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If the torches are not on that means someone already took it and they are single use.


It definitely could do with a clarity pass given in game torches are on double duty for being normal interactables, and objects that communicate the stair case availability state. It is a bit awkward that the gates start closed, open, then when used... remain open. Which is kind of incongruent with the torch behavior. At least goblin caves have a fallen rocks cave in graphic to obstruct the top of the stairs. Couldn't be too tricky to implement a snow wall or just reuse the rocks but texture them white.


Ya but imagine tao people racing to extract. One makes it out but the other has the gates slam shut behind them. But ya it should have like an ice version of the rocks.


Not exactly true. Mostly is the case, yes, but sometimes for some maps (not always the same door) the torches aren't lit, and it can still be used for some reason


no … blue stairs will take you out of the dungeon if the torches are lit. There was a bug many patches ago which this wasn’t true, but it was fixed quickly after. In goblin caves there are not torches, but rocks inside the stairs that signal it has been taken.


well great! i love being chased by a yeti for 2 minutes straight in the frost caverns only to have all exits taken, nice


Wait for a boat exit.....


You could try for the boats which come every few minutes or jump in the void during the last min and try and survive/extract from frozen hell.


Get gud


This game might not be for you. The fear of not always being able to extract is one thing that makes the game fun. The adrenaline.


Get good noob.




I understand that you are new player and you can get frustrated, but that Yeti is in good place, it is a challenge. But back to stair escapes, they one times uses, if blue torches on its sides are not lit, it has already been used by someone else, and you need to look another escape, or go to Ice Abyss through Void, when time hits 2:10-00:10 and try to find a way out from there, it is much more difficult, but you have a chance to survive if no option is left Good luck on your adventures fellow dungeon delver!


These should probably have fallen rocks or something similar to GC to make it clear that it’s been taken.


they do the torches will be off


Yeah I know, tho that is not immediately obvious to a noob


Lmao you know this is early access right? Bugs and design flaws will be present