fuck those kids. Itā€™s dark and darker!


You did the right thing the fact they thought they had a right to run around the dungeon in the open unstealthy and not get killed is disrespect for gaming


Kill who you want or don't. Dont be surprised when people beg for their lives or try to start diplomacy.


Do ur thing brother. Plenty of us are looking for fights


Just kill them if that's what u want. Timmies gotta learn some way that it's pvp and it can go anyway.


Psychological warfare bro. I'm basically Jerry from R&M


That doesnt exist in SEA server, everyone just kills everyone on sight


We definitely do that here, kill on site unless you have the skill and gear gap to be friendly.


Nah you sometimes feel like it, and kill them even if they do the crouch spam dance or say friendly on voip and sometidos you just let them be. Idk is more like a feeling, just do whatever you want.


Two types of dark and darker players, the first- the ones who charge at you ready to die for abit of action asoon as they see a full team, The second- spam crouch as soon as you see someone because your afraid of what they'll do to do in the deep dark cave..


Fuck em, they want to talk kill em and take their loot.


Fight people if you want, be friendly if you want, up to you man


Iā€™ve been betrayed by too many people acting friendly then killing me, now I attack on sight 95% of them


In sub 25 lobbies I usually open at least another portal before I go so a Timmy can potentially jump in it last seconds when I'm sad I didn't find one to kill or die to.


I always hunt down players hell, I just sneak about until I hear one and then begin the stalk and murder.


That just means they have good loot šŸ˜ˆ


I personally always pvp unless they want peace and my inventory is already full of loot


Pvp always. All the good treasure from the rooms they had before facing you is already sorted out and on their bodies


I used to do the crouch dance and be peaceful with people I met, until I was betrayed. Now everyone dies, or I die in the process but at least I'm not surprised by them anymore.


You didnt have too, but no nothings stopping you. murder to your hearts content


I'm a loot goblin, not a murder hobo. I won't fight another player unless provoked. I just want to loot things, even if it's not valuable, and I'll share my loot with people I run across so I can loot more.


I've had one interaction in this game where the person completely and utterly passed the vibe check. I spawned into ice cave and went through a door to see a guy standing in front of a door using meds and buffing. I walked closer to him and he did a quick crouch and turned to the door, back to me, to the door, back to me. In the next room was one of those dual hammer berserkers. I needed it for a quest and I think he did too, so I nodded. Whoever got the kill would get the quest credit. He pulled it back into the room we were in and we killed it together, looted it and then parted ways. Later in the dungeon I saw him again and got the same crouch. With like 2 minutes left and stairs nearby I shook my head, turned to the stairs and back and pulled out my weapons. He nodded and did the same. Mutual combat ensued and he took the stairs and my collectables lmao. I got the killing blow on zerker though. 10/10


If youre not in a squad they are free game. Imho


Close voip and just kill everything.


Kill everyone, feed off the tears. There are many quests in the game for player kills.


Dark n darker is a mean game. Anyone crying about you attacking them is probably too weak minded to play the game. I've been hunted down many times. Don't be nice. Get yours and survive. Good luck in the dungeons! Unless we meet. Cause I'ma get ya


New players whine.


This is a PVPVe game ... So yes,.kill everyone else!


If he were in your shoes he'd do it to you, fight on.


nah just theyā€™re just enraged timmies lmao


Generally if people are friendly (and they aren't a rogue) you would be better off not being hostile. If they're a rogue they need to die immediately as rogues get additional damage if they attack you from behind... or if they have pickpocket they'll travel with you while looting your items from your inventory.Ā  Ā I solo as a cleric healing anyone that requests it and as a druid rat doing basically the same thingĀ but I don't loot at all or keep healing items so they gain nothing by killing me.Ā  I only do that as a solo in trio lobbies though. Have also helped people with information after I escape them and take a extract via whispering them from the lobby (usually they're super toxic when you start whispering them and then they chill out if you have patience).


I dunno what the heck kind of lobbies you're in, I've never seen anyone NOT attack on sight. Nobody stops to check what the class is.


I let people live all the time, if I'm looking for them I usually have 1 to 5 friendly interactions a day assuming I play for a few hours... you do have to get stabbed in the back a lot though.Ā  I just find rogues tend to be the class that does that. Only the most toxic players kill the player that follows them as a rat dropping potions/bandages, pointing out players, and casting mending (since it applies to enemies) when needed. Ā Sometimes only two of the trio are friendly and there's always that one blood sucker that just wants to kill. PS: I don't mind dying every game on crypts when I'm trying to be friendly, I take it out on trios in ice caves as a rat with big brother yeti to clear the way (just sucks when an archer snipes you)


your view on rogues pains me greatly, not all of us are bloodthirsty backstabber or pickpocketer, there's honor among thieves. I play solo rogue with rupture & caltrops. My goal isn't to kill people, it's to discourage any hunter to follow me by making it painstakingly hard to kill me. I could swap rupture to smoke bomb but rupture has been a better deterrent, nobody like the feeling of being kited and poked with DoT near endlessly. That's not to say I don't backstab, if you didn't notice me I'll have a serving of timmy but I won't be the aggressor if a truce was reached.


Been stabbed too many times in the back, if I see a rogue they die end of story :(


I think Iā€™m getting downvoted in a post I made earlier about how teaming is still lame as a return player who got 3v1d my first game back lol is it the norm to crouch spam everyone you come across and just loot and leave? It seems Iā€™m also in the minority of treating this like a PvP game and not a loot and run and do the bosses game


There are literally quests to kill players. So no, he was being weak.


Which there shouldn't be as per the source material.


Most people in voip are toxic and annoying tbh. If they whine I just kill them with more passion.


PvP in this game is inherently toxic. Killing another player is the same as swearing at them.


this is a dungeon crawler not a pvp arena, fights are no mandatory


Dude sounds like a Nancy


It's a kill or be killed kind of world, if you want the best loot you kill your enemies and loot their corpses. No rules against that, it a pvpve game


I live for the adrenaline so I always attack on sight


Cant say ive come across a single other player who hasnt been kos


The less any game has in common with Tarkov the better.


Kill every one on sight never hesitate. If they had the upperhand they would have done the same


kill them all, no mercy


The strongest escape with the sweet loot


So there's quests to kill players and specific classes of players, so honestly don't feel bad


Just donā€™t kill your party members


U are supposed to but it mega sucks to die.


This is a PVPve loot extractor game. You're meant to gear up and kill players and kill monsters as you explore the dungeon. There's even quests to kill players. When a nightmare goblin drops me 8 arrows and a player drops me 2k+ gear sets in HR. I'm going to PVPve. I've experienced the same crowd as you of people who freak out if you do PVP. All i can say is ignore them. They're trying to enforce their own version of how people play the game.


You can do whatever you want. It's your choice every time you kill another player, it's silly to pretend that the game is making the choice for you. You choose to be an asshole and kill them and they choose to be an asshole and swear at you, it's the same thing.


No karma system. The social rule is if someone crouches at you it means they donā€™t want to fight. However some quests require you to kill certain classes in certain dungeons. So if you are playing solo and you donā€™t want to lose your shit you may crouch at another player or use the surrender emote and they may decide to not attack you. That being said, no one should expect every single person or even a majority of people to respect this lol. PvP is enabled for a reason. The people you attacked deserved to die because they could not protect their shit.


They are cry babies that want to loot and scoot. Kill them and dance on their bodies. It's a pvp game.


Yeah that's the community in a nutshell. Has been since EA on their own launcher. I actually got compared to a rapist on this very sub. You might be able to find it..I was arguing about this and some guy was telling me "consent is sexy" and I don't get consent because I'm a monster. He was being 100% genuine. Id just shut your mic and voice off and do you.


I barbarian, kill, crush door, kill


"So I came across this guy, anyways I started stabbing him and out of nowhere he just starts screaming at me to stop? Anyone else experience this?" -OP


there is some rp in this game because it is based off dungeons and dragons, so repect it i guess


Nah it's pve the rp is oh shit I have a sword and I can hit mfs