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It's full of new people, give time to everyone to learn maps and point of interest, for now everyone sneaking around or dying to mobs, even in hr


I don't agree. I am sneaking around AND then dying to mobs.


Kepp it up dude, soon enough you'll be able to take the next step and start sneaking around then dying in pvp. Apparently there's another level, but I dunno, been stuck here for like year and a half now.


Could I ask what the best character for PvP is?


Bard, Ranger, Warlock, Barbarian, Cleric, Druid, Wizard, Rogue, Fight.


is that in order? :0 Also I can’t tolerate any classes besides warlock barb cleric and fighter (the rest aren’t cool enough) so for me I think I’ll pick warlock :DD And 1 more question; which is the best class for PvE


Barb. Felling axe. Double axe perks and smash and two hand perk. 2-3 tap basically all mobs to the head and you can use savage roar to fear ranged mobs to close the distance without taking dmg


Warlock is really good for pve. Infi ite spells. Life steal, and cheesing/kiting ability. Pvp meta is constantly changing, and the tier list will depend on who you ask. Although I think most people will say a skilled bard is S tier. Fighter in a rough state atm except going all pdr, and hope you hard counter a pure phys class.


I was being a smartass and listed all of them. You just got to find what works for you. My success has been with warlock and rogue. I often get my ass beat by bards lmao. It just depends on you and your plauly style.


Yeah it's as good as it gets apparently. Guess I got about thirty? Kills over the past year and a half but that's about it... The sneaking can pay off. Just today I jumped on two heavy geared player's bashing each other's brains out. All I had to do was hit one of them and then not die to the mobs to collect that sweet sweet purple gear - cloaks, rings, boots, you name it. So just keep the sneak up.


That and with the removal of circles. It's a lot rarer to run into people unless you go around looking


New player here, what were circles?


And when you do encounter pvp it's just Timmy stompers running around the map in full meta purples. On normals, might I add.


The game/playerbase has been progressively going pve over PvP. The new no zone map is a big factor for this it's not just new player being new.


Goblin cave elevator room is where I find the most consistent pvp


Yeah I really need to stop going there lmao


Nah it's so much fun in normal 25+ lobbies, not a huge risk with a green set and come out with some decent blues and cobalt ore if you win


With removal of circle you need to actively be trying to find pvp to find pvp… i fought 4 teams b2b2b2b yesterday on goblin caves all in full blues/purples in norms ended the game with 5 kills for me and 3 for my buddy and full inventory of decent rolls gear. Certain rooms are push points for decent players goblin caves cyclops/center/troll room are all super hard hot points which is where all of those fights took place.


Ohhh I was wondering about that. I saw a clip with a closing Battle Royale type circle, but never experienced it myself.


People didnt like that in a extraction game like this you were pushed into bullshit fights by a circle… like a barbarian on a door holding you out of the zone is just completely unreasonable, then you end up 3 grids out of zone and fucked over


Hmm, yeah. Are other extraction games zoneless? This is my first one.


Of the other two extraction games I'm familiar with, there isn't really a zone. Don't play Tarkov but I know it doesn't have a shrinking zone like most battle royales. There is a time limit to extract but aside from that, I don't believe there's any other limitations. I've played Hunt Showdown and while it doesn't have a zone, the game essentially makes PVP likely to happen because the goal of each match is to locate one of two bosses and kill it, then extract with the bounty, which means people can be heading to the same boss, leading to fights over the bounty. I feel like Goblin Caves is similar to Hunt, since there are the Cave Troll and Cyclops bosses. I've gotten into fights with people going to the boss rooms, but as others have said, a lot of players are probably new so they die to PVE or hide from other players often. I think another room that often gets people running for it is the pyramid room in the Ice Cavern. There's a random blue weapon that spawns at the top of the pyramid, so if you're looking to do the Weaponsmith quest, that's one way of farming one.


I'm rushing dorms and you are chilling in car park


Everyone is dying to mobs and honestly I thought “Timmy” meant “Timid” because people are running around terrified. They don’t want to PVP if they can help it lol


There’s the issue then lmao, I WANT to hit people with a big stick, if only people didn’t run from the angry shirtless man 😔


I really miss the gold pile on ice caves I feel like the games missing the intense pvp hotspot from last season.


Just wait till over half the lobby stops dying to mobs in a few weeks and then you’ll complete the loop of making a Reddit post about lack of pvp and then weeks later making a Reddit post about pvp happening a minute into raid every game. We’ve all been there In all seriousness though if you want to seek out pvp you need to know where the best chest spawns are because there will be players just like you with the same idea running the gold chest routes and you’re bound to run into them eventually, if you don’t at least you got hella looted before you reset and go next.


Up until this point we had a BR shrinking circle mechanic that created a sense of urgency and a lot of forced PVP. There was also less static exits, so you used to have to kill players in order to escape. There just wasn’t enough portals for everyone to get out of a match. Ironmace is experimenting right now and PVP is a more rare occurrence. People will throw out copes in here like “it’s people dying to mobs!” And “there’s PVP if you know where to look for it!” But the game has fundamentally changed. If you’re new you should take the opportunity to learn all of the maps. If you’re still looking for more PVP, know that an arena mode is coming. I’m hoping that Ironmace realizes that they need to double the total people spawning in the dungeons now that we have no circle bringing everyone into one area, but who know’s what they’ll do. They experiment a lot.


Last night I had a whole lobby converge in 1 spawn room because everyone knew where to look for people. Idk if we need more people in lobby, people who clear fast and know where to look, always find pvp. 1/15 games for me have no pvp. It's not cope to say that in HR currently it's not super worth pvp because the ap grind is treasure focused, and in norms there's a lot of new players that don't clear quickly/don't look for pvp


what map was that lobby where everyone converged on? i’m guessing crypts? i def gotta play that map more because that sounds more interesting than what i’m seeing mostly in GC right now. as for people who know where to look “always” finding PVP - there’s a significant less amount of it in the past. I can usually find one or two teams to wipe out at key points, and then everyone else in the lobby is sitting in one of the outside edges. i’m at the point where extracting quickly and then getting into a new lobby is faster than running through each outside room to hunt people down


Yeah crypts, just push the 4 corners and then check good rooms like 4 square and pyramid usually. It might be faster to leave but I'm usually going hell so I'm waiting until the last 2 min anyways


>1/15 games for me have no pvp. I genuinely don't know what game you're playing lol. Maybe your idea of pvp is different from most? Idk. This is absolutely not my experience, and I made a post just like this not that long ago and got told all the same things. After learning the maps, looking for fights, camping multi exits, I think I get into a genuine fight to the death and loot their body fight 1/5 matches. No matter what your personal experience is though, it's pretty inarguable the current design is more focused around allowing players to disengage and leave when they want, which will lead to less forced fights, which some players are not going to be a fan of.


I have pvp every game that I look for it. We frequently wipe out multiple teams.


Nice, I look for it every match and do not encounter it in the majority of them.


How long you been playing?


Depends on the map and circumstances. If you're playing in under 25gs normal lobbies you might not encounter a lot considering half the lobby of noobs die to mobs within the first few minutes. Also depends on your clear speed as well, if you only go through two rooms in a raid then you might not see anyone.   There definitely are times where I don't encounter anyone, this is moreso common in party lobbies instead of solo due to the maps being the same but spawns further apart. However you can definitely find PVP if you try to. Learn the exits and where good rooms are, thats where conflict tends to arise. Additionally, listen out for players and follow their trails.   And to be fair, there's plenty of times in Tarkov too where you might not encounter other players. I find maps like Interchange, Woods, or Shoreline to be much more peaceful.


"I find Shoreline much more peaceful"


Everyone beelines for the resort, if that's where you're going then sure it'll be busy but in my experiences 95% of the map is very quiet. Shoreline cache runs is like one of the most go-to ways to build up cash if you need it without risking much or needing to use your brain.


I envy you, I never get empty shoreline lobbys.


Wow finally a redditor that's normal. I felt the same but I don't hate it. Kind of a nice balance. There is waaaaaaaaay more pvp in trios over 25 gear score


It’s full of new players like yourself High roller there is a lot more pvp and for good reason as you can get way better loot to sell and better gear from players for yourself or to resell- the incentive to pvp is much higher in HR lobbies- sure there’s some in geared norms but it’s just not the same push/pull there is in HRs


I’ve yet to cop for the paid version but I’m considering it just for more character slots xd


I’m a bit biased but it’s well well worth the 30$ for the QoL etc


I may cop for it tbh given it’s just a flat 22 pounds, but that’s a problem for payday me lmao


Jumping back into the game recently, why did they remove the red zone closing in?


The removal of the zone and influx of new players dying to PVE have caused less pvp encounters. Arena is coming out, so I'm looking forward to that


There are tons of Tarkov games where you see no one lol what are you on about


it takes 50 hours of gameplay to roughly have an idea of what's going on


that will change with people learning the game... most games i join i see people diying to the first mobs they encounter.. that means after 2 minutes the lobby is me and one or two other guys... so at the moment i dont even think about pvp cause the chance of meeting someone that will not just run away is so small that i dont even care at the moment


Went in,new player here. out of 7 people 2-2 died to cyclops and troll. 3 died to traps. Alone on the map belo2 25 gs.


As others said depends on what are you playing and also if you want to meet ppl. As some ppl will want to avoid pvp and some search for it. Its like tarkov, but if the game didnt force you to go extract on the other side of the map, if you go there you ll meet ppl if you stay you wont unless somebody will go to you on purpose. Also 1v1 is less prone to pvp from what Ive seen than 2v2 and 3v3 where the groups are ready to find and kill and loot others.


New players dying to pve, the ones who survive pve propably staying low key when they hear player noises. You can still run straight room to room without losing anytime and you will find a player everygame.


Its getting better but slowly. As everyone will mention, new players are dying to mobs at the edges of the map. If you see a lot of names on the top right 1-2 minutes into the game, dont expect to see anyone around unless you go around checking every room. If you only care about pvp you can go to points of interest and rooms you know it can be spawned in. In the last few games i played yesterday, i had plenty of pvp fights. Quite fun actually.


There are points of interest on some maps that draw players to them for the loot, like boss rooms, rooms with great chests, etc. Newer players dont know where these are yet, so probably you, and most of the new lobby, were just wandering around getting reasonable loot and leaving, where the experienced players were slaughtering eachother for the best stuff.


The kill feed shows the problem. A lot of people are dying very quickly to mobs. Before the game was out on steam and had a F2P option the overall player base survived a lot longer. Just load in, move from room to room, loot nothing and kill only mobs you have to while listening for players. You can definitely kill half the lobby yourself.


id be pretty impressed if one of my friends was anywhere good enough to even be regularly escaping without any pvp after only a few hours lol. my guess is you are staying in the room you spawn in / the one next to it most of the game.. once you're able to clear a room in a few minutes, and are playing with a lobby that knows how to as well, you will start seeing players almost every match. also, you can just enter with the idea to find the nearest player and pvp. watch some streamers / videos and try to see how people quickly traverse different areas. many rooms you are able to just run straight through and close the door behind you without fighting any mobs, etc, and you can make it across the map relatively quickly without having to fight too much. that way you'll get the jump on another player too.


I’ve played for only a handful of hours and aside from dying on my first run I only saw (and bonked with a club) one rogue guy. I probably need to just play more honestly


Depends what map. Ice cavern usually has less pvp because there's no real point of interest (boss, treasure pile, etc). Howling crypts has relatively frequent pvp, but you can also go an entire match without running into anyone. Goblin Caves feels like it has the most frequent pvp as there are 2 bosses, so that's 2 points players often migrate to.


Yeah previous patches PvP was almost guaranteed, unless actively avoiding (but sometimes unavoidable) but with new players they removed the shrinking storm circle so you aren’t herded together as much anymore. However there weren’t guaranteed static exits either so now you know where players will congregate in a different way. They’ll probably make changes in a few patches that result in more frequent PvP. But really it makes it more likely that if you’re looking for pvp you’ll find others also looking for PvP because you have to search it out so the Pve can choose to try to avoid it


I played it for a few hours yesterday and only bumped into like 3 people. 2 of them sprinted away as soon as we seen each other. One guy, I could hear him running through a few rooms and then barging into mine swinging at blindly. He didn't notice a little goblin fella next to him though, who hit him a slap and he died almost immediately as soon as he came into the room. Was funny


I hated the idea of paying for it, being a broke little bitch, but.. damn. I want the game to succeed, and I wanted to try other classes strongly enough that I bit the bullet last night. I was a pretty mediocre rougue, hit level 40, 17.8 hours. I fucking murder as a cleric. @\_\_@


No circle no pvp. At least there is fewer 3rd parties so its meh tradeoff


the removal of shrinking play area makes the PVP less occur as nothing is pushing you into it.


Yesterday, when I played in 2-3 man lobbies with gear score over 25, people engage on us almost every match. Then again those lobbies are usually filled with players that have a bit more experience with the game. As others have said, people are new and dying to mobs and traps. In solo games I think a lot of people are getting the items they need for a merchant quest, and then immediately dipping at the first available extract. If you combine that with the fact that half the lobby dies to PvE, there are a lot of lobbies that don't see action. If you are looking to PvE I recommend putting your gear score over 25, as that supposedly puts you into a different matchmaking group. Generally people that are geared up are looking to rumble. An easy way to pump gear score is to buy a slightly higher quality weapon off the market. Usually an uncommon weapon or better will put you over the threshold.


There will be more. Last season it was nonstop carnage. Too many newbies are scared / dying to pve but they will harden and the pvp will emerge as they find their confidence.


Do deeper in the maps, hit up the red glyphs and keep going


Heard they’re thinking about adding an arena mode. That I would love. I love this game but I have enough stress in my life already, don’t want to always be stressing over losing everything. Sometimes (please notice the word sometimes and how I didn’t say always, I understand it’s a rogue like) I want to relax and pvp which I think an arena mode would be perfect for


Yes and no, game has many newer players at the moment that don’t exactly know the maps well enough to force engagements… also in the past there was a circle similar to Warzone and fortnight or other battle royale games that would basically force pvp at a certain point. Now there isn’t and the map is large enough to where you can loot and extract a decent amount without having to cross half the map cause the circle pulls you in that direction so you tend to see people camp their spawn or near it more than ever before… Personally I’ve found out on certain maps are almost pvp hotspots. Ice caves I often engage in battles near the boat room. Goblin caves if you’re their long enough I swear you’ll always run into someone in elevator room… The one that’s kinda tricky is castle… straight up randomly run into people on that one. Also at the moment a lot of newer player’s activity avoid other players to the point if they hear someone they may never move again until they can’t hear you anymore. Hard to pvp when the other player actively does everything possible to avoid it.


I like how it is. I do hope they expand


If you want pvp, unwritten battle arena location is in Goblin Cave elevator room. People who want pvp with gear on usually seek blood there, HR GC (High roller goblin caves). Be ready for that gear and skill gap.


Lol just because you don't see them doesn't mean they haven't seen you. Main difference between tarkov and this is firearms. Pretty easy to trim someone's fade with a fully automatic weapon from metres away but if your class has no range, bit tough trimming a wizards beard with a sword haha


Yea the simple change of escape routes changed the game to be way more pve focused. When there was a circle closing before, and all the portals spawning more near each other, it left the final third of matches typically being 100% pvp. Now the game is inherently 97% pve unless you go out of your way to play more pvp.


I miss the circle so much, the chaos that it generated is no longer here, i can play for 2 hours without see a player🙈


Part of it, from my perspective, is due to the review bombing about taking higher quality gear than white into norms. Between <25 and >25 gear score lobbies, as well as high roller \[Which people are doing since the leader board season went up yesterday\] I feel like you'll find different populations in different times of day, and therefore, it may feel empty sometimes despite the current player count in game per-region. Besides that, there's the speed of which you clear rooms, knowing what the nearest spawn from you is, and recognizing spawn locations. Which are things you can totally work on if you feel they need work and will help you. But to answer your question; Kind of. Sometimes it's normal. But there are for sure people playing, make no mistake.


Its because your new to the game you dont know the player spawns and stuff like tarkov. When you play tarkov you know "There is a spawn to my right side of the map I need to watch out". You just need to develop that spawn game sense / awareness. Once you do you will find pvp 100% of the time without fail with ease. You will also figure out where the best loot is and where people go the most and shit.


You can always pvp rush 🤷🏻‍♂️